setMWGlobals( array( 'wgRequest' => $fauxRequest, 'wgHandheldForIPhone' => $args['handheldForIPhone'] ) ); $actualReturn = OutputPage::transformCssMedia( $args['media'] ); $this->assertSame( $args['expectedReturn'], $actualReturn, $args['message']); } /** * Tests a case of transformCssMedia with both values of wgHandheldForIPhone. * Used to verify that behavior is orthogonal to that option. * * If the value of wgHandheldForIPhone should matter, use assertTransformCssMediaCase. * * @param array $args key-value array of arguments as shown in assertTransformCssMediaCase. * Will be mutated. */ protected function assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone($args) { $message = $args['message']; foreach( array( true, false ) as $handheldForIPhone ) { $args['handheldForIPhone'] = $handheldForIPhone; $stringHandheldForIPhone = var_export($handheldForIPhone, true); $args['message'] = "$message. \$wgHandheldForIPhone was $stringHandheldForIPhone"; $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( $args ); } } /** * Tests print requests */ public function testPrintRequests() { $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'printableQuery' => '1', 'media' => 'screen', 'expectedReturn' => null, 'message' => 'On printable request, screen returns null' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'printableQuery' => '1', 'media' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY, 'expectedReturn' => null, 'message' => 'On printable request, screen media query returns null' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'printableQuery' => '1', 'media' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY, 'expectedReturn' => null, 'message' => 'On printable request, screen media query with only returns null' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'printableQuery' => '1', 'media' => 'print', 'expectedReturn' => '', 'message' => 'On printable request, media print returns empty string' ) ); } /** * Tests screen requests, without either query parameter set */ public function testScreenRequests() { $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array( 'handheldForIPhone' => false, 'media' => 'screen', 'expectedReturn' => 'screen', 'message' => 'On screen request, with handheldForIPhone false, screen media type is preserved' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'media' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY, 'expectedReturn' => self::SCREEN_MEDIA_QUERY, 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media query is preserved.' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'media' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY, 'expectedReturn' => self::SCREEN_ONLY_MEDIA_QUERY, 'message' => 'On screen request, screen media query with only is preserved.' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone( array( 'media' => 'print', 'expectedReturn' => 'print', 'message' => 'On screen request, print media type is preserved' ) ); } /** * Tests handheld and wgHandheldForIPhone behavior */ public function testHandheld() { $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone(array( 'handheldQuery' => '1', 'media' => 'handheld', 'expectedReturn' => '', 'message' => 'On request with handheld querystring and media is handheld, returns empty string' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCaseWithBothHandheldForIPhone(array( 'handheldQuery' => '1', 'media' => 'screen', 'expectedReturn' => null, 'message' => 'On request with handheld querystring and media is screen, returns null' ) ); // A bit counter-intuitively, $wgHandheldForIPhone should only matter if the query handheld is false or omitted $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase(array( 'handheldQuery' => '0', 'media' => 'screen', 'handheldForIPhone' => true, 'expectedReturn' => 'screen and (min-device-width: 481px)', 'message' => 'With $wgHandheldForIPhone true, screen media type is transformed' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase(array( 'media' => 'handheld', 'handheldForIPhone' => true, 'expectedReturn' => 'handheld, only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)', 'message' => 'With $wgHandheldForIPhone true, handheld media type is transformed' ) ); $this->assertTransformCssMediaCase( array( 'media' => 'handheld', 'handheldForIPhone' => false, 'expectedReturn' => 'handheld', 'message' => 'With $wgHandheldForIPhone false, handheld media type is preserved' ) ); } }