getRequest(), \ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeConfig( 'main' ) ); } return self::$instance; } /** * @param WebRequest $request * @param Config $config */ public function __construct( WebRequest $request, Config $config ) { $this->request = $request; $this->config = $config; $this->setLogger( \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'authentication' ) ); } /** * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @return WebRequest */ public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } /** * Force certain PrimaryAuthenticationProviders * @deprecated For backwards compatibility only * @param PrimaryAuthenticationProvider[] $providers * @param string $why */ public function forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( array $providers, $why ) { $this->logger->warning( "Overriding AuthManager primary authn because $why" ); if ( $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders !== null ) { $this->logger->warning( 'PrimaryAuthenticationProviders have already been accessed! I hope nothing breaks.' ); $this->allAuthenticationProviders = array_diff_key( $this->allAuthenticationProviders, $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders ); $session = $this->request->getSession(); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); $this->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests = []; } $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders = []; foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Expected instance of MediaWiki\\Auth\\PrimaryAuthenticationProvider, got ' . get_class( $provider ) ); } $provider->setLogger( $this->logger ); $provider->setManager( $this ); $provider->setConfig( $this->config ); $id = $provider->getUniqueId(); if ( isset( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) ) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Duplicate specifications for id $id (classes " . get_class( $provider ) . ' and ' . get_class( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) . ')' ); } $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] = $provider; $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders[$id] = $provider; } } /** * Call a legacy AuthPlugin method, if necessary * @codeCoverageIgnore * @deprecated For backwards compatibility only, should be avoided in new code * @param string $method AuthPlugin method to call * @param array $params Parameters to pass * @param mixed $return Return value if AuthPlugin wasn't called * @return mixed Return value from the AuthPlugin method, or $return */ public static function callLegacyAuthPlugin( $method, array $params, $return = null ) { global $wgAuth; if ( $wgAuth && !$wgAuth instanceof AuthManagerAuthPlugin ) { return call_user_func_array( [ $wgAuth, $method ], $params ); } else { return $return; } } /** * @name Authentication * @{ */ /** * Indicate whether user authentication is possible * * It may not be if the session is provided by something like OAuth * for which each individual request includes authentication data. * * @return bool */ public function canAuthenticateNow() { return $this->request->getSession()->canSetUser(); } /** * Start an authentication flow * * In addition to the AuthenticationRequests returned by * $this->getAuthenticationRequests(), a client might include a * CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest from a previous login attempt to * preserve state. * * Instead of the AuthenticationRequests returned by * $this->getAuthenticationRequests(), a client might pass a * CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest from an account creation that just * succeeded to log in to the just-created account. * * @param AuthenticationRequest[] $reqs * @param string $returnToUrl Url that REDIRECT responses should eventually * return to. * @return AuthenticationResponse See self::continueAuthentication() */ public function beginAuthentication( array $reqs, $returnToUrl ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); if ( !$session->canSetUser() ) { // Caller should have called canAuthenticateNow() $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); throw new \LogicException( 'Authentication is not possible now' ); } $guessUserName = null; foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $req->returnToUrl = $returnToUrl; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( $req->username !== null && $req->username !== '' ) { if ( $guessUserName === null ) { $guessUserName = $req->username; } elseif ( $guessUserName !== $req->username ) { $guessUserName = null; break; } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // Check for special-case login of a just-created account $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $reqs, CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest::class ); if ( $req ) { if ( !in_array( $req, $this->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests, true ) ) { throw new \LogicException( 'CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequests are only valid on ' . 'the same AuthManager that created the account' ); } $user = User::newFromName( $req->username ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( !$user ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest had invalid username \"{$req->username}\"" ); } elseif ( $user->getId() != $req->id ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "ID for \"{$req->username}\" was {$user->getId()}, expected {$req->id}" ); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $this->logger->info( 'Logging in {user} after account creation', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $user->getName() ); $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $ret, $user, $user->getName() ] ); return $ret; } $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null ); foreach ( $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) { $status = $provider->testForAuthentication( $reqs ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $this->logger->debug( 'Login failed in pre-authentication by ' . $provider->getUniqueId() ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ User::newFromName( $guessUserName ) ?: null, $ret ] ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $ret, null, $guessUserName ] ); return $ret; } } $state = [ 'reqs' => $reqs, 'returnToUrl' => $returnToUrl, 'guessUserName' => $guessUserName, 'primary' => null, 'primaryResponse' => null, 'secondary' => [], 'maybeLink' => [], 'continueRequests' => [], ]; // Preserve state from a previous failed login $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $reqs, CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest::class ); if ( $req ) { $state['maybeLink'] = $req->maybeLink; } $session = $this->request->getSession(); $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', $state ); $session->persist(); return $this->continueAuthentication( $reqs ); } /** * Continue an authentication flow * * Return values are interpreted as follows: * - status FAIL: Authentication failed. If $response->createRequest is * set, that may be passed to self::beginAuthentication() or to * self::beginAccountCreation() to preserve state. * - status REDIRECT: The client should be redirected to the contained URL, * new AuthenticationRequests should be made (if any), then * AuthManager::continueAuthentication() should be called. * - status UI: The client should be presented with a user interface for * the fields in the specified AuthenticationRequests, then new * AuthenticationRequests should be made, then * AuthManager::continueAuthentication() should be called. * - status RESTART: The user logged in successfully with a third-party * service, but the third-party credentials aren't attached to any local * account. This could be treated as a UI or a FAIL. * - status PASS: Authentication was successful. * * @param AuthenticationRequest[] $reqs * @return AuthenticationResponse */ public function continueAuthentication( array $reqs ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); try { if ( !