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$1.", "gotaccountlink": "Inmeldian", "userlogin-resetpassword-link": "Forgēate þū þīn gelēafword?", + "userlogin-helplink2": "Inmeldunge help", + "createacct-emailrequired": "Spearcǣrenda nama", + "createacct-emailoptional": "Spearcǣrenda nama (ungenēdedlic)", + "createacct-email-ph": "Besettan þīnne spearcǣrenda naman", + "createacct-another-email-ph": "Besettan spearcǣrenda naman", "createaccountmail": "Notian hwīlendlic hlīetlic þafungword and sendan hit tō þǣm genamodan spearcǣrendnaman", + "createacct-realname": "Sōt nama (ungenēdedlic)", "createaccountreason": "Racu:", + "createacct-reason": "Racu", + "createacct-reason-ph": "For hwȳ wyrcest þū ōðerne grīman", + "createacct-submit": "Scieppan þīnne grīman", + "createacct-another-submit": "Scieppan ōðerne grīman", + "createacct-benefit-heading": "{{SITENAME}} is geworht fram hādum swilce þū.", + "createacct-benefit-body1": "{{PLURAL:$1|adihtung|adihtunga}}", + "createacct-benefit-body2": "{{PLURAL:$1|tramet|trameta}}", + "createacct-benefit-body3": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwe fyrðrend|nīwe fyrðrendas}}", "badretype": "Þā þafungword þe write þū, bēoþ ungelīc.", "userexists": "Se brūcendnama is ǣr gebrocen. Cēos lā ōðerne naman.", "loginerror": "Inmeldunge wōh", + "createacct-error": "Grīman scieppunge misfeng", "createaccounterror": "Ne cūðe scieppan reccinge: $1", "nocookiesnew": "Sēo brūcendreccing wæs gemacod, ac þū neart inmeldod.\n{{SITENAME}} brȳcþ cȳþþu grētunga tō inmeldienne brūcendas.\nÞū hafast forwierned cȳþþu grētunga.\nLīef him lā, and siþþan inmelda þīnne nīwan brūcendnaman and þīn nīwe þafungword.", + "noname": "Þū nafast gewriten gengne brūcendes naman.", "loginsuccesstitle": "Inmeldung gesǣlde", "loginsuccess": "'''Þu eart nū inmeldod tō {{SITENAME}} tō \"$1\".'''", "nosuchuser": "Þǣr nis nān brūcend þe hæfþ þone naman \"$1\".\nStafena micelnessa sind hefiga and ānlica on brūcendnamum.\nScēawa þīne wrītunge eft, oþþe [[Special:UserLogin/signup|sciepp nīwe reccinge]].", "nosuchusershort": "Þǣr nis nān brūcend mid þǣm naman \"$1\". Scēawa þīne wrītunge.", + "nouserspecified": "Þū scealt wrītan brūcendes naman.", + "login-userblocked": "Þes brūcend is fortȳned. Inmeldung nis gelīfed.", + "wrongpassword": "Nā riht þafungword wæs gewriten. Sēc þū eft lā.", + "wrongpasswordempty": "Þū ne write nǣnig þafungword. \nSēc þū eft lā.", "passwordtooshort": "Þafungword sculon habban læst {{PLURAL:$1|1 stafan|$1 stafena}}.", + "passwordtoolong": "Þafungword ne cunnon wesan lengran þonne {{PLURAL:$1|1 stafa|$1 stafena}}.", + "password-name-match": "Þīn þafungword sceal wesan ungelīc þīnum brūcendes naman.", + "password-login-forbidden": "Sēo nytt þisses brūcendes naman and þafungwordes nis gelīfed.", "mailmypassword": "Settan þafungword eft", + "passwordremindertitle": "Nīwe hwīlendlic þafungword for {{SITENAME}}", + "noemail": "Þær nis nǣnig spearcǣrenda nama gewriten for \"$1\" brūcende.", + "noemailcreate": "Þū þearft wrītan gengne spearcǣrenda naman.", + "blocked-mailpassword": "Þīn IP nama is fortȳned and ne cann adihtan; þæs ne cann hit brūcan þone þafungworda eftgemyndgunge tōl swā þæt man ne miswende hine.", "acct_creation_throttle_hit": "Nēosiende tō þissum wici, þe þīnne IP-Stōwe brȳcþ, hæfþ gesett {{PLURAL:$1|1 hordcleofan|$1 hordcleofan}} in þǣm læsten dæge. