X-Git-Url: https://git.heureux-cyclage.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=includes%2Finstaller%2Fi18n%2Fsco.json;h=4181893476b2382b24a704cf7f789e67fe9773d5;hb=979681f48871c16efd485e78d78f98c9a094212b;hp=40d0876bd437fa6780d9a5781b963a0884e97f0c;hpb=e696a662a96209e642fce66cb861ad18dc5a2371;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json b/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json index 40d0876bd4..4181893476 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "config-env-good": "The environment haes been checked.\nYe can install MediaWiki.", "config-env-bad": "The environment haes been checked.\nYe canna install MediaWiki.", "config-env-php": "PHP $1 is instâlled.", - "config-env-php-toolow": "PHP $1 is instâlled.\nHoue'er, MediaWiki requires PHP $2 or heier.", + "config-env-hhvm": "HHVM $1 is instawed.", "config-unicode-using-utf8": "Uising Brion Vibber's utf8_normalize.so fer Unicode normalization.", "config-unicode-using-intl": "Uising the [http://pecl.php.net/intl intl PECL extension] fer Unicode normalization.", "config-unicode-pure-php-warning": "Warnishment: The [http://pecl.php.net/intl intl PECL extension] is no available tae haunle Unicode normalisation, fawin back tae slaw pure-PHP implementation.\nGif ye rin ae hei-traffic steid, ye shid read ae wee bit oan [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Unicode_normalization_considerations Unicode normalization].", @@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ "config-no-db": "Coudna fynd ae suitable database driver! Ye need tae instaw ae database driver fer PHP.\nThe follaein database types ar supported: $1.\n\nGif ye compiled PHP yersel, reconfeegure it wi ae database client enabled, fer example, uising ./confeegure --wi-mysqli.\nGif ye installed PHP fae ae Debian or Ubuntu package, than ye need tae instaw forby, fer example, the php5-mysql package.", "config-outdated-sqlite": "Warnishment: ye have SQLite $1, this is lower than minimum required version $2. SQLite will be onavailable.", "config-no-fts3": "Warnishment: SQLite is compiled wioot the [//sqlite.org/fts3.html FTS3 module], rake features will be onavailable oan this backend.", - "config-register-globals": "Warnishment: PHP's [http://php.net/register_globals register_globals] optie is enabled.\nDisable it gif ye can.\nMediaWiki will wark, but yer server is exposed til poteential securitie vulnerabeelities.", + "config-register-globals-error": "Mistak: PHP's [http://php.net/register_globals register_globals] optie is enablit.\nIt maun be disablit tae keep gaun wi the instawation.\nSee [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/register_globals https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/register_globals] fer help oan hou tae dae sae.", + "config-magic-quotes-gpc": "Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-gpc magic_quotes_gpc] is active!\nThis option corrupts data input unpredictably.\nYe cannae install or uise MediaWiki unless this option is disabled.", "config-magic-quotes-runtime": "Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-runtime magic_quotes_runtime] is active!'\nThis optie rots data input onpredictably.\nYe canna install or uise MediaWiki onless this optie is disabled.", "config-magic-quotes-sybase": "Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.info.php#ini.magic-quotes-sybase magic_quotes_sybase] is active!\nThis optie rots data input onpredictably.\nYe canna install or uise MediaWiki onless this optie is disabled.", "config-mbstring": "Fatal: [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php#mbstring.overload mbstring.func_overload] is active!\nThis optie causes mistaks an can rot data onpredictably.\nYe canna install or uise MediaWiki onless this optie is disabled.", @@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ "config-memory-raised": "PHP's memerie_limit is $1, raised til $2.", "config-memory-bad": "Warnishment: PHP's memerie_limit is $1.\nThis is proably ower low.\nThe installation micht fail!", "config-ctype": "Fatal: PHP maun be compiled wi support fer the [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ctype.installation.php Ctype extension].", + "config-iconv": "Fatal: PHP maun be compiled wi support fer the [http://www.php.net/manual/en/iconv.installation.php iconv extension].", "config-json": "Fatal: PHP wis compiled wioot JSON support.\nYe maun instaw either the PHP JSON extension or the [http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonc PECL jsonc] extension afore instawin MediaWiki.\n* The PHP extension is incluided in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS) 5 n 6, thoogh it maun be enabled in /etc/php.ini or /etc/php.d/json.ini.\n* Some Linux distributions released efter Mey 2013 omit the PHP extension, instead packagin the PECL extension aes php5-json or php-pecl-jsonc.", "config-xcache": "[http://xcache.lighttpd.net/ XCache] is installed.", "config-apc": "[http://www.php.net/apc APC] is installed.", @@ -101,6 +103,7 @@ "config-db-username": "Database uisername:", "config-db-password": "Database passwaird:", "config-db-password-empty": "Please enter ae passwaird fer the new database uiser: $1.\nWhile it micht be possible tae mak uisers wi naw passwairds, it's naw secure.", + "config-db-username-empty": "Ye maun enter ae value fer \"{{int:config-db-username}}\".", "config-db-install-username": "Enter the uisername that will be uised tae connect til the database durin the installâtion process.