isEnabled() ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'This test needs the installation of the ddjvu, djvutoxml and djvudump tools' ); } $this->handler = new DjVuHandler(); } public function testGetImageSize() { $this->assertArrayEquals( array( 2480, 3508, 'DjVu', 'width="2480" height="3508"' ), $this->handler->getImageSize( null, $this->filePath . '/LoremIpsum.djvu' ), 'Test file LoremIpsum.djvu should have a size of 2480 * 3508' ); } public function testInvalidFile() { $this->assertEquals( 'a:1:{s:5:"error";s:25:"Error extracting metadata";}', $this->handler->getMetadata( null, $this->filePath . '/README' ), 'Getting Metadata for an inexistent file should returns false' ); } public function testPageCount() { $file = $this->dataFile( 'LoremIpsum.djvu', 'image/x.djvu' ); $this->assertEquals( 5, $this->handler->pageCount( $file ), 'Test file LoremIpsum.djvu should be detected as containing 5 pages' ); } public function testGetPageDimensions() { $file = $this->dataFile( 'LoremIpsum.djvu', 'image/x.djvu' ); $this->assertArrayEquals( array( 2480, 3508 ), $this->handler->getPageDimensions( $file, 1 ), 'Page 1 of test file LoremIpsum.djvu should have a size of 2480 * 3508' ); } public function testGetPageText() { $file = $this->dataFile( 'LoremIpsum.djvu', 'image/x.djvu' ); $this->assertEquals( "Lorem ipsum \n1 \n", (string) $this->handler->getPageText( $file, 1 ), "Text layer of page 1 of file LoremIpsum.djvu should be 'Lorem ipsum \n1 \n'" ); } }