defaults = null; $wrap->lazyOptions = [ 'dateformat' => [ ParserOptions::class, 'initDateFormat' ], ]; $wrap->inCacheKey = [ 'dateformat' => true, 'numberheadings' => true, 'thumbsize' => true, 'stubthreshold' => true, 'printable' => true, 'userlang' => true, ]; } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); self::clearCache(); $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgRenderHashAppend' => '', ] ); // This is crazy, but registering false, null, or other falsey values // as a hook callback "works". $this->setTemporaryHook( 'PageRenderingHash', null ); } protected function tearDown() { self::clearCache(); parent::tearDown(); } public function testNewCanonical() { $wgUser = $this->getMutableTestUser()->getUser(); $wgLang = Language::factory( 'fr' ); $contLang = Language::factory( 'qqx' ); $this->setContentLang( $contLang ); $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgUser' => $wgUser, 'wgLang' => $wgLang, ] ); $user = $this->getMutableTestUser()->getUser(); $lang = Language::factory( 'de' ); $lang2 = Language::factory( 'bug' ); $context = new DerivativeContext( RequestContext::getMain() ); $context->setUser( $user ); $context->setLanguage( $lang ); // No parameters picks up $wgUser and $wgLang $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $this->assertSame( $wgUser, $popt->getUser() ); $this->assertSame( $wgLang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); // Just a user uses $wgLang $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( $user ); $this->assertSame( $user, $popt->getUser() ); $this->assertSame( $wgLang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); // Just a language uses $wgUser $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( null, $lang ); $this->assertSame( $wgUser, $popt->getUser() ); $this->assertSame( $lang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); // Passing both works $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( $user, $lang ); $this->assertSame( $user, $popt->getUser() ); $this->assertSame( $lang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); // Passing 'canonical' uses an anon and $contLang, and ignores any passed $userLang $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical' ); $this->assertTrue( $popt->getUser()->isAnon() ); $this->assertSame( $contLang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'canonical', $lang2 ); $this->assertSame( $contLang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); // Passing an IContextSource uses the user and lang from it, and ignores // any passed $userLang $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( $context ); $this->assertSame( $user, $popt->getUser() ); $this->assertSame( $lang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( $context, $lang2 ); $this->assertSame( $lang, $popt->getUserLangObj() ); // Passing something else raises an exception try { $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical( 'bogus' ); $this->fail( 'Excpected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { } } /** * @dataProvider provideIsSafeToCache * @param bool $expect Expected value * @param array $options Options to set */ public function testIsSafeToCache( $expect, $options ) { $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); foreach ( $options as $name => $value ) { $popt->setOption( $name, $value ); } $this->assertSame( $expect, $popt->isSafeToCache() ); } public static function provideIsSafeToCache() { return [ 'No overrides' => [ true, [] ], 'In-key options are ok' => [ true, [ 'thumbsize' => 1e100, 'printable' => false, ] ], 'Non-in-key options are not ok' => [ false, [ 'removeComments' => false, ] ], 'Non-in-key options are not ok (2)' => [ false, [ 'wrapclass' => 'foobar', ] ], 'Canonical override, not default (1)' => [ true, [ 'tidy' => true, ] ], 'Canonical override, not default (2)' => [ false, [ 'tidy' => false, ] ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideOptionsHash * @param array $usedOptions Used options * @param string $expect Expected value * @param array $options Options to set * @param array $globals Globals to set * @param callable|null $hookFunc PageRenderingHash hook function */ public function testOptionsHash( $usedOptions, $expect, $options, $globals = [], $hookFunc = null ) { $this->setMwGlobals( $globals ); $this->setTemporaryHook( 'PageRenderingHash', $hookFunc ); $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); foreach ( $options