@import 'mediawiki.mixins'; .mw-rcfilters-ui-filterMenuSectionOptionWidget { background: #eaecf0; padding-bottom: 0.7em; &-header { padding: 0 0.75em; // Use a high specificity to override OOUI .oo-ui-optionWidget.oo-ui-labelElement &-title.oo-ui-labelElement-label { // TODO: Unify colors with official design palette color: #555a5d; .box-sizing( border-box ); display: inline-block; line-height: normal; } } &-whatsThisButton { margin-left: 1.5em; &.oo-ui-buttonElement { vertical-align: text-bottom; & > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button { font-weight: normal; // Override OOUI's definitions for button border-color: transparent; padding: 0; &:focus { box-shadow: none; outline: 0; } } } &-popup-content { padding: 1em; &-header { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 1em; } &-link { margin: 1em 0; } .oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-labelElement > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button > .oo-ui-labelElement-label { margin-left: 0; } } } &-active { .mw-rcfilters-ui-filterMenuSectionOptionWidget-header-title { font-weight: bold; } } }