'*firefox', 'iexplorer' => '*iexploreproxy', 'chrome' => '*chrome' ); /* * Array of expected selenium settings from $testConfig0 */ private $testSettings0 = array( 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 'foobarr', 'wikiUrl' => 'http://localhost/deployment', 'username' => 'xxxxxxx', 'userPassword' => '', 'testBrowser' => 'chrome', 'startserver' => null, 'stopserver' => null, 'seleniumserverexecpath' => null, 'jUnitLogFile' => null, 'runAgainstGrid' => null ); /* * Array of expected testSuites from $testConfig0 */ private $testSuites0 = array( 'SimpleSeleniumTestSuite' => 'tests/selenium/SimpleSeleniumTestSuite.php', 'TestSuiteName' => 'testSuitePath' ); /* * Another sample selenium settings file contents */ private $testConfig1 = ' [SeleniumSettings] host = "localhost" testBrowser = "firefox" '; /* * Expected browsers from $testConfig1 */ private $testBrowsers1 = null; /* * Expected selenium settings from $testConfig1 */ private $testSettings1 = array( 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => null, 'wikiUrl' => null, 'username' => null, 'userPassword' => null, 'testBrowser' => 'firefox', 'startserver' => null, 'stopserver' => null, 'seleniumserverexecpath' => null, 'jUnitLogFile' => null, 'runAgainstGrid' => null ); /* * Expected test suites from $testConfig1 */ private $testSuites1 = null; public function setUp() { if ( !defined( 'SELENIUMTEST' ) ) { define( 'SELENIUMTEST', true ); } } /* * Clean up the temporary file used to store the selenium settings. */ public function tearDown() { if ( strlen( $this->tempFileName ) > 0 ) { unlink( $this->tempFileName ); unset( $this->tempFileName ); } parent::tearDown(); } /** * @expectedException MWException * @group SeleniumFramework */ public function testErrorOnIncorrectConfigFile() { $seleniumSettings = array(); $seleniumBrowsers = array(); $seleniumTestSuites = array(); SeleniumConfig::getSeleniumSettings($seleniumSettings, $seleniumBrowsers, $seleniumTestSuites, "Some_fake_settings_file.ini" ); } /** * @expectedException MWException * @group SeleniumFramework */ public function testErrorOnMissingConfigFile() { $seleniumSettings = array(); $seleniumBrowsers = array(); $seleniumTestSuites = array(); global $wgSeleniumConfigFile; $wgSeleniumConfigFile = ''; SeleniumConfig::getSeleniumSettings($seleniumSettings, $seleniumBrowsers, $seleniumTestSuites); } /** * @group SeleniumFramework */ public function testUsesGlobalVarForConfigFile() { $seleniumSettings = array(); $seleniumBrowsers = array(); $seleniumTestSuites = array(); global $wgSeleniumConfigFile; $this->writeToTempFile( $this->testConfig0 ); $wgSeleniumConfigFile = $this->tempFileName; SeleniumConfig::getSeleniumSettings($seleniumSettings, $seleniumBrowsers, $seleniumTestSuites); $this->assertEquals($seleniumSettings, $this->testSettings0 , 'The selenium settings should have been read from the file defined in $wgSeleniumConfigFile' ); $this->assertEquals($seleniumBrowsers, $this->testBrowsers0, 'The available browsers should have been read from the file defined in $wgSeleniumConfigFile' ); $this->assertEquals($seleniumTestSuites, $this->testSuites0, 'The test suites should have been read from the file defined in $wgSeleniumConfigFile' ); } /** * @group SeleniumFramework * @dataProvider sampleConfigs */ public function testgetSeleniumSettings($sampleConfig, $expectedSettings, $expectedBrowsers, $expectedSuites ) { $this->writeToTempFile( $sampleConfig ); $seleniumSettings = array(); $seleniumBrowsers = array(); $seleniumTestSuites = array(); SeleniumConfig::getSeleniumSettings($seleniumSettings, $seleniumBrowsers, $seleniumTestSuites, $this->tempFileName ); $this->assertEquals($seleniumSettings, $expectedSettings, "The selenium settings for the following test configuration was not retrieved correctly" . $sampleConfig ); $this->assertEquals($seleniumBrowsers, $expectedBrowsers, "The available browsers for the following test configuration was not retrieved correctly" . $sampleConfig ); $this->assertEquals($seleniumTestSuites, $expectedSuites, "The test suites for the following test configuration was not retrieved correctly" . $sampleConfig ); } /* * create a temp file and write text to it. * @param $testToWrite the text to write to the temp file */ private function writeToTempFile($textToWrite) { $this->tempFileName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'test_settings.'); $tempFile = fopen( $this->tempFileName, "w" ); fwrite($tempFile , $textToWrite); fclose($tempFile); } /* * Returns an array containing: * The contents of the selenium cingiguration ini file * The expected selenium configuration array that getSeleniumSettings should return * The expected available browsers array that getSeleniumSettings should return * The expected test suites arrya that getSeleniumSettings should return */ public function sampleConfigs() { return array( array($this->testConfig0, $this->testSettings0, $this->testBrowsers0, $this->testSuites0 ), array($this->testConfig1, $this->testSettings1, $this->testBrowsers1, $this->testSuites1 ) ); } }