Merge "Fix and make some types in PHPDoc and JSDoc tags more specific"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / tests / phpunit / includes / resourceloader / ResourceLoaderClientHtmlTest.php
1 <?php
3 use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
5 /**
6 * @group ResourceLoader
7 */
8 class ResourceLoaderClientHtmlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
10 protected static function expandVariables( $text ) {
11 return strtr( $text, [
12 '{blankVer}' => ResourceLoaderTestCase::BLANK_VERSION
13 ] );
14 }
16 protected static function makeContext( $extraQuery = [] ) {
17 $conf = new HashConfig( [
18 'ResourceLoaderSources' => [],
19 'ResourceModuleSkinStyles' => [],
20 'ResourceModules' => [],
21 'EnableJavaScriptTest' => false,
22 'ResourceLoaderDebug' => false,
23 'LoadScript' => '/w/load.php',
24 ] );
25 return new ResourceLoaderContext(
26 new ResourceLoader( $conf ),
27 new FauxRequest( array_merge( [
28 'lang' => 'nl',
29 'skin' => 'fallback',
30 'user' => 'Example',
31 'target' => 'phpunit',
32 ], $extraQuery ) )
33 );
34 }
36 protected static function makeModule( array $options = [] ) {
37 return new ResourceLoaderTestModule( $options );
38 }
40 protected static function makeSampleModules() {
41 $modules = [
42 'test' => [],
43 '' => [ 'position' => 'top' ],
44 '' => [ 'group' => 'private', 'position' => 'top' ],
45 'test.private.bottom' => [ 'group' => 'private', 'position' => 'bottom' ],
46 'test.shouldembed' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true ],
48 'test.styles.pure' => [ 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES ],
49 'test.styles.mixed' => [],
50 'test.styles.noscript' => [
51 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
52 'group' => 'noscript',
53 ],
54 'test.styles.user' => [
55 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
56 'group' => 'user',
57 ],
58 'test.styles.user.empty' => [
59 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
60 'group' => 'user',
61 'isKnownEmpty' => true,
62 ],
63 'test.styles.private' => [
64 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
65 'group' => 'private',
66 'styles' => '.private{}',
67 ],
68 'test.styles.shouldembed' => [
69 'type' => ResourceLoaderModule::LOAD_STYLES,
70 'shouldEmbed' => true,
71 'styles' => '.shouldembed{}',
72 ],
74 'test.scripts' => [],
75 '' => [ 'position' => 'top' ],
76 'test.scripts.user' => [ 'group' => 'user' ],
77 'test.scripts.user.empty' => [ 'group' => 'user', 'isKnownEmpty' => true ],
78 'test.scripts.raw' => [ 'isRaw' => true ],
79 'test.scripts.shouldembed' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true ],
81 'test.ordering.a' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => false ],
82 'test.ordering.b' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => false ],
83 'test.ordering.c' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true, 'styles' => '.orderingC{}' ],
84 'test.ordering.d' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => true, 'styles' => '.orderingD{}' ],
85 'test.ordering.e' => [ 'shouldEmbed' => false ],
86 ];
87 return array_map( function ( $options ) {
88 return self::makeModule( $options );
89 }, $modules );
90 }
92 /**
93 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getDocumentAttributes
94 */
95 public function testGetDocumentAttributes() {
96 $client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( self::makeContext() );
97 $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $client->getDocumentAttributes() );
98 }
100 /**
101 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::__construct
102 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::setModules
103 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::setModuleStyles
104 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::setModuleScripts
105 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getData
106 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getContext
107 */
108 public function testGetData() {
109 $context = self::makeContext();
110 $context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
112 $client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( $context );
113 $client->setModules( [
114 'test',
115 'test.private.bottom',
116 '',
117 '',
118 'test.shouldembed',
119 'test.unregistered',
120 ] );
121 $client->setModuleStyles( [
122 'test.styles.mixed',
123 'test.styles.user.empty',
124 'test.styles.private',
125 'test.styles.pure',
126 'test.styles.shouldembed',
127 'test.unregistered.styles',
128 ] );
129 $client->setModuleScripts( [
130 'test.scripts',
131 'test.scripts.user.empty',
132 '',
133 'test.scripts.shouldembed',
134 'test.unregistered.scripts',
135 ] );
137 $expected = [
138 'states' => [
139 '' => 'loading',