$session->canSetUser() ) { // Caller should have called canAuthenticateNow() // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \LogicException( 'Authentication is not possible now' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $state = $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); if ( !is_array( $state ) ) { return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' ) ); } $state['continueRequests'] = []; $guessUserName = $state['guessUserName']; foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $req->returnToUrl = $state['returnToUrl']; } // Step 1: Choose an primary authentication provider, and call it until it succeeds. if ( $state['primary'] === null ) { // We haven't picked a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider yet // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $guessUserName = null; foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { if ( $req->username !== null && $req->username !== '' ) { if ( $guessUserName === null ) { $guessUserName = $req->username; } elseif ( $guessUserName !== $req->username ) { $guessUserName = null; break; } } } $state['guessUserName'] = $guessUserName; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $state['reqs'] = $reqs; foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) { $res = $provider->beginPrimaryAuthentication( $reqs ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $state['primary'] = $id; $state['primaryResponse'] = $res; $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id succeeded" ); break 2; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( "Login failed in primary authentication by $id" ); if ( $res->createRequest || $state['maybeLink'] ) { $res->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest( $res->createRequest, $state['maybeLink'] ); } $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ User::newFromName( $guessUserName ) ?: null, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $res, null, $guessUserName ] ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN; // Continue loop break; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id returned $res->status" ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, $guessUserName ); $state['primary'] = $id; $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', $state ); return $res; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::beginPrimaryAuthentication() returned $res->status" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } if ( $state['primary'] === null ) { $this->logger->debug( 'Login failed in primary authentication because no provider accepted' ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-no-primary' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ User::newFromName( $guessUserName ) ?: null, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); return $ret; } } elseif ( $state['primaryResponse'] === null ) { $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] ); if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) { // Configuration changed? Force them to start over. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ User::newFromName( $guessUserName ) ?: null, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); return $ret; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $id = $provider->getUniqueId(); $res = $provider->continuePrimaryAuthentication( $reqs ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $state['primaryResponse'] = $res; $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id succeeded" ); break; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( "Login failed in primary authentication by $id" ); if ( $res->createRequest || $state['maybeLink'] ) { $res->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest( $res->createRequest, $state['maybeLink'] ); } $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ User::newFromName( $guessUserName ) ?: null, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $res, null, $guessUserName ] ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id returned $res->status" ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, $guessUserName ); $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', $state ); return $res; default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::continuePrimaryAuthentication() returned $res->status" ); } } $res = $state['primaryResponse']; if ( $res->username === null ) { $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] ); if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) { // Configuration changed? Force them to start over. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ User::newFromName( $guessUserName ) ?: null, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); return $ret; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } if ( $provider->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK && $res->linkRequest && // don't confuse the user with an incorrect message if linking is disabled $this->getAuthenticationProvider( ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class ) ) { $state['maybeLink'][$res->linkRequest->getUniqueId()] = $res->linkRequest; $msg = 'authmanager-authn-no-local-user-link'; } else { $msg = 'authmanager-authn-no-local-user'; } $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with {$provider->getUniqueId()} succeeded, but returned no user" ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newRestart( wfMessage( $msg ) ); $ret->neededRequests = $this->getAuthenticationRequestsInternal( self::ACTION_LOGIN, [], $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() ); if ( $res->createRequest || $state['maybeLink'] ) { $ret->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest( $res->createRequest, $state['maybeLink'] ); $ret->neededRequests[] = $ret->createRequest; } $this->fillRequests( $ret->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, null, true ); $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', [ 'reqs' => [], // Will be filled in later 'primary' => null, 'primaryResponse' => null, 'secondary' => [], 'continueRequests' => $ret->neededRequests, ] + $state ); return $ret; } // Step 2: Primary authentication succeeded, create the User object // (and add the user locally if necessary) $user = User::newFromName( $res->username, 'usable' ); if ( !$user ) { throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . " returned an invalid username: {$res->username}" ); } if ( $user->getId() === 0 ) { // User doesn't exist locally. Create it. $this->logger->info( 'Auto-creating {user} on login', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $status = $this->autoCreateUser( $user, $state['primary'], false ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage( 'authmanager-authn-autocreate-failed' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $ret, $user, $user->getName() ] ); return $ret; } } // Step 3: Iterate over all the secondary authentication providers. $beginReqs = $state['reqs']; foreach ( $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) { if ( !isset( $state['secondary'][$id] ) ) { // This provider isn't started yet, so we pass it the set // of reqs from beginAuthentication instead of whatever // might have been used by a previous provider in line. $func = 'beginSecondaryAuthentication'; $res = $provider->beginSecondaryAuthentication( $user, $beginReqs ); } elseif ( !