'Media', NS_SPECIAL => 'Special', NS_TALK => 'Diskusija', NS_USER => 'Dalībnieks', NS_USER_TALK => 'Dalībnieka_diskusija', NS_PROJECT_TALK => '{{grammar:ģenitīvs|$1}}_diskusija', NS_FILE => 'Attēls', NS_FILE_TALK => 'Attēla_diskusija', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_diskusija', NS_TEMPLATE => 'Veidne', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Veidnes_diskusija', NS_HELP => 'Palīdzība', NS_HELP_TALK => 'Palīdzības_diskusija', NS_CATEGORY => 'Kategorija', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Kategorijas_diskusija', ); $namespaceAliases = array( 'Lietotājs' => NS_USER, 'Lietotāja_diskusija' => NS_USER_TALK, ); $namespaceGenderAliases = array( NS_USER => array( 'male' => 'Dalībnieks', 'female' => 'Dalībniece' ), NS_USER_TALK => array( 'male' => 'Dalībnieka_diskusija', 'female' => 'Dalībnieces_diskusija' ) ); $separatorTransformTable = array( ',' => "\xc2\xa0", '.' => ',' ); /** * A list of date format preference keys, which can be selected in user * preferences. New preference keys can be added, provided they are supported * by the language class's timeanddate(). Only the 5 keys listed below are * supported by the wikitext converter (parser/DateFormatter.php). * * The special key "default" is an alias for either dmy or mdy depending on * $wgAmericanDates */ $datePreferences = array( 'default', 'ydm', 'mdy', 'dmy', 'ymd', 'ISO 8601', ); /** * The date format to use for generated dates in the user interface. * This may be one of the above date preferences, or the special value * "dmy or mdy", which uses mdy if $wgAmericanDates is true, and dmy * if $wgAmericanDates is false. */ $defaultDateFormat = 'ydm'; /** * Associative array mapping old numeric date formats, which may still be * stored in user preferences, to the new string formats. */ $datePreferenceMigrationMap = array( 'default', 'mdy', 'dmy', 'ymd' ); /** * These are formats for dates generated by MediaWiki (as opposed to the wikitext * DateFormatter). Documentation for the format string can be found in * Language.php, search for sprintfDate. * * This array is automatically inherited by all subclasses. Individual keys can be * overridden. */ $dateFormats = array( 'ydm time' => 'H.i', 'ydm date' => 'Y". gada" j. F', 'ydm monthonly' => 'Y". gada" F', 'ydm both' => 'Y". gada" j. F", plkst." H.i', 'ydm pretty' => 'j F', 'mdy time' => 'H:i', 'mdy date' => 'F j, Y', 'mdy monthonly' => 'F Y', 'mdy both' => 'H:i, F j, Y', 'mdy pretty' => 'F j', 'dmy time' => 'H:i', 'dmy date' => 'j F Y', 'dmy monthonly' => 'F Y', 'dmy both' => 'H:i, j F Y', 'dmy pretty' => 'j F', 'ymd time' => 'H:i', 'ymd date' => 'Y F j', 'ymd monthonly' => 'Y F', 'ymd both' => 'H:i, Y F j', 'ymd pretty' => 'F j', 'ISO 8601 time' => 'xnH:xni:xns', 'ISO 8601 date' => 'xnY-xnm-xnd', 'ISO 8601 monthonly' => 'xnY-xnm', 'ISO 8601 both' => 'xnY-xnm-xnd"T"xnH:xni:xns', 'ISO 8601 pretty' => 'xnm-xnd' );