X-Git-Url: https://git.heureux-cyclage.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=languages%2Fi18n%2Fsco.json;h=a0aa62ecdf277d7268e129f3d68300bb2e42a616;hb=750ac4dd89608013bb77a52e4e52bd9e42ac02ab;hp=d82f2e21a3d73c540893999885f1b254ff7f4e0f;hpb=853b17ef5788be25045855ab340c9e0d8b443218;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git diff --git a/languages/i18n/sco.json b/languages/i18n/sco.json index d82f2e21a3..a0aa62ecdf 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/sco.json +++ b/languages/i18n/sco.json @@ -54,21 +54,22 @@ "tog-shownumberswatching": "Shaw the nummer o watchin uisers", "tog-oldsig": "Yer exeestin seegnatur:", "tog-fancysig": "Treat signature as wikitext (wioot aen autæmatic airtin)", - "tog-uselivepreview": "Uise live luik ower (experimental)", + "tog-uselivepreview": "Uise live preview", "tog-forceeditsummary": "Gie me ae jottin when Ah dinnae put in aen eidit owerview", "tog-watchlisthideown": "Skauk ma eidits frae the watchleet", "tog-watchlisthidebots": "Skauk bot eidits frae the watchleet", "tog-watchlisthideminor": "Dinna shaw smaa eidits oan ma watchleet", "tog-watchlisthideliu": "Skauk eidits bi loggit in uisers fae the watchleet", + "tog-watchlistreloadautomatically": "Relaid the watchleet automatically whaniver a filter is cheenged (JavaScript required)", "tog-watchlisthideanons": "Skauk eidits bi nameless uisers fae the watchleet", "tog-watchlisthidepatrolled": "Skauk patrolled eidits fae the watchleet", "tog-watchlisthidecategorization": "Hide categorisation o pages", "tog-ccmeonemails": "Gie me copies o emails Ah write tae ither uisers", "tog-diffonly": "Dinna shaw page contents ablo diffs", "tog-showhiddencats": "Shaw Skauk't categeries", - "tog-norollbackdiff": "Lave oot diff efter rowin back", + "tog-norollbackdiff": "Dinna shaw diff efter performin a rowback", "tog-useeditwarning": "Warnish me whan Ah lea aen eidit page wi onhained chynges", - "tog-prefershttps": "Aye uise ae secure connection whan loggit in", + "tog-prefershttps": "Ayeweys uise a siccar connection while logged in", "underline-always": "Aye", "underline-never": "Niver", "underline-default": "Skin or brouser defaut", @@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ "january-gen": "Januair", "february-gen": "Febuair", "march-gen": "Mairch", - "april-gen": "Aprile", + "april-gen": "Apryle", "may-gen": "Mey", "june-gen": "Juin", "july-gen": "Julie", @@ -169,13 +170,7 @@ "anontalk": "Tauk", "navigation": "Navigation", "and": " n", - "qbfind": "Fynd", - "qbbrowse": "Brouse", - "qbedit": "Eidit", - "qbpageoptions": "This page", - "qbmyoptions": "Ma pages", "faq": "ASS", - "faqpage": "Project:ASS", "actions": "Actions", "namespaces": "Namespaces", "variants": "Variants", @@ -202,32 +197,22 @@ "edit-local": "Eedit the local descreeption", "create": "Creaut", "create-local": "Eik local descreeption", - "editthispage": "Eedit this page", - "create-this-page": "Creaut this page", "delete": "Delyte", - "deletethispage": "Delyte this page", - "undeletethispage": "Ondelyte this page", "undelete_short": "Ondelyte {{PLURAL:$1|yin eedit|$1 eedits}}", "viewdeleted_short": "See {{PLURAL:$1|yin delytit eedit|$1 delytit eedits}}", "protect": "Fend", "protect_change": "chynge", - "protectthispage": "Fend this page", "unprotect": "Chynge protection", - "unprotectthispage": "Chynge fend fer this page", "newpage": "New page", - "talkpage": "Blether ower this page", "talkpagelinktext": "Tauk", "specialpage": "Byordinar Page", "personaltools": "Personal tuils", - "articlepage": "Leuk at content page", "talk": "Tauk", "views": "Views", "toolbox": "Tuilkist", "tool-link-userrights": "Chynge {{GENDER:$1|uiser}} groups", "tool-link-userrights-readonly": "View {{GENDER:$1|uiser}} groups", "tool-link-emailuser": "Email this {{GENDER:$1|uiser}}", - "userpage": "See the uiser page", - "projectpage": "See waurk page", "imagepage": "See the file page", "mediawikipage": "See the message page", "templatepage": "See the template page", @@ -238,7 +223,7 @@ "redirectedfrom": "(Reguidit fae $1)", "redirectpagesub": "Reguidal page", "redirectto": "Reguidit tae:", - "lastmodifiedat": "This page wis hintmaist chynged oan $2, $1.", + "lastmodifiedat": "This page wis last eeditit on $1, at $2.", "viewcount": "This page haes been accesst $1 {{PLURAL:$1|yince|$1 times}}.", "protectedpage": "Protectit page", "jumpto": "Jump til:", @@ -330,10 +315,11 @@ "databaseerror-query": "Speirin: $1", "databaseerror-function": "Function: $1", "databaseerror-error": "Mistake: $1", + "transaction-duration-limit-exceeded": "Tae avite creautin heich replication lag, this transaction wis abortit acause the write duration ($1) exceedit the $2 seicont leemit.\nIf ye are chyngin mony items at ance, try daein multiple smawer operations insteid.", "laggedslavemode": "Warnishment: Page micht naw contain recent updates", "readonly": "Database lockit", "enterlockreason": "Enter ae raeson fer the lock, inclædin aen estimate o whan the lock'll be lowsed", - "readonlytext": "The databae is lockit tae new entries n ither modifeecations the nou,\nlikelie fer routine database maintenance; efter that it'll be back til normal.\nThe admeenstration that lockit it gied this explanation: $1", + "readonlytext": "The database is currently lockit tae new entries an ither modifications, probably for routine database mainteenance, efter that it will be back tae normal.\n\nThe seestem admeenistrator wha lockit it offered this expleenation: $1", "missing-article": "The database didna fynd the tex o ae page that it shid hae foond, cawed \"$1\" $2.\n\nMaistlie this is caused bi follaein aen ootdated diff or histerie airtin til ae page that's been delytit.\n\nGif this isna the case, ye micht hae foond ae bug in the saffware.\nPlease lat aen [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|admeenistrater]] ken aneat this, makin ae myndin o the URL.", "missingarticle-rev": "(reveesion#: $1)", "missingarticle-diff": "(Diff: $1, $2)", @@ -358,9 +344,12 @@ "no-null-revision": "Coudna mak new null reveesion fer page \"$1\"", "badtitle": "Bad teetle", "badtitletext": "The requestit page teitle wis onvalid, tuim, or ae wranglie airtit inter-leid or inter-wiki teitle. It micht contain yin or mair chairacters that canna be uised in teitles.", + "title-invalid-empty": "The requestit page teetle is emptie or conteens anerly the name o a namespace.", + "title-invalid-utf8": "The requestit page teetle conteens an invalid UTF-8 sequence.", "title-invalid-interwiki": "The requestit page teetle conteens an interwiki airtin which canna be uised in teetles.", "title-invalid-talk-namespace": "The requestit page teetle refers tae a talk page that canna exeest.", "title-invalid-characters": "The requestit page teetle conteens invalid chairacters: \"$1\".", + "title-invalid-relative": "Teetle has relative paith. Relative page teetles (./, ../) are invalid, acause thay will eften be unreakable whan haundlit bi uiser's brouser.", "title-invalid-magic-tilde": "The requestit page teetle conteens invalid magic tilde sequence (~~~).", "title-invalid-too-long": "The requestit page teetle is too lang. It must be na langer nor $1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|bytes}} in UTF-8 encodin.", "title-invalid-leading-colon": "The requestit page teetle conteens an invalid colon at the beginnin.", @@ -370,14 +359,14 @@ "viewsource": "See soorce", "viewsource-title": "See soorce fer $1", "actionthrottled": "Action throtlit", - "actionthrottledtext": "Aes aen anti-spam meisur, ye'r limitit fae daein this action ower monie times in aen ower short time, n ye'v exceedit this limit. Please try again in ae few minutes.", + "actionthrottledtext": "As an anti-abuiss meisur, ye are leemitit frae performin this action too mony times in a short space o time, an ye hae exceedit this leemit.\nPlease try again in a few meenits.", "protectedpagetext": "This page haes been protected fer tae hider eeditin or ither actions.", - "viewsourcetext": "Ye can leuk at n copie the soorce o this page:", - "viewyourtext": "Ye can see n copie the soorce o yer eedits til this page:", + "viewsourcetext": "Ye can view an copy the soorce o this page.", + "viewyourtext": "Ye can view an copy the soorce o yer eedits tae this page.", "protectedinterface": "This page provides interface tex fer the saffware oan this wiki, n is protected fer tae hinder abuise.\nTae eik or chynge owersets fer aw wikis, please uise [https://translatewiki.net/ translatewiki.net], the MediaWiki localisation waurk.", "editinginterface": "Warnishment: Ye'r eeditin ae page that is uised tae provide interface tex fer the saffware.