as $name => $value ) { $popt->setOption( $name, $value ); } $this->assertSame( $expect, $popt->optionsHash( $usedOptions ) ); } public static function provideOptionsHash() { $used = [ 'thumbsize', 'printable' ]; $classWrapper = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( ParserOptions::class ); $classWrapper->getDefaults(); $allUsableOptions = array_diff( array_keys( $classWrapper->inCacheKey ), array_keys( $classWrapper->lazyOptions ) ); return [ 'Canonical options, nothing used' => [ [], 'canonical', [] ], 'Canonical options, used some options' => [ $used, 'canonical', [] ], 'Used some options, non-default values' => [ $used, 'printable=1!thumbsize=200', [ 'thumbsize' => 200, 'printable' => true, ] ], 'Canonical options, used all non-lazy options' => [ $allUsableOptions, 'canonical', [] ], 'Canonical options, nothing used, but with hooks and $wgRenderHashAppend' => [ [], 'canonical!wgRenderHashAppend!onPageRenderingHash', [], [ 'wgRenderHashAppend' => '!wgRenderHashAppend' ], [ __CLASS__ . '::onPageRenderingHash' ], ], ]; } public function testUsedLazyOptionsInHash() { $this->setTemporaryHook( 'ParserOptionsRegister', function ( &$defaults, &$inCacheKey, &$lazyOptions ) { $lazyFuncs = $this->getMockBuilder( stdClass::class ) ->setMethods( [ 'neverCalled', 'calledOnce' ] ) ->getMock(); $lazyFuncs->expects( $this->never() )->method( 'neverCalled' ); $lazyFuncs->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'calledOnce' )->willReturn( 'value' ); $defaults += [ 'opt1' => null, 'opt2' => null, 'opt3' => null, ]; $inCacheKey += [ 'opt1' => true, 'opt2' => true, ]; $lazyOptions += [ 'opt1' => [ $lazyFuncs, 'calledOnce' ], 'opt2' => [ $lazyFuncs, 'neverCalled' ], 'opt3' => [ $lazyFuncs, 'neverCalled' ], ]; } ); self::clearCache(); $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $popt->registerWatcher( function () { $this->fail( 'Watcher should not have been called' ); } ); $this->assertSame( 'opt1=value', $popt->optionsHash( [ 'opt1', 'opt3' ] ) ); // Second call to see that opt1 isn't resolved a second time $this->assertSame( 'opt1=value', $popt->optionsHash( [ 'opt1', 'opt3' ] ) ); } public static function onPageRenderingHash( &$confstr ) { $confstr .= '!onPageRenderingHash'; } /** * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Unknown parser option bogus */ public function testGetInvalidOption() { $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $popt->getOption( 'bogus' ); } /** * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Unknown parser option bogus */ public function testSetInvalidOption() { $popt = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $popt->setOption( 'bogus', true ); } public function testMatches() { $classWrapper = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( ParserOptions::class ); $oldDefaults = $classWrapper->defaults; $oldLazy = $classWrapper->lazyOptions; $reset = new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $classWrapper, $oldDefaults, $oldLazy ) { $classWrapper->defaults = $oldDefaults; $classWrapper->lazyOptions = $oldLazy; } ); $popt1 = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $popt2 = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $this->assertTrue( $popt1->matches( $popt2 ) ); $popt1->enableLimitReport( true ); $popt2->enableLimitReport( false ); $this->assertTrue( $popt1->matches( $popt2 ) ); $popt2->setTidy( !$popt2->getTidy() ); $this->assertFalse( $popt1->matches( $popt2 ) ); $ctr = 0; $classWrapper->defaults += [ __METHOD__ => null ]; $classWrapper->lazyOptions += [ __METHOD__ => function () use ( &$ctr ) { return ++$ctr; } ]; $popt1 = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $popt2 = ParserOptions::newCanonical(); $this->assertFalse( $popt1->matches( $popt2 ) ); ScopedCallback::consume( $reset ); } public function testAllCacheVaryingOptions() { $this->setTemporaryHook( 'ParserOptionsRegister', null ); $this->assertSame( [ 'dateformat', 'numberheadings', 'printable', 'stubthreshold', 'thumbsize', 'userlang' ], ParserOptions::allCacheVaryingOptions() ); self::clearCache(); $this->setTemporaryHook( 'ParserOptionsRegister', function ( &$defaults, &$inCacheKey ) { $defaults += [ 'foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'baz', ]; $inCacheKey += [ 'foo' => true, 'bar' => false, ]; } ); $this->assertSame( [ 'dateformat', 'foo', 'numberheadings', 'printable', 'stubthreshold', 'thumbsize', 'userlang' ], ParserOptions::allCacheVaryingOptions() ); } }