server config array) */ private $mServers; /** @var IDatabase[][][] Map of local/foreignUsed/foreignFree => server index => IDatabase array */ private $mConns; /** @var float[] Map of (server index => weight) */ private $mLoads; /** @var array[] Map of (group => server index => weight) */ private $mGroupLoads; /** @var bool Whether to disregard replica DB lag as a factor in replica DB selection */ private $mAllowLagged; /** @var integer Seconds to spend waiting on replica DB lag to resolve */ private $mWaitTimeout; /** @var array The LoadMonitor configuration */ private $loadMonitorConfig; /** @var array[] $aliases Map of (table => (dbname, schema, prefix) map) */ private $tableAliases = []; /** @var ILoadMonitor */ private $loadMonitor; /** @var BagOStuff */ private $srvCache; /** @var BagOStuff */ private $memCache; /** @var WANObjectCache */ private $wanCache; /** @var object|string Class name or object With profileIn/profileOut methods */ protected $profiler; /** @var TransactionProfiler */ protected $trxProfiler; /** @var LoggerInterface */ protected $replLogger; /** @var LoggerInterface */ protected $connLogger; /** @var LoggerInterface */ protected $queryLogger; /** @var LoggerInterface */ protected $perfLogger; /** @var bool|IDatabase Database connection that caused a problem */ private $mErrorConnection; /** @var integer The generic (not query grouped) replica DB index (of $mServers) */ private $mReadIndex; /** @var bool|DBMasterPos False if not set */ private $mWaitForPos; /** @var bool Whether the generic reader fell back to a lagged replica DB */ private $laggedReplicaMode = false; /** @var bool Whether the generic reader fell back to a lagged replica DB */ private $allReplicasDownMode = false; /** @var string The last DB selection or connection error */ private $mLastError = 'Unknown error'; /** @var string|bool Reason the LB is read-only or false if not */ private $readOnlyReason = false; /** @var integer Total connections opened */ private $connsOpened = 0; /** @var string|bool String if a requested DBO_TRX transaction round is active */ private $trxRoundId = false; /** @var array[] Map of (name => callable) */ private $trxRecurringCallbacks = []; /** @var DatabaseDomain Local Domain ID and default for selectDB() calls */ private $localDomain; /** @var string Alternate ID string for the domain instead of DatabaseDomain::getId() */ private $localDomainIdAlias; /** @var string Current server name */ private $host; /** @var bool Whether this PHP instance is for a CLI script */ protected $cliMode; /** @var string Agent name for query profiling */ protected $agent; /** @var callable Exception logger */ private $errorLogger; /** @var boolean */ private $disabled = false; /** @var integer Warn when this many connection are held */ const CONN_HELD_WARN_THRESHOLD = 10; /** @var integer Default 'max lag' when unspecified */ const MAX_LAG_DEFAULT = 10; /** @var integer Seconds to cache master server read-only status */ const TTL_CACHE_READONLY = 5; public function __construct( array $params ) { if ( !isset( $params['servers'] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __CLASS__ . ': missing servers parameter' ); } $this->mServers = $params['servers']; $this->localDomain = isset( $params['localDomain'] ) ? DatabaseDomain::newFromId( $params['localDomain'] ) : DatabaseDomain::newUnspecified(); // In case a caller assumes that the domain ID is simply -, which is almost // always true, gracefully handle the case when they fail to account for escaping. if ( $this->localDomain->getTablePrefix() != '' ) { $this->localDomainIdAlias = $this->localDomain->getDatabase() . '-' . $this->localDomain->getTablePrefix(); } else { $this->localDomainIdAlias = $this->localDomain->getDatabase(); } $this->mWaitTimeout = isset( $params['waitTimeout'] ) ? $params['waitTimeout'] : 10; $this->mReadIndex = -1; $this->mConns = [ 'local' => [], 'foreignUsed' => [], 'foreignFree' => [] ]; $this->mLoads = []; $this->mWaitForPos = false; $this->mErrorConnection = false; $this->mAllowLagged = false; if ( isset( $params['readOnlyReason'] ) && is_string( $params['readOnlyReason'] ) ) { $this->readOnlyReason = $params['readOnlyReason']; } if ( isset( $params['loadMonitor'] ) ) { $this->loadMonitorConfig = $params['loadMonitor']; } else { $this->loadMonitorConfig = [ 'class' => 'LoadMonitorNull' ]; } foreach ( $params['servers'] as $i => $server ) { $this->mLoads[$i] = $server['load']; if ( isset( $server['groupLoads'] ) ) { foreach ( $server['groupLoads'] as $group => $ratio ) { if ( !isset( $this->mGroupLoads[$group] ) ) { $this->mGroupLoads[$group] = []; } $this->mGroupLoads[$group][$i] = $ratio; } } } if ( isset( $params['srvCache'] ) ) { $this->srvCache = $params['srvCache']; } else { $this->srvCache = new EmptyBagOStuff(); } if ( isset( $params['memCache'] ) ) { $this->memCache = $params['memCache']; } else { $this->memCache = new EmptyBagOStuff(); } if ( isset( $params['wanCache'] ) ) { $this->wanCache = $params['wanCache']; } else { $this->wanCache = WANObjectCache::newEmpty(); } $this->profiler = isset( $params['profiler'] ) ? $params['profiler'] : null; if ( isset( $params['trxProfiler'] ) ) { $this->trxProfiler = $params['trxProfiler']; } else { $this->trxProfiler = new TransactionProfiler(); } $this->errorLogger = isset( $params['errorLogger'] ) ? $params['errorLogger'] : function ( Exception $e ) { trigger_error( get_class( $e ) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING ); }; foreach ( [ 'replLogger', 'connLogger', 'queryLogger', 'perfLogger' ] as $key ) { $this->$key = isset( $params[$key] ) ? $params[$key] : new \Psr\Log\NullLogger(); } $this->host = isset( $params['hostname'] ) ? $params['hostname'] : ( gethostname() ?: 'unknown' ); $this->cliMode = isset( $params['cliMode'] ) ? $params['cliMode'] : PHP_SAPI === 