\nChynges til this page will affect the kithin o the uiser interface fer ither uisers oan this wiki.", "translateinterface": "Tae eik or chynge owersets fer aw wikis, please uise [https://translatewiki.net/ translatewiki.net], the MediaWiki localisation wairk.", - "cascadeprotected": "This page haes been protectit fae eiditin, cause it is inclædit in the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}, that ar protectit wi the \"cascadin\" optie turnit oan:\n$2", + "cascadeprotected": "This page has been pertectit frae eeditin acause it is transcludit in the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|page, which is|pages, which are}} pertectit wi the \"cascadin\" option turned on:\n$2", "namespaceprotected": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae edit pages in the '''$1''' namespace.", "customcssprotected": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae eidit this CSS page cause it contains anither uiser's personal settings.", "customjsprotected": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae eidit this JavaScript page cause it contains anither uiser's personal settings.", @@ -387,7 +376,7 @@ "mypreferencesprotected": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae eidit yer preferences.", "ns-specialprotected": "Byordinar pages canna be eeditit.", "titleprotected": "This teetle haes been protectit fae bein makit bi [[User:$1|$1]].\nThe groonds fer this ar: $2.", - "filereadonlyerror": "Canna modify the file \"$1\" cause the file repository \"$2\" is in read-yinly mode.\n\nThe administrater that lock't it affered this explanation: \"$3\".", + "filereadonlyerror": "Unable tae modifee the file \"$1\" bacause the file repository \"$2\" is in read-anerly mode.\n\nThe seestem admeenistrator wha lockit it offered this expleenation: \"$3\".", "invalidtitle-knownnamespace": "Onvalit title wi namespace \"$2\" n tex \"$3\"", "invalidtitle-unknownnamespace": "Onvalit title wi onkent namespace nummer $1 n tex \"$2\"", "exception-nologin": "No loggit in", @@ -419,6 +408,7 @@ "cannotloginnow-title": "Canna log in nou", "cannotloginnow-text": "Logging in isna possible when uisin $1.", "cannotcreateaccount-title": "Canna creaut accoonts", + "cannotcreateaccount-text": "Direct accoont creation is nae enabled on this wiki.", "yourdomainname": "Yer domain:", "password-change-forbidden": "Ye canna chynge passwords oan this wiki.", "externaldberror": "Aither thaur wis aen external authentication database mistak, or ye'r naw permitit tae update yer external accoont.", @@ -441,6 +431,7 @@ "createacct-email-ph": "Enter yer wab-mail address", "createacct-another-email-ph": "Enter wab-mail address", "createaccountmail": "Uise ae temporarie random passwaird n send it til the speceefied wab-mail address", + "createaccountmail-help": "Can be uised tae creaut accoont for anither person withoot learnin the password.", "createacct-realname": "Real name (optional).", "createacct-reason": "Raison", "createacct-reason-ph": "Why ar ye creating anither accoont", @@ -462,6 +453,7 @@ "nocookiesnew": "The uiser accoont wis cræftit, but ye'r naw loggit in. {{SITENAME}} uises cookies tae log uisers in. Ye hae cookies disabled. Please enable them, than log in wi yer new uisername n passwaird.", "nocookieslogin": "{{SITENAME}} uises cookies tae log in uisers. Ye hae cookies disabled. Please enable thaim an gie it anither shot.", "nocookiesfornew": "The uiser accoont wisna cræftit, aes we couda confirm its soorce.\nEnsure that ye have cookies enabled, relaid this page n gie it anither shote.", + "createacct-loginerror": "The accoont wis successfully creautit but ye coud nae be logged in automatically. Please proceed tae [[Special:UserLogin|manual login]].", "noname": "Ye'v na speceefie'd ae valid uisername.", "loginsuccesstitle": "Logged in", "loginsuccess": "Ye're nou loggit in tae {{SITENAME}} aes \"$1\".", @@ -473,6 +465,7 @@ "wrongpasswordempty": "The passwaird ye entered is blank. Please gie it anither shot.", "passwordtooshort": "Yer password is ower short.\nIt maun hae at laest {{PLURAL:$1|1 chairacter|$1 chairacters}}.", "passwordtoolong": "Passwirds canna be langer nor {{PLURAL:$1|1 character|$1 characters}}.", + "passwordtoopopular": "Commonly chosen tryst-wirds canna be uised. Please chuise a mair unique tryst-wird.", "password-name-match": "Yer passwaird maun be different fae yer uisername.", "password-login-forbidden": "The uise o this uisername n passwaird haes been ferbidden.", "mailmypassword": "Reset password", @@ -481,7 +474,7 @@ "noemail": "Thaur's nae wab-mail address recordit fer uiser \"$1\".", "noemailcreate": "Ye need tae provide ae valid wab-mail address.", "passwordsent": "Ae new passwaird haes been sent tae the e-mail address registert fer \"$1\". Please log in again efter ye get it.", - "blocked-mailpassword": "Yer IP address is blockit fae eeditin, sae it\ncanna uise the passwaird recoverie function, for tae hinder abuiss.", + "blocked-mailpassword": "Yer IP address is blockit frae eeditin. Tae prevent abuiss, it is nae allaed tae uise tryst-wird recovery frae this IP address.", "eauthentsent": "Ae confirmation wab-mail haes been sent til the speceefied wab-mail address.\nAfore oni ither wab-mail is sent til the accoont, ye'll hae tae follae the instructions in the wab-mail, sae as tae confirm that the accoont is reallie yers.", "throttled-mailpassword": "Ae password reset wab-mail haes awreadie been sent, wiin the laist {{PLURAL:$1|hoor|$1 hoors}}.\nTae hinder abuiss, yinly the yin password reset wab-mail will be sent per {{PLURAL:$1|hoor|$1 hoors}}.", "mailerror": "Mistak sendin mail: $1", @@ -498,7 +491,7 @@ "createaccount-title": "Accoont creaution fer {{SITENAME}}", "createaccount-text": "Somebodie cræftit aen accoont fer yer wab-mail address oan {{SITENAME}} ($4) named \"$2\", wi passwaird \"$3\".\nYe shid log in n chynge yer passwaird nou.\n\nYe can ignore this message, gif this accoont wis cræftit bi mistak.", "login-throttled": "Ye'v makit ower monie recynt login attempts.\nPlease wait $1 afore giein it anither gae.", - "login-abort-generic": "Yer login wisna successful - Aborted", + "login-abort-generic": "Yer login failed - Abortit", "login-migrated-generic": "Yer accoont's been migratit, n yer uisername nae langer exeests oan this wiki.", "loginlanguagelabel": "Leid: $1", "suspicious-userlogout": "Yer request tae log oot wis denied cause it luiks like it wis sent bi ae broken brouser or caching proxy.", @@ -518,17 +511,44 @@ "newpassword": "New passwaird:", "retypenew": "Retype new passwaird:", "resetpass_submit": "Set passwaird n log in", - "changepassword-success": "Yer passwaird chynge wis braw!", + "changepassword-success": "Yer tryst-wird haes been cheenged!", "changepassword-throttled": "Ye'v makit ower monie recynt login attempts.\nPlease wait $1 afore giein it anither gae.", + "botpasswords": "Bot tryst-wirds", + "botpasswords-summary": "Bot tryst-wirds allae access tae a uiser accoont via the API withoot uising the accoont's main login credentials. The uiser richts available whan logged in wi a bot password mey be restrictit.\n\nIf ye dinna ken why ye micht want tae do this, ye shoud probably nae dae it. Na ane shoud ever ask ye tae generate ane o thir an gie it tae them.", + "botpasswords-disabled": "Bot tryst-wirds are disabled.", + "botpasswords-no-central-id": "Tae uise bot tryst-wirds, ye maun be logged in tae a centralised accoont.", + "botpasswords-existing": "Exeestin bot tryst-wirds", "botpasswords-createnew": "Creaut a new bot passwird", + "botpasswords-editexisting": "Eedit an exeestin bot tryst-wird", + "botpasswords-label-appid": "Bot name:", "botpasswords-label-create": "Creaut", + "botpasswords-label-update": "Update", + "botpasswords-label-cancel": "Cancel", + "botpasswords-label-delete": "Delete", + "botpasswords-label-resetpassword": "Reset the tryst-wird", + "botpasswords-label-grants": "Applicable grants:", + "botpasswords-help-grants": "Grants allae access tae richts awready held bi yer uiser accoont. Enablin a grant here daes nae provide access tae ony rights that yer uiser accoont wad nae itherwise hae. See the [[Special:ListGrants|table o grants]] for mair information.", + "botpasswords-label-grants-column": "Grantit", + "botpasswords-bad-appid": "The bot name \"$1\" is nae valid.", + "botpasswords-insert-failed": "Failed tae add bot name \"$1\". Wis it awready addit?", + "botpasswords-update-failed": "Failed tae update bot name \"$1\". Wis it deletit?", "botpasswords-created-title": "Bot passwird creautit", "botpasswords-created-body": "The bot passwird for bot name \"$1\" o uiser \"$2\" wis creautit.", + "botpasswords-updated-title": "Bot tryst-wird updatit", + "botpasswords-updated-body": "The bot tryst-wird for bot name \"$1\" o uiser \"$2\" wis updatit.", + "botpasswords-deleted-title": "Bot tryst-wird deletit", + "botpasswords-deleted-body": "The bot tryst-wird for bot name \"$1\" o uiser \"$2\" wis deletit.", + "botpasswords-newpassword": "The new tryst-wird tae log in wi $1 is $2. Please record this for futur reference.
