'foo', 'MediaWikiTestCaseTestGLOBAL-ExistingStringEmpty' => '', 'MediaWikiTestCaseTestGLOBAL-ExistingArray' => array( 1, 'foo' => 'bar' ), 'MediaWikiTestCaseTestGLOBAL-ExistingArrayEmpty' => array(), ); public static function setUpBeforeClass() { parent::setUpBeforeClass(); foreach ( self::$startGlobals as $key => $value ) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $value; } } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { parent::tearDownAfterClass(); foreach ( self::$startGlobals as $key => $value ) { unset( $GLOBALS[$key] ); } } public function provideExistingKeysAndNewValues() { $providedArray = array(); foreach ( array_keys( self::$startGlobals ) as $key ) { $providedArray[] = array( $key, 'newValue' ); $providedArray[] = array( $key, array( 'newValue' ) ); } return $providedArray; } /** * @dataProvider provideExistingKeysAndNewValues * * @covers MediaWikiTestCase::setMwGlobals * @covers MediaWikiTestCase::tearDown */ public function testSetGlobalsAreRestoredOnTearDown( $globalKey, $newValue ) { $this->setMwGlobals( $globalKey, $newValue ); $this->assertEquals( $newValue, $GLOBALS[$globalKey], 'Global failed to correctly set' ); $this->tearDown(); $this->assertEquals( self::$startGlobals[$globalKey], $GLOBALS[$globalKey], 'Global failed to be restored on tearDown' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideExistingKeysAndNewValues * * @covers MediaWikiTestCase::stashMwGlobals * @covers MediaWikiTestCase::tearDown */ public function testStashedGlobalsAreRestoredOnTearDown( $globalKey, $newValue ) { $this->stashMwGlobals( $globalKey ); $GLOBALS[$globalKey] = $newValue; $this->assertEquals( $newValue, $GLOBALS[$globalKey], 'Global failed to correctly set' ); $this->tearDown(); $this->assertEquals( self::$startGlobals[$globalKey], $GLOBALS[$globalKey], 'Global failed to be restored on tearDown' ); } /** * @covers MediaWikiTestCase::stashMwGlobals */ public function testExceptionThrownWhenStashingNonExistentGlobals() { $this->setExpectedException( 'Exception', 'Global with key ' . self::GLOBAL_KEY_NONEXISTING . ' doesn\'t exist and cant be stashed' ); $this->stashMwGlobals( self::GLOBAL_KEY_NONEXISTING ); } }