X-Git-Url: https://git.heureux-cyclage.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=includes%2Finstaller%2Fi18n%2Fsco.json;h=3fc52abd98b5e2ff469a46869775653773075234;hb=3dfb1cb23624439be7000ab351197bdbacef3afb;hp=68d40d5748ddaab53c8c42bfd4463e63e085178a;hpb=318a423358d13c3704a8c9983a3d78d5ae75f31d;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json b/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json index 68d40d5748..3fc52abd98 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/sco.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ "config-help-restart": "Div ye wish tae clear aw hained data that ye'v entered n restairt the instawlation process?", "config-restart": "Ai, restart it", "config-welcome": "=== Environmêntal checks ===\nBasic checks will nou be performed tae see gif this environment is suitable fer MediaWiki installâtion.\nMynd tae inclæde this information gif ye seek heelp oan hou tae complete the installâtion.", - "config-copyright": "=== Copiericht n Terms ===\n\n$1\n\nThis program is free saffware; ye can redistreebute it n/or modifie it unner the terms o the GNU General Public License aes published bi the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 o the License, or (yer optie) onie later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be uiseful, but wioot onie warrantie; wioot even the implied warrantie o merchantabeelity or fitness fer ae parteecular purpose.\nSee the GNU General Public License fer mair details.\n\nYe shid hae receeved ae copie o the GNU General Publeec License alang wi this program; gif naw, write til the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA, or [https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html read it online].", + "config-welcome-section-copyright": "=== Copiericht n Terms ===\n\n$1\n\nThis program is free saffware; ye can redistreebute it n/or modifie it unner the terms o the GNU General Public License aes published bi the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 o the License, or (yer optie) onie later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be uiseful, but wioot onie warrantie; wioot even the implied warrantie o merchantabeelity or fitness fer ae parteecular purpose.\nSee the GNU General Public License fer mair details.\n\nYe shid hae receeved [$2 ae copie o the GNU General Publeec License] alang wi this program; gif naw, write til the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA, or [https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html read it online].", "config-sidebar": "* [https://www.mediawiki.org MediaWiki home]\n* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Contents User's Guide]\n* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Contents Administrator's Guide]\n* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:FAQ FAQ]\n----\n* Read me\n* Release notes\n* Copiein\n* Upgradin", "config-env-good": "The environment haes been checked.\nYe can install MediaWiki.", "config-env-bad": "The environment haes been checked.\nYe canna install MediaWiki.", @@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ "config-pcre-no-utf8": "Fatal: PHP's PCRE module seems tae be compiled wioot PCRE_UTF8 support.\nMediaWiki requires UTF-8 support tae function correctly.", "config-memory-raised": "PHP's memerie_limit is $1, raised til $2.", "config-memory-bad": "Warnishment: PHP's memerie_limit is $1.\nThis is proably ower low.\nThe installation micht fail!", - "config-apc": "[https://secure.php.net/apc APC] is installed.", + "config-apc": "[https://www.php.net/apc APC] is installed.", "config-wincache": "[https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/wincache-extension WinCache] is instawed.", - "config-no-cache-apcu": "Wairnin: Could nae find [https://secure.php.net/apcu APCu], [http://xcache.lighttpd.net/ XCache] or [https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/wincache-extension WinCache].\nObject cachin isna enabled.", + "config-no-cache-apcu": "Wairnin: Could nae find [https://www.php.net/apcu APCu], [http://xcache.lighttpd.net/ XCache] or [https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/wincache-extension WinCache].\nObject cachin isna enabled.", "config-mod-security": "Warnishment: Yer wab server haes [https://modsecurity.org/ mod_security] enabled. Gif misconfeegured, it can cause problems fer MediaWiki or ither saffware that allous uisers tae post arbitrie content.