(For auld bots which require the login name tae be the same as the eventual uisername, ye can an aa uise $3 as uisername an $4 as tryst-wird.)", + "botpasswords-no-provider": "BotPasswordsSessionProvider is nae available.", + "botpasswords-restriction-failed": "Bot tryst-wird restrictions prevent this login.", + "botpasswords-invalid-name": "The uisername specifee'd daes nae contain the bot tryst-wird separator (\"$1\").", + "botpasswords-not-exist": "Uiser \"$1\" daes nae hae a bot tryst-wird named \"$2\".", "resetpass_forbidden": "Passwairds canna be chynged", + "resetpass_forbidden-reason": "Tryst-wirds canna be cheenged: $1", "resetpass-no-info": "Ye maun be loggit in tae access this page directly.", "resetpass-submit-loggedin": "Chynge passwaird", "resetpass-submit-cancel": "Cancel", - "resetpass-wrong-oldpass": "Onvalid temporarie or current passwaird.\nYe micht hae awreadie been successful in chyngin yer passwaird or requested ae new temporarie passwaird.", + "resetpass-wrong-oldpass": "Invalid temporary or current tryst-wird.\nYe mey hae awready cheenged yer tryst-wird or requestit a new temporary tryst-wird.", "resetpass-recycled": "Please reset yerr passwaird til sommit ither than yer current passwaird.", "resetpass-temp-emailed": "Ye loggit in wi ae temperie mailed code.\nTae finish loggin in, ye maun set ae new passwaird here:", "resetpass-temp-password": "Temperie passwaird:", @@ -548,16 +568,24 @@ "passwordreset-emailtext-ip": "Somebodie (likely ye, fae IP address $1) requested ae reset o yer passwaird fer {{SITENAME}} ($4). The follaein uiser {{PLURAL:$3|accoont is|accoonts ar}}\nassociated wi this wab-mail address:\n\n$2\n\n{{PLURAL:$3|This temperie passwaird|Thir temperie passwairds}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|yin day|$5 days}}.\nYe shid log in n chuise ae new passwaird nou. Gif some ither bodie makit this request, or gif ye'v mynded yer oreeginal passwaird, n ye nae longer\nwish tae chynge it, ye can ignore this message n continue uisin yer auld passwaird.", "passwordreset-emailtext-user": "Uiser $1 oan {{SITENAME}} requested ae reset o yer passwaird fer {{SITENAME}}\n($4). The follaein uiser {{PLURAL:$3|accoont is|accoonts ar}} associated wi this wab-mail address:\n\n$2\n\n{{PLURAL:$3|This temperie passwaird|Thir temperie passwairds}} will expire in {{PLURAL:$5|yin day|$5 days}}.\nYe shid log in n chuise ae new password nou. Gif some ither bodie haes makit this request, or gif ye'v mynded yer oreeginal passwaird, n ye nae langer wish tae chynge it, ye can ignore this message n continue uisin yer auld passwaird.", "passwordreset-emailelement": "Uisername: \n$1\n\nTemperie passwaird: \n$2", - "passwordreset-emailsentemail": "Ae passwaird reset wab-mail haes been sent.", + "passwordreset-emailsentemail": "If this email address is associatit wi yer accoont, then a tryst-wird reset email will be sent.", + "passwordreset-emailsentusername": "If thare is an email address associatit wi this uisername, then a tryst-wird reset email will be sent.", + "passwordreset-nocaller": "A crier maun be providit", + "passwordreset-nosuchcaller": "Crier disna exeest: $1", + "passwordreset-ignored": "The tryst-wird reset wis nae handled. Meybe na provider wis configurt?", + "passwordreset-invalidemail": "Invalid email address", + "passwordreset-nodata": "Neither a uisername nor an email address wis supplee'd", "changeemail": "Chynge or remuive email address", - "changeemail-header": "Chynge accoont wab-mail address", + "changeemail-header": "Complete this form tae cheenge yer email address. If ye wad lik tae remuive the association o ony email address frae yer account, leave the new email address blank whan submittin the form.", "changeemail-no-info": "Ye maun be loggit in tae access this page directly.", "changeemail-oldemail": "Current wab-mail address:", "changeemail-newemail": "New wab-mail address:", + "changeemail-newemail-help": "This field shoud be left blank if ye want tae remuive yer email address. Ye will nae be able tae reset a forgotten tryst-wird an will nae receive emails frae this wiki if the email address is remuived.", "changeemail-none": "(nane)", "changeemail-password": "Yer {{SITENAME}} passwaird:", "changeemail-submit": "Chynge wab-mail", "changeemail-throttled": "Ye'v makit ower monie recynt login attempts.\nPlease wait $1 afore giein it anither gae.", + "changeemail-nochange": "Please enter a different new email address.", "resettokens": "Reset tokens.", "resettokens-text": "Ye can reset tokens that permit ye access til certain private data associated wi yer accoont here.\n\nYe shid dae it gif ye accidentally shaired theim wi somebodie or gif yer accoont haes been compromised.", "resettokens-no-tokens": "Thaur ar nae tokens tae reset.", @@ -589,13 +617,16 @@ "minoredit": "This is ae smaa eedit", "watchthis": "Watch this page", "savearticle": "Hain page", + "savechanges": "Save cheenges", + "publishpage": "Publish page", + "publishchanges": "Publish cheenges", "preview": "Luikower", "showpreview": "Shaw luikower", "showdiff": "Shaw chynges", "blankarticle": "Wairnishment: The page that ye'r creautin is blank.\nGif ye clap \"$1\" again, the page will be creautit wioot oniething oan it.", "anoneditwarning": "Warnishment: Ye'r no loggit in. Yer IP address will be publeeclie veesible gif ye mak onie eedits. Gif ye [$1 log in] or [$2 creaute aen accoont], yer eedits will be attreebutit tae yer uisername, aes weel aes ither benefits.", "anonpreviewwarning": "Ye'r no loggit in. Hainin will record yer IP address in this page's eedit histerie.", - "missingsummary": "Mynd: Ye'v naw gien aen eedit owerview. Gif ye clap oan \"$1\" again, yer eedit will be haint wioot ane.", + "missingsummary": "Mynder: Ye hae nae providit an eedit summary.\nIf ye click \"$1\" again, yer eedit will be saved withoot ane.", "selfredirect": "Wairnin: Ye are redirectin this page tae itsel.\nYe mey hae specifee'd the wrang tairget for the redirect, or ye mey be eeditin the wrang page.\nIf ye click \"$1\" again, the redirect will be creautit onywey.", "missingcommenttext": "Please enter ae comment ablo.", "missingcommentheader": "Reminder: Ye hae nae providit a subject for this comment.\nIf ye click \"$1\" again, yer eedit will be saved withoot ane.", @@ -625,7 +656,7 @@ "userpage-userdoesnotexist": "Uiser accoont \"$1\" hasnae been registerit. Please check gin ye wint tae mak or eidit this page.", "userpage-userdoesnotexist-view": "Uiser accoont \"$1\" isna registered.", "blocked-notice-logextract": "This uiser is nou blockit.\nThe laitest block log entrie is gien ablo fer referance:", - "clearyourcache": "Tak tent: Efter hainin, ye micht hae tae bipass yer brouser's cache tae see the chynges.\n* Firefox / Safari: Haud Shift while clapin Relaid, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R oan ae Mac)\n* Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)\n* Internet Explorer: Haud Ctrl while clapin Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5\n* Opera: Clear the cache in Tuils → Preferences", + "clearyourcache": "Note: Efter savin, ye mey hae tae bypass yer brouser's cache tae see the chynges.\n* Firefox / Safari: Haud Shift while clickin Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)\n* Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)\n* Internet Explorer: Haud Ctrl while clickin Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5\n* Opera: Gae tae Menu → Settings (Opera → Preferences on a Mac) an then tae Privacy & security → Clear brousin data → Cached images and files.", "usercssyoucanpreview": "Tip: Uise the \"{{int:showpreview}}\" button tae test yer new CSS afore hainin.", "userjsyoucanpreview": "Tip: Uise the \"{{int:showpreview}}\" button tae test yer new JavaScript afore hainin.", "usercsspreview": "Mynd that ye'r yinly previewing yer uiser CSS.\nIt haesna been hained yet!", @@ -638,8 +669,8 @@ "previewnote": "Mynd that this is yinlie ae luikower.\nYer chynges hae na been hained yet!", "continue-editing": "Gae til eiditing area", "previewconflict": "This luikower reflects the tex in the upper tex eeditin airt like it will kith gif ye chuise tae hain.", - "session_fail_preview": "'''Sairy! We culdnae process yer eidit acause o ae loss o term data.'''\nPlease gie it anither gae. Gin it disnae wairk still, gie [[Special:UserLogout|loggin oot]] n loggin back in again ae gae.", - "session_fail_preview_html": "Sairrie! We coudna process yer eedit cause o ae loss o session data.\n\nCause {{SITENAME}} haes raw HTML enabled, the owerluik is skaukt aes ae precaution again JavaScript attacks.\n\nGif this is ae legeetimate eedit attempt, please gei it anither gae.\nGif it still disna wairk, try [[Special:UserLogout|loggin oot]] n loggin back in.", + "session_fail_preview": "Sairy! We coud nae process yer eedit due tae a loss o session data.\n\nYe micht hae been logged oot. Please verify that ye're still logged in an try again.\nIf it still daes nae wirk, try [[Special:UserLogout|loggin oot]] an loggin back in, an check that yer brouser allaes cookies frae this steid.", + "session_fail_preview_html": "Sairy! We coud nae process yer eedit due tae a loss o session data.\n\nAcause {{SITENAME}} haes raw HTML enabled, the preview is hidden as a precaution against JavaScript attacks.\n\nIf this is a legitimate eedit attempt, please try again.\nIf it still daes nae wirk, try [[Special:UserLogout|loggin oot]] an loggin back in, an check that yer brouser allaes cookies frae this steid.", "token_suffix_mismatch": "Yer eedit haes been rejectit cause yer client makit ae richt mess o the punctuation chairacters in the eedit token.\nThe eedit haes been rejectit tae hinder rot o the page tex.\nThis whiles happens when ye'r uisin ae broken wab-based anonymoos proxie service.", "edit_form_incomplete": "Some pairts o the eedit form didna reach the server; dooble-check that yer edits ar intact n gie it anither gae.", "editing": "Eeditin $1", @@ -655,11 +686,12 @@ "yourdiff": "Differances", "copyrightwarning": "Please mynd that aw contreebutions til {{SITENAME}} is conseedert tae be released unner the $2 (see $1 for details). Gif ye dinna want yer writin tae be eeditit wioot mercie n redistreebuted at will, than dinna haun it it here.
