delete( 'interwiki', '*', __METHOD__ ); $dbw->insert( 'interwiki', array_values( $iwrows ), __METHOD__ ); $this->tablesUsed[] = 'interwiki'; } public function testDatabaseStorage() { // NOTE: database setup is expensive, so we only do // it once and run all the tests in one go. $dewiki = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'de', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_api' => '', 'iw_wikiid' => 'dewiki', 'iw_local' => 1, 'iw_trans' => 0 ]; $zzwiki = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'zz', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_api' => '', 'iw_wikiid' => 'zzwiki', 'iw_local' => 0, 'iw_trans' => 0 ]; $this->populateDB( [ $dewiki, $zzwiki ] ); $lookup = new \MediaWiki\Interwiki\ClassicInterwikiLookup( Language::factory( 'en' ), WANObjectCache::newEmpty(), 60 * 60, false, 3, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( [ $dewiki, $zzwiki ], $lookup->getAllPrefixes(), 'getAllPrefixes()' ); $this->assertEquals( [ $dewiki ], $lookup->getAllPrefixes( true ), 'getAllPrefixes()' ); $this->assertEquals( [ $zzwiki ], $lookup->getAllPrefixes( false ), 'getAllPrefixes()' ); $this->assertTrue( $lookup->isValidInterwiki( 'de' ), 'known prefix is valid' ); $this->assertFalse( $lookup->isValidInterwiki( 'xyz' ), 'unknown prefix is valid' ); $this->assertNull( $lookup->fetch( null ), 'no prefix' ); $this->assertFalse( $lookup->fetch( 'xyz' ), 'unknown prefix' ); $interwiki = $lookup->fetch( 'de' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Interwiki', $interwiki ); $this->assertSame( $interwiki, $lookup->fetch( 'de' ), 'in-process caching' ); $this->assertSame( '', $interwiki->getURL(), 'getURL' ); $this->assertSame( '', $interwiki->getAPI(), 'getAPI' ); $this->assertSame( 'dewiki', $interwiki->getWikiID(), 'getWikiID' ); $this->assertSame( true, $interwiki->isLocal(), 'isLocal' ); $this->assertSame( false, $interwiki->isTranscludable(), 'isTranscludable' ); $lookup->invalidateCache( 'de' ); $this->assertNotSame( $interwiki, $lookup->fetch( 'de' ), 'invalidate cache' ); } /** * @param string $thisSite * @param string[] $local * @param string[] $global * * @return string[] */ private function populateHash( $thisSite, $local, $global ) { $hash = []; $hash[ '__sites:' . wfWikiID() ] = $thisSite; $globals = []; $locals = []; foreach ( $local as $row ) { $prefix = $row['iw_prefix']; $data = $row['iw_local'] . ' ' . $row['iw_url']; $locals[] = $prefix; $hash[ "_{$thisSite}:{$prefix}" ] = $data; } foreach ( $global as $row ) { $prefix = $row['iw_prefix']; $data = $row['iw_local'] . ' ' . $row['iw_url']; $globals[] = $prefix; $hash[ "__global:{$prefix}" ] = $data; } $hash[ '__list:__global' ] = implode( ' ', $globals ); $hash[ '__list:_' . $thisSite ] = implode( ' ', $locals ); return $hash; } private function populateCDB( $thisSite, $local, $global ) { $cdbFile = tempnam( wfTempDir(), 'MW-ClassicInterwikiLookupTest-' ) . '.cdb'; $cdb = \Cdb\Writer::open( $cdbFile ); $hash = $this->populateHash( $thisSite, $local, $global ); foreach ( $hash as $key => $value ) { $cdb->set( $key, $value ); } $cdb->close(); return $cdbFile; } public function testCDBStorage() { // NOTE: CDB setup is expensive, so we only do // it once and run all the tests in one go. $zzwiki = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'zz', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 0 ]; $dewiki = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'de', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 1 ]; $cdbFile = $this->populateCDB( 'en', [ $dewiki ], [ $zzwiki ] ); $lookup = new \MediaWiki\Interwiki\ClassicInterwikiLookup( Language::factory( 'en' ), WANObjectCache::newEmpty(), 60 * 60, $cdbFile, 3, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( [ $zzwiki, $dewiki ], $lookup->getAllPrefixes(), 'getAllPrefixes()' ); $this->assertTrue( $lookup->isValidInterwiki( 'de' ), 'known prefix is valid' ); $this->assertTrue( $lookup->isValidInterwiki( 'zz' ), 'known prefix is valid' ); $interwiki = $lookup->fetch( 'de' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Interwiki', $interwiki ); $this->assertSame( '', $interwiki->getURL(), 'getURL' ); $this->assertSame( true, $interwiki->isLocal(), 'isLocal' ); $interwiki = $lookup->fetch( 'zz' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Interwiki', $interwiki ); $this->assertSame( '', $interwiki->getURL(), 'getURL' ); $this->assertSame( false, $interwiki->isLocal(), 'isLocal' ); // cleanup temp file unlink( $cdbFile ); } public function testArrayStorage() { $zzwiki = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'zz', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 0 ]; $dewiki = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'de', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 1 ]; $hash = $this->populateHash( 'en', [ $dewiki ], [ $zzwiki ] ); $lookup = new \MediaWiki\Interwiki\ClassicInterwikiLookup( Language::factory( 'en' ), WANObjectCache::newEmpty(), 60 * 60, $hash, 3, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( [ $zzwiki, $dewiki ], $lookup->getAllPrefixes(), 'getAllPrefixes()' ); $this->assertTrue( $lookup->isValidInterwiki( 'de' ), 'known prefix is valid' ); $this->assertTrue( $lookup->isValidInterwiki( 'zz' ), 'known prefix is valid' ); $interwiki = $lookup->fetch( 'de' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Interwiki', $interwiki ); $this->assertSame( '', $interwiki->getURL(), 'getURL' ); $this->assertSame( true, $interwiki->isLocal(), 'isLocal' ); $interwiki = $lookup->fetch( 'zz' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Interwiki', $interwiki ); $this->assertSame( '', $interwiki->getURL(), 'getURL' ); $this->assertSame( false, $interwiki->isLocal(), 'isLocal' ); } public function testGetAllPrefixes() { $zz = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'zz', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 1 ]; $de = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'de', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 1 ]; $azz = [ 'iw_prefix' => 'azz', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 1 ]; $hash = $this->populateHash( 'en', [], [ $zz, $de, $azz ] ); $lookup = new \MediaWiki\Interwiki\ClassicInterwikiLookup( Language::factory( 'en' ), WANObjectCache::newEmpty(), 60 * 60, $hash, 3, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( [ $zz, $de, $azz ], $lookup->getAllPrefixes(), 'getAllPrefixes() - preserves order' ); } }