'cli'; $this->agent = isset( $params['agent'] ) ? $params['agent'] : ''; } /** * Get a LoadMonitor instance * * @return ILoadMonitor */ private function getLoadMonitor() { if ( !isset( $this->loadMonitor ) ) { $class = $this->loadMonitorConfig['class']; $this->loadMonitor = new $class( $this, $this->srvCache, $this->memCache, $this->loadMonitorConfig ); $this->loadMonitor->setLogger( $this->replLogger ); } return $this->loadMonitor; } /** * @param array $loads * @param bool|string $domain Domain to get non-lagged for * @param int $maxLag Restrict the maximum allowed lag to this many seconds * @return bool|int|string */ private function getRandomNonLagged( array $loads, $domain = false, $maxLag = INF ) { $lags = $this->getLagTimes( $domain ); # Unset excessively lagged servers foreach ( $lags as $i => $lag ) { if ( $i != 0 ) { # How much lag this server nominally is allowed to have $maxServerLag = isset( $this->mServers[$i]['max lag'] ) ? $this->mServers[$i]['max lag'] : self::MAX_LAG_DEFAULT; // default # Constrain that futher by $maxLag argument $maxServerLag = min( $maxServerLag, $maxLag ); $host = $this->getServerName( $i ); if ( $lag === false && !is_infinite( $maxServerLag ) ) { $this->replLogger->error( "Server $host (#$i) is not replicating?" ); unset( $loads[$i] ); } elseif ( $lag > $maxServerLag ) { $this->replLogger->warning( "Server $host (#$i) has >= $lag seconds of lag" ); unset( $loads[$i] ); } } } # Find out if all the replica DBs with non-zero load are lagged $sum = 0; foreach ( $loads as $load ) { $sum += $load; } if ( $sum == 0 ) { # No appropriate DB servers except maybe the master and some replica DBs with zero load # Do NOT use the master # Instead, this function will return false, triggering read-only mode, # and a lagged replica DB will be used instead. return false; } if ( count( $loads ) == 0 ) { return false; } # Return a random representative of the remainder return ArrayUtils::pickRandom( $loads ); } public function getReaderIndex( $group = false, $domain = false ) { if ( count( $this->mServers ) == 1 ) { # Skip the load balancing if there's only one server return $this->getWriterIndex(); } elseif ( $group === false && $this->mReadIndex >= 0 ) { # Shortcut if generic reader exists already return $this->mReadIndex; } # Find the relevant load array if ( $group !== false ) { if ( isset( $this->mGroupLoads[$group] ) ) { $nonErrorLoads = $this->mGroupLoads[$group]; } else { # No loads for this group, return false and the caller can use some other group $this->connLogger->info( __METHOD__ . ": no loads for group $group" ); return false; } } else { $nonErrorLoads = $this->mLoads; } if ( !count( $nonErrorLoads ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Empty server array given to LoadBalancer" ); } # Scale the configured load ratios according to the dynamic load if supported $this->getLoadMonitor()->scaleLoads( $nonErrorLoads, $domain ); $laggedReplicaMode = false; # No server found yet $i = false; # First try quickly looking through the available servers for a server that # meets our criteria $currentLoads = $nonErrorLoads; while ( count( $currentLoads ) ) { if ( $this->mAllowLagged || $laggedReplicaMode ) { $i = ArrayUtils::pickRandom( $currentLoads ); } else { $i = false; if ( $this->mWaitForPos && $this->mWaitForPos->asOfTime() ) { # ChronologyProtecter causes mWaitForPos to be set via sessions. # This triggers doWait() after connect, so it's especially good to # avoid lagged servers so as to avoid just blocking in that method. $ago = microtime( true ) - $this->mWaitForPos->asOfTime(); # Aim for <= 1 second of waiting (being too picky can backfire) $i = $this->getRandomNonLagged( $currentLoads, $domain, $ago + 1 ); } if ( $i === false ) { # Any server with less lag than it's 'max lag' param is preferable $i = $this->getRandomNonLagged( $currentLoads, $domain ); } if ( $i === false && count( $currentLoads ) != 0 ) { # All replica DBs lagged. Switch to read-only mode $this->replLogger->error( "All replica DBs lagged. Switch to read-only mode" ); $i = ArrayUtils::pickRandom( $currentLoads ); $laggedReplicaMode = true; } } if ( $i === false ) { # pickRandom() returned false # This is permanent and means the configuration or the load monitor # wants us to return false. $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": pickRandom() returned false" ); return false; } $serverName = $this->getServerName( $i ); $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Using reader #$i: $serverName..." ); $conn = $this->openConnection( $i, $domain ); if ( !$conn ) { $this->connLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ": Failed connecting to $i/$domain" ); unset( $nonErrorLoads[$i] ); unset( $currentLoads[$i] ); $i = false; continue; } // Decrement reference counter, we are finished with this connection. // It will be incremented for the caller later. if ( $domain !== false ) { $this->reuseConnection( $conn ); } # Return this server break; } # If all servers were down, quit now if ( !count( $nonErrorLoads ) ) { $this->connLogger->error( "All servers down" ); } if ( $i !== false ) { # Replica DB connection successful. # Wait for the session master pos for a short time. if ( $this->mWaitForPos && $i > 0 ) { $this->doWait( $i ); } if ( $this->mReadIndex <= 0 && $this->mLoads[$i] > 0 && $group === false ) { $this->mReadIndex = $i; # Record if the generic reader index is in "lagged replica DB" mode if ( $laggedReplicaMode ) { $this->laggedReplicaMode = true; } } $serverName = $this->getServerName( $i ); $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": using server $serverName for group '$group'" ); } return $i; } /** * @param DBMasterPos|false $pos */ public function waitFor( $pos ) { $this->mWaitForPos = $pos; $i = $this->mReadIndex; if ( $i > 0 ) { if ( !