Forbye thon, ye'r promisin us that ye wrat this yersel, or copied it fae ae publeec domain or siclike free resoorce. Dinna haun in copierichtit wark wioot permeession!", "copyrightwarning2": "Please mynd that aa contreebutions til {{SITENAME}} micht be eeditit, chynged, or remuived bi ither contreebuters.\nGin ye dinna want yer writin tae be eeditit wioot mercie n redistreebuted at will, than dinna haun it in here.
\nYe'r promisin us forbye that ye wrat this yersel, or copied it fae ae\npubleec domain or siclike free resoorce (see $1 fer details).\nDinna haun in copierichtit wark wioot permeession!", + "editpage-cannot-use-custom-model": "The content model o this page canna be cheenged.", "longpageerror": "Mistak: The tex ye'v submitted is {{PLURAL:$1|yin kilobyte|$1 kilobytes}} lang, n this is langer than the maist muckle o {{PLURAL:$2|yin kilobyte|$2 kilobytes}}.\nIt canna be hained.", "readonlywarning": "Wairnin: The database haes been locked for maintenance, sae ye will nae be able tae hain yer eedits richt nou.\nYe mey wish tae copy an paste yer text intae a text file an hain it for later.\n\nThe seestem admeenistrator wha locked it offered this explanation: $1", "protectedpagewarning": "Warnishment: This page haes been protectit sae that yinlie uisers wi admeenistrater preevileges can eedit it.\nThe latest log entrie is gien ablo fer referance:", "semiprotectedpagewarning": "Mynd: This page haes been protectit sae that yinlie registered uisers can eedit it.\nThe latest log entrie is gien ablo fer referance:", - "cascadeprotectedwarning": "Wairnin: This page haes been pertectit sae that anerly uisers wi admeenistrator privileges can eedit it acause it is transcludit in the follaein cascade-pertectit {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}:", + "cascadeprotectedwarning": "Wairnin: This page haes been pertectit sae that anerly uisers wi [[Special:ListGroupRights|speceefic richts]] can eedit it acause it is transcludit in the follaeing cascade-pertectit {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}:", "titleprotectedwarning": "Warnishment: This page haes been protectit sae that [[Special:ListGroupRights|speceefic richts]] ar needed tae cræft it.\nThe laitest log entrie is gien ablo fer referance:", "templatesused": "{{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} uised oan this page:", "templatesusedpreview": "{{PLURAL:$1|Template|Templates}} uised in this luikower:", @@ -674,8 +706,10 @@ "permissionserrors": "Permission mistak", "permissionserrorstext": "Ye dinnae hae the richts tae dae that, cause o the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|grund|grunds}}:", "permissionserrorstext-withaction": "Ye dinna hae the richts tae $2, fer the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|raison|raisons}}:", + "contentmodelediterror": "Ye canna eedit this reveesion acause its content model is $1, that differs frae the current content model o the page $2.", "recreate-moveddeleted-warn": "Warnishment: Ye'r recræftin ae page that haes been delytit.\n\nYe shid check that it is guid tae keep eeditin this page.\nThe delytion n muiv log fer this page is providit here fer conveeniance:", "moveddeleted-notice": "This page haes been delytit. \nThe delytion n muiv log fer the page ar gien ablo fer referance.", + "moveddeleted-notice-recent": "Sairy, this page wis recently deletit (athin the last 24 oors).\nThe deletion an muive log for the page are providit ablo for reference.", "log-fulllog": "See the ful log", "edit-hook-aborted": "Eedit abortit bi huik.\nIt gae naw explanation.", "edit-gone-missing": "Coudna update the page.\nIt appears tae hae been delytit.", @@ -698,7 +732,11 @@ "content-model-text": "plain tex", "content-model-javascript": "JavaScript", "content-model-css": "CSS", + "content-json-empty-object": "Emptie object", + "content-json-empty-array": "Emptie array", "deprecated-self-close-category": "Pages uising invalid sel-closed HTML tags", + "deprecated-self-close-category-desc": "The page conteens invalid sel-closed HTML tags, sic as <b/> or <span/>. The behavior o thir will cheenge suin tae be conseestent wi the HTML5 specification, sae thair uise in wikitext is deprecatit.", + "duplicate-args-warning": "Wairnin: [[:$1]] is cryin [[:$2]] wi mair nor ane vailyie for the \"$3\" parameter. Anerly the last value providit will be uised.", "duplicate-args-category": "Pages uisin dupleecate arguments in template caws", "duplicate-args-category-desc": "The page contains template caws that uise dupleecates o arguments, lik {{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} or {{foo|bar|1=baz}}.", "expensive-parserfunction-warning": "Warnishment: This page contains ower moni expensive parser function caws.\n\nIt shid hae less than $2 {{PLURAL:$2|caw|caws}}, thaur {{PLURAL:$1|is nou $1 caw|ar noo $1 caws}}.", @@ -775,7 +813,7 @@ "rev-showdeleted": "shaw", "revisiondelete": "Delyte/ondelyte reveesions", "revdelete-nooldid-title": "Onvalid target reveesion", - "revdelete-nooldid-text": "Aither ye'v naw speceefied ae tairget reveesion(s) tae perform this function, the speceefied reveesion disna exeest, or ye'r attemptin tae skauk the Nou reveesion.", + "revdelete-nooldid-text": "Ye hae aither nae specifee'd pny target reveesion on that tae perform this function, or the specifee'd reveesion daes nae exeest, or ye are attemptin tae hide the current revision.", "revdelete-no-file": "The file speceefied disna exeest.", "revdelete-show-file-confirm": "Ar ye sair ye wish tae see ae delytit reveesion o the file \"$1\" fae $2 at $3?", "revdelete-show-file-submit": "Ai", @@ -791,7 +829,7 @@ "revdelete-legend": "Set visibeelitie restreections", "revdelete-hide-text": "Reveesion tex", "revdelete-hide-image": "Skauk file content.", - "revdelete-hide-name": "Skauk aiction n tairget", + "revdelete-hide-name": "Hide target an parameters", "revdelete-hide-comment": "Eedit the ootline", "revdelete-hide-user": "Eiditer's uisername/IP address", "revdelete-hide-restricted": "Suppress data fae admeenistraters aes weel aes ithers", @@ -802,9 +840,9 @@ "revdelete-unsuppress": "Remuiv restreections oan restored reveesions", "revdelete-log": "Raison:", "revdelete-submit": "Applie til selected {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}}", - "revdelete-success": "Reveesion veesibeelitie successfullie updatit.", + "revdelete-success": "Reveesion veesibeelity updatit.", "revdelete-failure": "Reveesion veesibeelitie coudna be updatit:\n$1", - "logdelete-success": "Log veesibeelitie successfullie set.", + "logdelete-success": "Log veesibeelity set.", "logdelete-failure": "Log veesibddlitie coudna be set:\n$1", "revdel-restore": "chynge veesibeelitie", "pagehist": "Page histerie", @@ -833,11 +871,15 @@ "mergehistory-go": "Shaw mergeable eidits", "mergehistory-submit": "Merge reveesions", "mergehistory-empty": "Naw reveesions can be merged.", - "mergehistory-done": "$3 {{PLURAL:$3|reveesion|reveesions}} o $1 successfully merged intil [[:$2]].", + "mergehistory-done": "$3 {{PLURAL:$3|reveesion|reveesions}} o $1 {{PLURAL:$3|wis|war}} merged intae [[:$2]].", "mergehistory-fail": "Onable tae perform histerie merge, please recheck the page n time parameters.", + "mergehistory-fail-bad-timestamp": "Timestamp is invalid.", "mergehistory-fail-invalid-source": "Soorce page is invalid.", + "mergehistory-fail-invalid-dest": "Destination page is invalid.", + "mergehistory-fail-no-change": "History merge did nae merge ony reveesions. Please recheck the page an time parameters.", "mergehistory-fail-permission": "Insufficient permissions tae merge history.", "mergehistory-fail-self-merge": "Soorce an destination pages are the same.", + "mergehistory-fail-timestamps-overlap": "Soorce