getCliArg( 'use-wanobjectcache' ) ) { $name = $this->getCliArg( 'use-wanobjectcache' ); $this->cache = ObjectCache::getWANInstance( $name ); } else { $this->cache = new WANObjectCache( array( 'cache' => new HashBagOStuff(), 'pool' => 'testcache-hash', 'relayer' => new EventRelayerNull( array() ) ) ); } } /** * @dataProvider provider_testSetAndGet * @covers WANObjectCache::set() * @covers WANObjectCache::get() * @param mixed $value * @param integer $ttl */ public function testSetAndGet( $value, $ttl ) { $key = wfRandomString(); $this->cache->set( $key, $value, $ttl ); $curTTL = null; $this->assertEquals( $value, $this->cache->get( $key, $curTTL ) ); if ( is_infinite( $ttl ) || $ttl == 0 ) { $this->assertTrue( is_infinite( $curTTL ), "Current TTL is infinite" ); } else { $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $curTTL, "Current TTL > 0" ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( $ttl, $curTTL, "Current TTL < nominal TTL" ); } } public static function provider_testSetAndGet() { return array( array( 14141, 3 ), array( 3535.666, 3 ), array( array(), 3 ), array( null, 3 ), array( '0', 3 ), array( (object)array( 'meow' ), 3 ), array( INF, 3 ), array( '', 3 ), array( 'pizzacat', INF ), ); } public function testGetNotExists() { $key = wfRandomString(); $curTTL = null; $value = $this->cache->get( $key, $curTTL ); $this->assertFalse( $value, "Non-existing key has false value" ); $this->assertNull( $curTTL, "Non-existing key has null current TTL" ); } public function testSetOver() { $key = wfRandomString(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i ) { $value = wfRandomString(); $this->cache->set( $key, $value, 3 ); $this->assertEquals( $this->cache->get( $key ), $value ); } } /** * @covers WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback() */ public function testGetWithSetCallback() { $cache = $this->cache; $key = wfRandomString(); $value = wfRandomString(); $cKey1 = wfRandomString(); $cKey2 = wfRandomString(); $wasSet = 0; $func = function( $old, &$ttl ) use ( &$wasSet, $value ) { ++$wasSet; $ttl = 20; // override with another value return $value; }; $wasSet = 0; $v = $cache->getWithSetCallback( $key, $func, 30, array(), array( 'lockTSE' => 5 ) ); $this->assertEquals( $v, $value ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $wasSet, "Value regenerated" ); $curTTL = null; $v = $cache->get( $key, $curTTL ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 20, $curTTL, 'Current TTL between 19-20 (overriden)' ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 19, $curTTL, 'Current TTL between 19-20 (overriden)' ); $wasSet = 0; $v = $cache->getWithSetCallback( $key, $func, 30, array(), array( 'lockTSE' => 5 ) ); $this->assertEquals( $v, $value ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $wasSet, "Value not regenerated" ); $priorTime = microtime( true ); usleep( 1 ); $wasSet = 0; $v = $cache->getWithSetCallback( $key, $func, 30, array( $cKey1, $cKey2 ) ); $this->assertEquals( $v, $value ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $wasSet, "Value regenerated due to check keys" ); $t1 = $cache->getCheckKeyTime( $cKey1 ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t1, 'Check keys generated on miss' ); $t2 = $cache->getCheckKeyTime( $cKey2 ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t2, 'Check keys generated on miss' ); $priorTime = microtime( true ); $wasSet = 0; $v = $cache->getWithSetCallback( $key, $func, 30, array( $cKey1, $cKey2 ) ); $this->assertEquals( $v, $value ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $wasSet, "Value regenerated due to still-recent check keys" ); $t1 = $cache->getCheckKeyTime( $cKey1 ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t1, 'Check keys did not change again' ); $t2 = $cache->getCheckKeyTime( $cKey2 ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t2, 'Check keys did not change again' ); $curTTL = null; $v = $cache->get( $key, $curTTL, array( $cKey1, $cKey2 ) ); $this->assertEquals( $v, $value ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 0, $curTTL, "Value has current TTL < 0 