wanCache = $this->getMockBuilder( WANObjectCache::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ [ 'cache' => new HashBagOStuff(), 'pool' => 'test', 'relayer' => new EventRelayerNull( [] ) ] ] ) ->setMethods( [ 'makePurgeValue' ] ) ->getMock(); $this->wanCache->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'makePurgeValue' ) ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $timestamp, $holdoff ) { // Disable holdoff as it messes with testing. Aside from a 0-second holdoff, // make sure that "time" passes between getMulti() check init and the set() // in recacheMessageBlob(). This especially matters for Windows clocks. $ts = (float)$timestamp - 0.0001; return WANObjectCache::PURGE_VAL_PREFIX . $ts . ':0'; } ) ); } protected function makeBlobStore( $methods = null, $rl = null ) { $blobStore = $this->getMockBuilder( MessageBlobStore::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $rl ] ) ->setMethods( $methods ) ->getMock(); $access = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $blobStore ); $access->wanCache = $this->wanCache; return $blobStore; } protected function makeModule( array $messages ) { $module = new ResourceLoaderTestModule( [ 'messages' => $messages ] ); $module->setName( 'test.blobstore' ); return $module; } /** @covers MessageBlobStore::setLogger */ public function testSetLogger() { $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore(); $this->assertSame( null, $blobStore->setLogger( new Psr\Log\NullLogger() ) ); } /** @covers MessageBlobStore::getResourceLoader */ public function testGetResourceLoader() { // Call protected method $blobStore = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->makeBlobStore() ); $this->assertInstanceOf( ResourceLoader::class, $blobStore->getResourceLoader() ); } /** @covers MessageBlobStore::fetchMessage */ public function testFetchMessage() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'mainpage' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( null, $rl ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"mainpage":"Main Page"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); } /** @covers MessageBlobStore::fetchMessage */ public function testFetchMessageFail() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'i-dont-exist' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( null, $rl ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"i-dont-exist":"\u29fci-dont-exist\u29fd"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); } public function testGetBlob() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'foo' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Example' ) ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"foo":"Example"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); } public function testGetBlobCached() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'example' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( 'First' ) ); $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'example' ] ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"First"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->never() ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Second' ) ); $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'example' ] ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"First"}', $blob, 'Cache hit' ); } public function testUpdateMessage() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'example' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( 'First' ) ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"First"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); $blobStore->updateMessage( 'example' ); $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'example' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Second' ) ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"Second"}', $blob, 'Updated blob' ); } public function testValidation() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'foo' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ 'foo', 'en', 'Hello' ], ] ) ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"foo":"Hello"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); // Now, imagine a change to the module is deployed. The module now contains // message 'foo' and 'bar'. While updateMessage() was not called (since no // message values were changed) it should detect the change in list of // message keys. $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ 'foo', 'en', 'Hello' ], [ 'bar', 'en', 'World' ], ] ) ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"foo":"Hello","bar":"World"}', $blob, 'Updated blob' ); } public function testClear() { $module = $this->makeModule( [ 'example' ] ); $rl = new ResourceLoader(); $rl->register( $module->getName(), $module ); $blobStore = $this->makeBlobStore( [ 'fetchMessage' ], $rl ); $blobStore->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) ) ->method( 'fetchMessage' ) ->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls( 'First', 'Second' ) ); $now = microtime( true ); $this->wanCache->setMockTime( $now ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"First"}', $blob, 'Generated blob' ); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"First"}', $blob, 'Cache-hit' ); $now += 1; $blobStore->clear(); $blob = $blobStore->getBlob( $module, 'en' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"example":"Second"}', $blob, 'Updated blob' ); } }