db->getType() == 'postgres' ) { $this->markTestSkipped( __CLASS__ . ' does not support postgres' ); } } public function testMediaWikiTestCaseSchemaTestOrder() { // The first test must have run before this one $this->assertTrue( MediaWikiTestCaseSchema1Test::$hasRun ); } public function testCreatedTableWasRemoved() { // Make sure MediaWikiTestCaseTestTable created by MediaWikiTestCaseSchema1Test // was dropped before executing MediaWikiTestCaseSchema2Test. $this->assertFalse( $this->db->tableExists( 'MediaWikiTestCaseTestTable' ) ); } public function testDroppedTableWasRestored() { // Make sure oldimage that was dropped by MediaWikiTestCaseSchema1Test // was restored before executing MediaWikiTestCaseSchema2Test. $this->assertTrue( $this->db->tableExists( 'oldimage' ) ); } public function testOverridenTableWasRestored() { // Make sure imagelinks overwritten by MediaWikiTestCaseSchema1Test // was restored to the original schema before executing MediaWikiTestCaseSchema2Test. $this->assertTrue( $this->db->tableExists( 'imagelinks' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $this->db->fieldExists( 'imagelinks', 'il_frobnitz' ) ); } public function testAlteredTableWasRestored() { // Make sure pagelinks altered by MediaWikiTestCaseSchema1Test // was restored to the original schema before executing MediaWikiTestCaseSchema2Test. $this->assertTrue( $this->db->tableExists( 'pagelinks' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $this->db->fieldExists( 'pagelinks', 'pl_frobnitz' ) ); } }