$this->doWait( $i ) ) { $this->laggedReplicaMode = true; } } } public function waitForOne( $pos, $timeout = null ) { $this->mWaitForPos = $pos; $i = $this->mReadIndex; if ( $i <= 0 ) { // Pick a generic replica DB if there isn't one yet $readLoads = $this->mLoads; unset( $readLoads[$this->getWriterIndex()] ); // replica DBs only $readLoads = array_filter( $readLoads ); // with non-zero load $i = ArrayUtils::pickRandom( $readLoads ); } if ( $i > 0 ) { $ok = $this->doWait( $i, true, $timeout ); } else { $ok = true; // no applicable loads } return $ok; } public function waitForAll( $pos, $timeout = null ) { $this->mWaitForPos = $pos; $serverCount = count( $this->mServers ); $ok = true; for ( $i = 1; $i < $serverCount; $i++ ) { if ( $this->mLoads[$i] > 0 ) { $ok = $this->doWait( $i, true, $timeout ) && $ok; } } return $ok; } /** * @param int $i * @return IDatabase */ public function getAnyOpenConnection( $i ) { foreach ( $this->mConns as $connsByServer ) { if ( !empty( $connsByServer[$i] ) ) { return reset( $connsByServer[$i] ); } } return false; } /** * Wait for a given replica DB to catch up to the master pos stored in $this * @param int $index Server index * @param bool $open Check the server even if a new connection has to be made * @param int $timeout Max seconds to wait; default is mWaitTimeout * @return bool */ protected function doWait( $index, $open = false, $timeout = null ) { $close = false; // close the connection afterwards // Check if we already know that the DB has reached this point $server = $this->getServerName( $index ); $key = $this->srvCache->makeGlobalKey( __CLASS__, 'last-known-pos', $server ); /** @var DBMasterPos $knownReachedPos */ $knownReachedPos = $this->srvCache->get( $key ); if ( $knownReachedPos && $knownReachedPos->hasReached( $this->mWaitForPos ) ) { $this->replLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": replica DB $server known to be caught up (pos >= $knownReachedPos)." ); return true; } // Find a connection to wait on, creating one if needed and allowed $conn = $this->getAnyOpenConnection( $index ); if ( !$conn ) { if ( !$open ) { $this->replLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": no connection open for $server" ); return false; } else { $conn = $this->openConnection( $index, self::DOMAIN_ANY ); if ( !$conn ) { $this->replLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ": failed to connect to $server" ); return false; } // Avoid connection spam in waitForAll() when connections // are made just for the sake of doing this lag check. $close = true; } } $this->replLogger->info( __METHOD__ . ": Waiting for replica DB $server to catch up..." ); $timeout = $timeout ?: $this->mWaitTimeout; $result = $conn->masterPosWait( $this->mWaitForPos, $timeout ); if ( $result == -1 || is_null( $result ) ) { // Timed out waiting for replica DB, use master instead $msg = __METHOD__ . ": Timed out waiting on $server pos {$this->mWaitForPos}"; $this->replLogger->warning( "$msg" ); $ok = false; } else { $this->replLogger->info( __METHOD__ . ": Done" ); $ok = true; // Remember that the DB reached this point $this->srvCache->set( $key, $this->mWaitForPos, BagOStuff::TTL_DAY ); } if ( $close ) { $this->closeConnection( $conn ); } return $ok; } /** * @see ILoadBalancer::getConnection() * * @param int $i * @param array $groups * @param bool $domain * @return Database * @throws DBConnectionError */ public function getConnection( $i, $groups = [], $domain = false ) { if ( $i === null || $i === false ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Attempt to call ' . __METHOD__ . ' with invalid server index' ); } if ( $this->localDomain->equals( $domain ) || $domain === $this->localDomainIdAlias ) { $domain = false; // local connection requested } $groups = ( $groups === false || $groups === [] ) ? [ false ] // check one "group": the generic pool : (array)$groups; $masterOnly = ( $i == self::DB_MASTER || $i == $this->getWriterIndex() ); $oldConnsOpened = $this->connsOpened; // connections open now if ( $i == self::DB_MASTER ) { $i = $this->getWriterIndex(); } else { # Try to find an available server in any the query groups (in order) foreach ( $groups as $group ) { $groupIndex = $this->getReaderIndex( $group, $domain ); if ( $groupIndex !== false ) { $i = $groupIndex; break; } } } # Operation-based index if ( $i == self::DB_REPLICA ) { $this->mLastError = 'Unknown error'; // reset error string # Try the general server pool if $groups are unavailable. $i = ( $groups === [ false ] ) ? false // don't bother with this if that is what was tried above : $this->getReaderIndex( false, $domain ); # Couldn't find a working server in getReaderIndex()? if ( $i === false ) { $this->mLastError = 'No working replica DB server: ' . $this->mLastError; // Throw an exception $this->reportConnectionError(); return null; // not reached } } # Now we have an explicit index into the servers array $conn = $this->openConnection( $i, $domain ); if ( !$conn ) { // Throw an exception $this->reportConnectionError(); return null; // not reached } # Profile any new connections that happen if ( $this->connsOpened > $oldConnsOpened ) { $host = $conn->getServer(); $dbname = $conn->getDBname(); $this->trxProfiler->recordConnection( $host, $dbname, $masterOnly ); } if ( $masterOnly ) { # Make master-requested DB handles inherit any read-only mode setting $conn->setLBInfo( 'readOnlyReason', $this->getReadOnlyReason( $domain, $conn ) ); } return $conn; } public function reuseConnection( $conn ) { $serverIndex = $conn->getLBInfo( 'serverIndex' ); $refCount = $conn->getLBInfo( 'foreignPoolRefCount' ); if ( $serverIndex === null || $refCount === null ) { /** * This can happen in code like: * foreach ( $dbs as $db ) { * $conn = $lb->getConnection( $lb::DB_REPLICA, [], $db ); * ... * $lb->reuseConnection( $conn ); * } * When a connection to the local DB is opened in this way, reuseConnection() * should be ignored */ return; } elseif ( $conn instanceof DBConnRef ) { // DBConnRef already handles calling reuseConnection() and only passes the live // Database instance to this method. Any caller passing in a DBConnRef is broken. $this->connLogger->error( __METHOD__ . ": got DBConnRef instance.