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran. Þǣrfram ne cunnon Nēosiende, þe þisne IP-Stōwe brȳcþ, settan ǣnige hordcleofan māran on þisse handhwīle.", "accountcreated": "Scōp reccinge", "loginlanguagelabel": "Sprǣc: $1", @@ -382,7 +414,7 @@ "retypenew": "Wrīt nīwe þafungword eft:", "resetpass-submit-loggedin": "Andwendan þafungword", "resetpass-submit-cancel": "Undōn", - "passwordreset-legend": "Settan þafungword eft", + "passwordreset": "Settan þafungword eft", "passwordreset-username": "Brūcendnama:", "bold_sample": "Þicce traht", "bold_tip": "Þicce traht", @@ -427,6 +459,7 @@ "note": "'''Gewritincel:'''", "previewnote": "Beþenc þe þis is gīet efne forebysen.\nÞīna andwendunga gīet ne sind hordoda!", "editing": "Adihtende $1", + "creating": "Scipþ nū $1", "editingsection": "Adihtende $1 (dǣl)", "editingcomment": "Adihtende $1 (nīwe dǣl)", "editconflict": "Adihtunge wiþdǣd: $1", @@ -443,6 +476,7 @@ "permissionserrors": "Þafunge wōh", "permissionserrorstext-withaction": "Þū ne hæfst þafunge tō $2, for {{PLURAL:$1|þisre race|þissum racum}}:", "recreate-moveddeleted-warn": "'''Warnung: Þū edsciepst tramet þe wæs ǣr forloren.'''\n\nÞu sceoldest smēagan, hwæðer hit gerādlīc sīe, forþ tō gānne mid þǣre adihtunge þisses trametes.\nÞæt forlēosunge and wegunge ealdhord þisses trametes is hēr geīeht for behēfnesse:", + "moveddeleted-notice": "Þes tramet wæs forloren.\nÞæt forlēosunge and wǣgunge stǣr þæs trametes is geīwed hēr.", "viewpagelogs": "Sēon þisses trametes ealdhold", "nohistory": "Nis nān adihtunge stǣr for þissum tramete.", "currentrev-asof": "Nīwost fadung on þǣre $3. tīde þæs $2.", @@ -482,21 +516,27 @@ "mergehistory-reason": "Racu:", "revertmerge": "Settan þā geānlǣcinge on bæc", "history-title": "Ednīwunga stǣr for \"$1\"", + "difference-title": "Fǣgness betweox fadungum \"$1\"", "lineno": "$1. līne:", "compareselectedversions": "Bemetan gecorena ednīwunga", "editundo": "undōn", "searchresults": "Sōcne wæstmas", "searchresults-title": "Sōcne wæstmas for \"$1\"", "notextmatches": "Nis þǣr nǣnig swilc traht on nǣngum trametum", - "prevn": "ǣror {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", + "prevn": "ǣrre {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", "nextn": "nīehst {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}", + "nextn-title": "Nīhst $1 {{PLURAL:$1|gefunden|gefundenra}}", + "shown-title": "Īwan $1 {{PLURAL:$1|gefunden|gefundenra}} on ǣlcum tramete", "viewprevnext": "Sēon ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)", "searchmenu-new": "Scieppan þone tramet \"[[:$1]]\" on þissum wiki! {{PLURAL:$2|0=|Seoh ēac þone tramet þe wæs gefunden mid þīnre sōcne.|Seoh ēac þā þing þā wǣron gefunden.}}", "searchprofile-articles": "Innunge trametas", "searchprofile-images": "Missenendebyrdness", "searchprofile-everything": "Gehwæt", + "searchprofile-advanced": "Manigfeald", "searchprofile-articles-tooltip": "Sēcan in $1", "searchprofile-images-tooltip": "Sēcan ymelan", + "searchprofile-everything-tooltip": "Sēcan geond ealla innunga (ēac mōtungum)", + "searchprofile-advanced-tooltip": "Sēcan on mā namsteda", "search-result-size": "$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 word|$2 worda}})", "search-redirect": "(edlǣded fram \"$1\")", "search-section": "(dǣl $1)", @@ -507,6 +547,7 @@ "searchrelated": "gesibb", "searchall": "eall", "showingresults": "Īewan under oþ $1 tōhīgunga onginnenda mid #$2.", + "search-nonefound": "Ne cūðe findan þæt þū woldest.", "powersearch-legend": "Manigfeald sēcung", "powersearch-ns": "Sēcan in namstedum:", "search-external": "Ūtanweard sōcn", @@ -556,21 +597,32 @@ "rightslog": "Brūcenda riht cranic", "action-edit": "adihtan þisne tramet", "nchanges": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|andwendung|andwendunga}}", + "enhancedrc-history": "stǣr", "recentchanges": "Nīwa andwendunga", "recentchanges-legend": "Nīwra andwendunga cyras", "recentchanges-summary": "Sēon þā nīwostan andwendunga þisses wiki on þissum tramete", "recentchanges-feed-description": "Īwan þā nīwostan andwendunga þæs wiki mid þissum strēame", - "recentchanges-label-newpage": "Þēos adihtung scōp nīwne tramet", - "recentchanges-label-minor": "Þēos is lytel adihtung", + "recentchanges-label-newpage": "Þēos ādihtung scōp nīwne tramet", + "recentchanges-label-minor": "Þēos is lytel ādihtung", "recentchanges-label-bot": "Searuþrǣl fremede þās adihtunge", + "recentchanges-label-plusminus": "Þæs trametes micelness wæs andwended þȳs rīme grēatbitena", "recentchanges-legend-newpage": "{{int:recentchanges-label-newpage}} (seoh ēac [[Special:NewPages|getæl nīwra trameta]])", - "rcnotefrom": "Niðer sind þā andwendunga fram $2 (mǣst īweþ $1).", + "rcnotefrom": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$5|is sēo andwendung|sindon þā andwendunga}} fram $4 of $3 (swā fela swā $1 sind geīwed).", "rclistfrom": "Īwan nīwa andwendunga fram $3 $2 and siþþan", "rcshowhideminor": "$1 lytela adihtunga", + "rcshowhideminor-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhideminor-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhidebots": "$1 searuþrǣlas", + "rcshowhidebots-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhidebots-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhideliu": "$1 brūcendas on nambēc", + "rcshowhideliu-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhideanons": "$1 uncūðe brūcendas", + "rcshowhideanons-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhideanons-hide": "Hȳdan", "rcshowhidemine": "$1 mīna adihtunga", + "rcshowhidemine-show": "Īwan", + "rcshowhidemine-hide": "Hȳdan", "rclinks": "Īwan þā nīwostan $1 andwendunga in þissum nīehstum $2 daga
$3", "diff": "scēad", "hist": "stǣr", @@ -592,9 +644,9 @@ "uploadbtn": "Hladan ymelan forþ", "uploadnologin": "Nā inmeldod", "uploaderror": "Wōh on forþhladunge", - "upload-permitted": "Geþafod ymelena cynn: $1.", - "upload-preferred": "Fōreboren ymelena cynn: $1.", - "upload-prohibited": "Forboden ymelena cynn: $1.", + "upload-permitted": "Geþafod ymelena {{PLURAL:$2|cynn|cynn}}: $1.", + "upload-preferred": "Foreboren ymelena {{PLURAL:$2|cynn|cynn}}: $1.", + "upload-prohibited": "Forboden ymelena {{PLURAL:$2|cynn|cynn}}: $1.", "uploadlogpage": "Hladan ealdhord forþ", "filename": "Ymelan nama", "filedesc": "Scortness", @@ -637,11 +689,13 @@ "morelinkstoimage": "Sēon [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|mā hlencan]] tō þisre ymelan.", "duplicatesoffile": "{{PLURAL:$1|Sēol folgiende ymele is gelīcnes|Þā folgiendan ymelan sind gelīcnessa}} þisse ymelan (seoh [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|mā cȳþþe ymbe þis]]):", "sharedupload": "Þēos ymele is fram $1 and man mæg hīe brūcan on ōðrum weorcum.", + "sharedupload-desc-here": "Þēos ymele is fram $1 and cann wesan gebrocen fram ōðrum weorcum. Sēo amearcung on hire [$2 tramete ymelan amearcunge] þǣr is hēr geīwed.", "uploadnewversion-linktext": "Hladan nīwe fadunge þisse ymelan forþ", + "upload-disallowed-here": "Þū ne canst wrītan ofer þisse ymelan.", "filerevert-legend": "Settan ymelan on bæc", "filedelete-submit": "Forlēosan", "unusedtemplateswlh": "ōðre hlencan", - "randompage": "Gelimplīc tramet", + "randompage": "Gelimplic tramet", "statistics": "Cȳþþu", "statistics-articles": "Innunge trametas", "statistics-pages": "Trametas", @@ -664,8 +718,8 @@ "wantedpages": "Gewilnode trametas", "mostlinked": "Trametas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena", "mostlinkedcategories": "Floccas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena", - "mostlinkedtemplates": "Bysena mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena", - "prefixindex": "Ealle trametas mid fōredǣle", + "mostlinkedtemplates": "Trametas mid þǣm mǣstan rīme hlencena", + "prefixindex": "Ealle trametas mid foredǣle", "shortpages": "Scorte trametas", "longpages": "Lange trametas", "listusers": "Brūcenda getæl", @@ -674,10 +728,11 @@ "ancientpages": "Ieldestan trametas", "move": "Wegan", "movethispage": "Wegan þisne tramet", - "pager-newer-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwre 1|nīwran $1}}", - "pager-older-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|ieldre 1|ieldran $1}}", + "pager-newer-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīwre 1|nīwre $1}}", + "pager-older-n": "{{PLURAL:$1|ieldre 1|ieldre $1}}", "booksources": "Bōcfruman", "booksources-search-legend": "Sēcan bōcfruman", + "booksources-search": "Sēcan", "booksources-text": "Niðer is getæl hlencena tō ōðrum webstedum þe cīpaþ nīwa and gebrocena bēc, and wēninga hæbben ēac mā cȳþþu ymbe bēc þe þu sēcst:", "specialloguserlabel": "Gelǣstende brūcend:", "speciallogtitlelabel": "Ende (trametes titul oþþe brūcendes nama):", @@ -720,7 +775,7 @@ "unwatch": "Ablinnan behealdunge", "unwatchthispage": "Ablinnan behealdunge", "watchlist-details": "{{PLURAL:$1|Þǣr is $1 tramet|Þǣr sind $1 trameta}} on þīnum behealdunggetæle, nā sunderlīce arīmedum mōtunga trametum.", - "wlnote": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$1|is sēo nīwoste andwendung|sind þā nīwostan '''$1''' andwendunga}} in {{PLURAL:$2|þǣre latostan tīde|þǣm latostan '''$2''' tīda}}, fram: $3, $4.", + "wlnote": "Niðer {{PLURAL:$1|is sēo nīwoste andwendung|sind þā nīwostan '''$1''' andwendunga}} in {{PLURAL:$2|þǣre nīwostan tīde|þǣm nīwostum '''$2''' tīda}}, fram $4 of $3.", "wlshowlast": "Īwan þā nīwostan $1 tīda $2 daga", "watchlist-options": "Behealdungtæles cyras", "watching": "Behealdende...", @@ -743,7 +798,7 @@ "deletereasonotherlist": "Ōðru racu", "rollbacklink": "settan on bæc", "rollbackfailed": "Bæcsettung tōsǣlde", - "editcomment": "Þǣre adihtunge se cwide wæs: \"''$1''\".", + "editcomment": "Þǣre adihtunge se cwide wæs: $1.", "revertpage": "Onhwearf adihtunga fram [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|mōtung]]); wendede on bæc tō ǣrran fadunge fram [[User:$1|$1]]", "protectlogpage": "Beorges ealdhord", "protectedarticle": "bearg \"[[$1]]\"", @@ -779,6 +834,7 @@ "undelete-search-submit": "Sēcan", "namespace": "Namstede:", "invert": "Onhwirfan gecorennesse", + "namespace_association": "Gesibbe namstedas", "blanknamespace": "(Hēafod)", "contributions": "{{GENDER:$1|Brūcendes}} forðunga", "contributions-title": "Brūcendes forðunga for $1", @@ -799,6 +855,8 @@ "isredirect": "edlǣdunge tramet", "istemplate": "bysene nytt", "isimage": "ymelan hlenca", + "whatlinkshere-prev": "{{PLURAL:$1|ǣrre|ǣrre $1}}", + "whatlinkshere-next": "{{PLURAL:$1|nīhst|nīhst $1}}", "whatlinkshere-links": "← hlencan", "whatlinkshere-hideredirs": "$1 edlǣdunga", "whatlinkshere-hidetrans": "$1 bysene nytta", @@ -819,7 +877,6 @@ "contribslink": "forðunga", "unblocklogentry": "unfortȳnde $1", "block-log-flags-nocreate": "Forbēad tō scieppenne reccinge", - "movearticle": "Wegan tramet:", "newtitle": "Tō nīwum naman:", "move-watch": "Behealdan frumtramet and endetramet", "movepagebtn": "Wegan tramet", @@ -839,7 +896,7 @@ "allmessages-filter-modified": "Andwended", "allmessages-language": "Sprǣc:", "allmessages-filter-submit": "Gān", - "thumbnail-more": "Mǣrsian", + "thumbnail-more": "Gerȳman", "filemissing": "Ymele is æfweard", "import": "Inbringan trametas", "import-interwiki-submit": "Inbringan", @@ -855,8 +912,9 @@ "tooltip-pt-mycontris": "Getæl þīnra forðunga", "tooltip-pt-login": "Man þē byldeþ to inmeldienne; þēah, þis nis abeden", "tooltip-pt-logout": "Ūtmeldian", + "tooltip-pt-createaccount": "Þū āhst wyrcan grīman tō brūcenne, ac þū ne þearft þæt dōn.", "tooltip-ca-talk": "Mōtung ymbe þone innunge tramet", - "tooltip-ca-edit": "Þū meaht þisne tramet adihtan. Brūc lā þone fōrebysene cnæpp ǣr þū hordie.", + "tooltip-ca-edit": "Þisne tramet ādihtan.", "tooltip-ca-addsection": "Beginnan nīwne dǣl", "tooltip-ca-viewsource": "Þes tramet is borgen.\nÞū canst his fruman sēon.", "tooltip-ca-history": "Ǣrran fadunga þisses trametes", @@ -896,15 +954,17 @@ "tooltip-ca-nstab-category": "Sēon þone flocces tramet", "tooltip-minoredit": "Mearcian þās tō lytelre adihtunge", "tooltip-save": "Hordian þīna andwendunga", - "tooltip-preview": "Seoh fōrebysene þīnra andwendunga. Brūc þis lā ǣr þū hordie!", + "tooltip-preview": "Seoh forebysene þīnra andwendunga. Brūc þis lā ǣr þū hordie!", "tooltip-diff": "Īwan þā andwendunga þā þū dydest wiþ þone traht", "tooltip-compareselectedversions": "Sēon þā gescēad betweonan þǣm twǣm gecorenum fadungum þisses trametes", "tooltip-watch": "Ēacnian þīn behealdungtæl mid þissum tramete", - "tooltip-undo": "\"Undōn\" undēþ þās adihtunge and openaþ þǣre adihtunge bysene tō fōrebysene. Man cann secgan race on þǣre sceortnesse.", + "tooltip-undo": "\"Undōn\" undēþ þās adihtunge and openaþ þǣre adihtunge bysene tō forebysene. Man cann secgan race on þǣre sceortnesse.", + "tooltip-summary": "Wrītan sceorte gemearcunge", "anonymous": "{{PLURAL:$1|uncūþ brūcend|uncūðra brūcenda}} of {{SITENAME}}", "siteuser": "{{SITENAME}}n brūcend $1", "others": "ōðru", "anonusers": "{{SITENAME}} {{PLURAL:$2|uncūþ brūcend|uncūðra brūcenda}} $1", + "pageinfo-toolboxlink": "Trametes cȳþþu", "previousdiff": "← Ieldre adihtung", "nextdiff": "Nīwre adihtung →", "imagemaxsize": "Mǣst biliðes micelness:
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