$state['secondary'][$id] ) { $func = 'continueSecondaryAuthentication'; $res = $provider->continueSecondaryAuthentication( $user, $reqs ); } else { continue; } switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $this->logger->debug( "Secondary login with $id succeeded" ); // fall through case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN; $state['secondary'][$id] = true; break; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( "Login failed in secondary authentication by $id" ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $res, $user, $user->getName() ] ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( "Secondary login with $id returned " . $res->status ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, $user->getName() ); $state['secondary'][$id] = false; $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState', $state ); return $res; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::{$func}() returned $res->status" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } // Step 4: Authentication complete! Set the user in the session and // clean up. $this->logger->info( 'Login for {user} succeeded', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $beginReqs, RememberMeAuthenticationRequest::class ); $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user, $req && $req->rememberMe ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $user->getName() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit', [ $ret, $user, $user->getName() ] ); return $ret; } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $session->remove( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); throw $ex; } } /** * Whether security-sensitive operations should proceed. * * A "security-sensitive operation" is something like a password or email * change, that would normally have a "reenter your password to confirm" * box if we only supported password-based authentication. * * @param string $operation Operation being checked. This should be a * message-key-like string such as 'change-password' or 'change-email'. * @return string One of the SEC_* constants. */ public function securitySensitiveOperationStatus( $operation ) { $status = self::SEC_OK; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Checking $operation" ); $session = $this->request->getSession(); $aId = $session->getUser()->getId(); if ( $aId === 0 ) { // User isn't authenticated. DWIM? $status = $this->canAuthenticateNow() ? self::SEC_REAUTH : self::SEC_FAIL; $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ": Not logged in! $operation is $status" ); return $status; } if ( $session->canSetUser() ) { $id = $session->get( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId' ); $last = $session->get( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp' ); if ( $id !== $aId || $last === null ) { $timeSinceLogin = PHP_INT_MAX; // Forever ago } else { $timeSinceLogin = max( 0, time() - $last ); } $thresholds = $this->config->get( 'ReauthenticateTime' ); if ( isset( $thresholds[$operation] ) ) { $threshold = $thresholds[$operation]; } elseif ( isset( $thresholds['default'] ) ) { $threshold = $thresholds['default']; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( '$wgReauthenticateTime lacks a default' ); } if ( $threshold >= 0 && $timeSinceLogin > $threshold ) { $status = self::SEC_REAUTH; } } else { $timeSinceLogin = -1; $pass = $this->config->get( 'AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate' ); if ( isset( $pass[$operation] ) ) { $status = $pass[$operation] ? self::SEC_OK : self::SEC_FAIL; } elseif ( isset( $pass['default'] ) ) { $status = $pass['default'] ? self::SEC_OK : self::SEC_FAIL; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( '$wgAllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate lacks a default' ); } } \Hooks::run( 'SecuritySensitiveOperationStatus', [ &$status, $operation, $session, $timeSinceLogin ] ); // If authentication is not possible, downgrade from "REAUTH" to "FAIL". if ( !$this->canAuthenticateNow() && $status === self::SEC_REAUTH ) { $status = self::SEC_FAIL; } $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ": $operation is $status" ); return $status; } /** * Determine whether a username can authenticate * * @param string $username * @return bool */ public function userCanAuthenticate( $username ) { foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) { if ( $provider->testUserCanAuthenticate( $username ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Provide normalized versions of the username for security checks * * Since different providers can normalize the input in different ways, * this returns an array of all the different ways the name might be * normalized for authentication. * * The returned strings should not be revealed to the user, as that might * leak private information (e.g. an email address might be normalized to a * username). * * @param string $username * @return string[] */ public function normalizeUsername( $username ) { $ret = []; foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) { $normalized = $provider->providerNormalizeUsername( $username ); if ( $normalized !== null ) { $ret[$normalized] = true; } } return array_keys( $ret ); } /**@}*/ /** * @name Authentication data changing * @{ */ /** * Revoke any authentication credentials for a user * * After this, the user should no longer be able to log in. * * @param string $username */ public function revokeAccessForUser( $username ) { $this->logger->info( 'Revoking access for {user}', [ 'user' => $username, ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 6, 'providerRevokeAccessForUser', [ $username ] ); } /** * Validate a change of authentication data (e.g. passwords) * @param AuthenticationRequest $req * @param bool $checkData If false, $req hasn't been loaded from the * submission so checks on user-submitted fields should be skipped. $req->username is * considered user-submitted for this purpose, even if it cannot be changed via * $req->loadFromSubmission. * @return Status */ public function allowsAuthenticationDataChange( AuthenticationRequest $req, $checkData = true ) { $any = false; $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { $status = $provider->providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req, $checkData ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { return Status::wrap( $status ); } $any = $any || $status->value !== 'ignored'; } if ( !$any ) { $status = Status::newGood( 'ignored' ); $status->warning( 'authmanager-change-not-supported' ); return $status; } return Status::newGood(); } /** * Change authentication data (e.g. passwords) * * If $req was returned for AuthManager::ACTION_CHANGE, using $req should * result in a successful login in the future. * * If $req was returned for AuthManager::ACTION_REMOVE, using $req should * no longer result in a successful login. * * @param AuthenticationRequest $req */ public function changeAuthenticationData( AuthenticationRequest $req ) { $this->logger->info( 'Changing authentication data for {user} class {what}', [ 'user' => is_string( $req->username ) ? $req->username : '', 'what' => get_class( $req ), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 6, 'providerChangeAuthenticationData', [ $req ] ); // When the main account's authentication data is changed, invalidate // all BotPasswords too. \BotPassword::invalidateAllPasswordsForUser( $req->username ); } /**@}*/ /** * @name Account creation * @{ */ /** * Determine whether accounts can be created * @return bool */ public function canCreateAccounts() { foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) { switch ( $provider->accountCreationType() ) { case PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_CREATE: case PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK: return true; } } return false; } /** * Determine whether a particular account can be created * @param string $username * @param int $flags Bitfield of User:READ_* constants * @return Status */ public function canCreateAccount( $username, $flags = User::READ_NORMAL ) { if ( !$this->canCreateAccounts() ) { return Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-create-disabled' ); } if ( $this->userExists( $username, $flags ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'userexists' ); } $user = User::newFromName( $username, 'creatable' ); if ( !is_object( $user ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'noname' ); } else { $user->load( $flags ); // Explicitly load with $flags, auto-loading always uses READ_NORMAL if ( $user->getId() !