Merge "Add namespace restrictions to `meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces` API result"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / languages / i18n / rif.json
1 {
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4 "Agzennay",
5 "Aryaz",
6 "Dalinanir",
7 "Jose77",
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12 "Amara-Amaziɣ"
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77 "subcategories": "ⵜⴰⴷⵓⴳⴳⴰⵢⵉⵏ",
78 "category-media-header": "Media di category \"$1\"",
79 "category-empty": "''Taggayt a war dags bu ca n Tasna niɣ ca n umedia.''",
80 "listingcontinuesabbrev": "arni-d.",
81 "about": "ⵅⴼ",
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84 "cancel": "Sbdd",
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96 "searchbutton": "ⵔⵣⵓ",
97 "go": "Raḥ ɣa",
98 "searcharticle": "Uyur",
99 "history": "ⴰⵎⵣⵔⵓⵢ ⵏ ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰ",
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101 "history_small": "ⴰⵎⵣⵔⵓⵢ",
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121 "aboutsite": "ⵅⴼ {{SITENAME}}",
122 "aboutpage": "Project:ⵅⴼ",
123 "copyrightpage": "{{ns:project}}:izrefan ussenɣel",
124 "currentevents": "Mayn itemsaren rux",
125 "currentevents-url": "Project:mayn itmesaren ruxa",
126 "disclaimers": "Ismigilen",
127 "disclaimerpage": "Project:Asmigel amatu",
128 "edithelp": "Tallalt deg uẓareg",
129 "helppage-top-gethelp": "ⵜⵉⵡⵉⵙⵉ",
130 "mainpage": "Tasna Tamezwarut",
131 "mainpage-description": "Tasna Tamezwarut",
132 "policy-url": "Project:ⵜⴰⵙⵔⵜⵉⵜ",
133 "portal": "Tawwart n timetti",
134 "portal-url": "Project:tawwart n yiwdan",
135 "privacy": "Tasertit n tusligi",
136 "privacypage": "Project:Tasertit n tusligi",
137 "retrievedfrom": "Itwarr-d zi \"$1\"",
138 "youhavenewmessages": "{{PLURAL:$3|ⵖⴰⵔⴽ|ⵖⴰⵔⵎ}} $1 ($2).",
139 "editsection": "ⵙⵏⴼⵍ",
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142 "editlink": "ⵙⵏⴼⵍ",
143 "viewsourcelink": "ẓṛ aghbalu",
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147 "hidetoc": "snuffar",
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149 "confirmable-no": "ⵓⵀⵓ",
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151 "site-atom-feed": "Talɣut n Atom n $1",
152 "page-rss-feed": "Asudem n RSS n \"$1\"",
153 "red-link-title": "$1 (ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰ ⵓⵔ ⵉⵍⵍⵉⵏ)",
154 "nstab-main": "ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰ",
155 "nstab-user": "Tasna n User",
156 "nstab-project": "Tasna usenfar",
157 "nstab-image": "ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ",
158 "nstab-mediawiki": "ⵜⵓⵣⵉⵏⵜ",
159 "nstab-template": "Tamudemt",
160 "nstab-help": "ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵡⵉⵙⵉ",
161 "nstab-category": "ⴰⵙⵎⵉⵍ",
162 "badtitle": "isem war icni ca",
163 "badtitletext": "Isem n Tasna itexised war icni ca, ixwa, niɣ isem n ajar-tutlayt niɣ ajar-wiki war icni ca.\nteqqad ad yilli days ca n usekkil war itwagg deg isem .",
164 "viewsource": "ⵥⵔ ⴰⵙⴰⴳⵎ",
165 "viewsourcetext": "Tzemred a tẓerd u atsneɣled aɣbal n Tasna ya :",
166 "yourname": "Izwl-usqdac:",
167 "yourpassword": "Tawalt n wadaf:",
168 "login": "ⴰⴷⴼ",
169 "nav-login-createaccount": "Adef / egg amiḍan",
170 "logout": "ⴼⴼⵖ",
171 "userlogout": "ⴼⴼⵖ",
172 "createaccount": "Egg amiḍan",
173 "createacct-benefit-body1": "{{PLURAL:$1|ⴰⵙⵏⴼⵍ|ⵉⵙⵏⴼⵉⵍⵏ}}",
174 "createacct-benefit-body2": "{{PLURAL:$1|ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰ|ⵜⴰⵙⵏⵉⵡⵉⵏ}}",
175 "loginsuccesstitle": "Adaf icna",
