database = new DatabaseTestHelper( __CLASS__ ); } protected function assertLastSql( $sqlText ) { $this->assertEquals( $this->database->getLastSqls(), $sqlText ); } /** * @dataProvider provideSelect */ function testSelect( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->select( $sql['tables'], $sql['fields'], isset( $sql['conds'] ) ? $sql['conds'] : array(), __METHOD__, isset( $sql['options'] ) ? $sql['options'] : array(), isset( $sql['join_conds'] ) ? $sql['join_conds'] : array() ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideSelect() { return array( array( array( 'tables' => 'table', 'fields' => array( 'field', 'alias' => 'field2' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), ), "SELECT field,field2 AS alias " . "FROM table " . "WHERE alias = 'text'" ), array( array( 'tables' => 'table', 'fields' => array( 'field', 'alias' => 'field2' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), 'options' => array( 'LIMIT' => 1, 'ORDER BY' => 'field' ), ), "SELECT field,field2 AS alias " . "FROM table " . "WHERE alias = 'text' " . "ORDER BY field " . "LIMIT 1" ), array( array( 'tables' => array( 'table', 't2' => 'table2' ), 'fields' => array( 'tid', 'field', 'alias' => 'field2', '' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), 'options' => array( 'LIMIT' => 1, 'ORDER BY' => 'field' ), 'join_conds' => array( 't2' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'tid =' ) ), ), "SELECT tid,field,field2 AS alias, " . "FROM table LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON ((tid = " . "WHERE alias = 'text' " . "ORDER BY field " . "LIMIT 1" ), array( array( 'tables' => array( 'table', 't2' => 'table2' ), 'fields' => array( 'tid', 'field', 'alias' => 'field2', '' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), 'options' => array( 'LIMIT' => 1, 'GROUP BY' => 'field', 'HAVING' => 'COUNT(*) > 1' ), 'join_conds' => array( 't2' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'tid =' ) ), ), "SELECT tid,field,field2 AS alias, " . "FROM table LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON ((tid = " . "WHERE alias = 'text' " . "GROUP BY field HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " . "LIMIT 1" ), array( array( 'tables' => array( 'table', 't2' => 'table2' ), 'fields' => array( 'tid', 'field', 'alias' => 'field2', '' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), 'options' => array( 'LIMIT' => 1, 'GROUP BY' => array( 'field', 'field2' ), 'HAVING' => array( 'COUNT(*) > 1', 'field' => 1 ) ), 'join_conds' => array( 't2' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'tid =' ) ), ), "SELECT tid,field,field2 AS alias, " . "FROM table LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON ((tid = " . "WHERE alias = 'text' " . "GROUP BY field,field2 HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1) AND field = '1' " . "LIMIT 1" ), array( array( 'tables' => array( 'table' ), 'fields' => array( 'alias' => 'field' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => array( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ), ), "SELECT field AS alias " . "FROM table " . "WHERE alias IN ('1','2','3','4')" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideUpdate */ function testUpdate( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->update( $sql['table'], $sql['values'], $sql['conds'], __METHOD__, isset( $sql['options'] ) ? $sql['options'] : array() ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideUpdate() { return array( array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'values' => array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ), 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), ), "UPDATE table " . "SET field = 'text'" . ",field2 = 'text2' " . "WHERE alias = 'text'" ), array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'values' => array( 'field = other', 'field2' => 'text2' ), 'conds' => array( 'id' => '1' ), ), "UPDATE table " . "SET field = other" . ",field2 = 'text2' " . "WHERE id = '1'" ), array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'values' => array( 'field = other', 'field2' => 'text2' ), 'conds' => '*', ), "UPDATE table " . "SET field = other" . ",field2 = 'text2'" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideDelete */ function testDelete( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->delete( $sql['table'], $sql['conds'], __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideDelete() { return array( array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), ), "DELETE FROM table " . "WHERE alias = 'text'" ), array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'conds' => '*', ), "DELETE FROM table" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideDeleteJoin */ function