getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ) ); $this->assertSame( array_keys( ParamValidator::$STANDARD_TYPES ), $validator->knownTypes() ); $validator = new ParamValidator( new SimpleCallbacks( [] ), new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), [ 'typeDefs' => [ 'foo' => [], 'bar' => [] ] ] ); $validator->addTypeDef( 'baz', [] ); try { $validator->addTypeDef( 'baz', [] ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { } $validator->overrideTypeDef( 'bar', null ); $validator->overrideTypeDef( 'baz', [] ); $this->assertSame( [ 'foo', 'baz' ], $validator->knownTypes() ); $this->assertTrue( $validator->hasTypeDef( 'foo' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $validator->hasTypeDef( 'bar' ) ); $this->assertTrue( $validator->hasTypeDef( 'baz' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $validator->hasTypeDef( 'bazz' ) ); } public function testGetTypeDef() { $callbacks = new SimpleCallbacks( [] ); $factory = $this->getMockBuilder( ObjectFactory::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'createObject' ] ) ->getMock(); $factory->method( 'createObject' ) ->willReturnCallback( function ( $spec, $options ) use ( $callbacks ) { $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $spec ); $this->assertSame( [ 'extraArgs' => [ $callbacks ], 'assertClass' => TypeDef::class ], $options ); $ret = $this->getMockBuilder( TypeDef::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $callbacks ] ) ->getMockForAbstractClass(); $ret->spec = $spec; return $ret; } ); $validator = new ParamValidator( $callbacks, $factory ); $def = $validator->getTypeDef( 'boolean' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( TypeDef::class, $def ); $this->assertSame( ParamValidator::$STANDARD_TYPES['boolean'], $def->spec ); $def = $validator->getTypeDef( [] ); $this->assertInstanceOf( TypeDef::class, $def ); $this->assertSame( ParamValidator::$STANDARD_TYPES['enum'], $def->spec ); $def = $validator->getTypeDef( 'missing' ); $this->assertNull( $def ); } public function testGetTypeDef_caching() { $callbacks = new SimpleCallbacks( [] ); $mb = $this->getMockBuilder( TypeDef::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $callbacks ] ); $def1 = $mb->getMockForAbstractClass(); $def2 = $mb->getMockForAbstractClass(); $this->assertNotSame( $def1, $def2, 'sanity check' ); $factory = $this->getMockBuilder( ObjectFactory::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'createObject' ] ) ->getMock(); $factory->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'createObject' )->willReturn( $def1 ); $validator = new ParamValidator( $callbacks, $factory, [ 'typeDefs' => [ 'foo' => [], 'bar' => $def2, ] ] ); $this->assertSame( $def1, $validator->getTypeDef( 'foo' ) ); // Second call doesn't re-call ObjectFactory $this->assertSame( $def1, $validator->getTypeDef( 'foo' ) ); // When registered a TypeDef directly, doesn't call ObjectFactory $this->assertSame( $def2, $validator->getTypeDef( 'bar' ) ); } /** * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException * @expectedExceptionMessage Expected instance of Wikimedia\ParamValidator\TypeDef, got stdClass */ public function testGetTypeDef_error() { $validator = new ParamValidator( new SimpleCallbacks( [] ), new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), [ 'typeDefs' => [ 'foo' => [ 'class' => \stdClass::class ] ] ] ); $validator->getTypeDef( 'foo' ); } /** @dataProvider provideNormalizeSettings */ public function testNormalizeSettings( $input, $expect ) { $callbacks = new SimpleCallbacks( [] ); $mb = $this->getMockBuilder( TypeDef::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $callbacks ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'normalizeSettings' ] ); $mock1 = $mb->getMockForAbstractClass(); $mock1->method( 'normalizeSettings' )->willReturnCallback( function ( $s ) { $s['foo'] = 'FooBar!'; return $s; } ); $mock2 = $mb->getMockForAbstractClass(); $mock2->method( 'normalizeSettings' )->willReturnCallback( function ( $s ) { $s['bar'] = 'FooBar!'; return $s; } ); $validator = new ParamValidator( $callbacks, new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), [ 'typeDefs' => [ 'foo' => $mock1, 'bar' => $mock2 ] ] ); $this->assertSame( $expect, $validator->normalizeSettings( $input ) ); } public static function provideNormalizeSettings() { return [ 'Plain value' => [ 'ok?', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => 'ok?', ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'string' ], ], 'Simple array' => [ [ 'test' => 'ok?' ], [ 'test' => 'ok?', ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'NULL' ], ], 'A type with overrides' => [ [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'foo', 'test' => 'ok?' ], [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'foo', 'test' => 'ok?', 'foo' => 'FooBar!' ], ], ]; } /** @dataProvider provideExplodeMultiValue */ public function