\n" . ( new RuntimeException() )->getTraceAsString() ); return; } if ( $this->disabled ) { return; // DBConnRef handle probably survived longer than the LoadBalancer } $domain = $conn->getDomainID(); if ( !isset( $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$serverIndex][$domain] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ": connection $serverIndex/$domain not found; it may have already been freed." ); } elseif ( $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$serverIndex][$domain] !== $conn ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ": connection $serverIndex/$domain mismatched; it may have already been freed." ); } $conn->setLBInfo( 'foreignPoolRefCount', --$refCount ); if ( $refCount <= 0 ) { $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$serverIndex][$domain] = $conn; unset( $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$serverIndex][$domain] ); if ( !$this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$serverIndex] ) { unset( $this->mConns[ 'foreignUsed' ][$serverIndex] ); // clean up } $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": freed connection $serverIndex/$domain" ); } else { $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": reference count for $serverIndex/$domain reduced to $refCount" ); } } public function getConnectionRef( $db, $groups = [], $domain = false ) { $domain = ( $domain !== false ) ? $domain : $this->localDomain; return new DBConnRef( $this, $this->getConnection( $db, $groups, $domain ) ); } public function getLazyConnectionRef( $db, $groups = [], $domain = false ) { $domain = ( $domain !== false ) ? $domain : $this->localDomain; return new DBConnRef( $this, [ $db, $groups, $domain ] ); } public function getMaintenanceConnectionRef( $db, $groups = [], $domain = false ) { $domain = ( $domain !== false ) ? $domain : $this->localDomain; return new MaintainableDBConnRef( $this, $this->getConnection( $db, $groups, $domain ) ); } /** * @see ILoadBalancer::openConnection() * * @param int $i * @param bool $domain * @return bool|Database * @throws DBAccessError */ public function openConnection( $i, $domain = false ) { if ( $this->localDomain->equals( $domain ) || $domain === $this->localDomainIdAlias ) { $domain = false; // local connection requested } if ( $domain !== false ) { $conn = $this->openForeignConnection( $i, $domain ); } elseif ( isset( $this->mConns['local'][$i][0] ) ) { $conn = $this->mConns['local'][$i][0]; } else { if ( !isset( $this->mServers[$i] ) || !is_array( $this->mServers[$i] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "No server with index '$i'." ); } // Open a new connection $server = $this->mServers[$i]; $server['serverIndex'] = $i; $conn = $this->reallyOpenConnection( $server, false ); $serverName = $this->getServerName( $i ); if ( $conn->isOpen() ) { $this->connLogger->debug( "Connected to database $i at '$serverName'." ); $this->mConns['local'][$i][0] = $conn; } else { $this->connLogger->warning( "Failed to connect to database $i at '$serverName'." ); $this->mErrorConnection = $conn; $conn = false; } } if ( $conn && !$conn->isOpen() ) { // Connection was made but later unrecoverably lost for some reason. // Do not return a handle that will just throw exceptions on use, // but let the calling code (e.g. getReaderIndex) try another server. // See DatabaseMyslBase::ping() for how this can happen. $this->mErrorConnection = $conn; $conn = false; } return $conn; } /** * Open a connection to a foreign DB, or return one if it is already open. * * Increments a reference count on the returned connection which locks the * connection to the requested domain. This reference count can be * decremented by calling reuseConnection(). * * If a connection is open to the appropriate server already, but with the wrong * database, it will be switched to the right database and returned, as long as * it has been freed first with reuseConnection(). * * On error, returns false, and the connection which caused the * error will be available via $this->mErrorConnection. * * @note If disable() was called on this LoadBalancer, this method will throw a DBAccessError. * * @param int $i Server index * @param string $domain Domain ID to open * @return Database */ private function openForeignConnection( $i, $domain ) { $domainInstance = DatabaseDomain::newFromId( $domain ); $dbName = $domainInstance->getDatabase(); $prefix = $domainInstance->getTablePrefix(); if ( isset( $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$i][$domain] ) ) { // Reuse an already-used connection $conn = $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$i][$domain]; $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": reusing connection $i/$domain" ); } elseif ( isset( $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i][$domain] ) ) { // Reuse a free connection for the same domain $conn = $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i][$domain]; unset( $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i][$domain] ); $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$i][$domain] = $conn; $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": reusing free connection $i/$domain" ); } elseif ( !empty( $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i] ) ) { // Reuse a connection from another domain $conn = reset( $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i] ); $oldDomain = key( $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i] ); // The empty string as a DB name means "don't care". // DatabaseMysqlBase::open() already handle this on connection. if ( strlen( $dbName ) && !