176 "loginsuccess": "'''Qac tudeffed di {{SITENAME}} s \"$1\".'''",
177 "nosuchuser": "War illi ca n useqdac s isem a\"$1\".\nxemm tirra , niɣ egg amiḍan d amaynu.",
178 "nosuchusershort": "War illi ca n useqdac s isem a \"$1\".\nxemm tirra.",
179 "nouserspecified": "ixessa ad tuced isem n useqdac.",
180 "wrongpassword": "Taguri n wadaf war tceni ca. Sideff tenni nican.",
181 "wrongpasswordempty": "Taguri n wadaf i tucid texwa. Sideff tenni nican.",
182 "passwordtooshort": "Taguri n wadaf inec war d tusi ca.\nitxessat ad di-s tili {{PLURAL:$1|1 usekkil|$1 isekkilen}} u ad tili temṣebda x isem n useqdac inec.",
183 "mailmypassword": "Sekk Taguri n wadaf di E-mail",
184 "passwordremindertitle": "Taguri n wadaf tamaynut n ruxa waha {{SITENAME}}",
185 "passwordremindertext": "Ca n ijj (teqqad ad yili d cekk, zi tansa IP a $1)\ninna neɣ ada-s-ad nesekk Taguri n wadaf tamaynut i {{SITENAME}} ($4).\nTaguri n wadaf n useqdac \"$2\" ruxa d \"$3\".\nixessa ad tadeffed bac ad tbeddeled ruxa.\nɣar {{PLURAL:$5|one day|$5 days}} at sala taguri n wadaf tamaynut .\nmala war illi d cekk ur tawi x manaya , qim sexdam Taguri n wadaf inecc taqburt.",
186 "noemail": "War illi ca n e-mail ɣar useqdac a \"$1\".",
187 "passwordsent": "Taguri n wadaf tamaynut twassekked i e-mail \"$1\".\nadeff-d xmi ɣa teṭfed.",
188 "eauthentsent": "ijj n e-mail itwasekked ɣar e-mail nni.\nzzat ma ca n e-mail nniḍen ma ad itwasekk ɣar umiḍan , ixessa ad tegged manayenni di e-mail, bac ad nessen ila qa amiḍan a inec.",
189 "loginlanguagelabel": "ⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢⵜ: $1",
190 "pt-userlogout": "ⴼⴼⵖ",
191 "retypenew": "Ɛawd arri Taguri n wadaf tamaynut:",
192 "botpasswords-label-delete": "ⴽⴽⵙ",
193 "bold_sample": "ⵜⵉⵔⵔⴰ ⵜⵉⵣⵓⵔⴰⵔⵉⵏ",
194 "bold_tip": "ⵜⵉⵔⵔⴰ ⵜⵉⵣⵓⵔⴰⵔⵉⵏ",
195 "italic_sample": "Tirra titalyanin",
196 "italic_tip": "Tira ifrghn.",
197 "link_sample": "isem n tzedayt",
198 "link_tip": "Tazdayt n dixl",
199 "extlink_sample": " isem n tezdayt",
200 "extlink_tip": "Tazdayt n baṛṛa (qa tettud http:// prefix)",
201 "headline_sample": "Aḍris n ixf-isem",
202 "headline_tip": "Aswir 2 n ixf-isem",
203 "nowiki_sample": "Sideff da tirra bla taseddast(formatting) n wiki",
204 "nowiki_tip": "Ur tawi x taseddast(formatting) n wiki",
205 "image_tip": "Afaylu war-itmesebḍi",
206 "media_tip": "Tazdayt ufaylu",
207 "sig_tip": "Azewl(signature) inec ag ukud(time) .",
208 "hr_tip": "Acariḍ aglawan",
209 "summary": "ⵜⵓⴳⵣⵉⵍⵜ:",
210 "subject": "ⴰⵙⵏⵜⵍ:",
211 "minoredit": "ⵡⴰ ⴷ ⴰⵙⵏⴼⵍ ⵓⵎⵥⵉⵢ",
212 "watchthis": "Ḥḍa tasna ya",
213 "savearticle": "Xmml tasna",
214 "preview": "Azar-ascan",
215 "showpreview": "Ẓar Azar-ascan",
216 "showdiff": "Ẓar mayn teẓṛegd.",
217 "anoneditwarning": "'''ɣark:''' war tudifd ca s isem inec.\nTansa n IP inac ad-teqqim deg umezruy n teẓṛigin n Tasna ya .",
218 "summary-preview": "Azar-ascan n Tegḍwit:",
219 "blockedtext": "'''Isem useqdac niɣ tansa IP inecc tewabluca .'''\n\niblocat $1.\nMaynzi ''$2''.\n\n* Abluki ibda di: $8\n* Ad ikemmel di: $6\n* Abluki ig itwaxsen d: $7\n\nTzemred ad temsawaded ag $1 niɣ [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|administrator]] nniḍn bac ad tsiwled x ubluki a.\nwar tzemred ca ad ad tesxedmed 'e-mail this user' ɣar mala ca n e-mail illa ɣark di [[Special:Preferences|Isemyifiyen n umiḍan]] u war twabluki ca usexdem ines.\nTansa IP inecc n ruxa d $3, u ID icecc iteblukan d #$5.\nmaṛṛa manaya deg ujenna eggit di tabrat i ɣ-ad tsekked.",
220 "newarticle": "(ⴰⵎⴰⵢⵏⵓ)",
