tablesUsed = array_merge( $this->tablesUsed, [ 'page', 'revision', 'ip_changes', 'text', 'archive', 'recentchanges', 'logging', 'page_props', 'pagelinks', 'categorylinks', 'langlinks', 'externallinks', 'imagelinks', 'templatelinks', 'iwlinks' ] ); } protected function setUp() { global $wgContLang; parent::setUp(); $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgExtraNamespaces', [ 12312 => 'Dummy', 12313 => 'Dummy_talk', ] ); $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgNamespaceContentModels', [ 12312 => DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID, ] ); $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgContentHandlers', [ DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID => 'DummyContentHandlerForTesting', RevisionTestModifyableContent::MODEL_ID => 'RevisionTestModifyableContentHandler', ] ); MWNamespace::clearCaches(); // Reset namespace cache $wgContLang->resetNamespaces(); if ( !$this->testPage ) { $this->testPage = WikiPage::factory( Title::newFromText( 'UTPage' ) ); } } protected function tearDown() { global $wgContLang; parent::tearDown(); MWNamespace::clearCaches(); // Reset namespace cache $wgContLang->resetNamespaces(); } private function makeRevisionWithProps( $props = null ) { if ( $props === null ) { $props = []; } if ( !isset( $props['content'] ) && !isset( $props['text'] ) ) { $props['text'] = 'Lorem Ipsum'; } if ( !isset( $props['comment'] ) ) { $props['comment'] = 'just a test'; } if ( !isset( $props['page'] ) ) { $props['page'] = $this->testPage->getId(); } $rev = new Revision( $props ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $rev->insertOn( $dbw ); return $rev; } /** * @param string $titleString * @param string $text * @param string|null $model * * @return WikiPage */ private function createPage( $titleString, $text, $model = null ) { if ( !preg_match( '/:/', $titleString ) && ( $model === null || $model === CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ) ) { $ns = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS(); $titleString = MWNamespace::getCanonicalName( $ns ) . ':' . $titleString; } $title = Title::newFromText( $titleString ); $wikipage = new WikiPage( $title ); // Delete the article if it already exists if ( $wikipage->exists() ) { $wikipage->doDeleteArticle( "done" ); } $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $title, $model ); $wikipage->doEditContent( $content, __METHOD__, EDIT_NEW ); return $wikipage; } private function assertRevEquals( Revision $orig, Revision $rev = null ) { $this->assertNotNull( $rev, 'missing revision' ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getId(), $rev->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getPage(), $rev->getPage() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getTimestamp(), $rev->getTimestamp() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getUser(), $rev->getUser() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getContentModel(), $rev->getContentModel() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getContentFormat(), $rev->getContentFormat() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getSha1(), $rev->getSha1() ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromTitle */ public function testNewFromTitle_withoutId() { $latestRevId = $this->testPage->getLatest(); $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $this->testPage->getTitle() ); $this->assertTrue( $this->testPage->getTitle()->equals( $rev->getTitle() ) ); $this->assertEquals( $latestRevId, $rev->getId() ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromTitle */ public function testNewFromTitle_withId() { $latestRevId = $this->testPage->getLatest(); $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $this->testPage->getTitle(), $latestRevId ); $this->assertTrue( $this->testPage->getTitle()->equals( $rev->getTitle() ) ); $this->assertEquals( $latestRevId, $rev->getId() ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromTitle */ public function testNewFromTitle_withBadId() { $latestRevId = $this->testPage->getLatest(); $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $this->testPage->getTitle(), $latestRevId + 1 ); $this->assertNull( $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromRow */ public function testNewFromRow() { $orig = $this->makeRevisionWithProps(); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'revision', Revision::selectFields(), [ 'rev_id' => $orig->getId() ] ); $this->assertTrue( is_object( $res ), 'query failed' ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $res->free(); $rev = Revision::newFromRow( $row ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } public function provideNewFromArchiveRow() { yield [ true, function ( $f ) { return $f; }, ]; yield [ false, function ( $f ) { return $f; }, ]; yield [ true, function ( $f ) { return $f + [ 'ar_namespace', 'ar_title' ]; }, ]; yield [ false, function ( $f ) { return $f + [ 'ar_namespace', 'ar_title' ]; }, ]; yield [ true, function ( $f ) { unset( $f['ar_text_id'] ); return $f; }, ]; yield [ false, function ( $f ) { unset( $f['ar_text_id'] ); return $f; }, ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideNewFromArchiveRow * @covers Revision::newFromArchiveRow */ public function testNewFromArchiveRow( $contentHandlerUseDB, $selectModifier ) { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerUseDB', $contentHandlerUseDB ); $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testNewFromArchiveRow', 'Lorem Ipsum', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $orig = $page->getRevision(); $page->doDeleteArticle( 'test Revision::newFromArchiveRow' ); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $selectFields = $selectModifier( Revision::selectArchiveFields() ); $res = $dbr->select( 'archive', $selectFields, [ 'ar_rev_id' => $orig->getId() ] ); $this->assertTrue( is_object( $res ), 'query failed' ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $res->free(); $rev = Revision::newFromArchiveRow( $row ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromArchiveRow */ public function testNewFromArchiveRowOverrides() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testNewFromArchiveRow', 'Lorem Ipsum', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $orig = $page->getRevision(); $page->doDeleteArticle( 'test Revision::newFromArchiveRow' ); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'archive', Revision::selectArchiveFields(), [ 'ar_rev_id' => $orig->getId() ] ); $this->assertTrue( is_object( $res ), 'query failed' ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $res->free(); $rev = Revision::newFromArchiveRow( $row, [ 'comment' => 'SOMEOVERRIDE' ] ); $this->assertNotEquals( $orig->getComment(), $rev->getComment() ); $this->assertEquals( 'SOMEOVERRIDE', $rev->getComment() ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromId */ public function testNewFromId() { $orig = $this->testPage->getRevision(); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromPageId */ public function testNewFromPageId() { $rev = Revision::newFromPageId( $this->testPage->getId() ); $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromPageId */ public function testNewFromPageIdWithLatestId() { $rev = Revision::newFromPageId( $this->testPage->getId(), $this->testPage->getLatest() ); $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromPageId */ public function testNewFromPageIdWithNotLatestId() { $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $rev = Revision::newFromPageId( $this->testPage->getId(), $this->testPage->getRevision()->getPrevious()->getId() ); $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision()->getPrevious(), $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::fetchRevision */ public function testFetchRevision() { // Hidden process cache assertion below $this->testPage->getRevision()->getId(); $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $id = $this->testPage->getRevision()->getId(); $res = Revision::fetchRevision( $this->testPage->getTitle() ); # note: order is unspecified $rows = []; while ( ( $row = $res->fetchObject() ) ) { $rows[$row->rev_id] = $row; } $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $rows ), 'expected exactly one revision' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( $id, $rows, 'missing revision with id ' . $id ); } /** * @covers Revision::getPage */ public function testGetPage() { $page = $this->testPage; $orig = $this->makeRevisionWithProps( [ 'page' => $page->getId() ] ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( $page->getId(), $rev->getPage() ); } /** * @covers Revision::isCurrent */ public function testIsCurrent() { $rev1 = $this->testPage->getRevision(); # @todo find out if this should be true # $this->assertTrue( $rev1->isCurrent() ); $rev1x = Revision::newFromId( $rev1->getId() ); $this->assertTrue( $rev1x->isCurrent() ); $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $rev2 = $this->testPage->getRevision(); # @todo find out if this should be true # $this->assertTrue( $rev2->isCurrent() ); $rev1x = Revision::newFromId( $rev1->getId() ); $this->assertFalse( $rev1x->isCurrent() ); $rev2x = Revision::newFromId( $rev2->getId() ); $this->assertTrue( $rev2x->isCurrent() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getPrevious */ public function testGetPrevious() { $oldestRevision = $this->testPage->getOldestRevision(); $latestRevision = $this->testPage->getLatest(); $this->assertNull( $oldestRevision->getPrevious() ); $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $newRevision = $this->testPage->getRevision(); $this->assertNotNull( $newRevision->getPrevious() ); $this->assertEquals( $latestRevision, $newRevision->getPrevious()->getId() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getNext */ public function testGetNext() { $rev1 = $this->testPage->getRevision(); $this->assertNull( $rev1->getNext() ); $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $rev2 = $this->testPage->getRevision(); $this->assertNotNull( $rev1->getNext() ); $this->assertEquals( $rev2->getId(), $rev1->getNext()->getId() ); } /** * @covers Revision::newNullRevision */ public function testNewNullRevision() { $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $orig = $this->testPage->getRevision(); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $rev = Revision::newNullRevision( $dbw, $this->testPage->getId(), 'a null revision', false ); $this->assertNotEquals( $orig->getId(), $rev->getId(), 'new null revision should have a different id from the original revision' ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getTextId(), $rev->getTextId(), 'new null revision should have the same text id as the original revision' ); $this->assertEquals( __METHOD__, $rev->getContent()->getNativeData() ); } /** * @covers Revision::insertOn */ public function testInsertOn() { $ip = '2600:387:ed7:947e:8c16:a1ad:dd34:1dd7'; $orig = $this->makeRevisionWithProps( [ 'user_text' => $ip ] ); // Make sure the revision was copied to ip_changes $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'ip_changes', '*', [ 'ipc_rev_id' => $orig->getId() ] ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $this->assertEquals( IP::toHex( $ip ), $row->ipc_hex ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getTimestamp(), $row->ipc_rev_timestamp ); } public static function provideUserWasLastToEdit() { yield 'actually the last edit' => [ 3, true ]; yield 'not the current edit, but still by this user' => [ 2, true ]; yield 'edit by another user' => [ 1, false ]; yield 'first edit, by this user, but another user edited in the mean time' => [ 0, false ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideUserWasLastToEdit */ public function testUserWasLastToEdit( $sinceIdx, $expectedLast ) { $userA = User::newFromName( "RevisionStorageTest_userA" ); $userB = User::newFromName( "RevisionStorageTest_userB" ); if ( $userA->getId() === 0 ) { $userA = User::createNew( $userA->getName() ); } if ( $userB->getId() === 0 ) { $userB = User::createNew( $userB->getName() ); } $ns = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS(); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $revisions = []; // create revisions ----------------------------- $page = WikiPage::factory( Title::newFromText( 'RevisionStorageTest_testUserWasLastToEdit', $ns ) ); $page->insertOn( $dbw ); $revisions[0] = new Revision( [ 'page' => $page->getId(), // we need the title to determine the page's default content model 'title' => $page->getTitle(), 'timestamp' => '20120101000000', 'user' => $userA->getId(), 'text' => 'zero', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'summary' => 'edit zero' ] ); $revisions[0]->insertOn( $dbw ); $revisions[1] = new Revision( [ 'page' => $page->getId(), // still need the title, because $page->getId() is 0 (there's no entry in the page table) 'title' => $page->getTitle(), 'timestamp' => '20120101000100', 'user' => $userA->getId(), 'text' => 'one', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'summary' => 'edit one' ] ); $revisions[1]->insertOn( $dbw ); $revisions[2] = new Revision( [ 'page' => $page->getId(), 'title' => $page->getTitle(), 'timestamp' => '20120101000200', 'user' => $userB->getId(), 'text' => 'two', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'summary' => 'edit two' ] ); $revisions[2]->insertOn( $dbw ); $revisions[3] = new Revision( [ 'page' => $page->getId(), 'title' => $page->getTitle(), 'timestamp' => '20120101000300', 'user' => $userA->getId(), 'text' => 'three', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'summary' => 'edit three' ] ); $revisions[3]->insertOn( $dbw ); $revisions[4] = new Revision( [ 'page' => $page->getId(), 'title' => $page->getTitle(), 'timestamp' => '20120101000200', 'user' => $userA->getId(), 'text' => 'zero', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'summary' => 'edit four' ] ); $revisions[4]->insertOn( $dbw ); // test it --------------------------------- $since = $revisions[$sinceIdx]->getTimestamp(); $wasLast = Revision::userWasLastToEdit( $dbw, $page->getId(), $userA->getId(), $since ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedLast, $wasLast ); } /** * @param