== 0 ) { return Status::newFatal( 'userexists' ); } } // Denied by providers? $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { $status = $provider->testUserForCreation( $user, false ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { return Status::wrap( $status ); } } return Status::newGood(); } /** * Basic permissions checks on whether a user can create accounts * @param User $creator User doing the account creation * @return Status */ public function checkAccountCreatePermissions( User $creator ) { // Wiki is read-only? if ( wfReadOnly() ) { return Status::newFatal( 'readonlytext', wfReadOnlyReason() ); } // This is awful, this permission check really shouldn't go through Title. $permErrors = \SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'CreateAccount' ) ->getUserPermissionsErrors( 'createaccount', $creator, 'secure' ); if ( $permErrors ) { $status = Status::newGood(); foreach ( $permErrors as $args ) { call_user_func_array( [ $status, 'fatal' ], $args ); } return $status; } $block = $creator->isBlockedFromCreateAccount(); if ( $block ) { $errorParams = [ $block->getTarget(), $block->mReason ?: wfMessage( 'blockednoreason' )->text(), $block->getByName() ]; if ( $block->getType() === \Block::TYPE_RANGE ) { $errorMessage = 'cantcreateaccount-range-text'; $errorParams[] = $this->getRequest()->getIP(); } else { $errorMessage = 'cantcreateaccount-text'; } return Status::newFatal( wfMessage( $errorMessage, $errorParams ) ); } $ip = $this->getRequest()->getIP(); if ( $creator->isDnsBlacklisted( $ip, true /* check $wgProxyWhitelist */ ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'sorbs_create_account_reason' ); } return Status::newGood(); } /** * Start an account creation flow * * In addition to the AuthenticationRequests returned by * $this->getAuthenticationRequests(), a client might include a * CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest from a previous login attempt. If * * $createFromLoginAuthenticationRequest->hasPrimaryStateForAction( AuthManager::ACTION_CREATE ) * * returns true, any AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED requests * should be omitted. If the CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest has a * username set, that username must be used for all other requests. * * @param User $creator User doing the account creation * @param AuthenticationRequest[] $reqs * @param string $returnToUrl Url that REDIRECT responses should eventually * return to. * @return AuthenticationResponse */ public function beginAccountCreation( User $creator, array $reqs, $returnToUrl ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); if ( !$this->canCreateAccounts() ) { // Caller should have called canCreateAccounts() $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); throw new \LogicException( 'Account creation is not possible' ); } try { $username = AuthenticationRequest::getUsernameFromRequests( $reqs ); } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) { $username = null; } if ( $username === null ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': No username provided' ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'noname' ) ); } // Permissions check $status = $this->checkAccountCreatePermissions( $creator ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {creator} cannot create users: {reason}', [ 'user' => $username, 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ) ] ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); } $status = $this->canCreateAccount( $username, User::READ_LOCKING ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {user} cannot be created: {reason}', [ 'user' => $username, 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ) ] ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); } $user = User::newFromName( $username, 'creatable' ); foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $req->username = $username; $req->returnToUrl = $returnToUrl; if ( $req instanceof UserDataAuthenticationRequest ) { $status = $req->populateUser( $user ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $status = Status::wrap( $status ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': UserData is invalid: {reason}', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ), ] ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); } } } $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null ); $state = [ 'username' => $username, 'userid' => 0, 'creatorid' => $creator->getId(), 'creatorname' => $creator->getName(), 'reqs' => $reqs, 'returnToUrl' => $returnToUrl, 'primary' => null, 'primaryResponse' => null, 'secondary' => [], 'continueRequests' => [], 'maybeLink' => [], 'ranPreTests' => false, ]; // Special case: converting a login to an account creation $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $reqs, CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest::class ); if ( $req ) { $state['maybeLink'] = $req->maybeLink; if ( $req->createRequest ) { $reqs[] = $req->createRequest; $state['reqs'][] = $req->createRequest; } } $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', $state ); $session->persist(); return $this->continueAccountCreation( $reqs ); } /** * Continue an account creation flow * @param AuthenticationRequest[] $reqs * @return AuthenticationResponse */ public function continueAccountCreation( array $reqs ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); try { if ( !$this->canCreateAccounts() ) { // Caller should have called canCreateAccounts() $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); throw new \LogicException( 'Account creation is not possible' ); } $state = $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); if ( !is_array( $state ) ) { return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-not-in-progress' ) ); } $state['continueRequests'] = []; // Step 0: Prepare and validate the input $user = User::newFromName( $state['username'], 'creatable' ); if ( !is_object( $user ) ) { $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Invalid username', [ 'user' => $state['username'], ] ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'noname' ) ); } if ( $state['creatorid'] ) { $creator = User::newFromId( $state['creatorid'] ); } else { $creator = new User; $creator->setName( $state['creatorname'] ); } // Avoid account creation races on double submissions $cache = \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(); $lock = $cache->getScopedLock( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'account', md5( $user->getName() ) ) ); if ( !$lock ) { // Don't clear AuthManager::accountCreationState for this code // path because the process that won the race owns it. $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Could not acquire account creation lock', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'usernameinprogress' ) ); } // Permissions check $status = $this->checkAccountCreatePermissions( $creator ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {creator} cannot create users: {reason}', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ) ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; } // Load from master for existence check $user->load( User::READ_LOCKING ); if ( $state['userid'] === 0 ) { if ( $user->getId() != 0 ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': User exists locally', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'userexists' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; } } else { if ( $user->getId() == 0 ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': User does not exist locally when it should', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'expected_id' => $state['userid'], ] ); throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "User \"{$state['username']}\" should exist now, but doesn't!" ); } if ( $user->getId() != $state['userid'] ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': User ID/name mismatch', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'expected_id' => $state['userid'], 'actual_id' => $user->getId(), ] ); throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "User \"{$state['username']}\" exists, but " . "ID {$user->getId()} != {$state['userid']}!" ); } } foreach ( $state['reqs'] as $req ) { if ( $req instanceof UserDataAuthenticationRequest ) { $status = $req->populateUser( $user ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { // This should never happen... $status = Status::wrap( $status ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': UserData is invalid: {reason}', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; } } } foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $req->returnToUrl = $state['returnToUrl']; $req->username = $state['username']; } // Run pre-creation tests, if we haven't already if ( !