due to check keys" ); } /** * @covers WANObjectCache::getMulti() */ public function testGetMulti() { $cache = $this->cache; $value1 = array( 'this' => 'is', 'a' => 'test' ); $value2 = array( 'this' => 'is', 'another' => 'test' ); $key1 = wfRandomString(); $key2 = wfRandomString(); $key3 = wfRandomString(); $cache->set( $key1, $value1, 5 ); $cache->set( $key2, $value2, 10 ); $curTTLs = array(); $this->assertEquals( array( $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2 ), $cache->getMulti( array( $key1, $key2, $key3 ), $curTTLs ) ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $curTTLs ), "Two current TTLs in array" ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $curTTLs[$key1], "Key 1 has current TTL > 0" ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $curTTLs[$key2], "Key 2 has current TTL > 0" ); $cKey1 = wfRandomString(); $cKey2 = wfRandomString(); $curTTLs = array(); $this->assertEquals( array( $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2 ), $cache->getMulti( array( $key1, $key2, $key3 ), $curTTLs ), 'Result array populated' ); $priorTime = microtime( true ); usleep( 1 ); $curTTLs = array(); $this->assertEquals( array( $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2 ), $cache->getMulti( array( $key1, $key2, $key3 ), $curTTLs, array( $cKey1, $cKey2 ) ), "Result array populated even with new check keys" ); $t1 = $cache->getCheckKeyTime( $cKey1 ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t1, 'Check key 1 generated on miss' ); $t2 = $cache->getCheckKeyTime( $cKey2 ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t2, 'Check key 2 generated on miss' ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $curTTLs ), "Current TTLs array set" ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 0, $curTTLs[$key1], 'Key 1 has current TTL <= 0' ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( 0, $curTTLs[$key2], 'Key 2 has current TTL <= 0' ); usleep( 1 ); $curTTLs = array(); $this->assertEquals( array( $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2 ), $cache->getMulti( array( $key1, $key2, $key3 ), $curTTLs, array( $cKey1, $cKey2 ) ), "Result array still populated even with new check keys" ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $curTTLs ), "Current TTLs still array set" ); $this->assertLessThan( 0, $curTTLs[$key1], 'Key 1 has negative current TTL' ); $this->assertLessThan( 0, $curTTLs[$key2], 'Key 2 has negative current TTL' ); } /** * @covers WANObjectCache::delete() */ public function testDelete() { $key = wfRandomString(); $value = wfRandomString(); $this->cache->set( $key, $value ); $curTTL = null; $v = $this->cache->get( $key, $curTTL ); $this->assertEquals( $value, $v, "Key was created with value" ); $this->assertGreaterThan( 0, $curTTL, "Existing key has current TTL > 0" ); $this->cache->delete( $key ); $curTTL = null; $v = $this->cache->get( $key, $curTTL ); $this->assertFalse( $v, "Deleted key has false value" ); $this->assertLessThan( 0, $curTTL, "Deleted key has current TTL < 0" ); $this->cache->set( $key, $value . 'more' ); $this->assertFalse( $v, "Deleted key is tombstoned and has false value" ); $this->assertLessThan( 0, $curTTL, "Deleted key is tombstoned and has current TTL < 0" ); } /** * @covers WANObjectCache::touchCheckKey() * @covers WANObjectCache::getCheckKeyTime() */ public function testTouchKeys() { $key = wfRandomString(); $t0 = $this->cache->getCheckKeyTime( $key ); $this->assertFalse( $t0, 'Check key time is false' ); $priorTime = microtime( true ); usleep( 1 ); $this->cache->touchCheckKey( $key ); $t1 = $this->cache->getCheckKeyTime( $key ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $priorTime, $t1, 'Check key created' ); $t2 = $this->cache->getCheckKeyTime( $key ); $this->assertEquals( $t1, $t2, 'Check key time did not change' ); usleep( 1 ); $this->cache->touchCheckKey( $key ); $t3 = $this->cache->getCheckKeyTime( $key ); $this->assertGreaterThan( $t2, $t3, 'Check key time increased' ); $t4 = $this->cache->getCheckKeyTime( $key ); $this->assertEquals( $t3, $t4, 'Check key time did not change' ); } }