false, ], [ 'MiserMode' => true, ], ]; /** * Values are an array, where each array value is a permitted type. A type * can be a string, which is the name of an internal type or a * class/interface. Or it can be an array, in which case the value must be * an array whose elements are the types given in the array (e.g., [ * 'string', integer' ] means an array whose entries are strings and/or * integers). */ private static $paramTypes = [ // ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => as appropriate for PARAM_TYPE ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => [ 'boolean' ], ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => [ 'string', [ 'string' ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_MAX => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2 => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_MIN => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES => [ 'boolean' ], ApiBase::PARAM_DEPRECATED => [ 'boolean' ], ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => [ 'boolean' ], ApiBase::PARAM_RANGE_ENFORCE => [ 'boolean' ], ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => [ 'string', 'array', Message::class ], ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND => [ [ 'string', 'array', Message::class ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO => [ [ 'array' ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_VALUE_LINKS => [ [ 'string' ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE => [ [ 'string', 'array', Message::class ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP => [ [ 'string' ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_SUBMODULE_PARAM_PREFIX => [ 'string' ], ApiBase::PARAM_ALL => [ 'boolean', 'string' ], ApiBase::PARAM_EXTRA_NAMESPACES => [ [ 'integer' ] ], ApiBase::PARAM_SENSITIVE => [ 'boolean' ], ApiBase::PARAM_DEPRECATED_VALUES => [ 'array' ], ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => [ 'integer' ], ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS => [ 'array' ], ]; // param => [ other param that must be present => required value or null ] private static $paramRequirements = [ ApiBase::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES => [ ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true ], ApiBase::PARAM_ALL => [ ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true ], ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => [ ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => null, ], ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 => [ ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => null, ], ]; // param => type(s) allowed for this param ('array' is any array) private static $paramAllowedTypes = [ ApiBase::PARAM_MAX => [ 'integer', 'limit' ], ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2 => 'limit', ApiBase::PARAM_MIN => [ 'integer', 'limit' ], ApiBase::PARAM_RANGE_ENFORCE => 'integer', ApiBase::PARAM_VALUE_LINKS => 'array', ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE => 'array', ApiBase::PARAM_SUBMODULE_MAP => 'submodule', ApiBase::PARAM_SUBMODULE_PARAM_PREFIX => 'submodule', ApiBase::PARAM_ALL => 'array', ApiBase::PARAM_EXTRA_NAMESPACES => 'namespace', ApiBase::PARAM_DEPRECATED_VALUES => 'array', ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => [ 'NULL', 'string', 'text', 'password' ], ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => [ 'NULL', 'string', 'text', 'password' ], ]; private static $paramProhibitedTypes = [ ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => [ 'boolean', 'limit', 'upload' ], ApiBase::PARAM_ALL => 'namespace', ApiBase::PARAM_SENSITIVE => 'password', ]; private static $constantNames = null; /** * Initialize/fetch the ApiMain instance for testing * @return ApiMain */ private static function getMain() { if ( !self::$main ) { self::$main = new ApiMain( RequestContext::getMain() ); self::$main->getContext()->setLanguage( 'en' ); self::$main->getContext()->setTitle( Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Badtitle/dummy title for ApiStructureTest' ) ); } return self::$main; } /** * Test a message * @param Message $msg * @param string $what Which message is being checked */ private function checkMessage( $msg, $what ) { $msg = ApiBase::makeMessage( $msg, self::getMain()->getContext() ); $this->assertInstanceOf( Message::class, $msg, "$what message" ); $this->assertTrue( $msg->exists(), "$what message {$msg->getKey()} exists" ); } /** * @dataProvider provideDocumentationExists * @param string $path Module path * @param array $globals Globals to set */ public function testDocumentationExists( $path, array $globals ) { $main = self::getMain(); // Set configuration variables $main->getContext()->setConfig( new MultiConfig( [ new HashConfig( $globals ), RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(), ] ) ); foreach ( $globals as $k => $v ) { $this->setMwGlobals( "wg$k", $v ); } // Fetch module. $module = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $main->getModuleFromPath( $path ) ); // Test messages for flags. foreach ( $module->getHelpFlags() as $flag ) { $this->checkMessage( "api-help-flag-$flag", "Flag $flag" ); } // Module description messages. $this->checkMessage( $module->getSummaryMessage(), 'Module summary' ); $this->checkMessage( $module->getExtendedDescription(), 'Module help top text' ); // Parameters. Lots of messages in here. $params = $module->getFinalParams( ApiBase::GET_VALUES_FOR_HELP ); $tags = []; foreach ( $params as $name => $settings ) { if ( !is_array( $settings ) ) { $settings = []; } // Basic description message if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG] ) ) { $msg = $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG]; } else { $msg = "apihelp-{$path}-param-{$name}"; } $this->checkMessage( $msg, "Parameter $name description" ); // If param-per-value is in use, each value's message if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE] ) ) { $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE], "Parameter $name PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE is array" ); $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE], "Parameter $name PARAM_TYPE is array for msg-per-value mode" ); $valueMsgs = $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE]; foreach ( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] as $value ) { if ( isset( $valueMsgs[$value] ) ) { $msg = $valueMsgs[$value]; } else { $msg = "apihelp-{$path}-paramvalue-{$name}-{$value}"; } $this->checkMessage( $msg, "Parameter $name value $value" ); } } // Appended messages (e.g. "disabled in miser mode") if ( isset( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND] ) ) { $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND], "Parameter $name PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND is array" ); foreach ( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_APPEND] as $i => $msg ) { $this->checkMessage( $msg, "Parameter $name HELP_MSG_APPEND #$i" ); } } // Info tags (e.g. "only usable in mode 1") are typically shared by // several parameters, so accumulate them and test them later. if ( !empty( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO] ) ) { foreach ( $settings[ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_INFO] as $i ) { $tags[array_shift( $i )] = 1; } } } // Info tags (e.g. "only usable in mode 1") accumulated above foreach ( $tags as $tag => $dummy ) { $this->checkMessage( "apihelp-{$path}-paraminfo-{$tag}", "HELP_MSG_INFO tag $tag" ); } // Messages for examples. foreach ( $module->getExamplesMessages() as $qs => $msg ) { $this->assertStringStartsNotWith( 'api.php?', $qs, "Query string must not begin with 'api.php?'" ); $this->checkMessage( $msg, "Example $qs" ); } } public static function provideDocumentationExists() { $main = self::getMain(); $paths = self::getSubModulePaths( $main->getModuleManager() ); array_unshift( $paths, $main->getModulePath() ); $ret = []; foreach ( $paths as $path ) { foreach ( self::$testGlobals as $globals ) { $g = []; foreach ( $globals as $k => $v ) { $g[] = "$k=" . var_export( $v, 1 ); } $k = "Module $path with " . implode( ', ', $g ); $ret[$k] = [ $path, $globals ]; } } return $ret; } /** * @dataProvider provideParameterConsistency * @param string $path */ public function testParameterConsistency( $path ) { $main = self::getMain(); $module = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $main->getModuleFromPath( $path ) ); $paramsPlain = $module->getFinalParams(); $paramsForHelp = $module->getFinalParams( ApiBase::GET_VALUES_FOR_HELP ); // avoid warnings about empty tests when no parameter needs to be checked $this->assertTrue( true ); if ( self::$constantNames === null ) { self::$constantNames = []; foreach ( ( new ReflectionClass( 'ApiBase' ) )->getConstants() as $key => $val ) { if ( substr( $key, 0, 6 ) === 'PARAM_' ) { self::$constantNames[$val] = $key; } } } foreach ( [ $paramsPlain, $paramsForHelp ] as $params ) { foreach ( $params as $param => $config ) { if ( !is_array( $config ) ) { $config = [ ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => $config ]; } if ( !isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ) ) { $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] = isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] ) ? gettype( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] ) : 'NULL'; } foreach ( self::$paramTypes as $key => $types ) { if ( !isset( $config[$key] ) ) { continue; } $keyName = self::$constantNames[$key]; $this->validateType( $types, $config[$key], $param, $keyName ); } foreach ( self::$paramRequirements as $key => $required ) { if ( !isset( $config[$key] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $required as $requireKey => $requireVal ) { $this->assertArrayHasKey( $requireKey, $config, "$param: When " . self::$constantNames[$key] . " is set, " . self::$constantNames[$requireKey] . " must also be set" ); if ( $requireVal !== null ) { $this->assertSame( $requireVal, $config[$requireKey], "$param: When " . self::$constantNames[$key] . " is set, " . self::$constantNames[$requireKey] . " must equal " . var_export( $requireVal, true ) ); } } } foreach ( self::$paramAllowedTypes as $key => $allowedTypes ) { if ( !isset( $config[$key] ) ) { continue; } $actualType = is_array( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ) ? 'array' : $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE]; $this->assertContains( $actualType, (array)$allowedTypes, "$param: " . self::$constantNames[$key] . " can only be used with PARAM_TYPE " . implode( ', ', (array)$allowedTypes ) ); } foreach ( self::$paramProhibitedTypes as $key => $prohibitedTypes ) { if ( !isset( $config[$key] ) ) { continue; } $actualType = is_array( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ) ? 