mDescription = "Copy files in repo to a different layout."; $this->addOption( 'oldlayout', "Old layout; one of 'name' or 'sha1'", true, true ); $this->addOption( 'newlayout', "New layout; one of 'name' or 'sha1'", true, true ); $this->addOption( 'since', "Copy only files from after this timestamp", false, true ); $this->setBatchSize( 50 ); } public function execute() { $oldLayout = $this->getOption( 'oldlayout' ); if ( !in_array( $oldLayout, array( 'name', 'sha1' ) ) ) { $this->error( "Invalid old layout.", 1 ); } $newLayout = $this->getOption( 'newlayout' ); if ( !in_array( $newLayout, array( 'name', 'sha1' ) ) ) { $this->error( "Invalid new layout.", 1 ); } $since = $this->getOption( 'since' ); $repo = $this->getRepo(); $be = $repo->getBackend(); if ( $be instanceof FileBackendDBRepoWrapper ) { $be = $be->getInternalBackend(); // avoid path translations for this script } $dbw = $repo->getMasterDB(); $origBase = $be->getContainerStoragePath( "{$repo->getName()}-original" ); $startTime = wfTimestampNow(); // Do current and archived versions... $conds = array(); if ( $since ) { $conds[] = 'img_timestamp >= ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp( $since ) ); } $batch = array(); $lastName = ''; do { $res = $dbw->select( 'image', array( 'img_name', 'img_sha1' ), array_merge( array( 'img_name > ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $lastName ) ), $conds ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, 'ORDER BY' => 'img_name' ) ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $lastName = $row->img_name; /** @var LocalFile $file */ $file = $repo->newFile( $row->img_name ); // Check in case SHA1 rows are not populated for some files $sha1 = strlen( $row->img_sha1 ) ? $row->img_sha1 : $file->getSha1(); if ( !strlen( $sha1 ) ) { $this->error( "Image SHA-1 not known for {$row->img_name}." ); } else { if ( $oldLayout === 'sha1' ) { $spath = "{$origBase}/{$sha1[0]}/{$sha1[1]}/{$sha1[2]}/{$sha1}"; } else { $spath = $file->getPath(); } if ( $newLayout === 'sha1' ) { $dpath = "{$origBase}/{$sha1[0]}/{$sha1[1]}/{$sha1[2]}/{$sha1}"; } else { $dpath = $file->getPath(); } $status = $be->prepare( array( 'dir' => dirname( $dpath ), 'bypassReadOnly' => 1 ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->error( print_r( $status->getErrorsArray(), true ) ); } $batch[] = array( 'op' => 'copy', 'overwrite' => true, 'src' => $spath, 'dst' => $dpath, 'img' => $row->img_name ); } foreach ( $file->getHistory() as $ofile ) { $sha1 = $ofile->getSha1(); if ( !strlen( $sha1 ) ) { $this->error( "Image SHA-1 not set for {$ofile->getArchiveName()}." ); continue; } if ( $oldLayout === 'sha1' ) { $spath = "{$origBase}/{$sha1[0]}/{$sha1[1]}/{$sha1[2]}/{$sha1}"; } elseif ( $ofile->isDeleted( File::DELETED_FILE ) ) { $spath = $be->getContainerStoragePath( "{$repo->getName()}-deleted" ) . '/' . $repo->getDeletedHashPath( $sha1 ) . $sha1 . '.' . $ofile->getExtension(); } else { $spath = $ofile->getPath(); } if ( $newLayout === 'sha1' ) { $dpath = "{$origBase}/{$sha1[0]}/{$sha1[1]}/{$sha1[2]}/{$sha1}"; } else { $dpath = $ofile->getPath(); } $status = $be->prepare( array( 'dir' => dirname( $dpath ), 'bypassReadOnly' => 1 ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->error( print_r( $status->getErrorsArray(), true ) ); } $batch[] = array( 'op' => 'copy', 'overwrite' => true, 'src' => $spath, 'dst' => $dpath, 'img' => $ofile->getArchiveName() ); } if ( count( $batch ) >= $this->mBatchSize ) { $this->runBatch( $batch, $be ); $batch = array(); } } } while ( $res->numRows() ); if ( count( $batch ) ) { $this->runBatch( $batch, $be ); } // Do deleted versions... $conds = array(); if ( $since ) { $conds[] = 'fa_deleted_timestamp >= ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->timestamp( $since ) ); } $batch = array(); $lastId = 0; do { $res = $dbw->select( 'filearchive', array( 'fa_storage_key', 'fa_id', 'fa_name' ), array_merge( array( 'fa_id > ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $lastId ) ), $conds ), __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, 'ORDER BY' => 'fa_id' ) ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $lastId = $row->fa_id; $sha1Key = $row->fa_storage_key; if ( !strlen( $sha1Key ) ) { $this->error( "Image SHA-1 not set for file #{$row->fa_id} (deleted)." ); continue; } $sha1 = substr( $sha1Key, 0, strpos( $sha1Key, '.' ) ); if ( $oldLayout === 'sha1' ) { $spath = "{$origBase}/{$sha1[0]}/{$sha1[1]}/{$sha1[2]}/{$sha1}"; } else { $spath = $be->getContainerStoragePath( "{$repo->getName()}-deleted" ) . '/' . $repo->getDeletedHashPath( $sha1Key ) . $sha1Key; } if ( $newLayout === 'sha1' ) { $dpath = "{$origBase}/{$sha1[0]}/{$sha1[1]}/{$sha1[2]}/{$sha1}"; } else { $dpath = $be->getContainerStoragePath( "{$repo->getName()}-deleted" ) . '/' . $repo->getDeletedHashPath( $sha1Key ) . $sha1Key; } $status = $be->prepare( array( 'dir' => dirname( $dpath ), 'bypassReadOnly' => 1 ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->error( print_r( $status->getErrorsArray(), true ) ); } $batch[] = array( 'op' => 'copy', 'src' => $spath, 'dst' => $dpath, 'overwriteSame' => true, 'img' => "(ID {$row->fa_id}) {$row->fa_name}" ); if ( count( $batch ) >= $this->mBatchSize ) { $this->runBatch( $batch, $be ); $batch = array(); } } } while ( $res->numRows() ); if ( count( $batch ) ) { $this->runBatch( $batch, $be ); } $this->output( "Done (started $startTime)\n" ); } protected function getRepo() { return RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo(); } protected function runBatch( array $ops, FileBackend $be ) { $this->output( "Migrating file batch:\n" ); foreach ( $ops as $op ) { $this->output( "\"{$op['img']}\" (dest: {$op['dst']})\n" ); } $status = $be->doOperations( $ops, array( 'bypassReadOnly' => 1 ) ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->output( print_r( $status->getErrorsArray(), true ) ); } $this->output( "Batch done\n\n" ); } } $maintClass = 'MigrateFileRepoLayout'; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;