$state['ranPreTests'] ) { $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $id => $provider ) { $status = $provider->testForAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Fail in pre-authentication by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; } } $state['ranPreTests'] = true; } // Step 1: Choose a primary authentication provider and call it until it succeeds. if ( $state['primary'] === null ) { // We haven't picked a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider yet foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) { if ( $provider->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_NONE ) { continue; } $res = $provider->beginPrimaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation passed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $state['primary'] = $id; $state['primaryResponse'] = $res; break 2; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation failed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN; // Continue loop break; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation $res->status by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_CREATE, null ); $state['primary'] = $id; $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', $state ); return $res; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::beginPrimaryAccountCreation() returned $res->status" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } if ( $state['primary'] === null ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Primary creation failed because no provider accepted', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-no-primary' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; } } elseif ( $state['primaryResponse'] === null ) { $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] ); if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) { // Configuration changed? Force them to start over. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-not-in-progress' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $id = $provider->getUniqueId(); $res = $provider->continuePrimaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation passed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $state['primaryResponse'] = $res; break; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation failed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation $res->status by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_CREATE, null ); $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', $state ); return $res; default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::continuePrimaryAccountCreation() returned $res->status" ); } } // Step 2: Primary authentication succeeded, create the User object // and add the user locally. if ( $state['userid'] === 0 ) { $this->logger->info( 'Creating user {user} during account creation', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $status = $user->addToDatabase(); if ( !$status->isOk() ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return $ret; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $this->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, $creator->isAnon() ); \Hooks::run( 'LocalUserCreated', [ $user, false ] ); $user->saveSettings(); $state['userid'] = $user->getId(); // Update user count \DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new \SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ); // Watch user's userpage and talk page $user->addWatch( $user->getUserPage(), User::IGNORE_USER_RIGHTS ); // Inform the provider $logSubtype = $provider->finishAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $state['primaryResponse'] ); // Log the creation if ( $this->config->get( 'NewUserLog' ) ) { $isAnon = $creator->isAnon(); $logEntry = new \ManualLogEntry( 'newusers', $logSubtype ?: ( $isAnon ? 'create' : 'create2' ) ); $logEntry->setPerformer( $isAnon ? $user : $creator ); $logEntry->setTarget( $user->getUserPage() ); $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass( $state['reqs'], CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest::class ); $logEntry->setComment( $req ? $req->reason : '' ); $logEntry->setParameters( [ '4::userid' => $user->getId(), ] ); $logid = $logEntry->insert(); $logEntry->publish( $logid ); } } // Step 3: Iterate over all the secondary authentication providers. $beginReqs = $state['reqs']; foreach ( $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) { if ( !isset( $state['secondary'][$id] ) ) { // This provider isn't started yet, so we pass it the set // of reqs from beginAuthentication instead of whatever // might have been used by a previous provider in line. $func = 'beginSecondaryAccountCreation'; $res = $provider->beginSecondaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $beginReqs ); } elseif ( !$state['secondary'][$id] ) { $func = 'continueSecondaryAccountCreation'; $res = $provider->continueSecondaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs ); } else { continue; } switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Secondary creation passed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); // fall through case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN; $state['secondary'][$id] = true; break; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Secondary creation $res->status by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_CREATE, null ); $state['secondary'][$id] = false; $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState', $state ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::{$func}() returned $res->status." . ' Secondary providers are not allowed to fail account creation, that' . ' should have been done via testForAccountCreation().' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::{$func}() returned $res->status" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } $id = $user->getId(); $name = $user->getName(); $req = new CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest( $id, $name ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $name ); $ret->loginRequest = $req; $this->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests[] = $req; $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': Account creation succeeded for {user}', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), 'creator' => $creator->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null ); return $ret; } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); throw $ex; } } /** * Auto-create an account, and log into that account * @param User $user User to auto-create * @param string $source What caused the auto-creation? This must be the ID * of a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider or the constant self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION. * @param bool $login Whether to also log the user in * @return Status Good if user was created, Ok if user already existed, otherwise Fatal */ public function autoCreateUser( User $user, $source, $login = true ) { if ( $source !== self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION && !$this->getAuthenticationProvider( $source ) instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown auto-creation source: $source" ); } $username = $user->getName(); // Try the local user from the slave DB $localId = User::idFromName( $username ); $flags = User::READ_NORMAL; // Fetch the user ID from the master, so that we don't try to create the user // when they already exist, due to replication lag // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ( !$localId && wfGetLB()->getReaderIndex() != 0 ) { $localId = User::idFromName( $username, User::READ_LATEST ); $flags = User::READ_LATEST; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if ( $localId ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {username} already exists locally', [ 'username' => $username, ] ); $user->setId( $localId ); $user->loadFromId( $flags ); if ( $login ) { $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user ); } $status = Status::newGood(); $status->warning( 'userexists' ); return $status; } // Wiki is read-only? if ( wfReadOnly() ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': denied by wfReadOnly(): {reason}', [ 'username' => $username, 'reason' => wfReadOnlyReason(), ] ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); return Status::newFatal( 'readonlytext', wfReadOnlyReason() ); } // Check the session, if we tried to create this user already there's // no point in retrying. $session = $this->request->getSession(); if ( $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ) ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': blacklisted in session {sessionid}', [ 'username' => $username, 'sessionid' => $session->getId(), ] ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); $reason = $session->get( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist' ); if ( $reason instanceof StatusValue ) { return Status::wrap( $reason ); } else { return Status::newFatal( $reason ); } } // Is the username creatable? if ( !User::isCreatableName( $username ) ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': name "{username}" is not creatable', [ 'username' => $username, ] ); $session->set( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist', 'noname', 600 ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); return Status::newFatal( 'noname' ); } // Is the IP user able to create accounts? $anon = new User; if ( !