setMwGlobals( [ 'wgAllowUserJs' => false, 'wgDefaultLanguageVariant' => false, 'wgMetaNamespace' => 'Project', ] ); $this->setUserLang( 'en' ); $this->setContentLang( 'en' ); } /** * @covers Title::legalChars */ public function testLegalChars() { $titlechars = Title::legalChars(); foreach ( range( 1, 255 ) as $num ) { $chr = chr( $num ); if ( strpos( "#[]{}<>|", $chr ) !== false || preg_match( "/[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]/", $chr ) ) { $this->assertFalse( (bool)preg_match( "/[$titlechars]/", $chr ), "chr($num) = $chr is not a valid titlechar" ); } else { $this->assertTrue( (bool)preg_match( "/[$titlechars]/", $chr ), "chr($num) = $chr is a valid titlechar" ); } } } public static function provideValidSecureAndSplit() { return [ [ 'Sandbox' ], [ 'A "B"' ], [ 'A \'B\'' ], [ '.com' ], [ '~' ], [ '#' ], [ '"' ], [ '\'' ], [ 'Talk:Sandbox' ], [ 'Talk:Foo:Sandbox' ], [ 'File:Example.svg' ], [ 'File_talk:Example.svg' ], [ 'Foo/.../Sandbox' ], [ 'Sandbox/...' ], [ 'A~~' ], [ ':A' ], // Length is 256 total, but only title part matters [ 'Category:' . str_repeat( 'x', 248 ) ], [ str_repeat( 'x', 252 ) ], // interwiki prefix [ 'localtestiw: #anchor' ], [ 'localtestiw:' ], [ 'localtestiw:foo' ], [ 'localtestiw: foo # anchor' ], [ 'localtestiw: Talk: Sandbox # anchor' ], [ 'remotetestiw:' ], [ 'remotetestiw: Talk: # anchor' ], [ 'remotetestiw: #bar' ], [ 'remotetestiw: Talk:' ], [ 'remotetestiw: Talk: Foo' ], [ 'localtestiw:remotetestiw:' ], [ 'localtestiw:remotetestiw:foo' ] ]; } public static function provideInvalidSecureAndSplit() { return [ [ '', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ ':', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ '__ __', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ ' __ ', 'title-invalid-empty' ], // Bad characters forbidden regardless of wgLegalTitleChars [ 'A [ B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A ] B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A { B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A } B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A < B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A > B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A | B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ "A \t B", 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ "A \n B", 'title-invalid-characters' ], // URL encoding [ 'A%20B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A%23B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], [ 'A%2523B', 'title-invalid-characters' ], // XML/HTML character entity references // Note: Commented out because they are not marked invalid by the PHP test as // Title::newFromText runs Sanitizer::decodeCharReferencesAndNormalize first. // 'A é B', // 'A é B', // 'A é B', // Subject of NS_TALK does not roundtrip to NS_MAIN [ 'Talk:File:Example.svg', 'title-invalid-talk-namespace' ], // Directory navigation [ '.', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ '..', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ './Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ '../Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ 'Foo/./Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ 'Foo/../Sandbox', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ 'Sandbox/.', 'title-invalid-relative' ], [ 'Sandbox/..', 'title-invalid-relative' ], // Tilde [ 'A ~~~ Name', 'title-invalid-magic-tilde' ], [ 'A ~~~~ Signature', 'title-invalid-magic-tilde' ], [ 'A ~~~~~ Timestamp', 'title-invalid-magic-tilde' ], // Length [ str_repeat( 'x', 256 ), 'title-invalid-too-long' ], // Namespace prefix without actual title [ 'Talk:', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ 'Talk:#', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ 'Category: ', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ 'Category: #bar', 'title-invalid-empty' ], // interwiki prefix [ 'localtestiw: Talk: # anchor', 'title-invalid-empty' ], [ 'localtestiw: Talk:', 'title-invalid-empty' ] ]; } private function secureAndSplitGlobals() { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgLocalInterwikis' => [ 'localtestiw' ], 'wgHooks' => [ 'InterwikiLoadPrefix' => [ function ( $prefix, &$data ) { if ( $prefix === 'localtestiw' ) { $data = [ 'iw_url' => 'localtestiw' ]; } elseif ( $prefix === 'remotetestiw' ) { $data = [ 'iw_url' => 'remotetestiw' ]; } return false; } ] ] ] ); // Reset TitleParser since we modified $wgLocalInterwikis $this->setService( 'TitleParser', new MediaWikiTitleCodec( Language::factory( 'en' ), new GenderCache(), [ 'localtestiw' ] ) ); } /** * See also mediawiki.Title.test.js * @covers Title::secureAndSplit * @dataProvider provideValidSecureAndSplit * @note This mainly tests MediaWikiTitleCodec::parseTitle(). */ public function testSecureAndSplitValid( $text ) { $this->secureAndSplitGlobals(); $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, Title::newFromText( $text ), "Valid: $text" ); } /** * See also mediawiki.Title.test.js * @covers Title::secureAndSplit * @dataProvider provideInvalidSecureAndSplit * @note This mainly tests MediaWikiTitleCodec::parseTitle(). */ public function testSecureAndSplitInvalid( $text, $expectedErrorMessage ) { $this->secureAndSplitGlobals(); try { Title::newFromTextThrow( $text ); // should throw $this->assertTrue( false, "Invalid: $text" ); } catch ( MalformedTitleException $ex ) { $this->assertEquals( $expectedErrorMessage, $ex->getErrorMessage(), "Invalid: $text" ); } } public static function provideConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass() { return [ [ ' %!"