array( '', '', '2001:db8::/33', ) ) ); } /** * @covers MWRestrictions::newDefault * @covers MWRestrictions::__construct */ public function testNewDefault() { $ret = MWRestrictions::newDefault(); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'MWRestrictions', $ret ); $this->assertSame( '{"IPAddresses":["","::/0"]}', $ret->toJson() ); } /** * @covers MWRestrictions::newFromArray * @covers MWRestrictions::__construct * @covers MWRestrictions::loadFromArray * @covers MWRestrictions::toArray * @dataProvider provideArray * @param array $data * @param bool|InvalidArgumentException $expect True if the call succeeds, * otherwise the exception that should be thrown. */ public function testArray( $data, $expect ) { if ( $expect === true ) { $ret = MWRestrictions::newFromArray( $data ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'MWRestrictions', $ret ); $this->assertSame( $data, $ret->toArray() ); } else { try { MWRestrictions::newFromArray( $data ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { $this->assertEquals( $expect, $ex ); } } } public static function provideArray() { return array( array( array( 'IPAddresses' => array() ), true ), array( array( 'IPAddresses' => array( '' ) ), true ), array( array( 'IPAddresses' => array( '' ) ), new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid IP address:' ) ), array( array( 'IPAddresses' => '' ), new InvalidArgumentException( 'IPAddresses is not an array' ) ), array( array(), new InvalidArgumentException( 'Array is missing required keys: IPAddresses' ) ), array( array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 42 ), new InvalidArgumentException( 'Array contains invalid keys: foo, bar' ) ), ); } /** * @covers MWRestrictions::newFromJson * @covers MWRestrictions::__construct * @covers MWRestrictions::loadFromArray * @covers MWRestrictions::toJson * @covers MWRestrictions::__toString * @dataProvider provideJson * @param string $json * @param array|InvalidArgumentException $expect */ public function testJson( $json, $expect ) { if ( is_array( $expect ) ) { $ret = MWRestrictions::newFromJson( $json ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'MWRestrictions', $ret ); $this->assertSame( $expect, $ret->toArray() ); $this->assertSame( $json, $ret->toJson( false ) ); $this->assertSame( $json, (string)$ret ); $this->assertSame( FormatJson::encode( $expect, true, FormatJson::ALL_OK ), $ret->toJson( true ) ); } else { try { MWRestrictions::newFromJson( $json ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { $this->assertTrue( true ); } } } public static function provideJson() { return array( array( '{"IPAddresses":[]}', array( 'IPAddresses' => array() ) ), array( '{"IPAddresses":[""]}', array( 'IPAddresses' => array( '' ) ) ), array( '{"IPAddresses":[""]}', new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid IP address:' ) ), array( '{"IPAddresses":""}', new InvalidArgumentException( 'IPAddresses is not an array' ) ), array( '{}', new InvalidArgumentException( 'Array is missing required keys: IPAddresses' ) ), array( '{"foo":"bar","bar":42}', new InvalidArgumentException( 'Array contains invalid keys: foo, bar' ) ), array( '{"IPAddresses":[]', new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid restrictions JSON' ) ), array( '"IPAddresses"', new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid restrictions JSON' ) ), ); } /** * @covers MWRestrictions::checkIP * @dataProvider provideCheckIP * @param string $ip * @param bool $pass */ public function testCheckIP( $ip, $pass ) { $this->assertSame( $pass, self::$restrictionsForChecks->checkIP( $ip ) ); } public static function provideCheckIP() { return array( array( '', true ), array( '', true ), array( '', false ), array( '2001:db8:1::', true ), array( '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000', true ), array( '2001:0DB8:8000::', false ), ); } /** * @covers MWRestrictions::check * @dataProvider provideCheck * @param WebRequest $request * @param Status $expect */ public function testCheck( $request, $expect ) { $this->assertEquals( $expect, self::$restrictionsForChecks->check( $request ) ); } public function provideCheck() { $ret = array(); $mockBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'FauxRequest' ) ->setMethods( array( 'getIP' ) ); foreach ( self::provideCheckIP() as $checkIP ) { $ok = array(); $request = $mockBuilder->getMock(); $request->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getIP' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $checkIP[0] ) ); $ok['ip'] = $checkIP[1]; /* If we ever add more restrictions, add nested for loops here: * foreach ( self::provideCheckFoo() as $checkFoo ) { * $request->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getFoo' ) * ->will( $this->returnValue( $checkFoo[0] ); * $ok['foo'] = $checkFoo[1]; * * foreach ( self::provideCheckBar() as $checkBar ) { * $request->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getBar' ) * ->will( $this->returnValue( $checkBar[0] ); * $ok['bar'] = $checkBar[1]; * * // etc. * } * } */ $status = Status::newGood(); $status->setResult( $ok === array_filter( $ok ), $ok ); $ret[] = array( $request, $status ); } return $ret; } }