[], 'public' => [], ]; /** * @param \ConfigFactory $configFactory */ public function __construct( \ConfigFactory $configFactory ) { $this->configFactory = $configFactory; } /** * Returns true, if this repository contains a configuration with a specific name. * * @param string $name The name of the config to check the existence of * @param bool $alsoPrivate If set to true, will check the private config options, too * @return bool */ public function has( $name, $alsoPrivate = false ) { return isset( $this->configItems['public'][$name] ) || ( $alsoPrivate && isset( $this->configItems['private'][$name] ) ); } /** * Returns the ConfigItem with the given name, if there's one. Throws a ConfigException * otherwise. * * @param string $name The name of the configuration option to get * @return array * @throws \ConfigException */ public function get( $name ) { if ( !$this->has( $name, true ) ) { throw new \ConfigException( 'The configuration option ' . $name . ' does not exist.' ); } if ( isset( $this->configItems['public'][$name] ) ) { return $this->configItems['public'][$name]; } return $this->configItems['private'][$name]; } /** * Returns an array of all configuration items saved in this ConfigRepository. This includes * all configuration options, including the ones marked as private and public. * * Note: This function does not do any permission checks or something similar. You should not * use this function, if the output will be available to the public audience! Use * ConfigRepository::getPublic() instead. * * @return array */ public function getAll() { return array_merge( $this->configItems['private'], $this->configItems['public'] ); } /** * Returns an array of all public configuration options saved in this ConfigRepository. * * @return array */ public function getPublic() { return $this->configItems['public']; } /** * Returns the current value of the configuration option. If no ConfigRegistry was provided * when the config was added to the repository, the default value will be returned. * * @param string $name The name of the configuration option to get the value of * @return mixed * @throws \ConfigException */ public function getValueOf( $name ) { $config = $this->get( $name ); if ( !isset( $config['configregistry'] ) ) { return $config['value']; } return $this->configFactory->makeConfig( $config['configregistry'] )->get( $name ); } /** * Returns the description of the given config option, This can be either a localized * description, if one such, or the (maybe english only) description provided in the * definition of the configuration. If both is not provided an empty string is returned. * * @param string $name The name of the configuration option to get the description of * @return string HTML-escaped string */ public function getDescriptionOf( $name ) { $config = $this->get( $name ); if ( isset( $config['descriptionmsg'] ) ) { return wfMessage( $config['descriptionmsg'] )->escaped(); } if ( isset( $config['description'] ) ) { return htmlspecialchars( $config['description'] ); } return ''; } /** * Adds the definition of a configuration to this repository. * * @param string $name the name of the config * @param array $config Options of this config. Values are: * - value: The default value of this configuration, required * - providedby: The name of the provider of this config (an extension, core, ...), required * - configregistry: The name of the config to retrieve the value with, required * - public: whether this option is public or not, if not set, the option is considered as * "private", optional * - description: the not localized description of this config option, optional * - descriptionmsg: The message key of the localized description of this configuration * option, optional * @throws \ConfigException */ public function add( $name, array $config ) { if ( $this->has( $name ) ) { throw new \ConfigException( 'A configuration with the name ' . $name . 'does already exist. It is provided by: ' . $this->get( $name )['providedby'] ); } if ( isset( $config['public'] ) && $config['public'] ) { $this->configItems['public'][$name] = $config; } else { $this->configItems['private'][$name] = $config; } } /** * Returns true, if there're no elements in this instance, otherwise false. * * @param bool $includePrivate Whether configuration options, that are marked as private * should be included in this check. * @return bool */ public function isEmpty( $includePrivate = false ) { if ( $includePrivate ) { return empty( $this->configItems['private'] ) && empty( $this->configItems[ 'public'] ); } return empty( $this->configItems['public'] ); } /** * Re-uses existing Cache objects from $other. Cache objects are only re-used if the * registered factory function for both is the same. * * @see SalvageableService::salvage() * * @param SalvageableService $other The object to salvage state from. $other must have the * exact same type as $this. */ public function salvage( SalvageableService $other ) { Assert::parameterType( self::class, $other, '$other' ); /** @var ConfigRepository $other */ $otherCurrentObj = $other->current(); foreach ( $other->configItems['public'] as $name => $otherConfig ) { if ( isset( $this->configItems['public'][$name] ) ) { continue; } $this->add( $name, $otherConfig ); // recover the pointer of the other config repository if ( $otherCurrentObj === $otherConfig ) { end( $this->configItems['public'] ); } } foreach ( $other->configItems['private'] as $name => $otherConfig ) { if ( isset( $this->configItems['private'][$name] ) ) { continue; } $this->add( $name, $otherConfig ); // recover the pointer of the other config repository if ( $otherCurrentObj === $otherConfig ) { end( $this->configItems['private'] ); } } // disable $other $other->configItems = []; } }