addDescription( 'Invalidate the sessions of certain users on the wiki.' ); $this->addOption( 'user', 'Username', false, true, 'u' ); $this->addOption( 'file', 'File with one username per line', false, true, 'f' ); $this->setBatchSize( 1000 ); } public function execute() { $username = $this->getOption( 'user' ); $file = $this->getOption( 'file' ); if ( $username === null && $file === null ) { $this->fatalError( 'Either --user or --file is required' ); } elseif ( $username !== null && $file !== null ) { $this->fatalError( 'Cannot use both --user and --file' ); } if ( $username !== null ) { $usernames = [ $username ]; } else { $usernames = is_readable( $file ) ? file( $file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES ) : false; if ( $usernames === false ) { $this->fatalError( "Could not open $file", 2 ); } } $i = 0; $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $sessionManager = SessionManager::singleton(); foreach ( $usernames as $username ) { $i++; $user = User::newFromName( $username ); try { $sessionManager->invalidateSessionsForUser( $user ); if ( $user->getId() ) { $this->output( "Invalidated sessions for user $username\n" ); } else { # session invalidation might still work if there is a central identity provider $this->output( "Could not find user $username, tried to invalidate anyway\n" ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->output( "Failed to invalidate sessions for user $username | " . str_replace( [ "\r", "\n" ], ' ', $e->getMessage() ) . "\n" ); } if ( $i % $this->getBatchSize() ) { $lbFactory->waitForReplication(); } } } } $maintClass = InvalidateUserSesssions::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;