reveesions owerlap or come efter destination reveesions.", "mergehistory-fail-toobig": "Canna perform histerie merge cause mair than the leemit o $1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}} wid be muivit.", "mergehistory-no-source": "Soorce page $1 disna exeest.", "mergehistory-no-destination": "Destination page $1 disna exeest.", @@ -870,6 +912,8 @@ "notextmatches": "Nae page tex matches", "prevn": "foregaun {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "nextn": "neix {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", + "prev-page": "previous page", + "next-page": "next page", "prevn-title": "Aforegaun $1 {{PLURAL:$1|ootcome|ootcomes}}", "nextn-title": "Neix $1 {{PLURAL:$1|ootcome|ootcomes}}", "shown-title": "Shaw $1 {{PLURAL:$1|ootcome|ootcomes}} per page", @@ -891,7 +935,8 @@ "search-category": "(categerie $1)", "search-file-match": "(matches file content.)", "search-suggest": "Did ye mean: $1", - "search-interwiki-caption": "Sister projec's", + "search-rewritten": "Shawin results for $1. Sairch insteid for $2.", + "search-interwiki-caption": "Results frae sister projects", "search-interwiki-default": "Ootcomes fae $1:", "search-interwiki-more": "(mair)", "search-interwiki-more-results": "mair results", @@ -902,6 +947,7 @@ "showingresultsinrange": "Shawin ablo up til {{PLURAL:$1|1 ootcome|$1 ootcome}} in range #$2 til #$3.", "search-showingresults": "{{PLURAL:$4|Ootcome $1 o $3|Ootcomes $1 - $2 o $3}}", "search-nonefound": "Thaur were naw ootcomes matchin the speiring.", + "search-nonefound-thiswiki": "Thare war na results matchin the query in this steid.", "powersearch-legend": "Advanced rake", "powersearch-ns": "Rake in namespaces:", "powersearch-togglelabel": "Chec':", @@ -944,7 +990,8 @@ "restoreprefs": "Restore aw defaut settins (in aw sections)", "prefs-editing": "Eeditin", "searchresultshead": "Rake ootcome settins", - "stub-threshold": "Threeshaud fer stub airtin formattin (bytes):", + "stub-threshold": "Thrashel for stub airtin formattin ($1):", + "stub-threshold-sample-link": "sample", "stub-threshold-disabled": "Disablt", "recentchangesdays": "Days tae shaw in recynt chynges:", "recentchangesdays-max": "Mucklest $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}", @@ -1032,14 +1079,21 @@ "saveusergroups": "Save {{GENDER:$1|uiser}} groups", "userrights-groupsmember": "Memmer o:", "userrights-groupsmember-auto": "Impleecit memmer o:", - "userrights-groups-help": "Ye can alter the groops this uiser is in:\n* Ae checkit kist means that the uiser is in that groop.\n* Aen oncheckit kist means that the uiser's na in that groop.\n* Ae * indeecates that ye canna remuiv the groop yince ye'v eikit it, or vice versa.", + "userrights-groups-help": "Ye mey cheenge the groups this uiser is in:\n* A checked box means the uiser is in that group.\n* An unchecked box means the uiser is nae in that group.\n* A * indicates that ye canna remiove the group ance ye hae addit it, or vice versa.\n* A # indicates that ye can anerly pit back the expiration time o this group membership; ye canna bring it forwart.", "userrights-reason": "Raison:", "userrights-no-interwiki": "Ye dinna hae permission tae eedit uiser richts oan ither wikis.", "userrights-nodatabase": "Database $1 disna exeest or isna local.", "userrights-changeable-col": "Groops that ye can chynge", "userrights-unchangeable-col": "Groops ye canna chynge", + "userrights-expiry-current": "Expires $1", "userrights-expiry-none": "Disna expire", + "userrights-expiry": "Expires:", + "userrights-expiry-existing": "Exeestin expiration time: $3, $2", "userrights-expiry-othertime": "Ither time:", + "userrights-expiry-options": "1 day:1 day,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year", + "userrights-invalid-expiry": "The expiry time for group \"$1\" is invalid.", + "userrights-expiry-in-past": "The expiry time for group \"$1\" is in the past.", + "userrights-cannot-shorten-expiry": "Ye canna bring forwart the expiry o membership in group \"$1\". Anerly uisers wi permission tae add an remuive this group can bring forwart expiry times.", "userrights-conflict": "Conflict o uiser richts chynges! Please luikower n confirm yer chynges.", "group": "Groop:", "group-user": "Uisers", @@ -1047,25 +1101,26 @@ "group-bot": "Bots", "group-sysop": "Admeenistraters", "group-bureaucrat": "Bureaucrats", - "group-suppress": "Owersichts", + "group-suppress": "Suppressors", "group-all": "(aw)", "group-user-member": "{{GENDER:$1|uiser}}", "group-autoconfirmed-member": "{{GENDER:$1|autæconfirmed uiser}}", "group-bot-member": "{{GENDER:$1|bot}}", "group-sysop-member": "{{GENDER:$1|admeenistrater}}", "group-bureaucrat-member": "{{GENDER:$1|bureaucrat}}", - "group-suppress-member": "{{GENDER:$1|owersicht}}", + "group-suppress-member": "{{GENDER:$1|suppressor}}", "grouppage-user": "{{ns:project}}:Uisers", "grouppage-autoconfirmed": "{{ns:project}}:Autæconfirmed uisers", "grouppage-bot": "{{ns:project}}:Bots", "grouppage-sysop": "{{ns:project}}:Admeenistraters", "grouppage-bureaucrat": "{{ns:project}}:Bureaucrats", - "grouppage-suppress": "{{ns:project}}:Owersicht", + "grouppage-suppress": "{{ns:project}}:Suppress", "right-read": "Read pages", "right-edit": "Eedit pages", "right-createpage": "Cræft pages (that arna tauk pages)", "right-createtalk": "Cræft discussion pages", "right-createaccount": "Cræft new uiser accoonts", + "right-autocreateaccount": "Automatically log in wi an freemit uiser accoont", "right-minoredit": "Maurk eedits aes smaa", "right-move": "Muiv pages", "right-move-subpages": "Muiv pages wi thair subpages", @@ -1130,10 +1185,42 @@ "right-override-export-depth": "Export pages incluidin linked pages up til ae depth o 5", "right-sendemail": "Send Wab-mail til ither uisers", "right-managechangetags": "Creaut an (de)activate [[Special:Tags|tags]]", + "right-applychangetags": "Applee [[Special:Tags|tags]] alang wi ane's cheenges", + "right-changetags": "Add an remuive arbitrar [[Special:Tags|tags]] on individual reveesions an log entries", + "right-deletechangetags": "Delete [[Special:Tags|tags]] frae the database", + "grant-generic": "\"$1\" richts bunnle", + "grant-group-page-interaction": "Interact wi pages", + "grant-group-file-interaction": "Interact wi media", + "grant-group-watchlist-interaction": "Interact wi yer watchleet", + "grant-group-email": "Send email", + "grant-group-high-volume": "Perform heich vollum acteevity", + "grant-group-customization": "Customisation an preferences", + "grant-group-administration": "Perform admeenistrative actions", + "grant-group-private-information": "Access private data aboot ye", + "grant-group-other": "Miscellaneous acteevity", + "grant-blockusers": "Block an unblock uisers", "grant-createaccount": "Creaut accoonts", + "grant-createeditmovepage": "Creaut, eedit, an muive pages", + "grant-delete": "Delete pages, reveesions, an log entries", + "grant-editinterface": "Eedit the MediaWiki namespace an uiser CSS/JavaScript", + "grant-editmycssjs": "Eedit yer uiser CSS/JavaScript", + "grant-editmyoptions": "Eedit yer uiser preferences", + "grant-editmywatchlist": "Eedit yer watchleet", + "grant-editpage": "Eedit exeestin pages", + "grant-editprotected": "Eedit pertectit pages", + "grant-highvolume": "Heich-vollum eeditin", + "grant-oversight": "Hide uisers an suppress reveesions", + "grant-patrol": "Patrol cheenges tae pages", + "grant-privateinfo": "Access private information", + "grant-protect": "Pertect an unpertect pages", "grant-rollback": "Rowback chynges tae pages", "grant-sendemail": "Send email tae ither uisers", + "grant-uploadeditmovefile": "Uplaid, replace, an muive files", + "grant-uploadfile": "Uplaid new files", "grant-basic": "Basic richts", + "grant-viewdeleted": "View deletit files an pages", + "grant-viewmywatchlist": "View yer watchleet", + "grant-viewrestrictedlogs": "View restrictit log entries", "newuserlogpage": "Uiser cræftin log", "newuserlogpagetext": "This is ae log o uiser cræftins.", "rightslog": "Uiser richts log", @@ -1185,6 +1272,10 @@ "action-editmyprivateinfo": "eedit yer preevate information", "action-editcontentmodel": "eedit the content model o ae page", "action-managechangetags": "creaut an (de)activate tags", + "action-applychangetags": "applee tags alang wi yer cheenges", + "action-changetags": "add an remuive arbitrar tags on individual reveesions an log entries", + "action-deletechangetags": "delete tags frae the database", + "action-purge": "purge this page", "nchanges": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|chynge|chynges}}", "enhancedrc-since-last-visit": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|sin laist veesit}}", "enhancedrc-history": "histeri", @@ -1201,11 +1292,99 @@ "recentchanges-legend-heading": "Legend:", "recentchanges-legend-newpage": "{{int:recentchanges-label-newpage}} (see [[Special:NewPages|leet o new pages]] n