$&\'()*,\\-.\\/0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\^_`a-z~\\x80-\\xFF+', ' %!"$&\'()*,\\-./0-9:;=?@A-Z\\\\\\^_`a-z~+\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ 'QWERTYf-\\xFF+', 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ 'QWERTY\\x66-\\xFD+', 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ 'QWERTYf-y+', 'QWERTYf-y+', ], [ 'QWERTYf-\\x80+', 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ 'QWERTY\\x66-\\x80+\\x23', 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+#\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ 'QWERTY\\x66-\\x80+\\xD3', 'QWERTYf-\\x7F+\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ '\\\\\\x99', '\\\\\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ '-\\x99', '\\-\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ 'QWERTY\\-\\x99', 'QWERTY\\-\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ '\\\\x99', '\\\\x99', ], [ 'A-\\x9F', 'A-\\x7F\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ '\\x66-\\x77QWERTY\\x88-\\x91FXZ', 'f-wQWERTYFXZ\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], [ '\\x66-\\x99QWERTY\\xAA-\\xEEFXZ', 'f-\\x7FQWERTYFXZ\\u0080-\\uFFFF', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass * @covers Title::convertByteClassToUnicodeClass */ public function testConvertByteClassToUnicodeClass( $byteClass, $unicodeClass ) { $this->assertEquals( $unicodeClass, Title::convertByteClassToUnicodeClass( $byteClass ) ); } /** * @dataProvider provideSpecialNamesWithAndWithoutParameter * @covers Title::fixSpecialName */ public function testFixSpecialNameRetainsParameter( $text, $expectedParam ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); $fixed = $title->fixSpecialName(); $stuff = explode( '/', $fixed->getDBkey(), 2 ); if ( count( $stuff ) == 2 ) { $par = $stuff[1]; } else { $par = null; } $this->assertEquals( $expectedParam, $par, "T33100 regression check: Title->fixSpecialName() should preserve parameter" ); } public static function provideSpecialNamesWithAndWithoutParameter() { return [ [ 'Special:Version', null ], [ 'Special:Version/', '' ], [ 'Special:Version/param', 'param' ], ]; } /** * Auth-less test of Title::isValidMoveOperation * * @param string $source * @param string $target * @param array|string|bool $expected Required error * @dataProvider provideTestIsValidMoveOperation * @covers Title::isValidMoveOperation */ public function testIsValidMoveOperation( $source, $target, $expected ) { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerUseDB', false ); $title = Title::newFromText( $source ); $nt = Title::newFromText( $target ); $errors = $title->isValidMoveOperation( $nt, false ); if ( $expected === true ) { $this->assertTrue( $errors ); } else { $errors = $this->flattenErrorsArray( $errors ); foreach ( (array)$expected as $error ) { $this->assertContains( $error, $errors ); } } } public static function provideTestIsValidMoveOperation() { return [ // for Title::isValidMoveOperation [ 'Some page', '', 'badtitletext' ], [ 'Test', 'Test', 'selfmove' ], [ 'Special:FooBar', 'Test', 'immobile-source-namespace' ], [ 'Test', 'Special:FooBar', 'immobile-target-namespace' ], [ 'MediaWiki:Common.js', 'Help:Some wikitext page', 'bad-target-model' ], [ 'Page', 'File:Test.jpg', 'nonfile-cannot-move-to-file' ], [ 'File:Test.jpg', 'Page', 'imagenocrossnamespace' ], ]; } /** * Auth-less test of Title::userCan * * @param array $whitelistRegexp * @param string $source * @param string $action * @param array|string|bool $expected Required error * * @covers \Mediawiki\Permissions\PermissionManager::checkReadPermissions * @dataProvider dataWgWhitelistReadRegexp */ public function testWgWhitelistReadRegexp( $whitelistRegexp, $source, $action, $expected ) { // $wgWhitelistReadRegexp must be an array. Since the provided test cases // usually have only one regex, it is more concise to write the lonely regex // as a string. Thus we cast to an array() to honor $wgWhitelistReadRegexp // type requisite. if ( is_string( $whitelistRegexp ) ) { $whitelistRegexp = [ $whitelistRegexp ]; } $this->setMwGlobals( [ // So User::isEveryoneAllowed( 'read' ) === false 'wgGroupPermissions' => [ '*' => [ 'read' => false ] ], 'wgWhitelistRead' => [ 'some random non sense title' ], 'wgWhitelistReadRegexp' => $whitelistRegexp, ] ); $title = Title::newFromDBkey( $source ); // New anonymous user with no rights $user = new User; $user->mRights = []; $errors = $title->userCan( $action, $user ); if ( is_bool( $expected ) ) { # Forge the assertion message depending on the assertion expectation $allowableness = $expected ? " should be allowed" : " should NOT be allowed"; $this->assertEquals( $expected, $errors, "User action '$action' on [[$source]] $allowableness." ); } else { $errors = $this->flattenErrorsArray( $errors ); foreach ( (array)$expected as $error ) { $this->assertContains( $error, $errors ); } } } /** * Provides test parameter values for testWgWhitelistReadRegexp() */ public function dataWgWhitelistReadRegexp() { $ALLOWED = true; $DISALLOWED = false; return [ // Everything, if this doesn't work, we're really in trouble [ '/.