140 'test.private.bottom' => 'loading',
141 'test.shouldembed' => 'loading',
142 'test.styles.pure' => 'ready',
143 'test.styles.user.empty' => 'ready',
144 'test.styles.private' => 'ready',
145 'test.styles.shouldembed' => 'ready',
146 'test.scripts' => 'loading',
147 '' => 'loading',
148 'test.scripts.user.empty' => 'ready',
149 'test.scripts.shouldembed' => 'loading',
150 ],
151 'general' => [
152 'test',
153 '',
154 ],
155 'styles' => [
156 'test.styles.pure',
157 ],
158 'scripts' => [
159 'test.scripts',
160 '',
161 'test.scripts.shouldembed',
162 ],
163 'embed' => [
164 'styles' => [ 'test.styles.private', 'test.styles.shouldembed' ],
165 'general' => [
166 'test.private.bottom',
167 '',
168 'test.shouldembed',
169 ],
170 ],
171 ];
173 $access = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $client );
174 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $access->getData() );
175 }
177 /**
178 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::setConfig
179 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::setExemptStates
180 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getHeadHtml
181 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getLoad
182 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeLoaderStateScript
183 */
184 public function testGetHeadHtml() {
185 $context = self::makeContext();
186 $context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
188 $client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( $context );
189 $client->setConfig( [ 'key' => 'value' ] );
190 $client->setModules( [
191 '',
192 '',
193 ] );
194 $client->setModuleStyles( [
195 'test.styles.pure',
196 'test.styles.private',
197 ] );
198 $client->setModuleScripts( [
199 '',
200 ] );
201 $client->setExemptStates( [
202 'test.exempt' => 'ready',
203 ] );
205 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength
206 $expected = '<script>document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( /(^|\s)client-nojs(\s|$)/, "$1client-js$2" );</script>' . "\n"
207 . '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){'
208 . 'mw.config.set({"key":"value"});'
209 . 'mw.loader.state({"test.exempt":"ready","":"loading","test.styles.pure":"ready","test.styles.private":"ready","":"loading"});'
210 . 'mw.loader.implement("{blankVer}",function($,jQuery,require,module){},{"css":[]});'
211 . 'mw.loader.load([""]);'
212 . 'mw.loader.load("/w/load.php?debug=false\u0026lang=nl\\u0026only=scripts\u0026skin=fallback");'
213 . '});</script>' . "\n"
214 . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.styles.pure&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n"
215 . '<style>.private{}</style>' . "\n"
216 . '<script async="" src="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=startup&amp;only=scripts&amp;skin=fallback"></script>';
217 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
218 $expected = self::expandVariables( $expected );
220 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $client->getHeadHtml() );
221 }
223 /**
224 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getBodyHtml
225 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::getLoad
226 */
227 public function testGetBodyHtml() {
228 $context = self::makeContext();
229 $context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
231 $client = new ResourceLoaderClientHtml( $context );
232 $client->setConfig( [ 'key' => 'value' ] );
233 $client->setModules( [
234 'test',
235 'test.private.bottom',
236 ] );
237 $client->setModuleScripts( [
238 'test.scripts',
239 ] );
241 $expected = '';
242 $expected = self::expandVariables( $expected );
244 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $client->getBodyHtml() );
245 }
247 public static function provideMakeLoad() {
248 return [
249 // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength
250 [
251 'context' => [],
252 'modules' => [ 'test.unknown' ],
253 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
254 'output' => '',
255 ],
256 [
257 'context' => [],
258 'modules' => [ 'test.styles.private' ],
259 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
260 'output' => '<style>.private{}</style>',
261 ],
262 [
263 'context' => [],
264 'modules' => [ '' ],
265 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
266 'output' => '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.loader.implement("{blankVer}",function($,jQuery,require,module){},{"css":[]});});</script>',
267 ],
268 [
269 'context' => [],
270 // Eg. startup module
271 'modules' => [ 'test.scripts.raw' ],
272 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS,
273 'output' => '<script async="" src="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.scripts.raw&amp;only=scripts&amp;skin=fallback"></script>',