$conn->selectDB( $dbName ) ) { $this->mLastError = "Error selecting database '$dbName' on server " . $conn->getServer() . " from client host {$this->host}"; $this->mErrorConnection = $conn; $conn = false; } else { $conn->tablePrefix( $prefix ); unset( $this->mConns['foreignFree'][$i][$oldDomain] ); $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$i][$domain] = $conn; $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": reusing free connection from $oldDomain for $domain" ); } } else { if ( !isset( $this->mServers[$i] ) || !is_array( $this->mServers[$i] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "No server with index '$i'." ); } // Open a new connection $server = $this->mServers[$i]; $server['serverIndex'] = $i; $server['foreignPoolRefCount'] = 0; $server['foreign'] = true; $conn = $this->reallyOpenConnection( $server, $dbName ); if ( !$conn->isOpen() ) { $this->connLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ": connection error for $i/$domain" ); $this->mErrorConnection = $conn; $conn = false; } else { $conn->tablePrefix( $prefix ); $this->mConns['foreignUsed'][$i][$domain] = $conn; $this->connLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": opened new connection for $i/$domain" ); } } // Increment reference count if ( $conn ) { $refCount = $conn->getLBInfo( 'foreignPoolRefCount' ); $conn->setLBInfo( 'foreignPoolRefCount', $refCount + 1 ); } return $conn; } /** * Test if the specified index represents an open connection * * @param int $index Server index * @access private * @return bool */ private function isOpen( $index ) { if ( !is_integer( $index ) ) { return false; } return (bool)$this->getAnyOpenConnection( $index ); } /** * Really opens a connection. Uncached. * Returns a Database object whether or not the connection was successful. * @access private * * @param array $server * @param string|bool $dbNameOverride Use "" to not select any database * @return Database * @throws DBAccessError * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected function reallyOpenConnection( array $server, $dbNameOverride = false ) { if ( $this->disabled ) { throw new DBAccessError(); } if ( $dbNameOverride !== false ) { $server['dbname'] = $dbNameOverride; } // Let the handle know what the cluster master is (e.g. "db1052") $masterName = $this->getServerName( $this->getWriterIndex() ); $server['clusterMasterHost'] = $masterName; // Log when many connection are made on requests if ( ++$this->connsOpened >= self::CONN_HELD_WARN_THRESHOLD ) { $this->perfLogger->warning( __METHOD__ . ": " . "{$this->connsOpened}+ connections made (master=$masterName)" ); } $server['srvCache'] = $this->srvCache; // Set loggers and profilers $server['connLogger'] = $this->connLogger; $server['queryLogger'] = $this->queryLogger; $server['errorLogger'] = $this->errorLogger; $server['profiler'] = $this->profiler; $server['trxProfiler'] = $this->trxProfiler; // Use the same agent and PHP mode for all DB handles $server['cliMode'] = $this->cliMode; $server['agent'] = $this->agent; // Use DBO_DEFAULT flags by default for LoadBalancer managed databases. Assume that the // application calls LoadBalancer::commitMasterChanges() before the PHP script completes. $server['flags'] = isset( $server['flags'] ) ? $server['flags'] : IDatabase::DBO_DEFAULT; // Create a live connection object try { $db = Database::factory( $server['type'], $server ); } catch ( DBConnectionError $e ) { // FIXME: This is probably the ugliest thing I have ever done to // PHP. I'm half-expecting it to segfault, just out of disgust. -- TS $db = $e->db; } $db->setLBInfo( $server ); $db->setLazyMasterHandle( $this->getLazyConnectionRef( self::DB_MASTER, [], $db->getDomainID() ) ); $db->setTableAliases( $this->tableAliases ); if ( $server['serverIndex'] === $this->getWriterIndex() ) { if ( $this->trxRoundId !== false ) { $this->applyTransactionRoundFlags( $db ); } foreach ( $this->trxRecurringCallbacks as $name => $callback ) { $db->setTransactionListener( $name, $callback ); } } return $db; } /** * @throws DBConnectionError */ private function reportConnectionError() { $conn = $this->mErrorConnection; // the connection which caused the error $context = [ 'method' => __METHOD__, 'last_error' => $this->mLastError, ]; if ( !is_object( $conn ) ) { // No last connection, probably due to all servers being too busy $this->connLogger->error( "LB failure with no last connection. Connection error: {last_error}", $context ); // If all servers were busy, mLastError will contain something sensible throw new DBConnectionError( null, $this->mLastError ); } else { $context['db_server'] = $conn->getServer(); $this->connLogger->warning( "Connection error: {last_error} ({db_server})", $context ); // throws DBConnectionError $conn->reportConnectionError( "{$this->mLastError} ({$context['db_server']})" ); } } public function getWriterIndex() { return 0; } public function haveIndex( $i ) { return array_key_exists( $i, $this->mServers ); } public function isNonZeroLoad( $i ) { return array_key_exists( $i, $this->mServers ) && $this->mLoads[$i] != 0; } public function getServerCount() { return count( $this->mServers ); } public function getServerName( $i ) { if ( isset( $this->mServers[$i]['hostName'] ) ) { $name = $this->mServers[$i]['hostName']; } elseif ( isset( $this->mServers[$i]['host'] ) ) { $name = $this->mServers[$i]['host']; } else { $name = ''; } return ( $name != '' ) ? $name : 'localhost'; } public function getServerInfo( $i ) { if ( isset( $this->mServers[$i] ) ) { return $this->mServers[$i]; } else { return false; } } public function setServerInfo( $i, array $serverInfo ) { $this->mServers[$i] = $serverInfo; } public function getMasterPos() { # If this entire request was served from a replica DB without opening a connection to the # master (however unlikely that may be), then we can fetch the position from the replica DB. $masterConn = $this->getAnyOpenConnection( $this->getWriterIndex() ); if ( !