aw)", "recentchanges-submit": "Shaw", + "rcfilters-activefilters": "Active filters", + "rcfilters-advancedfilters": "Advanced filters", + "rcfilters-quickfilters": "Saved filters", + "rcfilters-quickfilters-placeholder-title": "No airtins sauft yet", + "rcfilters-quickfilters-placeholder-description": "Tae sauf yer filter settins an reuise them later, click the beukmerk icon in the Active Filter aurie, ablo.", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-defaultlabel": "Sauft filters", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-rename": "Rename", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-setdefault": "Set as default", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-unsetdefault": "Remuive as default", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-remove": "Remuive", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-new-name-label": "Name", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-apply-label": "Sauf settins", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-cancel-label": "Cancel", + "rcfilters-savedqueries-add-new-title": "Sauf current filter settins", + "rcfilters-restore-default-filters": "Restore default filters", + "rcfilters-clear-all-filters": "Clear aw filters", + "rcfilters-search-placeholder": "Filter recent chynges (brouse or stairt teepin)", + "rcfilters-invalid-filter": "Invalid filter", + "rcfilters-empty-filter": "Na active filters. Aw contreebutions are shawn.", + "rcfilters-filterlist-title": "Filters", "rcfilters-filterlist-whatsthis": "Whit's this?", - "rcfilters-filter-editsbyself-description": "Eedits bi ye.", + "rcfilters-filterlist-feedbacklink": "Provide feedback on the new (beta) filters", + "rcfilters-highlightbutton-title": "Heichlicht results", + "rcfilters-highlightmenu-title": "Select a colour", + "rcfilters-highlightmenu-help": "Select a colour tae heichlicht this property", + "rcfilters-filterlist-noresults": "Na filters foond", + "rcfilters-noresults-conflict": "Na results foond acause the sairch criteria are in conflict", + "rcfilters-state-message-subset": "This filter haes na effect acause its results are includit wi thae o the follaein, broader {{PLURAL:$2|filter|filters}} (try heichlichtin tae distinguish it): $1", + "rcfilters-state-message-fullcoverage": "Selectin aw filters in a group is the same as selectin nane, so this filter haes na effect. Group includes: $1", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-registration": "Uiser registration", + "rcfilters-filter-registered-label": "Registered", + "rcfilters-filter-registered-description": "Logged-in eeditors.", + "rcfilters-filter-unregistered-label": "Unregistered", + "rcfilters-filter-unregistered-description": "Eeditors wha arena logged in.", + "rcfilters-filter-unregistered-conflicts-user-experience-level": "This filter conflicts wi the follaein Experience {{PLURAL:$2|filter|filters}}, which {{PLURAL:$2|finds|find}} anerly registered uisers: $1", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-authorship": "Contreebution authorship", + "rcfilters-filter-editsbyself-label": "Cheenges by ye", + "rcfilters-filter-editsbyself-description": "Yer awn contreebutions.", + "rcfilters-filter-editsbyother-label": "Cheenges bi ithers", + "rcfilters-filter-editsbyother-description": "Aw cheenges except yer awn.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-userExpLevel": "Experience level (for registered uisers anerly)", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-user-experience-level-conflicts-unregistered": "Experience filters find anerly registered users, sae this filter conflicts wi the “Unregistered” filter.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-user-experience-level-conflicts-unregistered-global": "The \"Unregistered\" filter conflicts wi ane or mair Experience filters, that find registered uisers anerly. The conflictin filters are merked in the Active Filters aurie, abuin.", + "rcfilters-filter-user-experience-level-newcomer-label": "Ootrels", + "rcfilters-filter-user-experience-level-newcomer-description": "Less nor 10 eedits an 4 days o acteevity.", + "rcfilters-filter-user-experience-level-learner-label": "Learners", + "rcfilters-filter-user-experience-level-learner-description": "Mair experience than \"Ootrels\" but less nor \"Experienced uisers\".", + "rcfilters-filter-user-experience-level-experienced-label": "Experienced uisers", + "rcfilters-filter-user-experience-level-experienced-description": "Mair than 30 days o activity an 500 eedits.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-automated": "Automatit contreebutions", + "rcfilters-filter-bots-label": "Bot", + "rcfilters-filter-bots-description": "Eedits made bi automatit tuils.", + "rcfilters-filter-humans-label": "Human (nae bot)", + "rcfilters-filter-humans-description": "Eedits made bi human eeditors.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-reviewstatus": "Review status", + "rcfilters-filter-patrolled-label": "Patrolled", + "rcfilters-filter-patrolled-description": "Eedits merked as patrolled.", + "rcfilters-filter-unpatrolled-label": "Unpatrolled", + "rcfilters-filter-unpatrolled-description": "Eedits nae merked as patrolled.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-significance": "Signeeficance", + "rcfilters-filter-minor-label": "Minor eedits", + "rcfilters-filter-minor-description": "Eedits the author labeled as minor.", + "rcfilters-filter-major-label": "Non-minor eedits", "rcfilters-filter-major-description": "Eedits nae labeled as minor.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-watchlist": "Watchleetit pages", + "rcfilters-filter-watchlist-watched-label": "On Watchleet", + "rcfilters-filter-watchlist-watched-description": "Chynges tae pages on yer Watchleet.", + "rcfilters-filter-watchlist-watchednew-label": "New Watchlist cheenges", + "rcfilters-filter-watchlist-watchednew-description": "Cheenges tae Watchleetit pages ye haena veesitit syne the cheenges occurred.", + "rcfilters-filter-watchlist-notwatched-label": "Nae on Watchleet", + "rcfilters-filter-watchlist-notwatched-description": "Everything except cheenges tae yer Watchleetit pages.", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-changetype": "Teep o cheenge", "rcfilters-filter-pageedits-label": "Page eedits", + "rcfilters-filter-pageedits-description": "Eedits tae wiki content, discussions, category descriptions…", + "rcfilters-filter-newpages-label": "Page creautions", + "rcfilters-filter-newpages-description": "Eedits that mak new pages.", + "rcfilters-filter-categorization-label": "Category cheenges", + "rcfilters-filter-categorization-description": "Records o pages bein addit or remuived frae categories.", + "rcfilters-filter-logactions-label": "Logged actions", + "rcfilters-filter-logactions-description": "Admeenistrative actions, accoont creautions, page deletions, uplaids…", + "rcfilters-hideminor-conflicts-typeofchange-global": "The \"Minor eedits\" filter conflicts wi ane or mair Teepe o cheenge filters, acause certain teeps o cheenge canna be designatit as \"minor\". The conflictin filters are merked in the Active filters aurie, abuin.", + "rcfilters-hideminor-conflicts-typeofchange": "Certain teeps o cheenge canna be designatit as \"minor\", sae this filter conflicts wi the follaein Teepe o Cheenge filters: $1", + "rcfilters-typeofchange-conflicts-hideminor": "This Teepe o cheenge filter conflicts wi the \"Minor edits\" filter. Certain teeps o cheenge canna be designatit as \"minor\".", + "rcfilters-filtergroup-lastRevision": "Last reveesion", + "rcfilters-filter-lastrevision-label": "Last reveesion", + "rcfilters-filter-lastrevision-description": "The maist recent cheenge tae a page.", + "rcfilters-filter-previousrevision-label": "Earlier reveesions", + "rcfilters-filter-previousrevision-description": "Aw cheenges that are nae the maist recent cheenge tae a page.", + "rcfilters-filter-excluded": "Excludit", + "rcfilters-tag-prefix-namespace-inverted": ":nae $1", + "rcfilters-view-tags": "Tagged eedits", "rcnotefrom": "Ablo {{PLURAL:$5|is the chynge|ar the chynges}} sin $3, $4 (up tae $1 shawn).", + "rclistfromreset": "Reset date selection", "rclistfrom": "Shaw new chynges stertin fae $3 $2", "rcshowhideminor": "$1 smaa eedits", "rcshowhideminor-show": "Shaw", @@ -1225,7 +1404,9 @@ "rcshowhidemine": "$1 ma eedits", "rcshowhidemine-show": "Shaw", "rcshowhidemine-hide": "Skauk", + "rcshowhidecategorization": "$1 page categorisation", "rcshowhidecategorization-show": "Shaw", + "rcshowhidecategorization-hide": "Hide", "rclinks": "Shaw last $1 chynges in last $2 days", "diff": "diff", "hist": "hist", @@ -1235,8 +1416,8 @@ "newpageletter": "N", "boteditletter": "b", "number_of_watching_users_pageview": "[$1 watchin {{PLURAL:$1|uiser|uisers}}]", - "rc_categories": "Limit til categeries (separate wi \"|\")", - "rc_categories_any": "Onie", + "rc_categories": "Leemit tae categories (separate wi \"|\"):", + "rc_categories_any": "Ony o the chosen", "rc-change-size-new": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|bytes}} efter chynge", "newsectionsummary": "/* $1 */ new section", "rc-enhanced-expand": "Shaw details", @@ -1250,7 +1431,10 @@ "recentchangeslinked-page": "Page name:", "recentchangeslinked-to": "Shaw chynges til pages linked til the gien page instead", "recentchanges-page-added-to-category": "[[:$1]] addit tae category", + "recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled": "[[:$1]] addit tae category, [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|this page is includit within ither pages]]", "recentchanges-page-removed-from-category": "[[:$1]] remuived frae category", + "recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled": "[[:$1]] remuived frae category, [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|this page is includit within ither pages]]", + "autochange-username": "MediaWiki automatic cheenge", "upload": "Uplaid file", "uploadbtn": "Uplaid file", "reuploaddesc": "Gang back til the uplaid form.", @@ -1262,9 +1446,9 @@ "uploaderror": "Uplaid mistak", "upload-recreate-warning": "'''Warnishment: Ae file bi that name haes been delytit or muived.'''