getMockBuilder( 'DatabaseMysqli' ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $config = [ 'class' => $deprecated, 'connection' => $mockDB, # Various other parameters required: 'sectionsByDB' => [], 'sectionLoads' => [], 'serverTemplate' => [], ]; $this->hideDeprecated( '$wgLBFactoryConf must be updated. See RELEASE-NOTES for details' ); $result = MWLBFactory::getLBFactoryClass( $config ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $result ); } public function getLBFactoryClassProvider() { return [ # Format: new class, old class [ 'LBFactorySimple', 'LBFactory_Simple' ], [ 'LBFactorySingle', 'LBFactory_Single' ], [ 'LBFactoryMulti', 'LBFactory_Multi' ], ]; } public function testLBFactorySimpleServer() { global $wgDBserver, $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBtype, $wgSQLiteDataDir; $servers = [ [ 'host' => $wgDBserver, 'dbname' => $wgDBname, 'user' => $wgDBuser, 'password' => $wgDBpassword, 'type' => $wgDBtype, 'dbDirectory' => $wgSQLiteDataDir, 'load' => 0, 'flags' => DBO_TRX // REPEATABLE-READ for consistency ], ]; $factory = new LBFactorySimple( [ 'servers' => $servers ] ); $lb = $factory->getMainLB(); $dbw = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER ); $this->assertTrue( $dbw->getLBInfo( 'master' ), 'master shows as master' ); $dbr = $lb->getConnection( DB_SLAVE ); $this->assertTrue( $dbr->getLBInfo( 'master' ), 'DB_SLAVE also gets the master' ); $factory->shutdown(); $lb->closeAll(); } public function testLBFactorySimpleServers() { global $wgDBserver, $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBtype, $wgSQLiteDataDir; $servers = [ [ // master 'host' => $wgDBserver, 'dbname' => $wgDBname, 'user' => $wgDBuser, 'password' => $wgDBpassword, 'type' => $wgDBtype, 'dbDirectory' => $wgSQLiteDataDir, 'load' => 0, 'flags' => DBO_TRX // REPEATABLE-READ for consistency ], [ // emulated slave 'host' => $wgDBserver, 'dbname' => $wgDBname, 'user' => $wgDBuser, 'password' => $wgDBpassword, 'type' => $wgDBtype, 'dbDirectory' => $wgSQLiteDataDir, 'load' => 100, 'flags' => DBO_TRX // REPEATABLE-READ for consistency ] ]; $factory = new LBFactorySimple( [ 'servers' => $servers, 'loadMonitorClass' => 'LoadMonitorNull' ] ); $lb = $factory->getMainLB(); $dbw = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER ); $this->assertTrue( $dbw->getLBInfo( 'master' ), 'master shows as master' ); $this->assertEquals( ( $wgDBserver != '' ) ? $wgDBserver : 'localhost', $dbw->getLBInfo( 'clusterMasterHost' ), 'cluster master set' ); $dbr = $lb->getConnection( DB_SLAVE ); $this->assertTrue( $dbr->getLBInfo( 'replica' ), 'slave shows as slave' ); $this->assertEquals( ( $wgDBserver != '' ) ? $wgDBserver : 'localhost', $dbr->getLBInfo( 'clusterMasterHost' ), 'cluster master set' ); $factory->shutdown(); $lb->closeAll(); } public function testLBFactoryMulti() { global $wgDBserver, $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBtype, $wgSQLiteDataDir; $factory = new LBFactoryMulti( [ 'sectionsByDB' => [], 'sectionLoads' => [ 'DEFAULT' => [ 'test-db1' => 0, 'test-db2' => 100, ], ], 'serverTemplate' => [ 'dbname' => $wgDBname, 'user' => $wgDBuser, 'password' => $wgDBpassword, 'type' => $wgDBtype, 'dbDirectory' => $wgSQLiteDataDir, 'flags' => DBO_DEFAULT ], 'hostsByName' => [ 'test-db1' => $wgDBserver, 'test-db2' => $wgDBserver ], 'loadMonitorClass' => 'LoadMonitorNull' ] ); $lb = $factory->getMainLB(); $dbw = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER ); $this->assertTrue( $dbw->getLBInfo( 'master' ), 'master shows as master' ); $dbr = $lb->getConnection( DB_SLAVE ); $this->assertTrue( $dbr->getLBInfo( 'replica' ), 'slave shows as slave' ); $factory->shutdown(); $lb->closeAll(); } public function testChronologyProtector() { // (a) First HTTP request $mPos = new MySQLMasterPos( 'db1034-bin.000976', '843431247' ); $now = microtime( true ); $mockDB = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DatabaseMysqli' ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $mockDB->method( 'writesOrCallbacksPending' )->willReturn( true ); $mockDB->method( 'lastDoneWrites' )->willReturn( $now ); $mockDB->method( 'getMasterPos' )->willReturn( $mPos ); $lb = $this->getMockBuilder( 'LoadBalancer' ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $lb->method( 'getConnection' )->willReturn( $mockDB ); $lb->method( 'getServerCount' )->willReturn( 2 ); $lb->method( 'parentInfo' )->willReturn( [ 'id' => "main-DEFAULT" ] ); $lb->method( 'getAnyOpenConnection' )->willReturn( $mockDB ); $lb->method( 'hasOrMadeRecentMasterChanges' )->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( $mockDB ) { $p = 0; $p |= call_user_func( [ $mockDB, 'writesOrCallbacksPending' ] ); $p |= call_user_func( [ $mockDB, 'lastDoneWrites' ] ); return (bool)$p; } ) ); $lb->method( 