setAccessible( true ); $rGlobalSession = new \ReflectionProperty( 'MediaWiki\\Session\\SessionManager', 'globalSession' ); $rGlobalSession->setAccessible( true ); $rGlobalSessionRequest = new \ReflectionProperty( 'MediaWiki\\Session\\SessionManager', 'globalSessionRequest' ); $rGlobalSessionRequest->setAccessible( true ); $oldInstance = $rInstance->getValue(); $reset = array( array( $rInstance, $oldInstance ), array( $rGlobalSession, $rGlobalSession->getValue() ), array( $rGlobalSessionRequest, $rGlobalSessionRequest->getValue() ), ); $rInstance->setValue( $manager ); $rGlobalSession->setValue( null ); $rGlobalSessionRequest->setValue( null ); if ( $manager && PHPSessionHandler::isInstalled() ) { PHPSessionHandler::install( $manager ); } return new \ScopedCallback( function () use ( &$reset, $oldInstance ) { foreach ( $reset as &$arr ) { $arr[0]->setValue( $arr[1] ); } if ( $oldInstance && PHPSessionHandler::isInstalled() ) { PHPSessionHandler::install( $oldInstance ); } } ); } /** * If you need a SessionBackend for testing but don't want to create a real * one, use this. * @return SessionBackend Unconfigured! Use reflection to set any private * fields necessary. */ public static function getDummySessionBackend() { $rc = new \ReflectionClass( 'MediaWiki\\Session\\SessionBackend' ); if ( !method_exists( $rc, 'newInstanceWithoutConstructor' ) ) { \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::markTestSkipped( 'ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor isn\'t available' ); } $ret = $rc->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $ret )->logger = new \TestLogger; return $ret; } /** * If you need a Session for testing but don't want to create a backend to * construct one, use this. * @param object $backend Object to serve as the SessionBackend * @param int $index Index * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @return Session */ public static function getDummySession( $backend = null, $index = -1, $logger = null ) { $rc = new \ReflectionClass( 'MediaWiki\\Session\\Session' ); if ( !method_exists( $rc, 'newInstanceWithoutConstructor' ) ) { \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::markTestSkipped( 'ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor isn\'t available' ); } if ( $backend === null ) { $backend = new DummySessionBackend; } $session = $rc->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); $priv = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $session ); $priv->backend = $backend; $priv->index = $index; $priv->logger = $logger ?: new \TestLogger; return $session; } }