*/ class ReverseChronologicalPagerTest extends MediaWikiLangTestCase { /** * @covers ReverseChronologicalPager::getDateCond */ public function testGetDateCond() { $pager = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ReverseChronologicalPager::class ); $timestamp = MWTimestamp::getInstance(); $db = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $currYear = $timestamp->format( 'Y' ); $currMonth = $timestamp->format( 'n' ); // Test that getDateCond sets and returns mOffset $this->assertEquals( $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 6 ), $pager->mOffset ); // Test year and month $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 6 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20060701000000' ) ); // Test year, month, and day $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 6, 5 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20060606000000' ) ); // Test month overflow into the next year $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 12 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20070101000000' ) ); // Test day overflow to the next month $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 6, 30 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20060701000000' ) ); // Test invalid month (should use end of year) $pager->getDateCond( 2006, -1 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20070101000000' ) ); // Test invalid day (should use end of month) $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 6, 1337 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20060701000000' ) ); // Test last day of year $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 12, 31 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20070101000000' ) ); // Test invalid day that overflows to next year $pager->getDateCond( 2006, 12, 32 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( '20070101000000' ) ); // Test month past current month (should use previous year) if ( $currMonth < 5 ) { $pager->getDateCond( -1, 5 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( $currYear - 1 . '0601000000' ) ); } if ( $currMonth < 12 ) { $pager->getDateCond( -1, 12 ); $this->assertEquals( $pager->mOffset, $db->timestamp( $currYear . '0101000000' ) ); } } }