'array' : $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE]; $this->assertNotContains( $actualType, (array)$prohibitedTypes, "$param: " . self::$constantNames[$key] . " cannot be used with PARAM_TYPE " . implode( ', ', (array)$prohibitedTypes ) ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] ) ) { $this->assertFalse( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED] ) && $config[ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED], "$param: A required parameter cannot have a default" ); $this->validateDefault( $param, $config ); } if ( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] === 'limit' ) { $this->assertTrue( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] ) && isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2] ), "$param: PARAM_MAX and PARAM_MAX2 are required for limits" ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX], $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX2], "$param: PARAM_MAX cannot be greater than PARAM_MAX2" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MIN] ) && isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] ) ) { $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MIN], $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX], "$param: PARAM_MIN cannot be greater than PARAM_MAX" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_RANGE_ENFORCE] ) ) { $this->assertTrue( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MIN] ) || isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX] ), "$param: PARAM_RANGE_ENFORCE can only be set together with " . "PARAM_MIN or PARAM_MAX" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DEPRECATED_VALUES] ) ) { foreach ( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DEPRECATED_VALUES] as $key => $unused ) { $this->assertContains( $key, $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE], "$param: Deprecated value \"$key\" is not allowed, " . "how can it be deprecated?" ); } } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] ) || isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] ) ) { $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 0, $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1], "$param: PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 cannot be negative" ); // Zero for both doesn't make sense, but you could have // zero for non-bots $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 1, $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2], "$param: PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 cannot be negative or zero" ); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1], $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2], "$param: PARAM_ISMULTI limit cannot be smaller for users with " . "apihighlimits rights" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_BYTES] ) ) { $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 1, $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_BYTES], "$param: PARAM_MAX_BYTES cannot be negative or zero" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS] ) ) { $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 1, $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS], "$param: PARAM_MAX_CHARS cannot be negative or zero" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_BYTES] ) && isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS] ) ) { // Length of a string in chars is always <= length in bytes, // so PARAM_MAX_CHARS is pointless if > PARAM_MAX_BYTES $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS], $config[ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_BYTES], "$param: PARAM_MAX_BYTES cannot be less than PARAM_MAX_CHARS" ); } if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS] ) ) { $this->assertNotSame( [], $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS], "$param: PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS cannot be empty" ); foreach ( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS] as $key => $target ) { $this->assertRegExp( '/^[^{}]+$/', $key, "$param: PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS key may not contain '{' or '}'" ); $this->assertContains( '{' . $key . '}', $param, "$param: Name must contain PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS key {" . $key . "}" ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( $target, $params, "$param: PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS target parameter '$target' does not exist" ); $config2 = $params[$target]; $this->assertTrue( !empty( $config2[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI] ), "$param: PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS target parameter '$target' must have PARAM_ISMULTI = true" ); if ( isset( $config2[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS] ) ) { $this->assertNotSame( $param, $target, "$param: PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS cannot target itself" ); $this->assertArraySubset( $config2[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS], $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS], true, "$param: PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS target parameter '$target': " . "the target's PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS must be a subset of the original." ); } } $keys = implode( '|', array_map( function ( $key ) { return preg_quote( $key, '/' ); }, array_keys( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS] ) ) ); $this->assertRegExp( '/^(?