testDeleteJoin( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->deleteJoin( $sql['delTable'], $sql['joinTable'], $sql['delVar'], $sql['joinVar'], $sql['conds'], __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideDeleteJoin() { return array( array( array( 'delTable' => 'table', 'joinTable' => 'table_join', 'delVar' => 'field', 'joinVar' => 'field_join', 'conds' => array( 'alias' => 'text' ), ), "DELETE FROM table " . "WHERE field IN (" . "SELECT field_join FROM table_join WHERE alias = 'text'" . ")" ), array( array( 'delTable' => 'table', 'joinTable' => 'table_join', 'delVar' => 'field', 'joinVar' => 'field_join', 'conds' => '*', ), "DELETE FROM table " . "WHERE field IN (" . "SELECT field_join FROM table_join " . ")" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideInsert */ function testInsert( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->insert( $sql['table'], $sql['rows'], __METHOD__, isset( $sql['options'] ) ? $sql['options'] : array() ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideInsert() { return array( array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'rows' => array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 2 ), ), "INSERT INTO table " . "(field,field2) " . "VALUES ('text','2')" ), array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'rows' => array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 2 ), 'options' => 'IGNORE', ), "INSERT IGNORE INTO table " . "(field,field2) " . "VALUES ('text','2')" ), array( array( 'table' => 'table', 'rows' => array( array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 2 ), array( 'field' => 'multi', 'field2' => 3 ), ), 'options' => 'IGNORE', ), "INSERT IGNORE INTO table " . "(field,field2) " . "VALUES " . "('text','2')," . "('multi','3')" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideInsertSelect */ function testInsertSelect( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->insertSelect( $sql['destTable'], $sql['srcTable'], $sql['varMap'], $sql['conds'], __METHOD__, isset( $sql['insertOptions'] ) ? $sql['insertOptions'] : array(), isset( $sql['selectOptions'] ) ? $sql['selectOptions'] : array() ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideInsertSelect() { return array( array( array( 'destTable' => 'insert_table', 'srcTable' => 'select_table', 'varMap' => array( 'field_insert' => 'field_select', 'field' => 'field2' ), 'conds' => '*', ), "INSERT INTO insert_table " . "(field_insert,field) " . "SELECT field_select,field2 " . "FROM select_table" ), array( array( 'destTable' => 'insert_table', 'srcTable' => 'select_table', 'varMap' => array( 'field_insert' => 'field_select', 'field' => 'field2' ), 'conds' => array( 'field' => 2 ), ), "INSERT INTO insert_table " . "(field_insert,field) " . "SELECT field_select,field2 " . "FROM select_table " . "WHERE field = '2'" ), array( array( 'destTable' => 'insert_table', 'srcTable' => 'select_table', 'varMap' => array( 'field_insert' => 'field_select', 'field' => 'field2' ), 'conds' => array( 'field' => 2 ), 'insertOptions' => 'IGNORE', 'selectOptions' => array( 'ORDER BY' => 'field' ), ), "INSERT IGNORE INTO insert_table " . "(field_insert,field) " . "SELECT field_select,field2 " . "FROM select_table " . "WHERE field = '2' " . "ORDER BY field" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideReplace */ function testReplace( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->replace( $sql['table'], $sql['uniqueIndexes'], $sql['rows'], __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideReplace() { return array( array( array( 'table' => 'replace_table', 'uniqueIndexes' => array( 'field' ), 'rows' => array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ), ), "DELETE FROM replace_table " . "WHERE ( field='text' ); " . "INSERT INTO replace_table " . "(field,field2) " . "VALUES ('text','text2')" ), array( array( 'table' => 'module_deps', 'uniqueIndexes' => array( array( 'md_module', 'md_skin' ) ), 'rows' => array( 'md_module' => 'module', 'md_skin' => 'skin', 'md_deps' => 'deps', ), ), "DELETE FROM module_deps " . "WHERE ( md_module='module' AND md_skin='skin' ); " . "INSERT INTO module_deps " . "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " . "VALUES ('module','skin','deps')" ), array( array( 'table' => 'module_deps', 'uniqueIndexes' => array( array( 'md_module', 'md_skin' ) ), 'rows' => array( array( 'md_module' => 'module', 'md_skin' => 'skin', 'md_deps' => 'deps', ), array( 'md_module' => 'module2', 'md_skin' => 'skin2', 'md_deps' => 'deps2', ), ), ), "DELETE FROM module_deps " . "WHERE ( md_module='module' AND md_skin='skin' ); " . "INSERT INTO module_deps " . "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " . "VALUES ('module','skin','deps'); " . "DELETE