*/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $ALLOWED ], [ '/.*/', 'Main_Page', 'edit', $DISALLOWED ], // We validate against the title name, not the db key [ '/^Main_Page$/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $DISALLOWED ], // Main page [ '/^Main/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $ALLOWED ], [ '/^Main.*/', 'Main_Page', 'read', $ALLOWED ], // With spaces [ '/Mic\sCheck/', 'Mic Check', 'read', $ALLOWED ], // Unicode multibyte // ...without unicode modifier [ '/Unicode Test . Yes/', 'Unicode Test Ñ Yes', 'read', $DISALLOWED ], // ...with unicode modifier [ '/Unicode Test . Yes/u', 'Unicode Test Ñ Yes', 'read', $ALLOWED ], // Case insensitive [ '/MiC ChEcK/', 'mic check', 'read', $DISALLOWED ], [ '/MiC ChEcK/i', 'mic check', 'read', $ALLOWED ], // From DefaultSettings.php: [ "@^UsEr.*@i", 'User is banned', 'read', $ALLOWED ], [ "@^UsEr.*@i", 'User:John Doe', 'read', $ALLOWED ], // With namespaces: [ '/^Special:NewPages$/', 'Special:NewPages', 'read', $ALLOWED ], [ null, 'Special:Newpages', 'read', $DISALLOWED ], ]; } public function flattenErrorsArray( $errors ) { $result = []; foreach ( $errors as $error ) { $result[] = $error[0]; } return $result; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetPageViewLanguage * @covers Title::getPageViewLanguage */ public function testGetPageViewLanguage( $expected, $titleText, $contLang, $lang, $variant, $msg = '' ) { // Setup environnement for this test $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgDefaultLanguageVariant' => $variant, 'wgAllowUserJs' => true, ] ); $this->setUserLang( $lang ); $this->setContentLang( $contLang ); $title = Title::newFromText( $titleText ); $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, $title, "Test must be passed a valid title text, you gave '$titleText'" ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getPageViewLanguage()->getCode(), $msg ); } public static function provideGetPageViewLanguage() { # Format: # - expected # - Title name # - content language (expected in most cases) # - wgLang (on some specific pages) # - wgDefaultLanguageVariant # - Optional message return [ [ 'fr', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'fr', 'fr', false ], [ 'es', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'es', 'zh-tw', false ], [ 'zh', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'zh', 'zh-tw', false ], [ 'es', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'es', 'MediaWiki:About', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'es', 'MediaWiki:About/', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'de', 'MediaWiki:About/de', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.js', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.css', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Common.js', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Monobook.css', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh-cn', 'Help:I_need_somebody', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh', 'MediaWiki:About', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh', 'MediaWiki:About/', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'de', 'MediaWiki:About/de', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh-cn', 'MediaWiki:About/zh-cn', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh-tw', 'MediaWiki:About/zh-tw', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.js', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'MediaWiki:Common.css', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Common.js', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'en', 'User:JohnDoe/Monobook.css', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh-tw', 'Special:NewPages', 'es', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], [ 'zh-tw', 'Special:NewPages', 'zh', 'zh-tw', 'zh-cn' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideBaseTitleCases * @covers Title::getBaseText */ public function testGetBaseText( $title, $expected, $msg = '' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getBaseText(), $msg ); } public static function provideBaseTitleCases() { return [ # Title, expected base, optional message [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne/subTwo', 'John Doe/subOne' ], [ 'User:Foo/Bar/Baz', 'Foo/Bar' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideRootTitleCases * @covers Title::getRootText */ public function