assertSame( $instanceConstructor->getNumberOfParameters() - 1, $factoryConstructor->getNumberOfParameters(), 'Parser and ParserFactory constructors have an inconsistent number of parameters. ' . 'Did you add a parameter to one and not the other?' ); } public function testAllArgumentsWerePassed() { $factoryConstructor = new ReflectionMethod( 'ParserFactory', '__construct' ); $mocks = []; foreach ( $factoryConstructor->getParameters() as $index => $param ) { $type = (string)$param->getType(); if ( $index === 0 ) { $val = $this->createMock( 'MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions' ); } elseif ( $type === 'array' ) { $val = [ 'porcupines will tell me your secrets' . count( $mocks ) ]; } elseif ( class_exists( $type ) || interface_exists( $type ) ) { $val = $this->createMock( $type ); } elseif ( $type === '' ) { // Optimistically assume a string is okay $val = 'I will de-quill them first' . count( $mocks ); } else { $this->fail( "Unrecognized parameter type $type in ParserFactory constructor" ); } $mocks[] = $val; } $factory = new ParserFactory( ...$mocks ); $parser = $factory->create(); foreach ( ( new ReflectionObject( $parser ) )->getProperties() as $prop ) { $prop->setAccessible( true ); foreach ( $mocks as $idx => $mock ) { if ( $prop->getValue( $parser ) === $mock ) { unset( $mocks[$idx] ); } } } $this->assertCount( 0, $mocks, 'Not all arguments to the ParserFactory constructor were ' . 'found in Parser member variables' ); } public function provideConstructorArguments() { // Create a mock Config object that will satisfy ServiceOptions::__construct $mockConfig = $this->createMock( 'Config' ); $mockConfig->method( 'has' )->willReturn( true ); $mockConfig->method( 'get' )->willReturn( 'I like otters.' ); $mocks = [ [ 'the plural of platypus...' ], $this->createMock( 'MagicWordFactory' ), $this->createMock( 'Language' ), ' platypodes', $this->createMock( 'MediaWiki\Special\SpecialPageFactory' ), $mockConfig, $this->createMock( 'MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererFactory' ), ]; yield 'args_without_namespace_info' => [ $mocks, ]; yield 'args_with_namespace_info' => [ array_merge( $mocks, [ $this->createMock( 'NamespaceInfo' ) ] ), ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideConstructorArguments * @covers ParserFactory::__construct */ public function testBackwardsCompatibleConstructorArguments( $args ) { $this->hideDeprecated( 'ParserFactory::__construct with Config parameter' ); $factory = new ParserFactory( ...$args ); $parser = $factory->create(); // It is expected that these are not present on the parser. unset( $args[5] ); unset( $args[0] ); foreach ( ( new ReflectionObject( $parser ) )->getProperties() as $prop ) { $prop->setAccessible( true ); foreach ( $args as $idx => $mockTest ) { if ( $prop->getValue( $parser ) === $mockTest ) { unset( $args[$idx] ); } } } $this->assertCount( 0, $args, 'Not all arguments to the ParserFactory constructor were ' . 'found in Parser member variables' ); } }