assertEquals( $expect, (bool)Http::isValidURI( $URI ), $message ); } /** * @covers Http::getProxy */ public function testGetProxy() { $this->hideDeprecated( 'Http::getProxy' ); $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgHTTPProxy', false ); $this->assertEquals( '', Http::getProxy(), 'default setting' ); $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgHTTPProxy', 'proxy.domain.tld' ); $this->assertEquals( 'proxy.domain.tld', Http::getProxy() ); } /** * Feeds URI to test a long regular expression in Http::isValidURI */ public static function provideURI() { /** Format: 'boolean expectation', 'URI to test', 'Optional message' */ return [ [ false, '¿non sens before!! http://a', 'Allow anything before URI' ], # (http|https) - only two schemes allowed [ true, '' ], [ true, '' ], [ true, '', 'URI without directory' ], [ true, 'http://a', 'Short name' ], [ true, 'http://étoile', 'Allow UTF-8 in hostname' ], # 'étoile' is french for 'star' [ false, '\\host\directory', 'CIFS share' ], [ false, 'gopher://host/dir', 'Reject gopher scheme' ], [ false, 'telnet://host', 'Reject telnet scheme' ], # :\/\/ - double slashes [ false, 'http//', 'Reject missing colon in protocol' ], [ false, 'http:/', 'Reject missing slash in protocol' ], [ false, '', 'Must have two slashes' ], # Following fail since hostname can be made of anything [ false, 'http:///', 'Must have exactly two slashes, not three' ], # (\w+:{0,1}\w*@)? - optional user:pass [ true, 'http://user@host', 'Username provided' ], [ true, 'http://user:@host', 'Username provided, no password' ], [ true, 'http://user:pass@host', 'Username and password provided' ], # (\S+) - host part is made of anything not whitespaces // commented these out in order to remove @group Broken // @todo are these valid tests? if so, fix Http::isValidURI so it can handle them // [ false, 'http://!"èèè¿¿¿~~\'', 'hostname is made of any non whitespace' ], // [ false, '', 'hostname can not use colons!' ], # (:[0-9]+)? - port number [ true, '' ], [ true, '' ], [ true, '' ], [ true, '' ], # Part after the hostname is / or / with something else [ true, 'http://example/#' ], [ true, 'http://example/!' ], [ true, 'http://example/:' ], [ true, 'http://example/.' ], [ true, 'http://example/?' ], [ true, 'http://example/+' ], [ true, 'http://example/=' ], [ true, 'http://example/&' ], [ true, 'http://example/%' ], [ true, 'http://example/@' ], [ true, 'http://example/-' ], [ true, 'http://example//' ], [ true, 'http://example/&' ], # Fragment [ true, '', ], # This one is valid, really! [ true, '' ], [ true, '' ], [ true, '' ], [ false, 'http://a ¿non !!sens after', 'Allow anything after URI' ], ]; } }