274 ],
275 [
276 'context' => [],
277 'modules' => [ 'test.scripts.user' ],
278 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS,
279 'output' => '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.loader.load("/w/load.php?debug=false\u0026lang=nl\u0026modules=test.scripts.user\u0026only=scripts\u0026skin=fallback\u0026user=Example\u0026version=0a56zyi");});</script>',
280 ],
281 [
282 'context' => [ 'debug' => true ],
283 'modules' => [ 'test.styles.pure', 'test.styles.mixed' ],
284 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
285 'output' => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=true&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.styles.mixed&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n"
286 . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=true&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.styles.pure&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>',
287 ],
288 [
289 'context' => [ 'debug' => false ],
290 'modules' => [ 'test.styles.pure', 'test.styles.mixed' ],
291 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
292 'output' => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.styles.mixed%2Cpure&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>',
293 ],
294 [
295 'context' => [],
296 'modules' => [ 'test.styles.noscript' ],
297 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
298 'output' => '<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.styles.noscript&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/></noscript>',
299 ],
300 [
301 'context' => [],
302 'modules' => [ 'test.shouldembed' ],
303 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
304 'output' => '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.loader.implement("test.shouldembed@09p30q0",function($,jQuery,require,module){},{"css":[]});});</script>',
305 ],
306 [
307 'context' => [],
308 'modules' => [ 'test.styles.shouldembed' ],
309 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
310 'output' => '<style>.shouldembed{}</style>',
311 ],
312 [
313 'context' => [],
314 'modules' => [ 'test.scripts.shouldembed' ],
315 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_SCRIPTS,
316 'output' => '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.loader.state({"test.scripts.shouldembed":"ready"});});</script>',
317 ],
318 [
319 'context' => [],
320 'modules' => [ 'test', 'test.shouldembed' ],
321 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED,
322 'output' => '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.loader.load("/w/load.php?debug=false\u0026lang=nl\u0026modules=test\u0026skin=fallback");mw.loader.implement("test.shouldembed@09p30q0",function($,jQuery,require,module){},{"css":[]});});</script>',
323 ],
324 [
325 'context' => [],
326 'modules' => [ 'test.styles.pure', 'test.styles.shouldembed' ],
327 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
328 'output' =>
329 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.styles.pure&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n"
330 . '<style>.shouldembed{}</style>'
331 ],
332 [
333 'context' => [],
334 'modules' => [ 'test.ordering.a', 'test.ordering.e', 'test.ordering.b', 'test.ordering.d', 'test.ordering.c' ],
335 'only' => ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_STYLES,
336 'output' =>
337 '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.ordering.a%2Cb&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>' . "\n"
338 . '<style>.orderingC{}.orderingD{}</style>' . "\n"
339 . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/w/load.php?debug=false&amp;lang=nl&amp;modules=test.ordering.e&amp;only=styles&amp;skin=fallback"/>'
340 ],
341 // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
342 ];
343 }
345 /**
346 * @dataProvider provideMakeLoad
347 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::makeLoad
348 * @covers ResourceLoaderClientHtml::makeContext
349 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse
350 * @covers ResourceLoaderModule::getModuleContent
351 * @covers ResourceLoader::getCombinedVersion
352 * @covers ResourceLoader::createLoaderURL
353 * @covers ResourceLoader::createLoaderQuery
354 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeLoaderQuery
355 * @covers ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript
356 */
357 public function testMakeLoad( array $extraQuery, array $modules, $type, $expected ) {
358 $context = self::makeContext( $extraQuery );
359 $context->getResourceLoader()->register( self::makeSampleModules() );
360 $actual = ResourceLoaderClientHtml::makeLoad( $context, $modules, $type );
361 $expected = self::expandVariables( $expected );
362 $this->assertEquals( $expected, (string)$actual );
363 }
364 }