true, 'ns6' => true). Null to use default options. * @param array $userOptions User options to test with. For example: * array('searchNs5' => 1 );. Null to use default options. * @param string $expectedProfile An expected search profile name * @param array $expectedNS Expected namespaces * @param string $message */ public function testProfileAndNamespaceLoading( $requested, $userOptions, $expectedProfile, $expectedNS, $message = 'Profile name and namespaces mismatches!' ) { $context = new RequestContext; $context->setUser( $this->newUserWithSearchNS( $userOptions ) ); /* $context->setRequest( new FauxRequest( array( 'ns5'=>true, 'ns6'=>true, ) )); */ $context->setRequest( new FauxRequest( $requested ) ); $search = new SpecialSearch(); $search->setContext( $context ); $search->load(); /** * Verify profile name and namespace in the same assertion to make * sure we will be able to fully compare the above code. PHPUnit stop * after an assertion fail. */ $this->assertEquals( [ /** Expected: */ 'ProfileName' => $expectedProfile, 'Namespaces' => $expectedNS, ], [ /** Actual: */ 'ProfileName' => $search->getProfile(), 'Namespaces' => $search->getNamespaces(), ], $message ); } public static function provideSearchOptionsTests() { $defaultNS = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSearchEngineConfig()->defaultNamespaces(); $EMPTY_REQUEST = []; $NO_USER_PREF = null; return [ /** * Parameters: * , * Followed by expected values: * , * Then an optional message. */ [ $EMPTY_REQUEST, $NO_USER_PREF, 'default', $defaultNS, 'Bug 33270: No request nor user preferences should give default profile' ], [ [ 'ns5' => 1 ], $NO_USER_PREF, 'advanced', [ 5 ], 'Web request with specific NS should override user preference' ], [ $EMPTY_REQUEST, [ 'searchNs2' => 1, 'searchNs14' => 1, ] + array_fill_keys( array_map( function ( $ns ) { return "searchNs$ns"; }, $defaultNS ), 0 ), 'advanced', [ 2, 14 ], 'Bug 33583: search with no option should honor User search preferences' . ' and have all other namespace disabled' ], ]; } /** * Helper to create a new User object with given options * User remains anonymous though * @param array|null $opt */ function newUserWithSearchNS( $opt = null ) { $u = User::newFromId( 0 ); if ( $opt === null ) { return $u; } foreach ( $opt as $name => $value ) { $u->setOption( $name, $value ); } return $u; } /** * Verify we do not expand search term in on search result page * */ public function testSearchTermIsNotExpanded() { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgSearchType' => null, ] ); # Initialize [[Special::Search]] $search = new SpecialSearch(); $search->getContext()->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Special:Search' ) ); $search->load(); # Simulate a user searching for a given term $term = '{{SITENAME}}'; $search->showResults( $term ); # Lookup the HTML page title set for that page $pageTitle = $search ->getContext() ->getOutput() ->getHTMLTitle(); # Compare :-] $this->assertRegExp( '/' . preg_quote( $term, '/' ) . '/', $pageTitle, "Search term '{$term}' should not be expanded in Special:Search <title>" ); } public function provideRewriteQueryWithSuggestion() { return [ [ 'With suggestion and no rewritten query shows did you mean', '/Did you mean: <a[^>]+>first suggestion/', new SpecialSearchTestMockResultSet( 'first suggestion', null, [ SearchResult::newFromTitle( Title::newMainPage() ), ] ), ], [ 'With rewritten query informs user of change', '/Showing results for <a[^>]+>first suggestion/', new SpecialSearchTestMockResultSet( 'asdf', 'first suggestion', [ SearchResult::newFromTitle( Title::newMainPage() ), ] ), ], [ 'When both queries have no results user gets no results', '/There were no results matching the query/', new SpecialSearchTestMockResultSet( 'first suggestion', 'first suggestion', [] ), ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideRewriteQueryWithSuggestion */ public function testRewriteQueryWithSuggestion( $message, $expectRegex, $results ) { $mockSearchEngine = $this->mockSearchEngine( $results ); $search = $this->getMockBuilder( 'SpecialSearch' ) ->setMethods( [ 'getSearchEngine' ] ) ->getMock(); $search->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getSearchEngine' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $mockSearchEngine ) ); $search->getContext()->setTitle( Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Search' ) ); $search->getContext()->setLanguage( Language::factory( 'en' ) ); $search->load(); $search->showResults( 'this is a fake search' ); $html = $search->getContext()->getOutput()->getHTML(); foreach ( (array)$expectRegex as $regex ) { $this->assertRegExp( $regex, $html, $message ); } } protected function mockSearchEngine( $results ) { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( 'SearchEngine' ) ->setMethods( [ 'searchText', 'searchTitle' ] ) ->getMock(); $mock->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'searchText' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $results ) ); return $mock; } } class SpecialSearchTestMockResultSet extends SearchResultSet { protected $results; protected $suggestion; public function __construct( $suggestion = null, $rewrittenQuery = null, array $results = [], $containedSyntax = false ) { $this->suggestion = $suggestion; $this->rewrittenQuery = $rewrittenQuery; $this->results = $results; $this->containedSyntax = $containedSyntax; } public function numRows() { return count( $this->results ); } public function getTotalHits() { return $this->numRows(); } public function hasSuggestion() { return $this->suggestion !== null; } public function getSuggestionQuery() { return $this->suggestion; } public function getSuggestionSnippet() { return $this->suggestion; } public function hasRewrittenQuery() { return $this->rewrittenQuery !== null; } public function getQueryAfterRewrite() { return $this->rewrittenQuery; } public function getQueryAfterRewriteSnippet() { return htmlspecialchars( $this->rewrittenQuery ); } }