getMutableTestUser(); $user = $testUser->getUser(); $user->addToDatabase(); TestUser::setPasswordForUser( $user, 'UTBlockeePassword' ); $user->saveSettings(); return $user; } /** * @param User $user * * @return Block * @throws MWException */ private function addBlockForUser( User $user ) { // Delete the last round's block if it's still there $oldBlock = Block::newFromTarget( $user->getName() ); if ( $oldBlock ) { // An old block will prevent our new one from saving. $oldBlock->delete(); } $blockOptions = [ 'address' => $user->getName(), 'user' => $user->getId(), 'by' => $this->getTestSysop()->getUser()->getId(), 'reason' => 'Parce que', 'expiry' => time() + 100500, ]; $block = new Block( $blockOptions ); $block->insert(); // save up ID for use in assertion. Since ID is an autoincrement, // its value might change depending on the order the tests are run. // ApiBlockTest insert its own blocks! if ( !$block->getId() ) { throw new MWException( "Failed to insert block for BlockTest; old leftover block remaining?" ); } $this->addXffBlocks(); return $block; } /** * @covers Block::newFromTarget */ public function testINewFromTargetReturnsCorrectBlock() { $user = $this->getUserForBlocking(); $block = $this->addBlockForUser( $user ); $this->assertTrue( $block->equals( Block::newFromTarget( $user->getName() ) ), "newFromTarget() returns the same block as the one that was made" ); } /** * @covers Block::newFromID */ public function testINewFromIDReturnsCorrectBlock() { $user = $this->getUserForBlocking(); $block = $this->addBlockForUser( $user ); $this->assertTrue( $block->equals( Block::newFromID( $block->getId() ) ), "newFromID() returns the same block as the one that was made" ); } /** * per T28425 * @covers Block::__construct */ public function testT28425BlockTimestampDefaultsToTime() { $user = $this->getUserForBlocking(); $block = $this->addBlockForUser( $user ); $madeAt = wfTimestamp( TS_MW ); // delta to stop one-off errors when things happen to go over a second mark. $delta = abs( $madeAt - $block->mTimestamp ); $this->assertLessThan( 2, $delta, "If no timestamp is specified, the block is recorded as time()" ); } /** * CheckUser since being changed to use Block::newFromTarget started failing * because the new function didn't accept empty strings like Block::load() * had. Regression T31116. * * @dataProvider provideT31116Data * @covers Block::newFromTarget */ public function testT31116NewFromTargetWithEmptyIp( $vagueTarget ) { $user = $this->getUserForBlocking(); $initialBlock = $this->addBlockForUser( $user ); $block = Block::newFromTarget( $user->getName(), $vagueTarget ); $this->assertTrue( $initialBlock->equals( $block ), "newFromTarget() returns the same block as the one that was made when " . "given empty vagueTarget param " . var_export( $vagueTarget, true ) ); } public static function provideT31116Data() { return [ [ null ], [ '' ], [ false ] ]; } /** * @covers Block::prevents */ public function testBlockedUserCanNotCreateAccount() { $username = 'BlockedUserToCreateAccountWith'; $u = User::newFromName( $username ); $u->addToDatabase(); $userId = $u->getId(); $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $userId, 'sanity' ); TestUser::setPasswordForUser( $u, 'NotRandomPass' ); unset( $u ); // Sanity check $this->assertNull( Block::newFromTarget( $username ), "$username should not be blocked" ); // Reload user $u = User::newFromName( $username ); $this->assertFalse( $u->isBlockedFromCreateAccount(), "Our sandbox user should be able to create account before being blocked" ); // Foreign perspective (blockee not on current wiki)... $blockOptions = [ 'address' => $username, 'user' => $userId, 'reason' => 'crosswiki block...', 'timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(), 'expiry' => $this->db->getInfinity(), 'createAccount' => true, 'enableAutoblock' => true, 'hideName' => true, 'blockEmail' => true, 'byText' => 'm>MetaWikiUser', ]; $block = new Block( $blockOptions ); $block->insert(); // Reload block from DB $userBlock = Block::newFromTarget( $username ); $this->assertTrue( (bool)$block->prevents( 'createaccount' ), "Block object in DB should prevents 