$value ) { // mw prefixed globals does not exist normally if ( substr( $key, 0, 2 ) == 'mw' ) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $value; } else { $this->setMwGlobals( $key, $value ); } } } $info = [ 'globals' => $globals, 'callbacks' => [], 'defines' => [], 'credits' => [], 'attributes' => [], 'autoloaderPaths' => [] ]; $registry = new ExtensionRegistry(); $class = new ReflectionClass( 'ExtensionRegistry' ); $method = $class->getMethod( 'exportExtractedData' ); $method->setAccessible( true ); $method->invokeArgs( $registry, [ $info ] ); foreach ( $expected as $name => $value ) { $this->assertArrayHasKey( $name, $GLOBALS, $desc ); $this->assertEquals( $value, $GLOBALS[$name], $desc ); } // Remove mw prefixed globals if ( $before ) { foreach ( $before as $key => $value ) { if ( substr( $key, 0, 2 ) == 'mw' ) { unset( $GLOBALS[$key] ); } } } } public static function provideExportExtractedDataGlobals() { // "mwtest" prefix used instead of "$wg" to avoid potential conflicts return [ [ 'Simple non-array values', [ 'mwtestFooBarConfig' => true, 'mwtestFooBarConfig2' => 'string', ], [ 'mwtestFooBarDefault' => 1234, 'mwtestFooBarConfig' => false, ], [ 'mwtestFooBarConfig' => true, 'mwtestFooBarConfig2' => 'string', 'mwtestFooBarDefault' => 1234, ], ], [ 'No global already set, simple array', null, [ 'mwtestDefaultOptions' => [ 'foobar' => true, ] ], [ 'mwtestDefaultOptions' => [ 'foobar' => true, ] ], ], [ 'Global already set, simple array', [ 'mwtestDefaultOptions' => [ 'foobar' => true, 'foo' => 'string' ], ], [ 'mwtestDefaultOptions' => [ 'barbaz' => 12345, 'foobar' => false, ], ], [ 'mwtestDefaultOptions' => [ 'barbaz' => 12345, 'foo' => 'string', 'foobar' => true, ], ] ], [ 'Global already set, 1d array that appends', [ 'mwAvailableRights' => [ 'foobar', 'foo' ], ], [ 'mwAvailableRights' => [ 'barbaz', ], ], [ 'mwAvailableRights' => [ 'barbaz', 'foobar', 'foo', ], ] ], [ 'Global already set, array with integer keys', [ 'mwNamespacesFoo' => [ 100 => true, 102 => false ], ], [ 'mwNamespacesFoo' => [ 100 => false, 500 => true, ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY => 'array_plus', ], ], [ 'mwNamespacesFoo' => [ 100 => true, 102 => false, 500 => true, ], ] ], [ 'No global already set, $wgHooks', [ 'wgHooks' => [], ], [ 'wgHooks' => [ 'FooBarEvent' => [ 'FooBarClass::onFooBarEvent' ], ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY => 'array_merge_recursive' ], ], [ 'wgHooks' => [ 'FooBarEvent' => [ 'FooBarClass::onFooBarEvent' ], ], ], ], [ 'Global already set, $wgHooks', [ 'wgHooks' => [ 'FooBarEvent' => [ 'FooBarClass::onFooBarEvent' ], 'BazBarEvent' => [ 'FooBarClass::onBazBarEvent', ], ], ], [ 'wgHooks' => [ 'FooBarEvent' => [ 'BazBarClass::onFooBarEvent', ], ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY => 'array_merge_recursive', ], ], [ 'wgHooks' => [ 'FooBarEvent' => [ 'FooBarClass::onFooBarEvent', 'BazBarClass::onFooBarEvent', ], 'BazBarEvent' => [ 'FooBarClass::onBazBarEvent', ], ], ], ], [ 'Global already set, $wgGroupPermissions', [ 'wgGroupPermissions' => [ 'sysop' => [ 'something' => true, ], 'user' => [ 'somethingtwo' => true, ] ], ], [ 'wgGroupPermissions' => [ 'customgroup' => [ 'right' => true, ], 'user' => [ 'right' => true, 'somethingtwo' => false, 'nonduplicated' => true, ], ExtensionRegistry::MERGE_STRATEGY => 'array_plus_2d', ], ], [ 'wgGroupPermissions' => [ 'customgroup' => [ 'right' => true, ], 'sysop' => [ 'something' => true, ], 'user' => [ 'somethingtwo' => true, 'right' => true, 'nonduplicated' => true, ] ], ], ], [ 'False local setting should not be overridden (T100767)', [ 'mwtestT100767' => false, ], [ 'mwtestT100767' => true, ], [ 'mwtestT100767' => false, ], ], ]; } }