221 "newarticletext": "Tdefar-d tazdayt n Tasna εad war telli .\nbac ad tegged , arri di taflwit a swadday (xemm i [$1 Tasna n Tallalt] i ineɣmisen ifruryen).\nmala qacek da s ɣalaṭ waha, tecca di tbutunt n '''deffar''' di (browser) inec .",
222 "noarticletext": "Rxxu ur din llint ca tira di tasna ya.\nTzmmard [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|rzu xf yizwl n tasna ya]] di tasniwin nnḍni,\n<span class=\"plainlinks\">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} search the related logs],\nnigh [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit this page]</span>.",
223 "previewnote": "'''Wa d Azar-ascan waha;\ntiẓṛigin εad war twaḥḍent!'''",
224 "editing": "ⴰⵙⵏⴼⵍ ⵏ $1",
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226 "copyrightwarning": "Maṛṛa tirra di {{SITENAME}} twaggent swadday i $2 (ẓar da $1).\nmala war texsed tirra inac ad twaẓṛegent , ad twamsebḍant .\nUr ten-teg ca da.<br />\ntjadjid-anɣ Ɛawt ila qa d cekk ig yuran manaya, niɣ tesneɣlet-id zi ca n uɣbal nniḍn d alelli.\n'''UR SADDAF CA TIRRA ƔARSENT COPYRIGHTE BLA MA AD-IXES BAB-INES !'''",
227 "templatesused": "Timudmiwin itwaggen di Tasna ya:",
228 "templatesusedpreview": "Timudmiwin igg itwasxdemen dg uzar-ascan a :",
229 "template-protected": "(twaḥḍa)",
230 "template-semiprotected": "(semi-protected)",
231 "nocreatetext": "{{SITENAME}} war iqqim ca itejja iwdan ad ggen Tasniwin timaynutin.\ntzemred addewred ɣar deffar, niɣ [[Special:UserLogin|Adeff niɣ egg amiḍan]].",
232 "recreate-moveddeleted-warn": "'''Ɣark: qac tegged Tasna ig itwaksen zzat uya.'''\n\nẒar aɣmis n umzruy n usfad n Tasna ya bac ad tsenad ma mliḥ ad tkemled aẓṛag.",
233 "viewpagelogs": "Ẓar aɣmis n Tasna ya",
234 "currentrev": "Afegged n ruxa",
235 "revisionasof": "Affegged am $1",
236 "revision-info": "Afegged am $1 s $2",
237 "previousrevision": "←Affegged n zik/zic",
238 "nextrevision": "Afegged d amaynu→",
239 "currentrevisionlink": "Afegged n rux",
240 "cur": "ⵎⵔⵏ",
241 "last": "anggaru",
242 "page_first": "amzwaru",
243 "page_last": "anggaru",
244 "histlegend": "imṣebḍiyen: Sti(ixter) tibuttonin a ɣar wadday n tunɣilin n Tasna bac ad tsmzazal(compare).<br />\nTasarut: (cur) = imṣebḍiyen ag tunɣilt n ruxa,\n(last) = imṣebḍiyen ag tunɣilt n zik, M = taẓrigt d-tamẓeyant.",
245 "history-fieldset-title": "Amzruy n min tẓṛid",
246 "histfirst": "Amzwaru n marra",
247 "histlast": "Anggaru n marra",
248 "history-feed-item-nocomment": "$1 ɣar $2",
249 "rev-delundel": "sken/ffer",
250 "revdelete-show-file-submit": "ⵢⴰⵀ",
251 "revdelete-log": "ⵜⴰⵎⵏⵜⵉⵍⵜ:",
252 "deletedhist": "ⴰⵎⵣⵔⵓⵢ ⵉⵜⵜⵡⴰⴽⴽⵙⵏ",
253 "mergehistory-reason": "ⵜⴰⵎⵏⵜⵉⵍⵜ:",
254 "history-title": "Amezruy n teẓṛigt n \"$1\"",
255 "lineno": "ⴰⵣⵔⵉⴳ $1:",
256 "compareselectedversions": "Smequdda tunɣilin a",
257 "editundo": "kkes min ggiɣ",
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464 "watching": "Ḥṭṭigh...",
465 "unwatching": "Ur ḥṭṭigh...",
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469 "historywarning": "ɣark: Tasna i txisd atekesd ɣars amzruy :",
470 "confirmdeletetext": "Ur d ac iqqim walu a tsfḍed ict tasna ak marra amzruy nns.\nMa nican txsd a tggd manaya? Ma tssnd min ttggd? Ma ttggd manaya amc teqqaṛ [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|tasrtit n Wiki]] ?",
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487 "protect-locked-access": "Amiḍan inecc war ɣars turagt bac ad ibeddel aswir n uḥeṭṭu n Tasna .\nAqa (settings) n Tasna '''$1''':",
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517 "year": "Zg usggwas (d zik):",
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