getTestUser()->getUser(); $updater = $page->newPageUpdater( $user ); $updater->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( $text ) ); return $updater->saveRevision( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( 'testing' ) ); } public function testDoWorkLoadRevision() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $rev1 = $this->makeRevision( $page, 'First!' ); $rev2 = $this->makeRevision( $page, 'Second!' ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev1->getId(), false ); $work->execute(); $this->assertContains( 'First', $work->getParserOutput()->getText() ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev2->getId(), false ); $work->execute(); $this->assertContains( 'Second', $work->getParserOutput()->getText() ); } public function testDoWorkParserCache() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $rev1 = $this->makeRevision( $page, 'First!' ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev1->getId(), true ); $work->execute(); $cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParserCache(); $out = $cache->get( $page, $options ); $this->assertNotNull( $out ); $this->assertNotFalse( $out ); $this->assertContains( 'First', $out->getText() ); } public function testDoWorkWithExplicitRevision() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $rev = $this->makeRevision( $page, 'NOPE' ); // make a fake revision with different content, so we know it's actually being used! $fakeRev = new MutableRevisionRecord( $page->getTitle() ); $fakeRev->setId( $rev->getId() ); $fakeRev->setPageId( $page->getId() ); $fakeRev->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( 'YES!' ) ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev->getId(), false, $fakeRev ); $work->execute(); $text = $work->getParserOutput()->getText(); $this->assertContains( 'YES!', $text ); $this->assertNotContains( 'NOPE', $text ); } public function testDoWorkWithContent() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $content = new WikitextContent( 'YES!' ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $page->getLatest(), false, $content ); $work->execute(); $text = $work->getParserOutput()->getText(); $this->assertContains( 'YES!', $text ); } public function testDoWorkWithString() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $page->getLatest(), false, 'YES!' ); $work->execute(); $text = $work->getParserOutput()->getText(); $this->assertContains( 'YES!', $text ); } public function provideMagicWords() { yield 'PAGEID' => [ 'Test {{PAGEID}} Test', function ( RevisionRecord $rev ) { return $rev->getPageId(); } ]; yield 'REVISIONID' => [ 'Test {{REVISIONID}} Test', function ( RevisionRecord $rev ) { return $rev->getId(); } ]; yield 'REVISIONUSER' => [ 'Test {{REVISIONUSER}} Test', function ( RevisionRecord $rev ) { return $rev->getUser()->getName(); } ]; yield 'REVISIONTIMESTAMP' => [ 'Test {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} Test', function ( RevisionRecord $rev ) { return $rev->getTimestamp(); } ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideMagicWords */ public function testMagicWords( $wikitext, $callback ) { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $rev = $page->getRevision()->getRevisionRecord(); // NOTE: provide the input as a string and let the PoolWorkArticleView create a fake // revision internally, to see if the magic words work with that fake. They should // work if the Parser causes the actual revision to be loaded when needed. $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $page->getLatest(), false, $wikitext ); $work->execute(); $expected = strval( $callback( $rev ) ); $output = $work->getParserOutput(); $this->assertContains( $expected, $output->getText() ); } public function testDoWorkMissingPage() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getNonexistingTestPage(); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, '667788', false ); $this->assertFalse( $work->execute() ); } public function testDoWorkDeletedContent() { $options = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( __METHOD__ ); $rev1 = $page->getRevision()->getRevisionRecord(); // make another revision, since the latest revision cannot be deleted. $rev2 = $this->makeRevision( $page, 'Next' ); // make a fake revision with deleted different content $fakeRev = new MutableRevisionRecord( $page->getTitle() ); $fakeRev->setId( $rev1->getId() ); $fakeRev->setPageId( $page->getId() ); $fakeRev->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( 'SECRET' ) ); $fakeRev->setVisibility( RevisionRecord::DELETED_TEXT ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev1->getId(), false, $fakeRev ); $this->assertFalse( $work->execute() ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev1->getId(), false, $fakeRev, RevisionRecord::RAW ); $this->assertNotFalse( $work->execute() ); // a deleted current revision should still be show $fakeRev->setId( $rev2->getId() ); $work = new PoolWorkArticleView( $page, $options, $rev2->getId(), false, $fakeRev ); $this->assertNotFalse( $work->execute() ); } }