$anon->isAllowedAny( 'createaccount', 'autocreateaccount' ) ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': IP lacks the ability to create or autocreate accounts', [ 'username' => $username, 'ip' => $anon->getName(), ] ); $session->set( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist', 'authmanager-autocreate-noperm', 600 ); $session->persist(); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); return Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-autocreate-noperm' ); } // Avoid account creation races on double submissions $cache = \ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(); $lock = $cache->getScopedLock( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'account', md5( $username ) ) ); if ( !$lock ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Could not acquire account creation lock', [ 'user' => $username, ] ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); return Status::newFatal( 'usernameinprogress' ); } // Denied by providers? $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { $status = $provider->testUserForCreation( $user, $source ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $ret = Status::wrap( $status ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Provider denied creation of {username}: {reason}', [ 'username' => $username, 'reason' => $ret->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ), ] ); $session->set( 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist', $status, 600 ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); return $ret; } } // Ignore warnings about master connections/writes...hard to avoid here \Profiler::instance()->getTransactionProfiler()->resetExpectations(); $backoffKey = wfMemcKey( 'AuthManager', 'autocreate-failed', md5( $username ) ); if ( $cache->get( $backoffKey ) ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {username} denied by prior creation attempt failures', [ 'username' => $username, ] ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); return Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-autocreate-exception' ); } // Checks passed, create the user... $from = isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : 'CLI'; $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}', [ 'username' => $username, 'from' => $from, ] ); try { $status = $user->addToDatabase(); if ( !$status->isOk() ) { // double-check for a race condition (T70012) $localId = User::idFromName( $username, User::READ_LATEST ); if ( $localId ) { $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': {username} already exists locally (race)', [ 'username' => $username, ] ); $user->setId( $localId ); $user->loadFromId( User::READ_LATEST ); if ( $login ) { $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user ); } $status = Status::newGood(); $status->warning( 'userexists' ); } else { $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': {username} failed with message {message}', [ 'username' => $username, 'message' => $status->getWikiText( null, null, 'en' ) ] ); $user->setId( 0 ); $user->loadFromId(); } return $status; } } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': {username} failed with exception {exception}', [ 'username' => $username, 'exception' => $ex, ] ); // Do not keep throwing errors for a while $cache->set( $backoffKey, 1, 600 ); // Bubble up error; which should normally trigger DB rollbacks throw $ex; } $this->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, false ); // Inform the providers $this->callMethodOnProviders( 6, 'autoCreatedAccount', [ $user, $source ] ); \Hooks::run( 'AuthPluginAutoCreate', [ $user ], '1.27' ); \Hooks::run( 'LocalUserCreated', [ $user, true ] ); $user->saveSettings(); // Update user count \DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new \SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ); // Watch user's userpage and talk page $user->addWatch( $user->getUserPage(), User::IGNORE_USER_RIGHTS ); // Log the creation if ( $this->config->get( 'NewUserLog' ) ) { $logEntry = new \ManualLogEntry( 'newusers', 'autocreate' ); $logEntry->setPerformer( $user ); $logEntry->setTarget( $user->getUserPage() ); $logEntry->setComment( '' ); $logEntry->setParameters( [ '4::userid' => $user->getId(), ] ); $logid = $logEntry->insert(); } if ( $login ) { $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user ); } return Status::newGood(); } /**@}*/ /** * @name Account linking * @{ */ /** * Determine whether accounts can be linked * @return bool */ public function canLinkAccounts() { foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) { if ( $provider->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Start an account linking flow * * @param User $user User being linked * @param AuthenticationRequest[] $reqs * @param string $returnToUrl Url that REDIRECT responses should eventually * return to. * @return AuthenticationResponse */ public function beginAccountLink( User $user, array $reqs, $returnToUrl ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); if ( !$this->canLinkAccounts() ) { // Caller should have called canLinkAccounts() throw new \LogicException( 'Account linking is not possible' ); } if ( $user->getId() === 0 ) { if ( !User::isUsableName( $user->getName() ) ) { $msg = wfMessage( 'noname' ); } else { $msg = wfMessage( 'authmanager-userdoesnotexist', $user->getName() ); } return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $msg ); } foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $req->username = $user->getName(); $req->returnToUrl = $returnToUrl; } $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null ); $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $id => $provider ) { $status = $provider->testForAccountLink( $user ); if ( !$status->isGood() ) { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking pre-check failed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage() ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $ret ] ); return $ret; } } $state = [ 'username' => $user->getName(), 'userid' => $user->getId(), 'returnToUrl' => $returnToUrl, 'primary' => null, 'continueRequests' => [], ]; $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $id => $provider ) { if ( $provider->accountCreationType() !== PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) { continue; } $res = $provider->beginPrimaryAccountLink( $user, $reqs ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $this->logger->info( "Account linked to {user} by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking failed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN; // Continue loop break; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking $res->status by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LINK, $user->getName() ); $state['primary'] = $id; $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState', $state ); $session->persist(); return $res; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::beginPrimaryAccountLink() returned $res->status" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Account linking failed because no provider accepted', [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-no-primary' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $ret ] ); return $ret; } /** * Continue an account linking flow * @param AuthenticationRequest[] $reqs * @return AuthenticationResponse */ public function continueAccountLink( array $reqs ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); try { if ( !