$masterConn ) { $serverCount = count( $this->mServers ); for ( $i = 1; $i < $serverCount; $i++ ) { $conn = $this->getAnyOpenConnection( $i ); if ( $conn ) { return $conn->getReplicaPos(); } } } else { return $masterConn->getMasterPos(); } return false; } public function disable() { $this->closeAll(); $this->disabled = true; } public function closeAll() { $this->forEachOpenConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) { $host = $conn->getServer(); $this->connLogger->debug( "Closing connection to database '$host'." ); $conn->close(); } ); $this->mConns = [ 'local' => [], 'foreignFree' => [], 'foreignUsed' => [], ]; $this->connsOpened = 0; } public function closeConnection( IDatabase $conn ) { $serverIndex = $conn->getLBInfo( 'serverIndex' ); // second index level of mConns foreach ( $this->mConns as $type => $connsByServer ) { if ( !isset( $connsByServer[$serverIndex] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $connsByServer[$serverIndex] as $i => $trackedConn ) { if ( $conn === $trackedConn ) { $host = $this->getServerName( $i ); $this->connLogger->debug( "Closing connection to database $i at '$host'." ); unset( $this->mConns[$type][$serverIndex][$i] ); --$this->connsOpened; break 2; } } } $conn->close(); } public function commitAll( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $failures = []; $restore = ( $this->trxRoundId !== false ); $this->trxRoundId = false; $this->forEachOpenConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( $fname, $restore, &$failures ) { try { $conn->commit( $fname, $conn::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ); } catch ( DBError $e ) { call_user_func( $this->errorLogger, $e ); $failures[] = "{$conn->getServer()}: {$e->getMessage()}"; } if ( $restore && $conn->getLBInfo( 'master' ) ) { $this->undoTransactionRoundFlags( $conn ); } } ); if ( $failures ) { throw new DBExpectedError( null, "Commit failed on server(s) " . implode( "\n", array_unique( $failures ) ) ); } } public function finalizeMasterChanges() { $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( Database $conn ) { // Any error should cause all DB transactions to be rolled back together $conn->setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( false ); $conn->runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks(); // Defer post-commit callbacks until COMMIT finishes for all DBs $conn->setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( true ); } ); } public function approveMasterChanges( array $options ) { $limit = isset( $options['maxWriteDuration'] ) ? $options['maxWriteDuration'] : 0; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( $limit ) { // If atomic sections or explicit transactions are still open, some caller must have // caught an exception but failed to properly rollback any changes. Detect that and // throw and error (causing rollback). if ( $conn->explicitTrxActive() ) { throw new DBTransactionError( $conn, "Explicit transaction still active. A caller may have caught an error." ); } // Assert that the time to replicate the transaction will be sane. // If this fails, then all DB transactions will be rollback back together. $time = $conn->pendingWriteQueryDuration( $conn::ESTIMATE_DB_APPLY ); if ( $limit > 0 && $time > $limit ) { throw new DBTransactionSizeError( $conn, "Transaction spent $time second(s) in writes, exceeding the $limit limit.", [ $time, $limit ] ); } // If a connection sits idle while slow queries execute on another, that connection // may end up dropped before the commit round is reached. Ping servers to detect this. if ( $conn->writesOrCallbacksPending() && !$conn->ping() ) { throw new DBTransactionError( $conn, "A connection to the {$conn->getDBname()} database was lost before commit." ); } } ); } public function beginMasterChanges( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( $this->trxRoundId !== false ) { throw new DBTransactionError( null, "$fname: Transaction round '{$this->trxRoundId}' already started." ); } $this->trxRoundId = $fname; $failures = []; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( Database $conn ) use ( $fname, &$failures ) { $conn->setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( true ); try { $conn->flushSnapshot( $fname ); } catch ( DBError $e ) { call_user_func( $this->errorLogger, $e ); $failures[] = "{$conn->getServer()}: {$e->getMessage()}"; } $conn->setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( false ); $this->applyTransactionRoundFlags( $conn ); } ); if ( $failures ) { throw new DBExpectedError( null, "$fname: Flush failed on server(s) " . implode( "\n", array_unique( $failures ) ) ); } } public function commitMasterChanges( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $failures = []; /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $scope = $this->getScopedPHPBehaviorForCommit(); // try to ignore client aborts $restore = ( $this->trxRoundId !