'', ); /** * @param string $input a filename or string containing the XML element * @param callable $filterCallback (optional) * Function to call to do additional custom validity checks from the * SAX element handler event. This gives you access to the element * namespace, name, attributes, and text contents. * Filter should return 'true' to toggle on $this->filterMatch * @param bool $isFile (optional) indicates if the first parameter is a * filename (default, true) or if it is a string (false) * @param array $options list of additional parsing options: * processing_instruction_handler: Callback for xml_set_processing_instruction_handler */ function __construct( $input, $filterCallback = null, $isFile = true, $options = array() ) { $this->filterCallback = $filterCallback; $this->parserOptions = array_merge( $this->parserOptions, $options ); $this->validateFromInput( $input, $isFile ); } /** * Alternative constructor: from filename * * @param string $fname the filename of an XML document * @param callable $filterCallback (optional) * Function to call to do additional custom validity checks from the * SAX element handler event. This gives you access to the element * namespace, name, and attributes, but not to text contents. * Filter should return 'true' to toggle on $this->filterMatch * @return XmlTypeCheck */ public static function newFromFilename( $fname, $filterCallback = null ) { return new self( $fname, $filterCallback, true ); } /** * Alternative constructor: from string * * @param string $string a string containing an XML element * @param callable $filterCallback (optional) * Function to call to do additional custom validity checks from the * SAX element handler event. This gives you access to the element * namespace, name, and attributes, but not to text contents. * Filter should return 'true' to toggle on $this->filterMatch * @return XmlTypeCheck */ public static function newFromString( $string, $filterCallback = null ) { return new self( $string, $filterCallback, false ); } /** * Get the root element. Simple accessor to $rootElement * * @return string */ public function getRootElement() { return $this->rootElement; } /** * @param string $fname the filename */ private function validateFromInput( $xml, $isFile ) { $reader = new XMLReader(); if ( $isFile ) { $s = $reader->open( $xml, null, LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING ); } else { $s = $reader->XML( $xml, null, LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING ); } if ( $s !== true ) { // Couldn't open the XML $this->wellFormed = false; } else { $oldDisable = libxml_disable_entity_loader( true ); $reader->setParserProperty( XMLReader::SUBST_ENTITIES, true ); try { $this->validate( $reader ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // Calling this malformed, because we didn't parse the whole // thing. Maybe just an external entity refernce. $this->wellFormed = false; $reader->close(); libxml_disable_entity_loader( $oldDisable ); throw $e; } $reader->close(); libxml_disable_entity_loader( $oldDisable ); } } private function readNext( XMLReader $reader ) { set_error_handler( array( $this, 'XmlErrorHandler' ) ); $ret = $reader->read(); restore_error_handler(); return $ret; } public function XmlErrorHandler( $errno, $errstr ) { $this->wellFormed = false; } private function validate( $reader ) { // First, move through anything that isn't an element, and // handle any processing instructions with the callback do { if( !$this->readNext( $reader ) ) { // Hit the end of the document before any elements $this->wellFormed = false; return; } if ( $reader->nodeType === XMLReader::PI ) { $this->processingInstructionHandler( $reader->name, $reader->value ); } } while ( $reader->nodeType != XMLReader::ELEMENT ); // Process the rest of the document do { switch ( $reader->nodeType ) { case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $name = $this->expandNS( $reader->name, $reader->namespaceURI ); if ( $this->rootElement === '' ) { $this->rootElement = $name; } $empty = $reader->isEmptyElement; $attrs = $this->getAttributesArray( $reader ); $this->elementOpen( $name, $attrs ); if ( $empty ) { $this->elementClose(); } break; case XMLReader::END_ELEMENT: $this->elementClose(); break; case XMLReader::WHITESPACE: case XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE: case XMLReader::CDATA: case XMLReader::TEXT: $this->elementData( $reader->value ); break; case XMLReader::ENTITY_REF: // Unexpanded entity (maybe external?), // don't send to the filter (xml_parse didn't) break; case XMLReader::COMMENT: // Don't send to the filter (xml_parse didn't) break; case XMLReader::PI: // Processing instructions can happen after the header too $this->processingInstructionHandler( $reader->name, $reader->value ); break; default: // One of DOC, DOC_TYPE, ENTITY, END_ENTITY, // NOTATION, or XML_DECLARATION // xml_parse didn't send these to the filter, so we won't. } } while ( $this->readNext( $reader ) ); if ( $this->stackDepth !== 0 ) { $this->wellFormed = false; } elseif ( $this->wellFormed === null ) { $this->wellFormed = true; } } /** * Get all of the attributes for an XMLReader's current node * @param $r XMLReader * @return array of attributes */ private function getAttributesArray( XMLReader $r ) { $attrs = array(); while ( $r->moveToNextAttribute() ) { if ( $r->namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' ) { // XMLReader treats xmlns attributes as normal // attributes, while xml_parse doesn't continue; } $name = $this->expandNS( $r->name, $r->namespaceURI ); $attrs[$name] = $r->value; } return $attrs; } /** * @param $name element or attribute name, maybe with a full or short prefix * @param $namespaceURI the namespaceURI * @return string the name prefixed with namespaceURI */ private function expandNS( $name, $namespaceURI ) { if ( $namespaceURI ) { $parts = explode( ':', $name ); $localname = array_pop( $parts ); return "$namespaceURI:$localname"; } return $name; } /** * @param $name * @param $attribs */ private function elementOpen( $name, $attribs ) { $this->elementDataContext[] = array( $name, $attribs ); $this->elementData[] = ''; $this->stackDepth++; } /** */ private function elementClose() { list( $name, $attribs ) = array_pop( $this->elementDataContext ); $data = array_pop( $this->elementData ); $this->stackDepth--; if ( is_callable( $this->filterCallback ) && call_user_func( $this->filterCallback, $name, $attribs, $data ) ) { // Filter hit $this->filterMatch = true; } } /** * @param $data */ private function elementData( $data ) { // Collect any data here, and we'll run the callback in elementClose $this->elementData[ $this->stackDepth - 1 ] .= trim( $data ); } /** * @param $target * @param $data */ private function processingInstructionHandler( $target, $data ) { if ( $this->parserOptions['processing_instruction_handler'] ) { if ( call_user_func( $this->parserOptions['processing_instruction_handler'], $target, $data ) ) { // Filter hit! $this->filterMatch = true; } } } }