testExplodeMultiValue( $value, $limit, $expect ) { $this->assertSame( $expect, ParamValidator::explodeMultiValue( $value, $limit ) ); } public static function provideExplodeMultiValue() { return [ [ 'foobar', 100, [ 'foobar' ] ], [ 'foo|bar|baz', 100, [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] ], [ "\x1Ffoo\x1Fbar\x1Fbaz", 100, [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] ], [ 'foo|bar|baz', 2, [ 'foo', 'bar|baz' ] ], [ "\x1Ffoo\x1Fbar\x1Fbaz", 2, [ 'foo', "bar\x1Fbaz" ] ], [ '|bar|baz', 100, [ '', 'bar', 'baz' ] ], [ "\x1F\x1Fbar\x1Fbaz", 100, [ '', 'bar', 'baz' ] ], [ '', 100, [] ], [ "\x1F", 100, [] ], ]; } /** * @expectedException DomainException * @expectedExceptionMessage Param foo's type is unknown - string */ public function testGetValue_badType() { $validator = new ParamValidator( new SimpleCallbacks( [] ), new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), [ 'typeDefs' => [] ] ); $validator->getValue( 'foo', 'default', [] ); } /** @dataProvider provideGetValue */ public function testGetValue( $settings, $parseLimit, $get, $value, $isSensitive, $isDeprecated ) { $callbacks = new SimpleCallbacks( $get ); $dummy = (object)[]; $options = [ $dummy ]; $settings += [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'xyz', ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null, ]; $mockDef = $this->getMockBuilder( TypeDef::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $callbacks ] ) ->getMockForAbstractClass(); // Mock the validateValue method so we can test only getValue $validator = $this->getMockBuilder( ParamValidator::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $callbacks, new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), [ 'typeDefs' => [ 'xyz' => $mockDef ] ] ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'validateValue' ] ) ->getMock(); $validator->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'validateValue' ) ->with( $this->identicalTo( 'foobar' ), $this->identicalTo( $value ), $this->identicalTo( $settings ), $this->identicalTo( $options ) ) ->willReturn( $dummy ); $this->assertSame( $dummy, $validator->getValue( 'foobar', $settings, $options ) ); $expectConditions = []; if ( $isSensitive ) { $expectConditions[] = new ValidationException( 'foobar', $value, $settings, 'param-sensitive', [] ); } if ( $isDeprecated ) { $expectConditions[] = new ValidationException( 'foobar', $value, $settings, 'param-deprecated', [] ); } $this->assertEquals( $expectConditions, $callbacks->getRecordedConditions() ); } public static function provideGetValue() { $sen = [ ParamValidator::PARAM_SENSITIVE => true ]; $dep = [ ParamValidator::PARAM_DEPRECATED => true ]; $dflt = [ ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => 'DeFaUlT' ]; return [ 'Simple case' => [ [], false, [ 'foobar' => '!!!' ], '!!!', false, false ], 'Not provided' => [ $sen + $dep, false, [], null, false, false ], 'Not provided, default' => [ $sen + $dep + $dflt, true, [], 'DeFaUlT', false, false ], 'Provided' => [ $dflt, false, [ 'foobar' => 'XYZ' ], 'XYZ', false, false ], 'Provided, sensitive' => [ $sen, false, [ 'foobar' => 'XYZ' ], 'XYZ', true, false ], 'Provided, deprecated' => [ $dep, false, [ 'foobar' => 'XYZ' ], 'XYZ', false, true ], 'Provided array' => [ $dflt, false, [ 'foobar' => [ 'XYZ' ] ], [ 'XYZ' ], false, false ], ]; } /** * @expectedException DomainException * @expectedExceptionMessage Param foo's type is unknown - string */ public function testValidateValue_badType() { $validator = new ParamValidator( new SimpleCallbacks( [] ), new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), [ 'typeDefs' => [] ] ); $validator->validateValue( 'foo', null, 'default', [] ); } /** @dataProvider provideValidateValue */ public function testValidateValue( $value, $settings, $highLimits, $valuesList, $calls, $expect, $expectConditions = [], $constructorOptions = [] ) { $callbacks = new SimpleCallbacks( [] ); $settings += [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'xyz', ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null, ]; $dummy = (object)[]; $options = [ $dummy, 'useHighLimits' => $highLimits ]; $eOptions = $options; $eOptions2 = $eOptions; if ( $valuesList !