testGetRootText( $title, $expected, $msg = '' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getRootText(), $msg ); } public static function provideRootTitleCases() { return [ # Title, expected base, optional message [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne/subTwo', 'John Doe' ], [ 'User:Foo/Bar/Baz', 'Foo' ], ]; } /** * @todo Handle $wgNamespacesWithSubpages cases * @dataProvider provideSubpageTitleCases * @covers Title::getSubpageText */ public function testGetSubpageText( $title, $expected, $msg = '' ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getSubpageText(), $msg ); } public static function provideSubpageTitleCases() { return [ # Title, expected base, optional message [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne/subTwo', 'subTwo' ], [ 'User:John_Doe/subOne', 'subOne' ], ]; } public static function provideNewFromTitleValue() { return [ [ new TitleValue( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ], [ new TitleValue( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'bar' ) ], [ new TitleValue( NS_USER, 'Hansi_Maier' ) ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::newFromTitleValue * @dataProvider provideNewFromTitleValue */ public function testNewFromTitleValue( TitleValue $value ) { $title = Title::newFromTitleValue( $value ); $dbkey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $value->getText() ); $this->assertEquals( $dbkey, $title->getDBkey() ); $this->assertEquals( $value->getNamespace(), $title->getNamespace() ); $this->assertEquals( $value->getFragment(), $title->getFragment() ); } /** * @covers Title::newFromLinkTarget * @dataProvider provideNewFromTitleValue */ public function testNewFromLinkTarget( LinkTarget $value ) { $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $value ); $dbkey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $value->getText() ); $this->assertEquals( $dbkey, $title->getDBkey() ); $this->assertEquals( $value->getNamespace(), $title->getNamespace() ); $this->assertEquals( $value->getFragment(), $title->getFragment() ); } /** * @covers Title::newFromLinkTarget */ public function testNewFromLinkTarget_clone() { $title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ); $this->assertSame( $title, Title::newFromLinkTarget( $title ) ); // The Title::NEW_CLONE flag should ensure that a fresh instance is returned. $clone = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $title, Title::NEW_CLONE ); $this->assertNotSame( $title, $clone ); $this->assertTrue( $clone->equals( $title ) ); } public static function provideGetTitleValue() { return [ [ 'Foo' ], [ 'Foo#bar' ], [ 'User:Hansi_Maier' ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::getTitleValue * @dataProvider provideGetTitleValue */ public function testGetTitleValue( $text ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $text ); $value = $title->getTitleValue(); $dbkey = str_replace( ' ', '_', $value->getText() ); $this->assertEquals( $title->getDBkey(), $dbkey ); $this->assertEquals( $title->getNamespace(), $value->getNamespace() ); $this->assertEquals( $title->getFragment(), $value->getFragment() ); } public static function provideGetFragment() { return [ [ 'Foo', '' ], [ 'Foo#bar', 'bar' ], [ 'Foo#bär', 'bär' ], // Inner whitespace is normalized [ 'Foo#bar_bar', 'bar bar' ], [ 'Foo#bar bar', 'bar bar' ], [ 'Foo#bar bar', 'bar bar' ], // Leading whitespace is kept, trailing whitespace is trimmed. // XXX: Is this really want we want? [ 'Foo#_bar_bar_', ' bar bar' ], [ 'Foo# bar bar ', ' bar bar' ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::getFragment * @dataProvider provideGetFragment * * @param string $full * @param string $fragment */ public function testGetFragment( $full, $fragment ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $full ); $this->assertEquals( $fragment, $title->getFragment() ); } /** * @covers Title::isAlwaysKnown * @dataProvider provideIsAlwaysKnown * @param string $page * @param bool $isKnown */ public function testIsAlwaysKnown( $page, $isKnown ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $page ); $this->assertEquals( $isKnown, $title->isAlwaysKnown() ); } public static function provideIsAlwaysKnown() { return [ [ 'Some nonexistent page', false ], [ 'UTPage', false ], [ '#test', true ], [ 'Special:BlankPage', true ], [ 'Special:SomeNonexistentSpecialPage', false ], [ 'MediaWiki:Parentheses', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:Some nonexistent message', false ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::isValid * @dataProvider provideIsValid * @param Title $title * @param bool $isValid */ public function testIsValid( Title $title, $isValid ) { $this->assertEquals( $isValid, $title->isValid(), $title->getPrefixedText() ); } public static function provideIsValid() { return [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '' ), false ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '<>' ), false ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '|' ), false ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '#' ), false ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), true ], [ Title::makeTitle( -33, 'Test' ), false ], [ Title::makeTitle( 77663399, 'Test' ), false ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::isAlwaysKnown */ public function testIsAlwaysKnownOnInterwiki() { $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Interwiki link', '', 'externalwiki' ); $this->assertTrue( $title->isAlwaysKnown() ); } /** * @covers Title::exists */ public function testExists() { $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_PROJECT, 'New page' ); $linkCache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkCache(); $article = new Article( $title ); $page = $article->getPage(); $page->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( 'Some [[link]]' ), 'summary' ); // Tell Title it doesn't know whether it exists $title->mArticleID = -1; // Tell the link cache it doesn't exists when it really does $linkCache->clearLink( $title ); $linkCache->addBadLinkObj( $title ); $this->assertEquals( false, $title->exists(), 'exists() should rely on link cache unless GAID_FOR_UPDATE is used' ); $this->assertEquals( true, $title->exists( Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE ), 'exists() should re-query database when GAID_FOR_UPDATE is used' ); } public function provideCanHaveTalkPage() { return [ 'User page has talk page' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 'Jane' ), true ], 'Talke page has talk page' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Foo' ), true ], 'Special page cannot have talk page' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Thing' ), false ], 'Virtual namespace cannot have talk page' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Kitten.jpg' ), false ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideCanHaveTalkPage * @covers Title::canHaveTalkPage * * @param Title $title * @param bool $expected */ public function testCanHaveTalkPage( Title $title, $expected ) { $actual = $title->canHaveTalkPage(); $this->assertSame( $expected, $actual, $title->getPrefixedDBkey() ); } public static function provideGetTalkPage_good() { return [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test' ) ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test' ) ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetTalkPage_good * @covers Title::getTalkPage */ public function testGetTalkPage_good( Title $title, Title $expected ) { $talk = $title->getTalkPage(); $this->assertSame( $expected->getPrefixedDBKey(), $talk->getPrefixedDBKey(), $title->getPrefixedDBKey() ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetTalkPage_good * @covers Title::getTalkPageIfDefined */ public function testGetTalkPageIfDefined_good( Title $title ) { $talk = $title->getTalkPageIfDefined(); $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, $talk, $title->getPrefixedDBKey() ); } public static function provideGetTalkPage_bad() { return [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Test' ) ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Test' ) ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetTalkPage_bad * @covers Title::getTalkPageIfDefined */ public function testGetTalkPageIfDefined_bad( Title $title ) { $talk = $title->getTalkPageIfDefined(); $this->assertNull( $talk, $title->getPrefixedDBKey() ); } public function provideCreateFragmentTitle() { return [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test' ), 'foo' ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Test', 'foo' ), '' ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, 'Test', 'foo' ), 'bar' ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Test1', '', 'interwiki' ), 'baz' ] ]; } /** * @covers Title::createFragmentTarget * @dataProvider provideCreateFragmentTitle */ public function testCreateFragmentTitle( Title $title, $fragment ) { $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'InterwikiLoadPrefix' => [ function ( $prefix, &$iwdata ) { if ( $prefix === 'interwiki' ) { $iwdata = [ 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_local' => 0, 'iw_trans' => 0, ]; return false; } }, ], ] ); $fragmentTitle = $title->createFragmentTarget( $fragment ); $this->assertEquals( $title->getNamespace(), $fragmentTitle->getNamespace() ); $this->assertEquals( $title->getText(), $fragmentTitle->getText() ); $this->assertEquals( $title->getInterwiki(), $fragmentTitle->getInterwiki() ); $this->assertEquals( $fragment, $fragmentTitle->getFragment() ); } public function provideGetPrefixedText() { return [ // ns = 0 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo bar' ), 'Foo bar' ], // ns = 2 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 'Foo bar' ), 'User:Foo bar' ], // ns = 3 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_USER_TALK, 'Foo bar' ), 'User talk:Foo bar' ], // fragment not included [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo bar', 'fragment' ), 'Foo bar' ], // ns = -2 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Foo bar' ), 'Media:Foo