string $text * @param string $title * @param string $model * @param string $format * * @return Revision */ private function newTestRevision( $text, $title = "Test", $model = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $format = null ) { if ( is_string( $title ) ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); } $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $title, $model, $format ); $rev = new Revision( [ 'id' => 42, 'page' => 23, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'length' => $content->getSize(), 'comment' => "testing", 'minor_edit' => false, 'content_format' => $format, ] ); return $rev; } public function provideGetContentModel() { // NOTE: we expect the help namespace to always contain wikitext return [ [ 'hello world', 'Help:Hello', null, null, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ], [ 'hello world', 'User:hello/there.css', null, null, CONTENT_MODEL_CSS ], [ serialize( 'hello world' ), 'Dummy:Hello', null, null, DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetContentModel * @covers Revision::getContentModel */ public function testGetContentModel( $text, $title, $model, $format, $expectedModel ) { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( $text, $title, $model, $format ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedModel, $rev->getContentModel() ); } public function provideGetContentFormat() { // NOTE: we expect the help namespace to always contain wikitext return [ [ 'hello world', 'Help:Hello', null, null, CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT ], [ 'hello world', 'Help:Hello', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, null, CONTENT_FORMAT_CSS ], [ 'hello world', 'User:hello/there.css', null, null, CONTENT_FORMAT_CSS ], [ serialize( 'hello world' ), 'Dummy:Hello', null, null, DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetContentFormat * @covers Revision::getContentFormat */ public function testGetContentFormat( $text, $title, $model, $format, $expectedFormat ) { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( $text, $title, $model, $format ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedFormat, $rev->getContentFormat() ); } public function provideGetContentHandler() { // NOTE: we expect the help namespace to always contain wikitext return [ [ 'hello world', 'Help:Hello', null, null, 'WikitextContentHandler' ], [ 'hello world', 'User:hello/there.css', null, null, 'CssContentHandler' ], [ serialize( 'hello world' ), 'Dummy:Hello', null, null, 'DummyContentHandlerForTesting' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetContentHandler * @covers Revision::getContentHandler */ public function testGetContentHandler( $text, $title, $model, $format, $expectedClass ) { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( $text, $title, $model, $format ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedClass, get_class( $rev->getContentHandler() ) ); } public function provideGetContent() { // NOTE: we expect the help namespace to always contain wikitext return [ [ 'hello world', 'Help:Hello', null, null, Revision::FOR_PUBLIC, 'hello world' ], [ serialize( 'hello world' ), 'Hello', DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID, null, Revision::FOR_PUBLIC, serialize( 'hello world' ) ], [ serialize( 'hello world' ), 'Dummy:Hello', null, null, Revision::FOR_PUBLIC, serialize( 'hello world' ) ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetContent * @covers Revision::getContent */ public function testGetContent( $text, $title, $model, $format, $audience, $expectedSerialization ) { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( $text, $title, $model, $format ); $content = $rev->getContent( $audience ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedSerialization, is_null( $content ) ? null : $content->serialize( $format ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::getContent */ public function testGetContent_failure() { $rev = new Revision( [ 'page' => $this->testPage->getId(), 'content_model' => $this->testPage->getContentModel(), 'text_id' => 123456789, // not in the test DB ] ); $this->assertNull( $rev->getContent(), "getContent() should return null if the revision's text blob could not be loaded." ); // NOTE: check this twice, once for lazy initialization, and once with the cached value. $this->assertNull( $rev->getContent(), "getContent() should return null if the revision's text blob could not be loaded." ); } public function provideGetSize() { return [ [ "hello world.", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 12 ], [ serialize( "hello world." ), DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID, 12 ], ]; } /** * @covers Revision::getSize * @dataProvider provideGetSize */ public function testGetSize( $text, $model, $expected_size ) { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( $text, 'RevisionTest_testGetSize', $model ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_size, $rev->getSize() ); } public function provideGetSha1() { return [ [ "hello world.", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, Revision::base36Sha1( "hello world." ) ], [ serialize( "hello world." ), DummyContentForTesting::MODEL_ID, Revision::base36Sha1( serialize( "hello world." ) ) ], ]; } /** * @covers Revision::getSha1 * @dataProvider provideGetSha1 */ public function testGetSha1( $text, $model, $expected_hash ) { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( $text, 'RevisionTest_testGetSha1', $model ); $this->assertEquals( $expected_hash, $rev->getSha1() ); } /** * Tests whether $rev->getContent() returns a clone when needed. * * @covers Revision::getContent */ public function testGetContentClone() { $content = new RevisionTestModifyableContent( "foo" ); $rev = new Revision( [ 'id' => 42, 'page' => 23, 'title' => Title::newFromText( "testGetContentClone_dummy" ), 'content' => $content, 'length' => $content->getSize(), 'comment' => "testing", 'minor_edit' => false, ] ); /** @var RevisionTestModifyableContent $content */ $content = $rev->getContent( Revision::RAW ); $content->setText( "bar" ); /** @var RevisionTestModifyableContent $content2 */ $content2 = $rev->getContent( Revision::RAW ); // content is mutable, expect clone $this->assertNotSame( $content, $content2, "expected a clone" ); // clone should contain the original text $this->assertEquals( "foo", $content2->getText() ); $content2->setText( "bla bla" ); // clones should be independent $this->assertEquals( "bar", $content->getText() ); } /** * Tests whether $rev->getContent() returns the same object repeatedly if appropriate. * @covers Revision::getContent */ public function testGetContentUncloned() { $rev = $this->newTestRevision( "hello", "testGetContentUncloned_dummy", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $content = $rev->getContent( Revision::RAW ); $content2 = $rev->getContent( Revision::RAW ); // for immutable content like wikitext, this should be the same object $this->assertSame( $content, $content2 ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromId */ public function testLoadFromId() { $rev = $this->testPage->getRevision(); $this->assertRevEquals( $rev, Revision::loadFromId( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $rev->getId() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromPageId */ public function testLoadFromPageId() { $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), Revision::loadFromPageId( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getId() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromPageId */ public function testLoadFromPageIdWithLatestRevId() { $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), Revision::loadFromPageId( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getId(), $this->testPage->getLatest() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromPageId */ public function testLoadFromPageIdWithNotLatestRevId() { $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision()->getPrevious(), Revision::loadFromPageId( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getId(), $this->testPage->getRevision()->getPrevious()->getId() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromTitle */ public function testLoadFromTitle() { $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), Revision::loadFromTitle( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getTitle() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromTitle */ public function testLoadFromTitleWithLatestRevId() { $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), Revision::loadFromTitle( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getTitle(), $this->testPage->getLatest() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromTitle */ public function testLoadFromTitleWithNotLatestRevId() { $this->testPage->doEditContent( new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ ), __METHOD__ ); $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision()->getPrevious(), Revision::loadFromTitle( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getTitle(), $this->testPage->getRevision()->getPrevious()->getId() ) ); } /** * @covers Revision::loadFromTimestamp() */ public function testLoadFromTimestamp() { $this->assertRevEquals( $this->testPage->getRevision(), Revision::loadFromTimestamp( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), $this->testPage->getTitle(), $this->testPage->getRevision()->getTimestamp() ) ); } }