== null ) { $eOptions2['values-list'] = $valuesList; } $mockDef = $this->getMockBuilder( TypeDef::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $callbacks ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'validate', 'getEnumValues' ] ) ->getMockForAbstractClass(); $mockDef->method( 'getEnumValues' ) ->with( $this->identicalTo( 'foobar' ), $this->identicalTo( $settings ), $this->identicalTo( $eOptions ) ) ->willReturn( [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ] ); $mockDef->expects( $this->exactly( count( $calls ) ) )->method( 'validate' )->willReturnCallback( function ( $n, $v, $s, $o ) use ( $settings, $eOptions2, $calls ) { $this->assertSame( 'foobar', $n ); $this->assertSame( $settings, $s ); $this->assertSame( $eOptions2, $o ); if ( !array_key_exists( $v, $calls ) ) { $this->fail( "Called with unexpected value '$v'" ); } if ( $calls[$v] === null ) { throw new ValidationException( $n, $v, $s, 'badvalue', [] ); } return $calls[$v]; } ); $validator = new ParamValidator( $callbacks, new ObjectFactory( $this->getMockForAbstractClass( ContainerInterface::class ) ), $constructorOptions + [ 'typeDefs' => [ 'xyz' => $mockDef ] ] ); if ( $expect instanceof ValidationException ) { try { $validator->validateValue( 'foobar', $value, $settings, $options ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ValidationException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( $expect->getFailureCode(), $ex->getFailureCode() ); $this->assertSame( $expect->getFailureData(), $ex->getFailureData() ); } } else { $this->assertSame( $expect, $validator->validateValue( 'foobar', $value, $settings, $options ) ); $conditions = []; foreach ( $callbacks->getRecordedConditions() as $c ) { $conditions[] = array_merge( [ $c->getFailureCode() ], $c->getFailureData() ); } $this->assertSame( $expectConditions, $conditions ); } } public static function provideValidateValue() { return [ 'No value' => [ null, [], false, null, [], null ], 'No value, required' => [ null, [ ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true ], false, null, [], new ValidationException( 'foobar', null, [], 'missingparam', [] ), ], 'Non-multi value' => [ 'abc', [], false, null, [ 'abc' => 'def' ], 'def' ], 'Simple multi value' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true ], false, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C', 'd' => 'D' ], [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ], ], 'Array multi value' => [ [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true ], false, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C', 'd' => 'D' ], [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ], ], 'Multi value with PARAM_ALL' => [ '*', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ALL => true ], false, null, [], [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ], ], 'Multi value with PARAM_ALL = "x"' => [ 'x', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ALL => "x" ], false, null, [], [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ], ], 'Multi value with PARAM_ALL = "x", passing "*"' => [ '*', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ALL => "x" ], false, [ '*' ], [ '*' => '?' ], [ '?' ], ], 'Too many values' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => 2, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => 4, ], false, null, [], new ValidationException( 'foobar', 'a|b|c|d', [], 'toomanyvalues', [ 'limit' => 2 ] ), ], 'Too many values as array' => [ [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => 2, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => 4, ], false, null, [], new ValidationException( 'foobar', [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [], 'toomanyvalues', [ 'limit' => 2 ] ), ], 'Not too many values for highlimits' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => 2, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => 4, ], true, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C', 'd' => 'D' ], [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ], ], 'Too many values for highlimits' => [ 'a|b|c|d|e', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => 2, ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => 4, ], true, null, [], new ValidationException( 'foobar', 'a|b|c|d|e', [], 'toomanyvalues', [ 'limit' => 4 ] ), ], 'Too many values via default' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ], false, null, [], new ValidationException( 'foobar', 'a|b|c|d', [], 'toomanyvalues', [ 'limit' => 2 ] ), [], [ 'ismultiLimits' => [ 2, 4 ] ], ], 'Not too many values for highlimits via default' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ], true, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C', 'd' => 'D' ], [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ], [], [ 'ismultiLimits' => [ 2, 4 ] ], ], 'Too many values for highlimits via default' => [ 'a|b|c|d|e', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ], true, null, [], new ValidationException( 'foobar', 'a|b|c|d|e', [], 'toomanyvalues', [ 'limit' => 4 ] ), [], [ 'ismultiLimits' => [ 2, 4 ] ], ], 'Invalid values' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true ], false, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ 'a' => 'A', 'b' => null ], new ValidationException( 'foobar', 'b', [], 'badvalue', [] ), ], 'Ignored invalid values' => [ 'a|b|c|d', [ ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_IGNORE_INVALID_VALUES => true, ], false, [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ], [ 'a' => 'A', 'b' => null, 'c' => null, 'd' => 'D' ], [ 'A', 'D' ], [ [ 'unrecognizedvalues', 'values' => [ 'b', 'c' ] ], ], ], ]; } }