FROM module_deps " . "WHERE ( md_module='module2' AND md_skin='skin2' ); " . "INSERT INTO module_deps " . "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " . "VALUES ('module2','skin2','deps2')" ), array( array( 'table' => 'module_deps', 'uniqueIndexes' => array( 'md_module', 'md_skin' ), 'rows' => array( array( 'md_module' => 'module', 'md_skin' => 'skin', 'md_deps' => 'deps', ), array( 'md_module' => 'module2', 'md_skin' => 'skin2', 'md_deps' => 'deps2', ), ), ), "DELETE FROM module_deps " . "WHERE ( md_module='module' ) OR ( md_skin='skin' ); " . "INSERT INTO module_deps " . "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " . "VALUES ('module','skin','deps'); " . "DELETE FROM module_deps " . "WHERE ( md_module='module2' ) OR ( md_skin='skin2' ); " . "INSERT INTO module_deps " . "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " . "VALUES ('module2','skin2','deps2')" ), array( array( 'table' => 'module_deps', 'uniqueIndexes' => array(), 'rows' => array( 'md_module' => 'module', 'md_skin' => 'skin', 'md_deps' => 'deps', ), ), "INSERT INTO module_deps " . "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " . "VALUES ('module','skin','deps')" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideNativeReplace */ function testNativeReplace( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->database->nativeReplace( $sql['table'], $sql['rows'], __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText ); } public static function provideNativeReplace() { return array( array( array( 'table' => 'replace_table', 'rows' => array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ), ), "REPLACE INTO replace_table " . "(field,field2) " . "VALUES ('text','text2')" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideConditional */ function testConditional( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->conditional( $sql['conds'], $sql['true'], $sql['false'] ) ), $sqlText ); } public static function provideConditional() { return array( array( array( 'conds' => array( 'field' => 'text' ), 'true' => 1, 'false' => 'NULL', ), "(CASE WHEN field = 'text' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)" ), array( array( 'conds' => array( 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'anothertext' ), 'true' => 1, 'false' => 'NULL', ), "(CASE WHEN field = 'text' AND field2 = 'anothertext' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)" ), array( array( 'conds' => 'field=1', 'true' => 1, 'false' => 'NULL', ), "(CASE WHEN field=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideBuildConcat */ function testBuildConcat( $stringList, $sqlText ) { $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->buildConcat( $stringList ) ), $sqlText ); } public static function provideBuildConcat() { return array( array( array( 'field', 'field2' ), "CONCAT(field,field2)" ), array( array( "'test'", 'field2' ), "CONCAT('test',field2)" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideBuildLike */ function testBuildLike( $array, $sqlText ) { $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->buildLike( $array ) ), $sqlText ); } public static function provideBuildLike() { return array( array( 'text', "LIKE 'text'" ), array( array( 'text', new LikeMatch( '%' ) ), "LIKE 'text%'" ), array( array( 'text', new LikeMatch( '%' ), 'text2' ), "LIKE 'text%text2'" ), array( array( 'text', new LikeMatch( '_' ) ), "LIKE 'text_'" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider provideUnionQueries */ function testUnionQueries( $sql, $sqlText ) { $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->unionQueries( $sql['sqls'], $sql['all'] ) ), $sqlText ); } public static function provideUnionQueries() { return array( array( array( 'sqls' => array( 'RAW SQL', 'RAW2SQL' ), 'all' => true, ), "(RAW SQL) UNION ALL (RAW2SQL)" ), array( array( 'sqls' => array( 'RAW SQL', 'RAW2SQL' ), 'all' => false, ), "(RAW SQL) UNION (RAW2SQL)" ), array( array( 'sqls' => array( 'RAW SQL', 'RAW2SQL', 'RAW3SQL' ), 'all' => false, ), "(RAW SQL) UNION (RAW2SQL) UNION (RAW3SQL)" ), ); } function testTransactionCommit() { $this->database->begin( __METHOD__ ); $this->database->commit( __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( 'BEGIN; COMMIT' ); } function testTransactionRollback() { $this->database->begin( __METHOD__ ); $this->database->rollback( __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( 'BEGIN; ROLLBACK' ); } function testDropTable() { $this->database->setExistingTables( array( 'table' ) ); $this->database->dropTable( 'table', __METHOD__ ); $this->assertLastSql( 'DROP TABLE table' ); } function testDropNonExistingTable() { $this->assertFalse( $this->database->dropTable( 'non_existing', __METHOD__ ) ); } }