'createaccount'" ); $this->assertInstanceOf( Block::class, $userBlock, "'$username' block block object should be existent" ); // Reload user $u = User::newFromName( $username ); $this->assertTrue( (bool)$u->isBlockedFromCreateAccount(), "Our sandbox user '$username' should NOT be able to create account" ); } /** * @covers Block::insert */ public function testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks() { // Delete the last round's block if it's still there $oldBlock = Block::newFromTarget( 'UserOnForeignWiki' ); if ( $oldBlock ) { // An old block will prevent our new one from saving. $oldBlock->delete(); } // Local perspective (blockee on current wiki)... $user = User::newFromName( 'UserOnForeignWiki' ); $user->addToDatabase(); $userId = $user->getId(); $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $userId, 'sanity' ); // Foreign perspective (blockee not on current wiki)... $blockOptions = [ 'address' => 'UserOnForeignWiki', 'user' => $user->getId(), 'reason' => 'crosswiki block...', 'timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(), 'expiry' => $this->db->getInfinity(), 'createAccount' => true, 'enableAutoblock' => true, 'hideName' => true, 'blockEmail' => true, 'byText' => 'Meta>MetaWikiUser', ]; $block = new Block( $blockOptions ); $res = $block->insert( $this->db ); $this->assertTrue( (bool)$res['id'], 'Block succeeded' ); $user = null; // clear $block = Block::newFromID( $res['id'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'UserOnForeignWiki', $block->getTarget()->getName(), 'Correct blockee name' ); $this->assertEquals( $userId, $block->getTarget()->getId(), 'Correct blockee id' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Meta>MetaWikiUser', $block->getBlocker()->getName(), 'Correct blocker name' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Meta>MetaWikiUser', $block->getByName(), 'Correct blocker name' ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $block->getBy(), 'Correct blocker id' ); } protected function addXffBlocks() { static $inited = false; if ( $inited ) { return; } $inited = true; $blockList = [ [ 'target' => '', 'type' => Block::TYPE_RANGE, 'desc' => 'Range Hardblock', 'ACDisable' => false, 'isHardblock' => true, 'isAutoBlocking' => false, ], [ 'target' => '2001:4860:4001::/48', 'type' => Block::TYPE_RANGE, 'desc' => 'Range6 Hardblock', 'ACDisable' => false, 'isHardblock' => true, 'isAutoBlocking' => false, ], [ 'target' => '', 'type' => Block::TYPE_RANGE, 'desc' => 'Range Softblock with AC Disabled', 'ACDisable' => true, 'isHardblock' => false, 'isAutoBlocking' => false, ], [ 'target' => '', 'type' => Block::TYPE_RANGE, 'desc' => 'Range Softblock', 'ACDisable' => false, 'isHardblock' => false, 'isAutoBlocking' => false, ], [ 'target' => '', 'type' => Block::TYPE_IP, 'desc' => 'Exact Softblock', 'ACDisable' => false, 'isHardblock' => false, 'isAutoBlocking' => false, ], ]; $blocker = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); foreach ( $blockList as $insBlock ) { $target = $insBlock['target']; if ( $insBlock['type'] === Block::TYPE_IP ) { $target = User::newFromName( IP::sanitizeIP( $target ), false )->getName(); } elseif ( $insBlock['type'] === Block::TYPE_RANGE ) { $target = IP::sanitizeRange( $target ); } $block = new Block(); $block->setTarget( $target ); $block->setBlocker( $blocker ); $block->mReason = $insBlock['desc']; $block->mExpiry = 'infinity'; $block->prevents( 'createaccount', $insBlock['ACDisable'] ); $block->isHardblock( $insBlock['isHardblock'] ); $block->isAutoblocking( $insBlock['isAutoBlocking'] ); $block->insert(); } } public static function providerXff() { return [ [ 'xff' => ',,,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Range Hardblock' ], [ 'xff' => ',,,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Range Softblock with AC Disabled' ], [ 'xff' => ',,,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Exact Softblock' ], [ 'xff' => ',,,,', 'count' => 3, 'result' => 'Exact Softblock' ], [ 'xff' => ',,,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Range Hardblock' ], [ 'xff' => ',,,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Range Hardblock' ], [ 