$this->canLinkAccounts() ) { // Caller should have called canLinkAccounts() $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); throw new \LogicException( 'Account linking is not possible' ); } $state = $session->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); if ( !is_array( $state ) ) { return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-not-in-progress' ) ); } $state['continueRequests'] = []; // Step 0: Prepare and validate the input $user = User::newFromName( $state['username'], 'usable' ); if ( !is_object( $user ) ) { $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'noname' ) ); } if ( $user->getId() != $state['userid'] ) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "User \"{$state['username']}\" is valid, but " . "ID {$user->getId()} != {$state['userid']}!" ); } foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { $req->username = $state['username']; $req->returnToUrl = $state['returnToUrl']; } // Step 1: Call the primary again until it succeeds $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] ); if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) { // Configuration changed? Force them to start over. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-not-in-progress' ) ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $ret ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); return $ret; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $id = $provider->getUniqueId(); $res = $provider->continuePrimaryAccountLink( $user, $reqs ); switch ( $res->status ) { case AuthenticationResponse::PASS; $this->logger->info( "Account linked to {user} by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking failed by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] ); $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); return $res; case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT; case AuthenticationResponse::UI; $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking $res->status by $id", [ 'user' => $user->getName(), ] ); $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LINK, $user->getName() ); $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests; $session->setSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState', $state ); return $res; default: throw new \DomainException( get_class( $provider ) . "::continuePrimaryAccountLink() returned $res->status" ); } } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $session->remove( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); throw $ex; } } /**@}*/ /** * @name Information methods * @{ */ /** * Return the applicable list of AuthenticationRequests * * Possible values for $action: * - ACTION_LOGIN: Valid for passing to beginAuthentication * - ACTION_LOGIN_CONTINUE: Valid for passing to continueAuthentication in the current state * - ACTION_CREATE: Valid for passing to beginAccountCreation * - ACTION_CREATE_CONTINUE: Valid for passing to continueAccountCreation in the current state * - ACTION_LINK: Valid for passing to beginAccountLink * - ACTION_LINK_CONTINUE: Valid for passing to continueAccountLink in the current state * - ACTION_CHANGE: Valid for passing to changeAuthenticationData to change credentials * - ACTION_REMOVE: Valid for passing to changeAuthenticationData to remove credentials. * - ACTION_UNLINK: Same as ACTION_REMOVE, but limited to linked accounts. * * @param string $action One of the AuthManager::ACTION_* constants * @param User|null $user User being acted on, instead of the current user. * @return AuthenticationRequest[] */ public function getAuthenticationRequests( $action, User $user = null ) { $options = []; $providerAction = $action; // Figure out which providers to query switch ( $action ) { case self::ACTION_LOGIN: case self::ACTION_CREATE: $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); break; case self::ACTION_LOGIN_CONTINUE: $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::authnState' ); return is_array( $state ) ? $state['continueRequests'] : []; case self::ACTION_CREATE_CONTINUE: $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountCreationState' ); return is_array( $state ) ? $state['continueRequests'] : []; case self::ACTION_LINK: $providers = array_filter( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders(), function ( $p ) { return $p->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK; } ); break; case self::ACTION_UNLINK: $providers = array_filter( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders(), function ( $p ) { return $p->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK; } ); // To providers, unlink and remove are identical. $providerAction = self::ACTION_REMOVE; break; case self::ACTION_LINK_CONTINUE: $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'AuthManager::accountLinkState' ); return is_array( $state ) ? $state['continueRequests'] : []; case self::ACTION_CHANGE: case self::ACTION_REMOVE: $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); break; // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: throw new \DomainException( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid action \"$action\"" ); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return $this->getAuthenticationRequestsInternal( $providerAction, $options, $providers, $user ); } /** * Internal request lookup for self::getAuthenticationRequests * * @param string $providerAction Action to pass to providers * @param array $options Options to pass to providers * @param AuthenticationProvider[] $providers * @param User|null $user * @return AuthenticationRequest[] */ private function getAuthenticationRequestsInternal( $providerAction, array $options, array $providers, User $user = null ) { $user = $user ?: \RequestContext::getMain()->getUser(); $options['username'] = $user->isAnon() ? null : $user->getName(); // Query them and merge results $reqs = []; $allPrimaryRequired = null; foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { $isPrimary = $provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider; $thisRequired = []; foreach ( $provider->getAuthenticationRequests( $providerAction, $options ) as $req ) { $id = $req->getUniqueId(); // If it's from a Primary, mark it as "primary-required" but // track it for later. if ( $isPrimary ) { if ( $req->required ) { $thisRequired[$id] = true; $req->required = AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED; } } if ( !isset( $reqs[$id] ) || $req->required === AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED ) { $reqs[$id] = $req; } } // Track which requests are required by all primaries if ( $isPrimary ) { $allPrimaryRequired = $allPrimaryRequired === null ? $thisRequired : array_intersect_key( $allPrimaryRequired, $thisRequired ); } } // Any requests that were required by all primaries are required. foreach ( (array)$allPrimaryRequired as $id => $dummy ) { $reqs[$id]->required = AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED; } // AuthManager has its own req for some actions switch ( $providerAction ) { case self::ACTION_LOGIN: $reqs[] = new RememberMeAuthenticationRequest; break; case self::ACTION_CREATE: $reqs[] = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest; $reqs[] = new UserDataAuthenticationRequest; if ( $options['username'] !== null ) { $reqs[] = new CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest; $options['username'] = null; // Don't fill in the username below } break; } // Fill in reqs data $this->fillRequests( $reqs, $providerAction, $options['username'], true ); // For self::ACTION_CHANGE, filter out any that something else *doesn't* allow changing if ( $providerAction === self::ACTION_CHANGE || $providerAction === self::ACTION_REMOVE ) { $reqs = array_filter( $reqs, function ( $req ) { return $this->allowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req, false )->isGood(); } ); } return array_values( $reqs ); } /** * Set values in an array of requests * @param AuthenticationRequest[] &$reqs * @param string $action * @param string|null $username * @param boolean $forceAction */ private function fillRequests( array &$reqs, $action, $username, $forceAction = false ) { foreach ( $reqs as $req ) { if ( !