'getMasterPos' )->willReturn( $mPos ); $bag = new HashBagOStuff(); $cp = new ChronologyProtector( $bag, [ 'ip' => '', 'agent' => "Totally-Not-FireFox" ] ); $mockDB->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) )->method( 'writesOrCallbacksPending' ); $mockDB->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) )->method( 'lastDoneWrites' ); // Nothing to wait for $cp->initLB( $lb ); // Record in stash $cp->shutdownLB( $lb ); $cp->shutdown(); // (b) Second HTTP request $cp = new ChronologyProtector( $bag, [ 'ip' => '', 'agent' => "Totally-Not-FireFox" ] ); $lb->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'waitFor' )->with( $this->equalTo( $mPos ) ); // Wait $cp->initLB( $lb ); // Record in stash $cp->shutdownLB( $lb ); $cp->shutdown(); } private function newLBFactoryMulti( array $baseOverride = [], array $serverOverride = [] ) { global $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname, $wgDBtype, $wgSQLiteDataDir; return new LBFactoryMulti( $baseOverride + [ 'sectionsByDB' => [], 'sectionLoads' => [ 'DEFAULT' => [ 'test-db1' => 1, ], ], 'serverTemplate' => $serverOverride + [ 'dbname' => $wgDBname, 'user' => $wgDBuser, 'password' => $wgDBpassword, 'type' => $wgDBtype, 'dbDirectory' => $wgSQLiteDataDir, 'flags' => DBO_DEFAULT ], 'hostsByName' => [ 'test-db1' => $wgDBserver, ], 'loadMonitorClass' => 'LoadMonitorNull', 'localDomain' => wfWikiID() ] ); } public function testNiceDomains() { global $wgDBname, $wgDBtype; if ( $wgDBtype === 'sqlite' ) { $tmpDir = $this->getNewTempDirectory(); $dbPath = "$tmpDir/unit_test_db.sqlite"; file_put_contents( $dbPath, '' ); $tempFsFile = new TempFSFile( $dbPath ); $tempFsFile->autocollect(); } else { $dbPath = null; } $factory = $this->newLBFactoryMulti( [], [ 'dbFilePath' => $dbPath ] ); $lb = $factory->getMainLB(); if ( $wgDBtype !== 'sqlite' ) { $db = $lb->getConnectionRef( DB_MASTER ); $this->assertEquals( $wgDBname, $db->getDomainID() ); unset( $db ); } /** @var Database $db */ $db = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER, [], '' ); $lb->reuseConnection( $db ); // don't care $this->assertEquals( '', $db->getDomainID() ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( 'page' ), "Correct full table name" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, $wgDBname ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( "$" ), "Correct full table name" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'nice_db' ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( '' ), "Correct full table name" ); $factory->setDomainPrefix( 'my_' ); $this->assertEquals( '', $db->getDomainID() ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'my_page' ), $db->tableName( 'page' ), "Correct full table name" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'other_nice_db' ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( '' ), "Correct full table name" ); $factory->closeAll(); $factory->destroy(); } public function testTrickyDomain() { global $wgDBtype; if ( $wgDBtype === 'sqlite' ) { $tmpDir = $this->getNewTempDirectory(); $dbPath = "$tmpDir/unit_test_db.sqlite"; file_put_contents( $dbPath, '' ); $tempFsFile = new TempFSFile( $dbPath ); $tempFsFile->autocollect(); } else { $dbPath = null; } $dbname = 'unittest-domain'; $factory = $this->newLBFactoryMulti( [ 'localDomain' => $dbname ], [ 'dbname' => $dbname, 'dbFilePath' => $dbPath ] ); $lb = $factory->getMainLB(); /** @var Database $db */ $db = $lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER, [], '' ); $lb->reuseConnection( $db ); // don't care $this->assertEquals( '', $db->getDomainID() ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( 'page' ), "Correct full table name" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, $dbname ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( "$" ), "Correct full table name" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'nice_db' ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( '' ), "Correct full table name" ); $factory->setDomainPrefix( 'my_' ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'my_page' ), $db->tableName( 'page' ), "Correct full table name" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'other_nice_db' ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( '' ), "Correct full table name" ); \MediaWiki\suppressWarnings(); $this->assertFalse( $db->selectDB( 'garbage-db' ) ); \MediaWiki\restoreWarnings(); $this->assertEquals( $this->quoteTable( $db, 'garbage-db' ) . '.' . $this->quoteTable( $db, 'page' ), $db->tableName( '' ), "Correct full table name" ); $factory->closeAll(); $factory->destroy(); } private function quoteTable( Database $db, $table ) { if ( $db->getType() === 'sqlite' ) { return $table; } else { return $db->addIdentifierQuotes( $table ); } } }