setNamespaces( [ -2 => 'Media', -1 => 'Special', 0 => '', 1 => 'Talk', 2 => 'User', 3 => 'User_talk', 4 => 'MyWiki', 5 => 'MyWiki_Talk', 6 => 'File', 7 => 'File_talk', 8 => 'MediaWiki', 9 => 'MediaWiki_talk', 10 => 'Template', 11 => 'Template_talk', 100 => 'Custom', 101 => 'Custom_talk', ] ); $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgLang' => $langObj, 'wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere' => false, ] ); } protected function tearDown() { Language::factory( 'en' )->resetNamespaces(); parent::tearDown(); } /** * @covers Xml::expandAttributes */ public function testExpandAttributes() { $this->assertNull( Xml::expandAttributes( null ), 'Converting a null list of attributes' ); $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::expandAttributes( [] ), 'Converting an empty list of attributes' ); } /** * @covers Xml::expandAttributes */ public function testExpandAttributesException() { $this->setExpectedException( 'MWException' ); Xml::expandAttributes( 'string' ); } /** * @covers Xml::element */ public function testElementOpen() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::element( 'element', null, null ), 'Opening element with no attributes' ); } /** * @covers Xml::element */ public function testElementEmpty() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::element( 'element', null, '' ), 'Terminated empty element' ); } /** * @covers Xml::input */ public function testElementInputCanHaveAValueOfZero() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::input( 'name', false, 0 ), 'Input with a value of 0 (T25797)' ); } /** * @covers Xml::element */ public function testElementEscaping() { $this->assertEquals( 'hello <there> you & you', Xml::element( 'element', null, 'hello you & you' ), 'Element with no attributes and content that needs escaping' ); } /** * @covers Xml::escapeTagsOnly */ public function testEscapeTagsOnly() { $this->assertEquals( '"><', Xml::escapeTagsOnly( '"><' ), 'replace " > and < with their HTML entitites' ); } /** * @covers Xml::element */ public function testElementAttributes() { $this->assertEquals( '="<>">', Xml::element( 'element', [ 'key' => 'value', '<>' => '<>' ], null ), 'Element attributes, keys are not escaped' ); } /** * @covers Xml::openElement */ public function testOpenElement() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::openElement( 'element', [ 'k' => 'v' ] ), 'openElement() shortcut' ); } /** * @covers Xml::closeElement */ public function testCloseElement() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::closeElement( 'element' ), 'closeElement() shortcut' ); } public function provideMonthSelector() { global $wgLang; $header = ''; $monthsString = ''; for ( $i = 1; $i < 13; $i++ ) { $monthName = $wgLang->getMonthName( $i ); $monthsString .= ""; if ( $i !== 12 ) { $monthsString .= "\n"; } } $monthsString2 = str_replace( '', '', $monthsString ); $end = ''; $allMonths = "\n"; return [ [ $header . $monthsString . $end, '', null, 'month' ], [ $header . $monthsString2 . $end, 12, null, 'month' ], [ $header2 . $monthsString . $end, '', null, 'monthSelector' ], [ $header . $allMonths . $monthsString . $end, '', 'AllMonths', 'month' ], ]; } /** * @covers Xml::monthSelector * @dataProvider provideMonthSelector */ public function testMonthSelector( $expected, $selected, $allmonths, $id ) { $this->assertEquals( $expected, Xml::monthSelector( $selected, $allmonths, $id ) ); } /** * @covers Xml::span */ public function testSpan() { $this->assertEquals( 'element', Xml::span( 'element', 'foo', [ 'id' => 'testSpan' ] ) ); } /** * @covers Xml::dateMenu */ public function testDateMenu() { $curYear = intval( gmdate( 'Y' ) ); $prevYear = $curYear - 1; $curMonth = intval( gmdate( 'n' ) ); $nextMonth = $curMonth + 1; if ( $nextMonth == 13 ) { $nextMonth = 1; } $this->assertEquals( ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . '', Xml::dateMenu( 2011, 02 ), "Date menu for february 2011" ); $this->assertEquals( ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . '', Xml::dateMenu( 2011, -1 ), "Date menu with negative month for 'All'" ); $this->assertEquals( Xml::dateMenu( $curYear, $curMonth ), Xml::dateMenu( '', $curMonth ), "Date menu year is the current one when not specified" ); $wantedYear = $nextMonth == 1 ? $curYear : $prevYear; $this->assertEquals( Xml::dateMenu( $wantedYear, $nextMonth ), Xml::dateMenu( '', $nextMonth ), "Date menu next month is 11 months ago" ); $this->assertEquals( ' ' . ' ' . ' ' . '', Xml::dateMenu( '', '' ), "Date menu with neither year or month" ); } /** * @covers Xml::textarea */ public function testTextareaNoContent() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::textarea( 'name', '' ), 'textarea() with not content' ); } /** * @covers Xml::textarea */ public function testTextareaAttribs() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::textarea( 'name', '', 20, 10 ), 'textarea() with custom attribs' ); } /** * @covers Xml::label */ public function testLabelCreation() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::label( 'name', 'id' ), 'label() with no attribs' ); } /** * @covers Xml::label */ public function testLabelAttributeCanOnlyBeClassOrTitle() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::label( 'name', 