\nRefer til [https://modsecurity.org/documentation/ mod_security documentation] or contact yer host's support gif ye encounter random mistaks.", "config-diff3-bad": "GNU diff3 naw foond.", "config-git": "Foond the Git version control saffware: $1.", @@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ "config-type-mysql": "MaSQL (or compâtible)", "config-type-mssql": "Micræsaff SQL Server", "config-support-info": "MediaWiki supports the follaein database systems:\n\n$1\n\nGif ye dinna see the database system ye'r tryin tae uise listed ablow, than follae the instructions linked abuin tae enable support.", - "config-dbsupport-mysql": "* [{{int:version-db-mysql-url}} MySQL] is the primarie tairget fer MediaWiki n is best supported. MediaWiki warks forby wi [{{int:version-db-mariadb-url}} MariaDB] n [{{int:version-db-percona-url}} Percona Server], thir ar MySQL compatible. ([https://secure.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi MySQL support])", - "config-dbsupport-postgres": "* [{{int:version-db-postgres-url}} PostgreSQL] is ae popular apen soorce database system aes aen alternative til MySQL. Thaur micht be some wee bugs still hingin roond, n it's na recommendit fer uiss in ae production environment. ([https://secure.php.net/manual/en/pgsql.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi PostgreSQL support])", + "config-dbsupport-mysql": "* [{{int:version-db-mysql-url}} MySQL] is the primarie tairget fer MediaWiki n is best supported. MediaWiki warks forby wi [{{int:version-db-mariadb-url}} MariaDB] n [{{int:version-db-percona-url}} Percona Server], thir ar MySQL compatible. ([https://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi MySQL support])", + "config-dbsupport-postgres": "* [{{int:version-db-postgres-url}} PostgreSQL] is ae popular apen soorce database system aes aen alternative til MySQL. Thaur micht be some wee bugs still hingin roond, n it's na recommendit fer uiss in ae production environment. ([https://www.php.net/manual/en/pgsql.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi PostgreSQL support])", "config-dbsupport-sqlite": "* [{{int:version-db-sqlite-url}} SQLite] is ae lichtweicht database system that is ver weel supportit. ([http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi SQLite support], uises PDO)", "config-dbsupport-oracle": "* [{{int:version-db-oracle-url}} Oracle] is ae commercial enterprise database. ([http://www.php.net/manual/en/oci8.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi OCI8 support])", - "config-dbsupport-mssql": "* [{{int:version-db-mssql-url}} Microsoft SQL Server] is ae commercial enterprise database fer Windows. ([https://secure.php.net/manual/en/sqlsrv.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi SQLSRV support])", + "config-dbsupport-mssql": "* [{{int:version-db-mssql-url}} Microsoft SQL Server] is ae commercial enterprise database fer Windows. ([https://www.php.net/manual/en/sqlsrv.installation.php Hou tae compile PHP wi SQLSRV support])", "config-header-mysql": "MaSQL settins", "config-header-postgres": "PostgreSQL settins", "config-header-sqlite": "SQLite settins", @@ -157,9 +157,6 @@ "config-db-web-no-create-privs": "The accoont that ye speceefied fer instawation disna hae enooch preevileges tae cræft aen accoont.\nThe accoont that ye speceefie here maun awreadie exeest.", "config-mysql-engine": "Storage engine:", "config-mysql-innodb": "InnoDB", - "config-mysql-myisam": "MyISAM", - "config-mysql-myisam-dep": "Warnishment: Ye'v selected MyISAM aes storage engine fer MySQL, this isna recommended fer uiss wi MediaWiki, cause:\n* it barelie supports concurrencie cause o buird lockin\n* it's mair prone til rot than ither engines\n* the MediaWiki codebase disna aye haunnle MyISAM aes it shid\n\nGif yer MySQL installâtion supports InnoDB, it is heilie recommended that ye chuise that instead.\nGif yer MySQL installâtion disna support InnoDB, than perhaps it's time fer aen upgrade.", - "config-mysql-only-myisam-dep": "Warnishment: MyISAM is the yinly available storage engine fer MySQL oan this machine, n this isna recommended fer uiss wi MediaWiki, cause:\n* it barelie supports concurrencie cause o buird lockin\n* it is mair prone til rot than ither engines\n* the MediaWiki codebase disna aye haunnle MyISAM aes it shid\n\nYer MySQL installâtion dina support InnoDB, perhaps it's time fer aen upgrade.", "config-mysql-engine-help": "InnoDB is awmaist aye the best optie, aes it haes guid concurrencie support.\n\nMyISAM micht be faster in single-uiser or read-yinly installâtions.\nMyISAM databases tend tae rot mair aften than InnoDB databases.", "config-mssql-auth": "Authentication type:", "config-mssql-install-auth": "Select the authentication type that's tae be uised tae connect wi the database durin the installation process.\nGif ye select \"{{int:config-mssql-windowsauth}}\", the credeentials o whitever uiser the wabserver is rinnin aes will be uised.",