== false ); $this->trxRoundId = false; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( $fname, $restore, &$failures ) { try { if ( $conn->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { $conn->commit( $fname, $conn::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ); } elseif ( $restore ) { $conn->flushSnapshot( $fname ); } } catch ( DBError $e ) { call_user_func( $this->errorLogger, $e ); $failures[] = "{$conn->getServer()}: {$e->getMessage()}"; } if ( $restore ) { $this->undoTransactionRoundFlags( $conn ); } } ); if ( $failures ) { throw new DBExpectedError( null, "$fname: Commit failed on server(s) " . implode( "\n", array_unique( $failures ) ) ); } } public function runMasterPostTrxCallbacks( $type ) { $e = null; // first exception $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( Database $conn ) use ( $type, &$e ) { $conn->setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( false ); if ( $conn->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { // This happens if onTransactionIdle() callbacks leave callbacks on *another* DB // (which finished its callbacks already). Warn and recover in this case. Let the // callbacks run in the final commitMasterChanges() in LBFactory::shutdown(). $this->queryLogger->error( __METHOD__ . ": found writes/callbacks pending." ); return; } elseif ( $conn->trxLevel() ) { // This happens for single-DB setups where DB_REPLICA uses the master DB, // thus leaving an implicit read-only transaction open at this point. It // also happens if onTransactionIdle() callbacks leave implicit transactions // open on *other* DBs (which is slightly improper). Let these COMMIT on the // next call to commitMasterChanges(), possibly in LBFactory::shutdown(). return; } try { $conn->runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks( $type ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $e = $e ?: $ex; } try { $conn->runTransactionListenerCallbacks( $type ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $e = $e ?: $ex; } } ); return $e; } public function rollbackMasterChanges( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $restore = ( $this->trxRoundId !== false ); $this->trxRoundId = false; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( $fname, $restore ) { if ( $conn->writesOrCallbacksPending() ) { $conn->rollback( $fname, $conn::FLUSHING_ALL_PEERS ); } if ( $restore ) { $this->undoTransactionRoundFlags( $conn ); } } ); } public function suppressTransactionEndCallbacks() { $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( Database $conn ) { $conn->setTrxEndCallbackSuppression( true ); } ); } /** * @param IDatabase $conn */ private function applyTransactionRoundFlags( IDatabase $conn ) { if ( $conn->getFlag( $conn::DBO_DEFAULT ) ) { // DBO_TRX is controlled entirely by CLI mode presence with DBO_DEFAULT. // Force DBO_TRX even in CLI mode since a commit round is expected soon. $conn->setFlag( $conn::DBO_TRX, $conn::REMEMBER_PRIOR ); // If config has explicitly requested DBO_TRX be either on or off by not // setting DBO_DEFAULT, then respect that. Forcing no transactions is useful // for things like blob stores (ExternalStore) which want auto-commit mode. } } /** * @param IDatabase $conn */ private function undoTransactionRoundFlags( IDatabase $conn ) { if ( $conn->getFlag( $conn::DBO_DEFAULT ) ) { $conn->restoreFlags( $conn::RESTORE_PRIOR ); } } public function flushReplicaSnapshots( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $this->forEachOpenReplicaConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) { $conn->flushSnapshot( __METHOD__ ); } ); } public function hasMasterConnection() { return $this->isOpen( $this->getWriterIndex() ); } public function hasMasterChanges() { $pending = 0; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( &$pending ) { $pending |= $conn->writesOrCallbacksPending(); } ); return (bool)$pending; } public function lastMasterChangeTimestamp() { $lastTime = false; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( &$lastTime ) { $lastTime = max( $lastTime, $conn->lastDoneWrites() ); } ); return $lastTime; } public function hasOrMadeRecentMasterChanges( $age = null ) { $age = ( $age === null ) ? $this->mWaitTimeout : $age; return ( $this->hasMasterChanges() || $this->lastMasterChangeTimestamp() > microtime( true ) - $age ); } public function pendingMasterChangeCallers() { $fnames = []; $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( &$fnames ) { $fnames = array_merge( $fnames, $conn->pendingWriteCallers() ); } ); return $fnames; } public function getLaggedReplicaMode( $domain = false ) { // No-op if there is only one DB (also avoids recursion) if ( !$this->laggedReplicaMode && $this->getServerCount() > 1 ) { try { // See if laggedReplicaMode gets set $conn = $this->getConnection( self::DB_REPLICA, false, $domain ); $this->reuseConnection( $conn ); } catch ( DBConnectionError $e ) { // Avoid expensive re-connect attempts and failures $this->allReplicasDownMode = true; $this->laggedReplicaMode = true; } } return $this->laggedReplicaMode; } /** * @param bool $domain * @return bool * @deprecated 1.28; use getLaggedReplicaMode() */ public function getLaggedSlaveMode( $domain = false ) { return $this->getLaggedReplicaMode( $domain ); } public function laggedReplicaUsed() { return $this->laggedReplicaMode; } /** * @return bool * @since 1.27 * @deprecated Since 1.28; use laggedReplicaUsed() */ public function laggedSlaveUsed() { return $this->laggedReplicaUsed(); } public function getReadOnlyReason( $domain = false, IDatabase $conn = null ) { if ( $this->readOnlyReason !== false ) { return $this->readOnlyReason; } elseif ( $this->getLaggedReplicaMode( $domain ) ) { if ( $this->allReplicasDownMode ) { return 'The database has been automatically locked ' . 'until the replica database servers become available'; } else { return 'The database has been automatically locked ' . 'while the replica database servers catch up to the master.'; } } elseif ( $this->masterRunningReadOnly( $domain, $conn ) ) { return 'The database master is running in read-only mode.'; } return false; } /** * @param string $domain Domain ID, or false for the current domain * @param IDatabase|null DB master connectionl used to avoid loops [optional] * @return bool */ private function masterRunningReadOnly( $domain, IDatabase $conn = null ) { $cache = $this->wanCache; $masterServer = $this->getServerName( $this->getWriterIndex() ); return (bool)$cache->getWithSetCallback( $cache->makeGlobalKey( __CLASS__, 'server-read-only', $masterServer ), self::TTL_CACHE_READONLY, function () use ( $domain, $conn ) { $old = $this->trxProfiler->setSilenced( true ); try { $dbw = $conn ?: $this->getConnection( self::DB_MASTER, [], $domain ); $readOnly = (int)$dbw->serverIsReadOnly(); if ( !