'id', [ 'generated' => true ] ), 'label() can not be given a generated attribute' ); $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::label( 'name', 'id', [ 'class' => 'nice' ] ), 'label() can get a class attribute' ); $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::label( 'name', 'id', [ 'title' => 'nice tooltip' ] ), 'label() can get a title attribute' ); $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::label( 'name', 'id', [ 'generated' => true, 'class' => 'nice', 'title' => 'nice tooltip', 'anotherattr' => 'value', ] ), 'label() skip all attributes but "class" and "title"' ); } /** * @covers Xml::languageSelector */ public function testLanguageSelector() { $select = Xml::languageSelector( 'en', true, null, [ 'id' => 'testlang' ], wfMessage( 'yourlanguage' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '', $select[0] ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarBoolean() { $this->assertEquals( 'true', Xml::encodeJsVar( true ), 'encodeJsVar() with boolean' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarNull() { $this->assertEquals( 'null', Xml::encodeJsVar( null ), 'encodeJsVar() with null' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarArray() { $this->assertEquals( '["a",1]', Xml::encodeJsVar( [ 'a', 1 ] ), 'encodeJsVar() with array' ); $this->assertEquals( '{"a":"a","b":1}', Xml::encodeJsVar( [ 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 1 ] ), 'encodeJsVar() with associative array' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarObject() { $this->assertEquals( '{"a":"a","b":1}', Xml::encodeJsVar( (object)[ 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 1 ] ), 'encodeJsVar() with object' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarInt() { $this->assertEquals( '123456', Xml::encodeJsVar( 123456 ), 'encodeJsVar() with int' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarFloat() { $this->assertEquals( '1.23456', Xml::encodeJsVar( 1.23456 ), 'encodeJsVar() with float' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarIntString() { $this->assertEquals( '"123456"', Xml::encodeJsVar( '123456' ), 'encodeJsVar() with int-like string' ); } /** * @covers Xml::encodeJsVar */ public function testEncodeJsVarFloatString() { $this->assertEquals( '"1.23456"', Xml::encodeJsVar( '1.23456' ), 'encodeJsVar() with float-like string' ); } /** * @covers Xml::listDropDown */ public function testListDropDown() { $this->assertEquals( '', Xml::listDropDown( // name 'test-name', // source list "* Foo\n** Foo 1\n** Example\n* Bar\n** Bar 1", // other 'other reasons', // selected 'Example', // class 'test-css', // tabindex 2 ) ); } /** * @covers Xml::listDropDownOptions */ public function testListDropDownOptions() { $this->assertEquals( [ 'other reasons' => 'other', 'Foo' => [ 'Foo 1' => 'Foo 1', 'Example' => 'Example', ], 'Bar' => [ 'Bar 1' => 'Bar 1', ], ], Xml::listDropDownOptions( "* Foo\n** Foo 1\n** Example\n* Bar\n** Bar 1", [ 'other' => 'other reasons' ] ) ); } /** * @covers Xml::listDropDownOptionsOoui */ public function testListDropDownOptionsOoui() { $this->assertEquals( [ [ 'data' => 'other', 'label' => 'other reasons' ], [ 'optgroup' => 'Foo' ], [ 'data' => 'Foo 1', 'label' => 'Foo 1' ], [ 'data' => 'Example', 'label' => 'Example' ], [ 'optgroup' => 'Bar' ], [ 'data' => 'Bar 1', 'label' => 'Bar 1' ], ], Xml::listDropDownOptionsOoui( [ 'other reasons' => 'other', 'Foo' => [ 'Foo 1' => 'Foo 1', 'Example' => 'Example', ], 'Bar' => [ 'Bar 1' => 'Bar 1', ], ] ) ); } /** * @covers Xml::fieldset */ public function testFieldset() { $this->assertEquals( "
\n", Xml::fieldset(), 'Opening tag' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\n", Xml::fieldset( false ), 'Opening tag (false means no legend)' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\n", Xml::fieldset( '' ), 'Opening tag (empty string also means no legend)' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\nFoo\n", Xml::fieldset( 'Foo' ), 'Opening tag with legend' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\n", Xml::fieldset( 'Foo', 'Bar' ), 'Entire element with legend' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\nFoo\n", Xml::fieldset( 'Foo', false ), 'Opening tag with legend (false means no content and no closing tag)' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\n", Xml::fieldset( 'Foo', '' ), 'Entire element with legend but no content (empty string generates a closing tag)' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\n", Xml::fieldset( 'Foo', 'Bar', [ 'class' => 'bar' ] ), 'Opening tag with legend and attributes' ); $this->assertEquals( "
\nFoo\n", Xml::fieldset( 'Foo', false, [ 'class' => 'bar' ] ), 'Entire element with legend and attributes' ); } /** * @covers Xml::testBuildTable */ public function testBuildTable() { $firstRow = [ 'foo', 'bar' ]; $secondRow = [ 'Berlin', 'Tehran' ]; $headers = [ 'header1', 'header2' ]; $expected = '' . '' . '
'; $this->assertEquals( $expected, Xml::buildTable( [ $firstRow, $secondRow ], [ 'id' => 'testTable' ], $headers ) ); } /** * @covers Xml::testBuildTableRow */ public function testBuildTableRow() { $this->assertEquals( 'foobar', Xml::buildTableRow( [ 'id' => 'testRow' ], [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ) ); } }