prefUsers['noemail'] = new User; $this->prefUsers['notauth'] = new User; $this->prefUsers['notauth'] ->setEmail( '' ); $this->prefUsers['auth'] = new User; $this->prefUsers['auth'] ->setEmail( '' ); $this->prefUsers['auth'] ->setEmailAuthenticationTimestamp( 1330946623 ); $this->context = new RequestContext; $this->context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'PreferencesTest' ) ); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgEnableEmail' => true, 'wgEmailAuthentication' => true, ] ); } /** * Placeholder to verify T36302 * @covers Preferences::profilePreferences */ public function testEmailAuthenticationFieldWhenUserHasNoEmail() { $prefs = $this->prefsFor( 'noemail' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'cssclass', $prefs['emailauthentication'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'mw-email-none', $prefs['emailauthentication']['cssclass'] ); } /** * Placeholder to verify T36302 * @covers Preferences::profilePreferences */ public function testEmailAuthenticationFieldWhenUserEmailNotAuthenticated() { $prefs = $this->prefsFor( 'notauth' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'cssclass', $prefs['emailauthentication'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'mw-email-not-authenticated', $prefs['emailauthentication']['cssclass'] ); } /** * Placeholder to verify T36302 * @covers Preferences::profilePreferences */ public function testEmailAuthenticationFieldWhenUserEmailIsAuthenticated() { $prefs = $this->prefsFor( 'auth' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'cssclass', $prefs['emailauthentication'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'mw-email-authenticated', $prefs['emailauthentication']['cssclass'] ); } /** * Test that PreferencesFormPreSave hook has correct data: * - user Object is passed * - oldUserOptions contains previous user options (before save) * - formData and User object have set up new properties * * @see * @covers Preferences::tryFormSubmit */ public function testPreferencesFormPreSaveHookHasCorrectData() { $oldOptions = [ 'test' => 'abc', 'option' => 'old' ]; $newOptions = [ 'test' => 'abc', 'option' => 'new' ]; $configMock = new HashConfig( [ 'HiddenPrefs' => [] ] ); $form = $this->getMockBuilder( PreferencesForm::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $userMock->method( 'getOptions' ) ->willReturn( $oldOptions ); $userMock->method( 'isAllowedAny' ) ->willReturn( true ); $userMock->method( 'isAllowed' ) ->willReturn( true ); $userMock->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) ) ->method( 'setOption' ) ->withConsecutive( [ $this->equalTo( 'test' ), $this->equalTo( $newOptions[ 'test' ] ) ], [ $this->equalTo( 'option' ), $this->equalTo( $newOptions[ 'option' ] ) ] ); $form->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getModifiedUser' ) ->willReturn( $userMock ); $form->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getContext' ) ->willReturn( $this->context ); $form->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getConfig' ) ->willReturn( $configMock ); $this->setTemporaryHook( 'PreferencesFormPreSave', function ( $formData, $form, $user, &$result, $oldUserOptions ) use ( $newOptions, $oldOptions, $userMock ) { $this->assertSame( $userMock, $user ); foreach ( $newOptions as $option => $value ) { $this->assertSame( $value, $formData[ $option ] ); } foreach ( $oldOptions as $option => $value ) { $this->assertSame( $value, $oldUserOptions[ $option ] ); } $this->assertEquals( true, $result ); } ); Preferences::tryFormSubmit( $newOptions, $form ); } /** Helper */ protected function prefsFor( $user_key ) { return Preferences::getPreferences( $this->prefUsers[$user_key], $this->context ); } }