>[^{}]+|\{(?:' . $keys . ')\})+$/', $param, "$param: Name may not contain '{' or '}' other than as defined by PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS" ); } else { $this->assertRegExp( '/^[^{}]+$/', $param, "$param: Name may not contain '{' or '}' without PARAM_TEMPLATE_VARS" ); } } } } /** * Throws if $value does not match one of the types specified in $types. * * @param array $types From self::$paramTypes array * @param mixed $value Value to check * @param string $param Name of param we're checking, for error messages * @param string $desc Description for error messages */ private function validateType( $types, $value, $param, $desc ) { if ( count( $types ) === 1 ) { // Only one type allowed if ( is_string( $types[0] ) ) { $this->assertType( $types[0], $value, "$param: $desc type" ); } else { // Array whose values have specified types, recurse $this->assertInternalType( 'array', $value, "$param: $desc type" ); foreach ( $value as $subvalue ) { $this->validateType( $types[0], $subvalue, $param, "$desc value" ); } } } else { // Multiple options foreach ( $types as $type ) { if ( is_string( $type ) ) { if ( class_exists( $type ) || interface_exists( $type ) ) { if ( $value instanceof $type ) { return; } } else { if ( gettype( $value ) === $type ) { return; } } } else { // Array whose values have specified types, recurse try { $this->validateType( [ $type ], $value, $param, "$desc type" ); // Didn't throw, so we're good return; } catch ( Exception $unused ) { } } } // Doesn't match any of them $this->fail( "$param: $desc has incorrect type" ); } } /** * Asserts that $default is a valid default for $type. * * @param string $param Name of param, for error messages * @param array $config Array of configuration options for this parameter */ private function validateDefault( $param, $config ) { $type = $config[ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE]; $default = $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT]; if ( !empty( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI] ) ) { if ( $default === '' ) { // The empty array is fine return; } $defaults = explode( '|', $default ); $config[ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI] = false; foreach ( $defaults as $defaultValue ) { // Only allow integers in their simplest form with no leading // or trailing characters etc. if ( $type === 'integer' && $defaultValue === (string)(int)$defaultValue ) { $defaultValue = (int)$defaultValue; } $config[ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] = $defaultValue; $this->validateDefault( $param, $config ); } return; } switch ( $type ) { case 'boolean': $this->assertFalse( $default, "$param: Boolean params may only default to false" ); break; case 'integer': $this->assertInternalType( 'integer', $default, "$param: Default $default is not an integer" ); break; case 'limit': if ( $default === 'max' ) { break; } $this->assertInternalType( 'integer', $default, "$param: Default $default is neither an integer nor \"max\"" ); break; case 'namespace': $validValues = MWNamespace::getValidNamespaces(); if ( isset( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_EXTRA_NAMESPACES] ) && is_array( $config[ApiBase::PARAM_EXTRA_NAMESPACES] ) ) { $validValues = array_merge( $validValues, $config[ApiBase::PARAM_EXTRA_NAMESPACES] ); } $this->assertContains( $default, $validValues, "$param: Default $default is not a valid namespace" ); break; case 'NULL': case 'password': case 'string': case 'submodule': case 'tags': case 'text': $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $default, "$param: Default $default is not a string" ); break; case 'timestamp': if ( $default === 'now' ) { return; } $this->assertNotFalse( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $default ), "$param: Default $default is not a valid timestamp" ); break; case 'user': // @todo Should we make user validation a public static method // in ApiBase() or something so we don't have to resort to // this? Or in User for that matter. $wrapper = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( new ApiMain() ); try { $wrapper->validateUser( $default, '' ); } catch ( ApiUsageException $e ) { $this->fail( "$param: Default $default is not a valid username/IP address" ); } break; default: if ( is_array( $type ) ) { $this->assertContains( $default, $type, "$param: Default $default is not any of " . implode( ', ', $type ) ); } else { $this->fail( "Unrecognized type $type" ); } } } /** * @return array List of API module paths to test */ public static function provideParameterConsistency() { $main = self::getMain(); $paths = self::getSubModulePaths( $main->getModuleManager() ); array_unshift( $paths, $main->getModulePath() ); $ret = []; foreach ( $paths as $path ) { $ret[] = [ $path ]; } return $ret; } /** * Return paths of all submodules in an ApiModuleManager, recursively * @param ApiModuleManager $manager * @return string[] */ protected static function getSubModulePaths( ApiModuleManager $manager ) { $paths = []; foreach ( $manager->getNames() as $name ) { $module = $manager->getModule( $name ); $paths[] = $module->getModulePath(); $subManager = $module->getModuleManager(); if ( $subManager ) { $paths = array_merge( $paths, self::getSubModulePaths( $subManager ) ); } } return $paths; } }