. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * @author Evan Prodromou * @file */ abstract class RdfMetaData { const RDF_TYPE_PREFS = 'application/rdf+xml,text/xml;q=0.7,application/xml;q=0.5,text/rdf;q=0.1'; /** * Constructor * @param Page $page */ public function __construct( Page $page ) { $this->mArticle = $page; } abstract public function show(); protected function setup() { global $wgOut, $wgRequest; $httpaccept = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : null; $rdftype = wfNegotiateType( wfAcceptToPrefs( $httpaccept ), wfAcceptToPrefs( self::RDF_TYPE_PREFS ) ); if ( !$rdftype ) { throw new HttpError( 406, wfMessage( 'notacceptable' ) ); } $wgOut->disable(); $wgRequest->response()->header( "Content-type: {$rdftype}; charset=utf-8" ); $wgOut->sendCacheControl(); return true; } protected function reallyFullUrl() { return $this->mArticle->getTitle()->getFullURL(); } protected function basics() { global $wgLanguageCode, $wgSitename; $this->element( 'title', $this->mArticle->getTitle()->getText() ); $this->pageOrString( 'publisher', wfMessage( 'aboutpage' )->text(), $wgSitename ); $this->element( 'language', $wgLanguageCode ); $this->element( 'type', 'Text' ); $this->element( 'format', 'text/html' ); $this->element( 'identifier', $this->reallyFullUrl() ); $this->element( 'date', $this->date( $this->mArticle->getTimestamp() ) ); $lastEditor = User::newFromId( $this->mArticle->getUser() ); $this->person( 'creator', $lastEditor ); foreach ( $this->mArticle->getContributors() as $user ) { $this->person( 'contributor', $user ); } $this->rights(); } protected function element( $name, $value ) { $value = htmlspecialchars( $value ); print "\t\t{$value}\n"; } protected function date( $timestamp ) { return substr( $timestamp, 0, 4 ) . '-' . substr( $timestamp, 4, 2 ) . '-' . substr( $timestamp, 6, 2 ); } protected function pageOrString( $name, $page, $str ) { if ( $page instanceof Title ) { $nt = $page; } else { $nt = Title::newFromText( $page ); } if ( !$nt || $nt->getArticleID() == 0 ) { $this->element( $name, $str ); } else { $this->page( $name, $nt ); } } /** * @param string $name * @param Title $title */ protected function page( $name, $title ) { $this->url( $name, $title->getFullURL() ); } protected function url( $name, $url ) { $url = htmlspecialchars( $url ); print "\t\t\n"; } protected function person( $name, User $user ) { global $wgHiddenPrefs; if ( $user->isAnon() ) { $this->element( $name, wfMessage( 'anonymous' )->numParams( 1 )->text() ); } else { $real = $user->getRealName(); if ( $real && !in_array( 'realname', $wgHiddenPrefs ) ) { $this->element( $name, $real ); } else { $userName = $user->getName(); $this->pageOrString( $name, $user->getUserPage(), wfMessage( 'siteuser', $userName, $userName )->text() ); } } } /** * Takes an arg, for future enhancement with different rights for * different pages. */ protected function rights() { global $wgRightsPage, $wgRightsUrl, $wgRightsText; if ( $wgRightsPage && ( $nt = Title::newFromText( $wgRightsPage ) ) && ( $nt->getArticleID() != 0 ) ) { $this->page( 'rights', $nt ); } elseif ( $wgRightsUrl ) { $this->url( 'rights', $wgRightsUrl ); } elseif ( $wgRightsText ) { $this->element( 'rights', $wgRightsText ); } } protected function getTerms( $url ) { global $wgLicenseTerms; if ( $wgLicenseTerms ) { return $wgLicenseTerms; } else { $known = $this->getKnownLicenses(); if ( isset( $known[$url] ) ) { return $known[$url]; } else { return array(); } } } protected function getKnownLicenses() { $ccLicenses = array( 'by', 'by-nd', 'by-nd-nc', 'by-nc', 'by-nc-sa', 'by-sa' ); $ccVersions = array( '1.0', '2.0' ); $knownLicenses = array(); foreach ( $ccVersions as $version ) { foreach ( $ccLicenses as $license ) { if ( $version == '2.0' && substr( $license, 0, 2 ) != 'by' ) { # 2.0 dropped the non-attribs licenses continue; } $lurl = "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/{$license}/{$version}/"; $knownLicenses[$lurl] = explode( '-', $license ); $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 're'; $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 'di'; $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 'no'; if ( !in_array( 'nd', $knownLicenses[$lurl] ) ) { $knownLicenses[$lurl][] = 'de'; } } } /* Handle the GPL and LGPL, too. */ $knownLicenses['http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/'] = array( 'de', 're', 'di', 'no', 'sa', 'sc' ); $knownLicenses['http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/'] = array( 'de', 're', 'di', 'no', 'sa', 'sc' ); $knownLicenses['http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html'] = array( 'de', 're', 'di', 'no', 'sa', 'sc' ); return $knownLicenses; } }