markTestSkipped( "Skip test, requires the gzip utility in PATH" ); } return self::$hasGzip; } /** * Adds a revision to a page, while returning the resuting revision's id * * @param WikiPage $page Page to add the revision to * @param string $text Revisions text * @param string $summary Revisions summary * @param string $model The model ID (defaults to wikitext) * * @throws MWException * @return array */ protected function addRevision( WikiPage $page, $text, $summary, $model = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) { $status = $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle(), $model ), $summary ); if ( $status->isGood() ) { $value = $status->getValue(); $revision = $value['revision']; $revision_id = $revision->getId(); $text_id = $revision->getTextId(); if ( ( $revision_id > 0 ) && ( $text_id > 0 ) ) { return [ $revision_id, $text_id ]; } } throw new MWException( "Could not determine revision id (" . $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ) . ")" ); } /** * gunzips the given file and stores the result in the original file name * * @param string $fname Filename to read the gzipped data from and stored * the gunzipped data into */ protected function gunzip( $fname ) { $gzipped_contents = file_get_contents( $fname ); if ( $gzipped_contents === false ) { $this->fail( "Could not get contents of $fname" ); } $contents = gzdecode( $gzipped_contents ); $this->assertEquals( strlen( $contents ), file_put_contents( $fname, $contents ), '# bytes written' ); } public static function setUpBeforeClass() { parent::setUpBeforeClass(); if ( !function_exists( 'libxml_set_external_entity_loader' ) ) { return; } // The W3C is intentionally slow about returning schema files, // see . // To work around that, we keep our own copies of the relevant schema files. libxml_set_external_entity_loader( function ( $public, $system, $context ) { switch ( $system ) { // if more schema files are needed, add them here. case '': $file = __DIR__ . '/xml.xsd'; break; default: if ( is_file( $system ) ) { $file = $system; } else { return null; } } return $file; } ); } /** * Default set up function. * * Clears $wgUser, and reports errors from addDBData to PHPUnit */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // Check if any Exception is stored for rethrowing from addDBData // @see self::exceptionFromAddDBData if ( $this->exceptionFromAddDBData !== null ) { throw $this->exceptionFromAddDBData; } $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgUser', new User() ); } /** * Returns the path to the XML schema file for the given schema version. * * @param string|null $schemaVersion * * @return string */ protected function getXmlSchemaPath( $schemaVersion = null ) { global $IP, $wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion; $schemaVersion = $schemaVersion ?: $wgXmlDumpSchemaVersion; return "$IP/docs/export-$schemaVersion.xsd"; } /** * Checks for test output consisting only of lines containing ETA announcements */ function expectETAOutput() { // Newer PHPUnits require assertion about the output using PHPUnit's own // expectOutput[...] functions. However, the PHPUnit shipped prediactes // do not allow to check /each/ line of the output using /readable/ REs. // So we ... // 1. ... add a dummy output checking to make PHPUnit not complain // about unchecked test output $this->expectOutputRegex( '//' ); // 2. Do the real output checking on our own. $lines = explode( "\n", $this->getActualOutput() ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 1, count( $lines ), "Minimal lines of produced output" ); $this->assertEquals( '', array_pop( $lines ), "Output ends in LF" ); $timestamp_re = "[0-9]{4}-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]"; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $this->assertRegExp( "/$timestamp_re: .* \(ID [0-9]+\) [0-9]* pages .*, [0-9]* revs .*, ETA/", $line ); } } /** * @param null|string $schemaVersion * * @return DumpAsserter */ protected function getDumpAsserter( $schemaVersion = null ) { $schemaVersion = $schemaVersion ?: WikiExporter::schemaVersion(); return new DumpAsserter( $schemaVersion ); } /** * Checks an XML file against an XSD schema. */ protected function assertDumpSchema( $fname, $schemaFile ) { if ( !function_exists( 'libxml_use_internal_errors' ) ) { // Would be nice to leave a warning somehow. // We don't want to skip all of the test case that calls this, though. $this->markAsRisky(); return; } if ( defined( 'HHVM_VERSION' ) ) { // In HHVM, loading a schema from a file is disabled per default. // This is controlled by hhvm.libxml.ext_entity_whitelist which // cannot be read with ini_get(), see // . // Would be nice to leave a warning somehow. // We don't want to skip all of the test case that calls this, though. $this->markAsRisky(); return; } $xml = new DOMDocument(); $this->assertTrue( $xml->load( $fname ), "Opening temporary file $fname via DOMDocument failed" ); // Don't throw $oldLibXmlInternalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); // NOTE: if this reports "Invalid Schema", the schema may be referencing an external // entity (typically, another schema) that needs to be mapped in the // libxml_set_external_entity_loader callback defined in setUpBeforeClass() above! // Or $schemaFile doesn't point to a schema file, or the schema is indeed just broken. if ( !$xml->schemaValidate( $schemaFile ) ) { $errorText = ''; foreach ( libxml_get_errors() as $error ) { $errorText .= "\nline {$error->line}: {$error->message}"; } libxml_clear_errors(); $this->fail( "Failed asserting that $fname conforms to the schema in $schemaFile:\n$errorText" ); } libxml_use_internal_errors( $oldLibXmlInternalErrors ); } }