$req->action || $forceAction ) { $req->action = $action; } if ( $req->username === null ) { $req->username = $username; } } } /** * Determine whether a username exists * @param string $username * @param int $flags Bitfield of User:READ_* constants * @return bool */ public function userExists( $username, $flags = User::READ_NORMAL ) { foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) { if ( $provider->testUserExists( $username, $flags ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Determine whether a user property should be allowed to be changed. * * Supported properties are: * - emailaddress * - realname * - nickname * * @param string $property * @return bool */ public function allowsPropertyChange( $property ) { $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() + $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { if ( !$provider->providerAllowsPropertyChange( $property ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get a provider by ID * @note This is public so extensions can check whether their own provider * is installed and so they can read its configuration if necessary. * Other uses are not recommended. * @param string $id * @return AuthenticationProvider|null */ public function getAuthenticationProvider( $id ) { // Fast version if ( isset( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) ) { return $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id]; } // Slow version: instantiate each kind and check $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders(); if ( isset( $providers[$id] ) ) { return $providers[$id]; } $providers = $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); if ( isset( $providers[$id] ) ) { return $providers[$id]; } $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders(); if ( isset( $providers[$id] ) ) { return $providers[$id]; } return null; } /**@}*/ /** * @name Internal methods * @{ */ /** * Store authentication in the current session * @protected For use by AuthenticationProviders * @param string $key * @param mixed $data Must be serializable */ public function setAuthenticationSessionData( $key, $data ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); $arr = $session->getSecret( 'authData' ); if ( !is_array( $arr ) ) { $arr = []; } $arr[$key] = $data; $session->setSecret( 'authData', $arr ); } /** * Fetch authentication data from the current session * @protected For use by AuthenticationProviders * @param string $key * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ public function getAuthenticationSessionData( $key, $default = null ) { $arr = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'authData' ); if ( is_array( $arr ) && array_key_exists( $key, $arr ) ) { return $arr[$key]; } else { return $default; } } /** * Remove authentication data * @protected For use by AuthenticationProviders * @param string|null $key If null, all data is removed */ public function removeAuthenticationSessionData( $key ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); if ( $key === null ) { $session->remove( 'authData' ); } else { $arr = $session->getSecret( 'authData' ); if ( is_array( $arr ) && array_key_exists( $key, $arr ) ) { unset( $arr[$key] ); $session->setSecret( 'authData', $arr ); } } } /** * Create an array of AuthenticationProviders from an array of ObjectFactory specs * @param string $class * @param array[] $specs * @return AuthenticationProvider[] */ protected function providerArrayFromSpecs( $class, array $specs ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $specs as &$spec ) { $spec = [ 'sort2' => $i++ ] + $spec + [ 'sort' => 0 ]; } unset( $spec ); usort( $specs, function ( $a, $b ) { return ( (int)$a['sort'] ) - ( (int)$b['sort'] ) ?: $a['sort2'] - $b['sort2']; } ); $ret = []; foreach ( $specs as $spec ) { $provider = \ObjectFactory::getObjectFromSpec( $spec ); if ( !$provider instanceof $class ) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Expected instance of $class, got " . get_class( $provider ) ); } $provider->setLogger( $this->logger ); $provider->setManager( $this ); $provider->setConfig( $this->config ); $id = $provider->getUniqueId(); if ( isset( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) ) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Duplicate specifications for id $id (classes " . get_class( $provider ) . ' and ' . get_class( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) . ')' ); } $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] = $provider; $ret[$id] = $provider; } return $ret; } /** * Get the configuration * @return array */ private function getConfiguration() { return $this->config->get( 'AuthManagerConfig' ) ?: $this->config->get( 'AuthManagerAutoConfig' ); } /** * Get the list of PreAuthenticationProviders * @return PreAuthenticationProvider[] */ protected function getPreAuthenticationProviders() { if ( $this->preAuthenticationProviders === null ) { $conf = $this->getConfiguration(); $this->preAuthenticationProviders = $this->providerArrayFromSpecs( PreAuthenticationProvider::class, $conf['preauth'] ); } return $this->preAuthenticationProviders; } /** * Get the list of PrimaryAuthenticationProviders * @return PrimaryAuthenticationProvider[] */ protected function getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() { if ( $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders === null ) { $conf = $this->getConfiguration(); $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders = $this->providerArrayFromSpecs( PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class, $conf['primaryauth'] ); } return $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders; } /** * Get the list of SecondaryAuthenticationProviders * @return SecondaryAuthenticationProvider[] */ protected function getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() { if ( $this->secondaryAuthenticationProviders === null ) { $conf = $this->getConfiguration(); $this->secondaryAuthenticationProviders = $this->providerArrayFromSpecs( SecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class, $conf['secondaryauth'] ); } return $this->secondaryAuthenticationProviders; } /** * @param User $user * @param bool|null $remember */ private function setSessionDataForUser( $user, $remember = null ) { $session = $this->request->getSession(); $delay = $session->delaySave(); $session->resetId(); $session->resetAllTokens(); if ( $session->canSetUser() ) { $session->setUser( $user ); } if ( $remember !== null ) { $session->setRememberUser( $remember ); } $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId', $user->getId() ); $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() ); $session->persist(); \ScopedCallback::consume( $delay ); \Hooks::run( 'UserLoggedIn', [ $user ] ); } /** * @param User $user * @param bool $useContextLang Use 'uselang' to set the user's language */ private function setDefaultUserOptions( User $user, $useContextLang ) { global $wgContLang; $user->setToken(); $lang = $useContextLang ? \RequestContext::getMain()->getLanguage() : $wgContLang; $user->setOption( 'language', $lang->getPreferredVariant() ); if ( $wgContLang->hasVariants() ) { $user->setOption( 'variant', $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant() ); } } /** * @param int $which Bitmask: 1 = pre, 2 = primary, 4 = secondary * @param string $method * @param array $args */ private function callMethodOnProviders( $which, $method, array $args ) { $providers = []; if ( $which & 1 ) { $providers += $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders(); } if ( $which & 2 ) { $providers += $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders(); } if ( $which & 4 ) { $providers += $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders(); } foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { call_user_func_array( [ $provider, $method ], $args ); } } /** * Reset the internal caching for unit testing */ public static function resetCache() { if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \MWException( __METHOD__ . ' may only be called from unit tests!' ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } self::$instance = null; } /**@}*/ } /** * For really cool vim folding this needs to be at the end: * vim: foldmarker=@{,@} foldmethod=marker */