\n\nThe delytion n muiv log fer this page ar gien here fer conveeneeance:", "uploadtext": "Uise the form ablo tae uplaid files.\nTae see or rake aforegaun uplaided files gang til the [[Special:FileList|leet o uplaided files]], (re)uplaids ar loggit in the [[Special:Log/upload|uplaid log]] aes weel, n delytions in the [[Special:Log/delete|delytion log]].\n\nTae incluid ae file in ae page, uise aen airtin in yin o the follaein forms:\n* [[{{ns:file}}:File.jpg]] tae uise the ful version o the file\n* [[{{ns:file}}:File.png|200px|thumb|left|alt tex]] tae uise ae 200 pixel wide rendeetion in ae kist in the cair margin wi \"alt tex\" aes descreeption\n* [[{{ns:media}}:File.ogg]] fer linkin directlie til the file wioot displeyin the file.", - "upload-permitted": "Permitit file types: $1.", - "upload-preferred": "Preferred file types: $1.", - "upload-prohibited": "Proheebited file types: $1.", + "upload-permitted": "Permittit file {{PLURAL:$2|teep|teeps}}: $1.", + "upload-preferred": "Preferred file {{PLURAL:$2|teep|teeps}}: $1.", + "upload-prohibited": "Prohibitit file {{PLURAL:$2|teep|teeps}}: $1.", "uploadlogpage": "Uplaid log", "uploadlogpagetext": "Ablo is ae leet o the maist recynt file uplaids.\nSee the [[Special:NewFiles|gallerie o new files]] fer ae mair veesual luikower.", "filename": "Filename", @@ -1307,6 +1491,8 @@ "file-thumbnail-no": "The filename begins wi $1.\nIt seems tae be aen eemage o reduced size ''(thumbnail)''.\nGif ye hae this emage in ful resolution uplaid this yin, itherwise please chynge the filename.", "fileexists-forbidden": "Ae file wi this name awreadie exists, n canna be owerwritten.\nGif ye still wish tae uplaid yer file, please gang back n uise ae new name.\n[[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]", "fileexists-shared-forbidden": "Ae file wi this name awreadie exeests in the shaired file repositerie.\nGif ye still wish tae uplaid yer file, please gang back n uise ae new name.\n[[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]", + "fileexists-no-change": "The uplaid is an exact duplicate o the current version o [[:$1]].", + "fileexists-duplicate-version": "The uplaid is an exact duplicate o {{PLURAL:$2|an aulder version|aulder versions}} o [[:$1]].", "file-exists-duplicate": "This file is ae dupleecate o the follaein {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}}:", "file-deleted-duplicate": "Ae file ideentical til this file ([[:$1]]) haes been delytit afore.\nYe shid check that file's delytion histerie afore proceedin tae re-uplaid it.", "file-deleted-duplicate-notitle": "Ae file identical til this file haes been delytit afore, n the title haes been suppressed.\nYe shid speir somebodie wi the abeelitie tae see suppressed file data tae luik at the seetuation afore gaun oan tae re-uplaid it.", @@ -1318,6 +1504,17 @@ "uploaddisabledtext": "File uplaids ar disabled.", "php-uploaddisabledtext": "File uplaids ar disabled in PHP.\nPlease check the file_uploads settin.", "uploadscripted": "This file hauds HTML or script code that micht be wranglie interpretit bi ae wab brouser.", + "upload-scripted-pi-callback": "Canna uplaid a file that conteens XML-stylesheet processin instruction.", + "upload-scripted-dtd": "Canna uplaid SVG files that conteen a non-staundart DTD declaration.", + "uploaded-script-svg": "Foond scriptable element \"$1\" in the uplaidit SVG file.", + "uploaded-hostile-svg": "Foond unsauf CSS in the style element o uplaidit SVG file.", + "uploaded-event-handler-on-svg": "Settin event-haundler attributes $1=\"$2\" is nae allaed in SVG files.", + "uploaded-href-attribute-svg": "href attributes in SVG files are anerly allaed tae airt tae http:// or https:// targets, foond <$1 $2=\"$3\">.", + "uploaded-href-unsafe-target-svg": "Foond href tae unsauf data: URI target <$1 $2=\"$3\"> in the uplaidit SVG file.", + "uploaded-animate-svg": "Foond \"animate\" tag that micht be cheengin href, uisin the \"frae\" attribute <$1 $2=\"$3\"> in the uplaided SVG file.", + "uploaded-setting-event-handler-svg": "Settin event-haundler attributes is blockit, foond <$1 $2=\"$3\"> in the uplaidit SVG file.", + "uploaded-setting-href-svg": "Uisin the \"set\" tag tae add \"href\" attribute tae parent element is blockit.", + "uploaded-wrong-setting-svg": "Uising the \"set\" tag tae add a remote/data/script target tae ony attribute is blockit. Foond <set to=\"$1\"> in the uplaidit SVG file.", "uploadscriptednamespace": "This SVG file contains aen illegal namespace \"$1\"", "uploadinvalidxml": "The XML in the uplaided file coudna be parsed.", "uploadvirus": "The file hauds a virus! Details: $1", @@ -1349,7 +1546,11 @@ "upload-dialog-button-upload": "Uplaid", "upload-form-label-infoform-title": "Details", "upload-form-label-infoform-name": "Name", + "upload-form-label-usage-title": "Uissage", + "upload-form-label-usage-filename": "File name", "upload-form-label-own-work": "This is ma awn wark", + "upload-form-label-infoform-categories": "Categories", + "upload-form-label-infoform-date": "Date", "upload-form-label-own-work-message-generic-local": "A confirm that A am uplaidin this file follaein the terms o service an licensin policies on {{SITENAME}}.", "backend-fail-stream": "Coudna stream file \"$1\".", "backend-fail-backup": "Coudna backup file \"$1\".", @@ -1635,7 +1836,7 @@ "nopagetext": "The tairget page that ye'v speeceefied disna exeest.", "pager-newer-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|newer 1|newer $1}}", "pager-older-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|aulder 1|aulder $1}}", - "suppress": "Owersicht", + "suppress": "Suppress", "querypage-disabled": "This speecial page is disablit fer performance raisons.", "apihelp": "API help", "apihelp-no-such-module": "Module \"$1\" wis no foond.", @@ -1827,7 +2028,7 @@ "delete-toobig": "This page haes ae muckle eedit histerie, ower $1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}}.\nDelytion o sic pages haes been restrictit tae stap accidental disruption o {{SITENAME}}.", "delete-warning-toobig": "This page haes ae muckle eedit histerie, ower $1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}}.\nDelytin it micht disrupt database operations o {{SITENAME}};\nproceed wi caution.", "deleteprotected": "Ye canna delyte this page cause it's been fended.", - "deleting-backlinks-warning": "'''Warnishment:''' [[Special:WhatLinksHere/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|Ither pages]] airt til or transcluide the page ye'r aboot tae delyte.", + "deleting-backlinks-warning": "Wairnin: [[Special:WhatLinksHere/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|Ither pages]] airt tae or transclude the page ye are aboot tae delete.", "rollback": "Row back eedits", "rollbacklink": "rowback", "rollbacklinkcount": "rowback $1 {{PLURAL:$1|eedit|eedits}}", @@ -1838,7 +2039,7 @@ "editcomment": "The eedit ootline wis: $1.", "revertpage": "Reverted eidits bi [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|tauk]]) til laist reveesion bi [[User:$1|$1]]", "revertpage-nouser": "Reverted eedits bi ae skaukt uiser til laist revesion bi {{GENDER:$1|[[User:$1|$1]]}}", - "rollback-success": "Reverted eedits b $1;\nchynged back til the laist reveesion bi $2.", + "rollback-success": "Revertit eedits bi {{GENDER:$3|$1}};\ncheenged back tae last reveesion bi {{GENDER:$4|$2}}.", "sessionfailure-title": "Session failure", "sessionfailure": "Thaur seems tae be ae proablem wi yer login session;\nthis action haes been canceled aes ae precaution again session hijackin.