handler = new XCFHandler(); } /** * @param string $filename * @param int $expectedWidth Width * @param int $expectedHeight Height * @dataProvider provideGetImageSize * @covers XCFHandler::getImageSize */ public function testGetImageSize( $filename, $expectedWidth, $expectedHeight ) { $file = $this->dataFile( $filename, 'image/x-xcf' ); $actual = $this->handler->getImageSize( $file, $file->getLocalRefPath() ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedWidth, $actual[0] ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedHeight, $actual[1] ); } public static function provideGetImageSize() { return [ [ '80x60-2layers.xcf', 80, 60 ], [ '80x60-RGB.xcf', 80, 60 ], [ '80x60-Greyscale.xcf', 80, 60 ], ]; } /** * @param string $metadata Serialized metadata * @param int $expected One of the class constants of XCFHandler * @dataProvider provideIsMetadataValid * @covers XCFHandler::isMetadataValid */ public function testIsMetadataValid( $metadata, $expected ) { $actual = $this->handler->isMetadataValid( null, $metadata ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } public static function provideIsMetadataValid() { return [ [ '', XCFHandler::METADATA_BAD ], [ serialize( [ 'error' => true ] ), XCFHandler::METADATA_GOOD ], [ false, XCFHandler::METADATA_BAD ], [ serialize( [ 'colorType' => 'greyscale-alpha' ] ), XCFHandler::METADATA_GOOD ], ]; } /** * @param string $filename * @param string $expected Serialized array * @dataProvider provideGetMetadata * @covers XCFHandler::getMetadata */ public function testGetMetadata( $filename, $expected ) { $file = $this->dataFile( $filename, 'image/png' ); $actual = $this->handler->getMetadata( $file, "$this->filePath/$filename" ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } public static function provideGetMetadata() { return [ [ '80x60-2layers.xcf', 'a:3:{s:9:"colorType";s:16:"truecolour-alpha";s:5:"width";i:80;s:6:"height";i:60;}' ], [ '80x60-RGB.xcf', 'a:3:{s:9:"colorType";s:16:"truecolour-alpha";s:5:"width";i:80;s:6:"height";i:60;}' ], [ '80x60-Greyscale.xcf', 'a:3:{s:9:"colorType";s:15:"greyscale-alpha";s:5:"width";i:80;s:6:"height";i:60;}' ], ]; } }