array( 'login' => 'foobar' ), ); $data = $this->doApiRequest( array( 'action' => 'login', 'lgname' => '', 'lgpassword' => self::$users['sysop']->password, 'lgtoken' => (string)( new MediaWiki\Session\Token( 'foobar', '' ) ) ), $session ); $this->assertEquals( 'NoName', $data[0]['login']['result'] ); } public function testApiLoginBadPass() { global $wgServer; $user = self::$users['sysop']; $user->getUser()->logOut(); if ( !isset( $wgServer ) ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test needs $wgServer to be set in LocalSettings.php' ); } $ret = $this->doApiRequest( array( "action" => "login", "lgname" => $user->username, "lgpassword" => "bad", ) ); $result = $ret[0]; $this->assertNotInternalType( "bool", $result ); $a = $result["login"]["result"]; $this->assertEquals( "NeedToken", $a ); $token = $result["login"]["token"]; $ret = $this->doApiRequest( array( "action" => "login", "lgtoken" => $token, "lgname" => $user->username, "lgpassword" => "badnowayinhell", ), $ret[2] ); $result = $ret[0]; $this->assertNotInternalType( "bool", $result ); $a = $result["login"]["result"]; $this->assertEquals( "WrongPass", $a ); } public function testApiLoginGoodPass() { global $wgServer; if ( !isset( $wgServer ) ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test needs $wgServer to be set in LocalSettings.php' ); } $user = self::$users['sysop']; $user->getUser()->logOut(); $ret = $this->doApiRequest( array( "action" => "login", "lgname" => $user->username, "lgpassword" => $user->password, ) ); $result = $ret[0]; $this->assertNotInternalType( "bool", $result ); $this->assertNotInternalType( "null", $result["login"] ); $a = $result["login"]["result"]; $this->assertEquals( "NeedToken", $a ); $token = $result["login"]["token"]; $ret = $this->doApiRequest( array( "action" => "login", "lgtoken" => $token, "lgname" => $user->username, "lgpassword" => $user->password, ), $ret[2] ); $result = $ret[0]; $this->assertNotInternalType( "bool", $result ); $a = $result["login"]["result"]; $this->assertEquals( "Success", $a ); } /** * @group Broken */ public function testApiLoginGotCookie() { $this->markTestIncomplete( "The server can't do external HTTP requests, " . "and the internal one won't give cookies" ); global $wgServer, $wgScriptPath; if ( !isset( $wgServer ) ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test needs $wgServer to be set in LocalSettings.php' ); } $user = self::$users['sysop']; $req = MWHttpRequest::factory( self::$apiUrl . "?action=login&format=xml", array( "method" => "POST", "postData" => array( "lgname" => $user->username, "lgpassword" => $user->password ) ), __METHOD__ ); $req->execute(); libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); $sxe = simplexml_load_string( $req->getContent() ); $this->assertNotInternalType( "bool", $sxe ); $this->assertThat( $sxe, $this->isInstanceOf( "SimpleXMLElement" ) ); $this->assertNotInternalType( "null", $sxe->login[0] ); $a = $sxe->login[0]->attributes()->result[0]; $this->assertEquals( ' result="NeedToken"', $a->asXML() ); $token = (string)$sxe->login[0]->attributes()->token; $req->setData( array( "lgtoken" => $token, "lgname" => $user->username, "lgpassword" => $user->password ) ); $req->execute(); $cj = $req->getCookieJar(); $serverName = parse_url( $wgServer, PHP_URL_HOST ); $this->assertNotEquals( false, $serverName ); $serializedCookie = $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( $wgScriptPath, $serverName ); $this->assertNotEquals( '', $serializedCookie ); $this->assertRegexp( '/_session=[^;]*; .*UserID=[0-9]*; .*UserName=' . $user->userName . '; .*Token=/', $serializedCookie ); } public function testRunLogin() { $sysopUser = self::$users['sysop']; $data = $this->doApiRequest( array( 'action' => 'login', 'lgname' => $sysopUser->username, 'lgpassword' => $sysopUser->password ) ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( "login", $data[0] ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( "result", $data[0]['login'] ); $this->assertEquals( "NeedToken", $data[0]['login']['result'] ); $token = $data[0]['login']['token']; $data = $this->doApiRequest( array( 'action' => 'login', "lgtoken" => $token, "lgname" => $sysopUser->username, "lgpassword" => $sysopUser->password ), $data[2] ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( "login", $data[0] ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( "result", $data[0]['login'] ); $this->assertEquals( "Success", $data[0]['login']['result'] ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'lgtoken', $data[0]['login'] ); } public function testBotPassword() { global $wgServer, $wgSessionProviders; if ( !isset( $wgServer ) ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( 'This test needs $wgServer to be set in LocalSettings.php' ); } $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgSessionProviders' => array_merge( $wgSessionProviders, array( array( 'class' => 'MediaWiki\\Session\\BotPasswordSessionProvider', 'args' => array( array( 'priority' => 40 ) ), ) ) ), 'wgEnableBotPasswords' => true, 'wgBotPasswordsDatabase' => false, 'wgCentralIdLookupProvider' => 'local', 'wgGrantPermissions' => array( 'test' => array( 'read' => true ), ), ) ); // Make sure our session provider is present $manager = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton() ); if ( !isset( $manager->sessionProviders['MediaWiki\\Session\\BotPasswordSessionProvider'] ) ) { $tmp = $manager->sessionProviders; $manager->sessionProviders = null; $manager->sessionProviders = $tmp + $manager->getProviders(); } $this->assertNotNull( MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::singleton()->getProvider( 'MediaWiki\\Session\\BotPasswordSessionProvider' ), 'sanity check' ); $user = self::$users['sysop']; $centralId = CentralIdLookup::factory()->centralIdFromLocalUser( $user->getUser() ); $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $centralId, 'sanity check' ); $passwordFactory = new PasswordFactory(); $passwordFactory->init( RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig() ); // A is unsalted MD5 (thus fast) ... we don't care about security here, this is test only $passwordFactory->setDefaultType( 'A' ); $pwhash = $passwordFactory->newFromPlaintext( 'foobaz' ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->insert( 'bot_passwords', array( 'bp_user' => $centralId, 'bp_app_id' => 'foo', 'bp_password' => $pwhash->toString(), 'bp_token' => '', 'bp_restrictions' => MWRestrictions::newDefault()->toJson(), 'bp_grants' => '["test"]', ), __METHOD__ ); $lgName = $user->username . BotPassword::getSeparator() . 'foo'; $ret = $this->doApiRequest( array( 'action' => 'login', 'lgname' => $lgName, 'lgpassword' => 'foobaz', ) ); $result = $ret[0]; $this->assertNotInternalType( 'bool', $result ); $this->assertNotInternalType( 'null', $result['login'] ); $a = $result['login']['result']; $this->assertEquals( 'NeedToken', $a ); $token = $result['login']['token']; $ret = $this->doApiRequest( array( 'action' => 'login', 'lgtoken' => $token, 'lgname' => $lgName, 'lgpassword' => 'foobaz', ), $ret[2] ); $result = $ret[0]; $this->assertNotInternalType( 'bool', $result ); $a = $result['login']['result']; $this->assertEquals( 'Success', $a ); } }