bar' ], // non-existent namespace [ Title::makeTitle( 100777, 'Foo bar' ), 'Special:Badtitle/NS100777:Foo bar' ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::getPrefixedText * @dataProvider provideGetPrefixedText */ public function testGetPrefixedText( Title $title, $expected ) { $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getPrefixedText() ); } public function provideGetPrefixedDBKey() { return [ // ns = 0 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo_bar' ), 'Foo_bar' ], // ns = 2 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, 'Foo_bar' ), 'User:Foo_bar' ], // ns = 3 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_USER_TALK, 'Foo_bar' ), 'User_talk:Foo_bar' ], // fragment not included [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo_bar', 'fragment' ), 'Foo_bar' ], // ns = -2 [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MEDIA, 'Foo_bar' ), 'Media:Foo_bar' ], // non-existent namespace [ Title::makeTitle( 100777, 'Foo_bar' ), 'Special:Badtitle/NS100777:Foo_bar' ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::getPrefixedDBKey * @dataProvider provideGetPrefixedDBKey */ public function testGetPrefixedDBKey( Title $title, $expected ) { $this->assertEquals( $expected, $title->getPrefixedDBkey() ); } /** * @covers Title::getFragmentForURL * @dataProvider provideGetFragmentForURL * * @param string $titleStr * @param string $expected */ public function testGetFragmentForURL( $titleStr, $expected ) { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgFragmentMode' => [ 'html5' ], 'wgExternalInterwikiFragmentMode' => 'legacy', ] ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $dbw->insert( 'interwiki', [ [ 'iw_prefix' => 'de', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_api' => '', 'iw_wikiid' => 'dewiki', 'iw_local' => 1, 'iw_trans' => 0, ], [ 'iw_prefix' => 'zz', 'iw_url' => '', 'iw_api' => '', 'iw_wikiid' => 'zzwiki', 'iw_local' => 0, 'iw_trans' => 0, ], ], __METHOD__, [ 'IGNORE' ] ); $title = Title::newFromText( $titleStr ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $title->getFragmentForURL() ); $dbw->delete( 'interwiki', '*', __METHOD__ ); } public function provideGetFragmentForURL() { return [ [ 'Foo', '' ], [ 'Foo#ümlåût', '#ümlåût' ], [ 'de:Foo#Bå®', '#Bå®' ], [ 'zz:Foo#тест', '#.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82' ], ]; } /** * @covers Title::isRawHtmlMessage * @dataProvider provideIsRawHtmlMessage */ public function testIsRawHtmlMessage( $textForm, $expected ) { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgRawHtmlMessages', [ 'foobar', 'foo_bar', 'foo-bar', ] ); $title = Title::newFromText( $textForm ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $title->isRawHtmlMessage() ); } public function provideIsRawHtmlMessage() { return [ [ 'MediaWiki:Foobar', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:Foo bar', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:Foo-bar', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:foo bar', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:foo-bar', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:foobar', true ], [ 'MediaWiki:some-other-message', false ], [ 'Main Page', false ], ]; } public function provideEquals() { yield [ Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ), Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ), true ]; yield [ Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ), Title::newFromText( 'Not The Main Page' ), false ]; yield [ Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ), Title::newFromText( 'Project:Main Page' ), false ]; yield [ Title::newFromText( 'File:Example.png' ), Title::newFromText( 'Image:Example.png' ), true ]; yield [ Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ), Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ), true ]; yield [ Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ), Title::newFromText( 'Special:Recentchanges' ), false ]; yield [ Title::newFromText( 'Special:Version' ), Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' ), false ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ), true ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Bar', '', '' ), false ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_TALK, 'Foo', '', '' ), false ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ), true ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Baz', '' ), true ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', 'Bar', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ), true ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'baz' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'baz' ), true ]; yield [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', '' ), Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'baz' ), false ]; } /** * @covers Title::equals * @dataProvider provideEquals */ public function testEquals( Title $firstValue, /* LinkTarget */ $secondValue, $expectedSame ) { $this->assertSame( $expectedSame, $firstValue->equals( $secondValue ) ); } }