// Colors for use in mediawiki.ui and elsewhere // Although this defines many shades, be parsimonious in your own use of grays. Prefer // colors already in use in MediaWiki. Prefer semantic color names such as "@colorText". @colorGray1: #000; // darkest @colorGray2: #222; @colorGray3: #333; @colorGray4: #444; @colorGray5: #555; @colorGray6: #666; @colorGray7: #72777d; @colorGray8: #888; @colorGray9: #999; @colorGray10: #aaa; @colorGray11: #bbb; @colorGray12: #ccc; @colorGray13: #ddd; @colorGray14: #eee; @colorGray15: #f8f9fa; // lightest // Semantic background colors // Blue; for contextual use of a continuing action @colorProgressive: #36c; @colorProgressiveHighlight: #447ff5; @colorProgressiveActive: #2a4b8d; // Orange; for contextual use of returning to a past action @colorRegressive: #ff5d00; // Red; for contextual use of a negative action of high severity @colorDestructive: #c33; @colorDestructiveHighlight: #e53939; @colorDestructiveActive: #873636; // Orange; for contextual use of a potentially negative action of medium severity @colorMediumSevere: #ff5d00; // Yellow; for contextual use of a potentially negative action of low severity @colorLowSevere: #fc3; // Used in mixins to darken contextual colors by the same amount (eg. focus) @colorDarkenPercentage: 13.5%; // Used in mixins to lighten contextual colors by the same amount (eg. hover) @colorLightenPercentage: 13.5%; // Text colors @colorText: @colorGray2; @colorTextLight: @colorGray6; @colorButtonText: @colorGray2; @colorButtonTextHighlight: @colorGray4; @colorButtonTextActive: @colorGray1; @colorDisabledText: @colorGray12; @colorErrorText: #c00; @colorWarningText: #705000; // UI colors @colorFieldBorder: #9aa0a7; @colorShadow: @colorGray14; @colorPlaceholder: @colorGray10; @colorNeutral: @colorGray7; // Global border radius to be used to buttons and inputs @borderRadius: 2px; // Icon related variables @iconSize: 1.5em; @iconGutterWidth: 1em; // Form input sizes @checkboxSize: 2em; @radioSize: 2em; // The following rules are deprecated @colorWhite: #fff; @colorOffWhite: #fafafa; @colorGrayDark: #898989; @colorGrayLight: #ccc; @colorGrayLighter: #ddd; @colorGrayLightest: #eee; // Green; for contextual use of a positive finalizing action @colorConstructive: #00af89; @colorConstructiveHighlight: #1c6665; @colorConstructiveActive: #134645;