\nThis isna the uisername o the MediaWiki accont; this is the uisername fr yer database.", "config-db-install-password": "Enter the passwaird that will be uised tae connect til the database durin the installâtion process.\nThis isna the passwaird fer the MediaWiki accoont; this is the passwaird fer yer database.", "config-db-install-help": "Enter the uisername an passwaird that will be uised tae connect til the database durin the installâtion process.", @@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ "config-license-gfdl": "GNU Free Documentâtion License 1.3 or later", "config-license-pd": "Public Domain", "config-license-cc-choose": "Select ae custym Creative Commyns license", - "config-license-help": "Monie publeec wikis pit aw contreebutions unner ae [http://freedomdefined.org/Defineetion free license].\nThis heelps tae cræft ae sense o communitie ainership n encoorages lang-term contreebution.\nIt's naw generallie necessarie fer ae private or corporate wiki.\n\nGif ye wish tae be able tae uise tex fae Wikipedia, n ye want Wikipedia tae be able tae accept tex copied fae yer wiki, ye shid chuise Creative Commyns Attribution Shair Alike.\n\nWikipædia preeveeooslie uised the GNU Free Documentation License.\nThe GFDL is ae valid license, but it's difficult tae unnerstaunn.\nIt's difficult tae reuise content licensed unner the GFDL ava.", + "config-license-help": "Monie publeec wikis pit aw contreebutions unner ae [http://freedomdefined.org/Defineetion free license].\nThis heelps tae creaut ae sense o communitie ainership n encoorages lang-term contreebution.\nIt's naw generallie necessair fer ae preevate or corporate wiki.\n\nGif ye wish tae be able tae uise tex fae Wikipædia, n ye want Wikipædia tae be able tae accept tex copied fae yer wiki, than ye shid chuise Creative Commons Attribution Shair Alike.\n\nWikipædia preeveeooslie uised the GNU Free Documentation License.\nThe GFDL is ae valid license, but it's difficult tae unnerstaunn.\nMairower, it's difficult tae reuise content licensed unner the GFDL.", "config-email-settings": "Wab-mail settins", "config-enable-email": "Enable ootboond wab-mail", "config-enable-email-help": "Gif ye want wab-mail tae wark, [http://www.php.net/manual/en/mail.configuration.php PHP's mail settins] need tae be confeegured jyst richt.\nGif ye dinna want oni wab-mail features, ye can disable theim here.", @@ -270,6 +273,12 @@ "config-memcache-badport": "Memcached port nummers shid be atween $1 n $2.", "config-extensions": "Extensions", "config-extensions-help": "The extensions leetit abuin were detected in yer ./extensions directerie.\n\nThey micht need addeetional confeeguration, but ye can enable thaim nou.", + "config-skins": "Skins", + "config-skins-help": "The skins leetit abuin were detectit in yer ./skins directerie. Ye maun enable at least yin, n chuise the defaut.", + "config-skins-use-as-default": "Uise this skin aes the defaut", + "config-skins-missing": "Nae skins were foond; MediaWiki will uise ae fawback skin ontil ye instaw some proper skins.", + "config-skins-must-enable-some": "Ye need tae chuisse at least yin skin tae enable.", + "config-skins-must-enable-default": "The skin chosen aes the defaut maun be enablit.", "config-install-alreadydone": "Warnishment: Ye seem tae'v awreadie instawed MediaWiki n ar tryin tae instaw it again.\nPlease proceed til the nex page.", "config-install-begin": "Bi pressin \"{{int:config-continue}}\", ye will begin the installation o MediaWiki.\nGif ye still wish tae mak chynges, press \"{{int:config-back}}\".", "config-install-step-done": "dun", @@ -299,6 +308,8 @@ "config-install-stats": "Ineetializin stateestics", "config-install-keys": "Generatin hidlins keys", "config-insecure-keys": "Warnishment: {{PLURAL:$2|Ae secure key|Secure keys}} ($1) generated durin instawation {{PLURAL:$2|is|ar}} naw compleatelie safe. Consider chyngin {{PLURAL:$2|it|theim}} manuallie.", + "config-install-updates": "Hinder the runnin o onneedit updates.", + "config-install-updates-failed": "Mistak: Insertin update keys intae the buirds failed wi the folleain mistak: $1", "config-install-sysop": "Makin admeenistrâter uiser accoont", "config-install-subscribe-fail": "Onable tae subscribe til mediawiki-announce: $1", "config-install-subscribe-notpossible": "cURL isna instawed n allow_url_fopen is na available.", @@ -308,6 +319,7 @@ "config-install-done": "Congratulations!\nYe'v successfulie instawed MediaWiki.\n\nThe instawer haes generated ae LocalSettings.php file.\nIt contains aw yer confeeguration.\n\nYe'll need tae doonlaid it n pit it in the base o yer wiki instawation (the same directerie aes index.php). The doonlaid shid hae stairted autæmateeclie.\n\nGif the doonlaid wisna affered, or gif ye cancelled it, ye can restairt the doonlaid bi clapin oan the airtin ablo:\n\n$3\n\nMynd: Gif ye dinna dae this the nou, this generated confeeguration file willna be available til ye laiter gif ye exit the instawation wioot doonlaidin it.\n\nWhan that haes been dun, ye can [$2 enter yer wiki].", "config-download-localsettings": "Dounlaid LocalSettings.php", "config-help": "heelp", + "config-help-tooltip": "clap tae mak muckler", "config-nofile": "File \"$1\" coudna be foond. Haes it been delytit?", "config-extension-link": "Did ye ken that yer wiki supports [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Extensions extensions]?\n\nYe can brouse [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Category:Extensions_by_category extensions bi categorie] or the [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_Matrix Extension Matrix] tae see the full leet o extensions.", "mainpagetext": "MediaWiki haes been installit wi speed.",