$conn ) { $this->reuseConnection( $dbw ); } } catch ( DBError $e ) { $readOnly = 0; } $this->trxProfiler->setSilenced( $old ); return $readOnly; }, [ 'pcTTL' => $cache::TTL_PROC_LONG, 'busyValue' => 0 ] ); } public function allowLagged( $mode = null ) { if ( $mode === null ) { return $this->mAllowLagged; } $this->mAllowLagged = $mode; return $this->mAllowLagged; } public function pingAll() { $success = true; $this->forEachOpenConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( &$success ) { if ( !$conn->ping() ) { $success = false; } } ); return $success; } public function forEachOpenConnection( $callback, array $params = [] ) { foreach ( $this->mConns as $connsByServer ) { foreach ( $connsByServer as $serverConns ) { foreach ( $serverConns as $conn ) { $mergedParams = array_merge( [ $conn ], $params ); call_user_func_array( $callback, $mergedParams ); } } } } public function forEachOpenMasterConnection( $callback, array $params = [] ) { $masterIndex = $this->getWriterIndex(); foreach ( $this->mConns as $connsByServer ) { if ( isset( $connsByServer[$masterIndex] ) ) { /** @var IDatabase $conn */ foreach ( $connsByServer[$masterIndex] as $conn ) { $mergedParams = array_merge( [ $conn ], $params ); call_user_func_array( $callback, $mergedParams ); } } } } public function forEachOpenReplicaConnection( $callback, array $params = [] ) { foreach ( $this->mConns as $connsByServer ) { foreach ( $connsByServer as $i => $serverConns ) { if ( $i === $this->getWriterIndex() ) { continue; // skip master } foreach ( $serverConns as $conn ) { $mergedParams = array_merge( [ $conn ], $params ); call_user_func_array( $callback, $mergedParams ); } } } } public function getMaxLag( $domain = false ) { $maxLag = -1; $host = ''; $maxIndex = 0; if ( $this->getServerCount() <= 1 ) { return [ $host, $maxLag, $maxIndex ]; // no replication = no lag } $lagTimes = $this->getLagTimes( $domain ); foreach ( $lagTimes as $i => $lag ) { if ( $this->mLoads[$i] > 0 && $lag > $maxLag ) { $maxLag = $lag; $host = $this->mServers[$i]['host']; $maxIndex = $i; } } return [ $host, $maxLag, $maxIndex ]; } public function getLagTimes( $domain = false ) { if ( $this->getServerCount() <= 1 ) { return [ $this->getWriterIndex() => 0 ]; // no replication = no lag } $knownLagTimes = []; // map of (server index => 0 seconds) $indexesWithLag = []; foreach ( $this->mServers as $i => $server ) { if ( empty( $server['is static'] ) ) { $indexesWithLag[] = $i; // DB server might have replication lag } else { $knownLagTimes[$i] = 0; // DB server is a non-replicating and read-only archive } } return $this->getLoadMonitor()->getLagTimes( $indexesWithLag, $domain ) + $knownLagTimes; } public function safeGetLag( IDatabase $conn ) { if ( $this->getServerCount() <= 1 ) { return 0; } else { return $conn->getLag(); } } /** * @param IDatabase $conn * @param DBMasterPos|false $pos * @param int $timeout */ public function safeWaitForMasterPos( IDatabase $conn, $pos = false, $timeout = 10 ) { if ( $this->getServerCount() <= 1 || !$conn->getLBInfo( 'replica' ) ) { return true; // server is not a replica DB } if ( !$pos ) { // Get the current master position, opening a connection if needed $masterConn = $this->getAnyOpenConnection( $this->getWriterIndex() ); if ( $masterConn ) { $pos = $masterConn->getMasterPos(); } else { $masterConn = $this->openConnection( $this->getWriterIndex(), self::DOMAIN_ANY ); $pos = $masterConn->getMasterPos(); $this->closeConnection( $masterConn ); } } if ( $pos instanceof DBMasterPos ) { $result = $conn->masterPosWait( $pos, $timeout ); if ( $result == -1 || is_null( $result ) ) { $msg = __METHOD__ . ": Timed out waiting on {$conn->getServer()} pos {$pos}"; $this->replLogger->warning( "$msg" ); $ok = false; } else { $this->replLogger->info( __METHOD__ . ": Done" ); $ok = true; } } else { $ok = false; // something is misconfigured $this->replLogger->error( "Could not get master pos for {$conn->getServer()}." ); } return $ok; } public function setTransactionListener( $name, callable $callback = null ) { if ( $callback ) { $this->trxRecurringCallbacks[$name] = $callback; } else { unset( $this->trxRecurringCallbacks[$name] ); } $this->forEachOpenMasterConnection( function ( IDatabase $conn ) use ( $name, $callback ) { $conn->setTransactionListener( $name, $callback ); } ); } public function setTableAliases( array $aliases ) { $this->tableAliases = $aliases; } public function setDomainPrefix( $prefix ) { if ( $this->mConns['foreignUsed'] ) { // Do not switch connections to explicit foreign domains unless marked as free $domains = []; foreach ( $this->mConns['foreignUsed'] as $i => $connsByDomain ) { $domains = array_merge( $domains, array_keys( $connsByDomain ) ); } $domains = implode( ', ', $domains ); throw new DBUnexpectedError( null, "Foreign domain connections are still in use ($domains)." ); } $this->localDomain = new DatabaseDomain( $this->localDomain->getDatabase(), null, $prefix ); $this->forEachOpenConnection( function ( IDatabase $db ) use ( $prefix ) { $db->tablePrefix( $prefix ); } ); } /** * Make PHP ignore user aborts/disconnects until the returned * value leaves scope. This returns null and does nothing in CLI mode. * * @return ScopedCallback|null */ final protected function getScopedPHPBehaviorForCommit() { if ( PHP_SAPI != 'cli' ) { // $old = ignore_user_abort( true ); // avoid half-finished operations return new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $old ) { ignore_user_abort( $old ); } ); } return null; } function __destruct() { // Avoid connection leaks for sanity $this->disable(); } }