\nGang back til the preeveeoos page, relaid that page n than gie it anither gae.", "log-name-contentmodel": "Content model chynge log", @@ -2123,7 +2324,7 @@ "cant-move-to-user-page": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae muiv ae page til ae uiser page (except til ae uiser subpage).", "cant-move-category-page": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae muiv categerie pages.", "cant-move-to-category-page": "Ye dinna hae permeession tae muiv ae page tae ae categerie page.", - "newtitle": "Til new teitle", + "newtitle": "New teetle:", "move-watch": "Watch soorce page n tairget page", "movepagebtn": "Muiv page", "pagemovedsub": "Muiv succeedit", @@ -2146,7 +2347,7 @@ "movenosubpage": "This page haes naw subpages.", "movereason": "Raison:", "revertmove": "revert", - "delete_and_move_text": "==Delytion caad fer==\n\nThe destination airticle \"[[:$1]]\" aareadies exists. Div ye want tae delyte it fer tae mak wey fer the muiv?", + "delete_and_move_text": "The destination page \"[[:$1]]\" awready exeests.\nDae ye want tae delete it tae mak wey for the muive?", "delete_and_move_confirm": "Ai, delyte the page", "delete_and_move_reason": "Delytit fer tae mak wa fer muiv fae \"[[$1]]\"", "selfmove": "Ootgaun n incomin teitles ar the same; canna muiv ae page ower itsel.", @@ -2239,7 +2440,7 @@ "import-nonewrevisions": "Nae reveesions imported (aw were either awreadie present, or skipt cause o mistaks).", "xml-error-string": "$1 oan line $2, col $3 (byte $4): $5", "import-upload": "Uplaid XML data", - "import-token-mismatch": "Loss o session data.\nPlease gie it anither gae.", + "import-token-mismatch": "Loss o session data.\n\nYe micht hae been logged oot. Please verify that ye're still logged in an try again.\nIf it still daes nae wirk, try [[Special:UserLogout|loggin oot]] an loggin back in, an check that yer brouser allaes cookies frae this steid.", "import-invalid-interwiki": "Canna import fae the speceefied wiki.", "import-error-edit": "Page \"$1\" wisna importit cause ye'r na alloued tae eedit it.", "import-error-create": "Page \"$1\" wisna importit cause ye'r no alloued tae creaut it.", @@ -2256,6 +2457,7 @@ "import-logentry-upload-detail": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}} importit", "import-logentry-interwiki-detail": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reveesion|reveesions}} importit fae $2", "javascripttest": "JavaScript testin", + "javascripttest-pagetext-unknownaction": "Unkent action \"$1\".", "javascripttest-qunit-intro": "See [$1 testin documentation] oan mediawiki.org.", "tooltip-pt-userpage": "{{GENDER:|Yer uiser}} page", "tooltip-pt-anonuserpage": "The uiser page fer the IP address that ye'r eeditin aes", @@ -2266,6 +2468,7 @@ "tooltip-pt-mycontris": "A leet o {{GENDER:|yer}} contreibutions", "tooltip-pt-anoncontribs": "A leet o eedits made frae this IP address", "tooltip-pt-login": "It's ae guid idea tae log in, but ye dinna hae tae.", + "tooltip-pt-login-private": "Ye need tae log in tae uise this wiki", "tooltip-pt-logout": "Log oot", "tooltip-pt-createaccount": "We encoorage ye tae creaute aen accoont n log in; houever, it's no strictllie nesisair", "tooltip-ca-talk": "Discussion aneat the content page", @@ -2329,7 +2532,7 @@ "anonymous": "Nameless {{PLURAL:$1|uiser|uisers}} o {{SITENAME}}", "siteuser": "{{SITENAME}} uiser $1", "anonuser": "{{SITENAME}} anonymoos uiser $1", - "lastmodifiedatby": "This page wis laist modified $2, $1 bi $3.", + "lastmodifiedatby": "This page wis last eeditit $2, $1 bi $3.", "othercontribs": "Based oan wark bi $1.", "others": "ithers", "siteusers": "{{SITENAME}} {{PLURAL:$2|{{GENDER:$1|uiser}}|uisers}} $1", @@ -2836,9 +3039,10 @@ "scarytranscludefailed-httpstatus": "[Template fetch failed fer $1: HTTP $2]", "scarytranscludetoolong": "[URL is ower lang]", "deletedwhileediting": "Warnishment: This page wis delytit efter ye stairted eeditin!", - "confirmrecreate": "Uiser [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|tauk]]) delytit this page efter ye stairted eiditin wi raison:\n: $2\nPlease confirm that ye reallie want tae recræft this page.", - "confirmrecreate-noreason": "Uiser [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|tauk]]) delytit this page efter ye stairted eeditin. Please confirm that ye reallie want tae recræft this page.", + "confirmrecreate": "Uiser [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|talk]]) {{GENDER:$1|deletit}} this page efter ye stairtit eeditin wi raison:\n: $2\nPlease confirm that ye really want tae recreaut this page.", + "confirmrecreate-noreason": "Uiser [[User:$1|$1]] ([[User talk:$1|talk]]) {{GENDER:$1|deletit}} this page efter ye stairtit eeditin. Please confirm that ye really want tae recreaut this page.", "recreate": "Recræft", + "confirm-purge-title": "Purge this page", "confirm_purge_button": "OK", "confirm-purge-top": "Clair the cache o this page?", "confirm-purge-bottom": "Purgin ae page clears the cache n forces the maist recynt reveesion tae appear.", @@ -2846,6 +3050,7 @@ "confirm-watch-top": "Eik this page til yer watchleet?", "confirm-unwatch-button": "OK", "confirm-unwatch-top": "Remuiv this page fae yer watchleet?", + "confirm-rollback-top": "Revert eedits tae this page?", "quotation-marks": "\"$1\"", "imgmultipageprev": "← preeveeoos page", "imgmultipagenext": "nex page →", @@ -2899,6 +3104,7 @@ "signature": "[[{{ns:user}}:$1|$2]] ([[{{ns:user_talk}}:$1|tauk]])", "duplicate-defaultsort": "Warnishment: Defaut sort key \"$2\" owerrides earlier defaut sort key \"$1\".", "duplicate-displaytitle": "Warnishment: Displey title \"$2\" owerrides the earlier displey title \"$1\".", + "restricted-displaytitle": "Wairnin: Display teetle \"$1\" wis ignored syne it is nae equivalent tae the page's actual teetle.", "invalid-indicator-name": "Mistak: Page status indicaters' name attreebute maunna be tuim.", "version": "Version", "version-extensions": "Instawed extensions", @@ -2938,6 +3144,7 @@ "version-entrypoints": "Entrie point URLs", "version-entrypoints-header-entrypoint": "Entrie point", "version-entrypoints-header-url": "URL", + "version-libraries-library": "Leebrar", "redirect": "Reguidal bi file, uiser, page or reveesion ID", "redirect-summary": "This byordiair page reguides til ae file (gien the file name), ae page (gien ae reveesion ID or page ID), or ae uiser page (gien ae numereec uiser ID). Uissage: [[{{#Special:Redirect}}/file/Example.jpg]], [[{{#Special:Redirect}}/page/64308]], [[{{#Special:Redirect}}/reveesion/328429]], or [[{{#Special:Redirect}}/uiser/101]].", "redirect-submit": "Gang", @@ -2991,6 +3198,8 @@ "tags-edit": "eedit", "tags-hitcount": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|chynge|chynges}}", "tags-create-submit": "Creaut", + "tags-delete-not-found": "The tag \"$1\" daes nae exeest.", + "tags-deactivate-reason": "Raison:", "tags-edit-logentry-selected": "{{PLURAL:$1|Selectit log event|Selectit log events}}:", "tags-edit-logentry-legend": "Add or remuive tags frae {{PLURAL:$1|this log entry|aw $1 log entries}}", "tags-edit-logentry-submit": "Apply chynges tae {{PLURAL:$1|this log entry|$1 log entries}}", @@ -3127,7 +3336,7 @@ "expand_templates_preview": "Luikower", "expand_templates_preview_fail_html": "Cause {{SITENAME}} haes raw HTML enabled n thaur wis ae loss o session data, the luikower haes been skaukt tae help defend again JavaScript attacks.\n\nGif this is a legeetimate luikower attempt, please gie it anither shot.\nGif ye still haae nae joy, than gie [[Special:UserLogout|loggin oot]] n loggin back in ae shot.", "expand_templates_preview_fail_html_anon": "Cause {{SITENAME}} haes raw HTML enabled n ye'r no loggit in, the luikower haes been skaukt tae fend again JavaScript attacks.\n\nGif this is ae legeetimate luikower attempt, than please [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] n gie it anither shot.", - "pagelanguage": "Page leid selecter", + "pagelanguage": "Cheenge page leid", "pagelang-name": "Page", "pagelang-language": "Leid", "pagelang-use-default": "Uise the defaut leid", @@ -3174,11 +3383,13 @@ "json-error-inf-or-nan": "Yin or mair NAN or INF values in the value tae be encoded", "json-error-unsupported-type": "Ae value o ae type that canna be encoded wis gien", "special-characters-group-ipa": "IPA", + "log-action-filter-all": "Aw", "log-action-filter-delete-event": "Log deletion", "log-action-filter-suppress-event": "Log suppression", "authmanager-authn-no-local-user-link": "The supplee'd credentials are valid but are nae associatit wi ony uiser on this wiki. Login in a different way, or create a new uiser, an ye will hae an option tae airtin yer previous credentials tae that accoont.", "authform-nosession-login": "The authentication wis successfu, but yer brouser canna \"remember\" bein logged in.\n\n$1", "authpage-cannot-login": "Unable tae stairt login.", "authpage-cannot-login-continue": "Unable tae continue login. Yer session maist likly timed oot.", - "restrictionsfield-label": "Allaed IP ranges:" + "restrictionsfield-label": "Allaed IP ranges:", + "gotointerwiki": "Leavin {{SITENAME}}" }