user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $this->sysopId = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser()->getId(); } private function getBlockManager( $overrideConfig ) { $blockManagerConfig = array_merge( [ 'wgApplyIpBlocksToXff' => true, 'wgCookieSetOnAutoblock' => true, 'wgCookieSetOnIpBlock' => true, 'wgDnsBlacklistUrls' => [], 'wgEnableDnsBlacklist' => true, 'wgProxyList' => [], 'wgProxyWhitelist' => [], 'wgSoftBlockRanges' => [], ], $overrideConfig ); return new BlockManager( $this->user, $this->user->getRequest(), ...array_values( $blockManagerConfig ) ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetBlockFromCookieValue * @covers ::getBlockFromCookieValue */ public function testGetBlockFromCookieValue( $options, $expected ) { $blockManager = $this->getBlockManager( [ 'wgCookieSetOnAutoblock' => true, 'wgCookieSetOnIpBlock' => true, ] ); $block = new Block( array_merge( [ 'address' => $options[ 'target' ] ?: $this->user, 'by' => $this->sysopId, ], $options[ 'blockOptions' ] ) ); $block->insert(); $class = new ReflectionClass( BlockManager::class ); $method = $class->getMethod( 'getBlockFromCookieValue' ); $method->setAccessible( true ); $user = $options[ 'loggedIn' ] ? $this->user : new User(); $user->getRequest()->setCookie( 'BlockID', $block->getCookieValue() ); $this->assertSame( $expected, (bool)$method->invoke( $blockManager, $user, $user->getRequest() ) ); $block->delete(); } public static function provideGetBlockFromCookieValue() { return [ 'Autoblocking user block' => [ [ 'target' => '', 'loggedIn' => true, 'blockOptions' => [ 'enableAutoblock' => true ], ], true, ], 'Non-autoblocking user block' => [ [ 'target' => '', 'loggedIn' => true, 'blockOptions' => [], ], false, ], 'IP block for anonymous user' => [ [ 'target' => '', 'loggedIn' => false, 'blockOptions' => [], ], true, ], 'IP block for logged in user' => [ [ 'target' => '', 'loggedIn' => true, 'blockOptions' => [], ], false, ], 'IP range block for anonymous user' => [ [ 'target' => '', 'loggedIn' => false, 'blockOptions' => [], ], true, ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideIsLocallyBlockedProxy * @covers ::isLocallyBlockedProxy */ public function testIsLocallyBlockedProxy( $proxyList, $expected ) { $class = new ReflectionClass( BlockManager::class ); $method = $class->getMethod( 'isLocallyBlockedProxy' ); $method->setAccessible( true ); $blockManager = $this->getBlockManager( [ 'wgProxyList' => $proxyList ] ); $ip = ''; $this->assertSame( $expected, $method->invoke( $blockManager, $ip ) ); } public static function provideIsLocallyBlockedProxy() { return [ 'Proxy list is empty' => [ [], false ], 'Proxy list contains IP' => [ [ '' ], true ], 'Proxy list contains IP as value' => [ [ 'test' => '' ], true ], 'Proxy list contains range that covers IP' => [ [ '' ], true ], ]; } /** * @covers ::isLocallyBlockedProxy */ public function testIsLocallyBlockedProxyDeprecated() { $proxy = ''; $this->hideDeprecated( 'IP addresses in the keys of $wgProxyList (found the following IP ' . 'addresses in keys: ' . $proxy . ', please move them to values)' ); $class = new ReflectionClass( BlockManager::class ); $method = $class->getMethod( 'isLocallyBlockedProxy' ); $method->setAccessible( true ); $blockManager = $this->getBlockManager( [ 'wgProxyList' => [ $proxy => 'test' ] ] ); $ip = ''; $this->assertSame( true, $method->invoke( $blockManager, $ip ) ); } /** * @dataProvider provideIsDnsBlacklisted * @covers ::isDnsBlacklisted * @covers ::inDnsBlacklist */ public function testIsDnsBlacklisted( $options, $expected ) { $blockManager = $this->getBlockManager( [ 'wgEnableDnsBlacklist' => true, 'wgDnsBlacklistUrls' => $options[ 'inBlacklist' ] ? [ '' ] : [], 'wgProxyWhitelist' => $options[ 'inWhitelist' ] ? [ '' ] : [], ] ); $ip = ''; $this->assertSame( $expected, $blockManager->isDnsBlacklisted( $ip, $options[ 'check' ] ) ); } public static function provideIsDnsBlacklisted() { return [ 'IP is blacklisted' => [ [ 'inBlacklist' => true, 'inWhitelist' => false, 'check' => false, ], true, ], 'IP is not blacklisted' => [ [ 'inBlacklist' => false, 'inWhitelist' => false, 'check' => false, ], false, ], 'IP is blacklisted and whitelisted; whitelist is checked' => [ [ 'inBlacklist' => true, 'inWhitelist' => true, 'check' => false, ], true, ], 'IP is blacklisted and whitelisted; whitelist is not checked' => [ [ 'inBlacklist' => true, 'inWhitelist' => true, 'check' => true, ], false, ], ]; } }