addDescription( 'Clean up duplicate ar_rev_id, both within archive and between archive and revision.' ); $this->setBatchSize( 10000 ); } protected function getUpdateKey() { return __CLASS__; } protected function doDBUpdates() { $this->output( "Deduplicating ar_rev_id...\n" ); $dbw = $this->getDB( DB_MASTER ); $minId = $dbw->selectField( 'archive', 'MIN(ar_rev_id)', [], __METHOD__ ); $maxId = $dbw->selectField( 'archive', 'MAX(ar_rev_id)', [], __METHOD__ ); $batchSize = $this->getBatchSize(); $this->arActorQuery = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getJoin( 'ar_user' ); $revActorQuery = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getJoin( 'rev_user' ); for ( $id = $minId; $id <= $maxId; $id += $batchSize ) { $endId = min( $maxId, $id + $batchSize - 1 ); $this->beginTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); // Lock the archive and revision table rows for the IDs we're checking // to try to prevent deletions or undeletions from confusing things. $dbw->selectRowCount( 'archive', 1, [ 'ar_rev_id >= ' . (int)$id, 'ar_rev_id <= ' . (int)$endId ], __METHOD__, [ 'FOR UPDATE' ] ); $dbw->selectRowCount( 'revision', 1, [ 'rev_id >= ' . (int)$id, 'rev_id <= ' . (int)$endId ], __METHOD__, [ 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ] ); // Figure out the ar_rev_ids we actually need to look at $res = $dbw->select( [ 'archive', 'revision' ] + $revActorQuery['tables'], [ 'rev_id', 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_sha1' ] + $revActorQuery['fields'], [ 'ar_rev_id >= ' . (int)$id, 'ar_rev_id <= ' . (int)$endId ], __METHOD__, [ 'DISTINCT' ], [ 'revision' => [ 'JOIN', 'ar_rev_id = rev_id' ] ] + $revActorQuery['joins'] ); $revRows = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $revRows[$row->rev_id] = $row; } $arRevIds = $dbw->selectFieldValues( [ 'archive' ], 'ar_rev_id', [ 'ar_rev_id >= ' . (int)$id, 'ar_rev_id <= ' . (int)$endId ], __METHOD__, [ 'GROUP BY' => 'ar_rev_id', 'HAVING' => 'COUNT(*) > 1' ] ); $arRevIds = array_values( array_unique( array_merge( $arRevIds, array_keys( $revRows ) ) ) ); if ( $arRevIds ) { $this->processArRevIds( $dbw, $arRevIds, $revRows ); } $this->output( "... $id-$endId\n" ); $this->commitTransaction( $dbw, __METHOD__ ); } $this->output( "Finished deduplicating ar_rev_id. $this->deleted rows deleted, " . "$this->reassigned assigned new IDs.\n" ); return true; } /** * Process a set of ar_rev_ids * @param IDatabase $dbw * @param int[] $arRevIds IDs to process * @param object[] $revRows Existing revision-table row data */ private function processArRevIds( IDatabase $dbw, array $arRevIds, array $revRows ) { // Select all the data we need for deduplication $res = $dbw->select( [ 'archive' ] + $this->arActorQuery['tables'], [ 'ar_id', 'ar_rev_id', 'ar_namespace', 'ar_title', 'ar_timestamp', 'ar_sha1' ] + $this->arActorQuery['fields'], [ 'ar_rev_id' => $arRevIds ], __METHOD__, [], $this->arActorQuery['joins'] ); // Determine which rows we need to delete or reassign $seen = []; $toDelete = []; $toReassign = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { // Revision-table row exists? if ( isset( $revRows[$row->ar_rev_id] ) ) { $revRow = $revRows[$row->ar_rev_id]; // Record the rev_id as seen, so the code below will always delete or reassign. if ( !isset( $seen[$revRow->rev_id] ) ) { $seen[$revRow->rev_id] = [ 'first' => "revision row", ]; } // Delete the archive row if it seems to be the same regardless // of page, because moves can change IDs and titles. if ( $row->ar_timestamp === $revRow->rev_timestamp && $row->ar_sha1 === $revRow->rev_sha1 && $row->ar_user === $revRow->rev_user && $row->ar_user_text === $revRow->rev_user_text ) { $this->output( "Row $row->ar_id duplicates revision row for rev_id $revRow->rev_id, deleting\n" ); $toDelete[] = $row->ar_id; continue; } } $key = $this->getSeenKey( $row ); if ( !isset( $seen[$row->ar_rev_id] ) ) { // This rev_id hasn't even been seen yet, nothing to do besides record it. $seen[$row->ar_rev_id] = [ 'first' => "archive row $row->ar_id", $key => $row->ar_id, ]; } elseif ( !isset( $seen[$row->ar_rev_id][$key] ) ) { // The rev_id was seen, but not this particular change. Reassign it. $seen[$row->ar_rev_id][$key] = $row->ar_id; $this->output( "Row $row->ar_id conflicts with {$seen[$row->ar_rev_id]['first']} " . "for rev_id $row->ar_rev_id, reassigning\n" ); $toReassign[] = $row->ar_id; } else { // The rev_id was seen with a row that matches this change. Delete it. $this->output( "Row $row->ar_id duplicates archive row {$seen[$row->ar_rev_id][$key]} " . "for rev_id $row->ar_rev_id, deleting\n" ); $toDelete[] = $row->ar_id; } } // Perform the updates if ( $toDelete ) { $dbw->delete( 'archive', [ 'ar_id' => $toDelete ], __METHOD__ ); $this->deleted += $dbw->affectedRows(); } if ( $toReassign ) { $this->reassigned += PopulateArchiveRevId::reassignArRevIds( $dbw, $toReassign ); } } /** * Make a key identifying a "unique" change from a row * @param object $row * @return string */ private function getSeenKey( $row ) { return implode( "\n", [ $row->ar_namespace, $row->ar_title, $row->ar_timestamp, $row->ar_sha1, $row->ar_user, $row->ar_user_text, ] ); } } $maintClass = "DeduplicateArchiveRevId"; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;