'xff' => ',,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Range Softblock with AC Disabled' ], [ 'xff' => ',,,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Exact Softblock' ], [ 'xff' => ', <$A_BUNCH-OF{INVALID}TEXT\>,,', 'count' => 1, 'result' => 'Range Softblock with AC Disabled' ], [ 'xff' => ',, 2001:4860:4001:802::1003,', 'count' => 2, 'result' => 'Range6 Hardblock' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider providerXff * @covers Block::getBlocksForIPList * @covers Block::chooseBlock */ public function testBlocksOnXff( $xff, $exCount, $exResult ) { $user = $this->getUserForBlocking(); $this->addBlockForUser( $user ); $list = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $xff ) ); $xffblocks = Block::getBlocksForIPList( $list, true ); $this->assertEquals( $exCount, count( $xffblocks ), 'Number of blocks for ' . $xff ); $block = Block::chooseBlock( $xffblocks, $list ); $this->assertEquals( $exResult, $block->mReason, 'Correct block type for XFF header ' . $xff ); } /** * @covers Block::__construct */ public function testDeprecatedConstructor() { $this->hideDeprecated( 'Block::__construct with multiple arguments' ); $username = 'UnthinkablySecretRandomUsername'; $reason = 'being irrational'; # Set up the target $u = User::newFromName( $username ); if ( $u->getId() == 0 ) { $u->addToDatabase(); TestUser::setPasswordForUser( $u, 'TotallyObvious' ); } unset( $u ); # Make sure the user isn't blocked $this->assertNull( Block::newFromTarget( $username ), "$username should not be blocked" ); # Perform the block $block = new Block( /* address */ $username, /* user */ 0, /* by */ $this->getTestSysop()->getUser()->getId(), /* reason */ $reason, /* timestamp */ 0, /* auto */ false, /* expiry */ 0 ); $block->insert(); # Check target $this->assertEquals( $block->getTarget()->getName(), $username, "Target should be set properly" ); # Check supplied parameter $this->assertEquals( $block->mReason, $reason, "Reason should be non-default" ); # Check default parameter $this->assertFalse( (bool)$block->prevents( 'createaccount' ), "Account creation should not be blocked by default" ); } /** * @covers Block::getSystemBlockType * @covers Block::insert * @covers Block::doAutoblock */ public function testSystemBlocks() { $user = $this->getUserForBlocking(); $this->addBlockForUser( $user ); $blockOptions = [ 'address' => $user->getName(), 'reason' => 'test system block', 'timestamp' => wfTimestampNow(), 'expiry' => $this->db->getInfinity(), 'byText' => 'MediaWiki default', 'systemBlock' => 'test', 'enableAutoblock' => true, ]; $block = new Block( $blockOptions ); $this->assertSame( 'test', $block->getSystemBlockType() ); try { $block->insert(); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( MWException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( 'Cannot insert a system block into the database', $ex->getMessage() ); } try { $block->doAutoblock( '' ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( MWException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( 'Cannot autoblock from a system block', $ex->getMessage() ); } } /** * @covers Block::newFromRow */ public function testNewFromRow() { $badActor = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $sysop = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $block = new Block( [ 'address' => $badActor->getName(), 'user' => $badActor->getId(), 'by' => $sysop->getId(), 'expiry' => 'infinity', ] ); $block->insert(); $blockQuery = Block::getQueryInfo(); $row = $this->db->select( $blockQuery['tables'], $blockQuery['fields'], [ 'ipb_id' => $block->getId(), ], __METHOD__, [], $blockQuery['joins'] )->fetchObject(); $block = Block::newFromRow( $row ); $this->assertInstanceOf( Block::class, $block ); $this->assertEquals( $block->getBy(), $sysop->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( $block->getTarget()->getName(), $badActor->getName() ); $block->delete(); } /** * @covers Block::equals */ public function testEquals() { $block = new Block(); $this->assertTrue( $block->equals( $block ) ); $partial = new Block( [ 'sitewide' => false, ] ); $this->assertFalse( $block->equals( $partial ) ); } /** * @covers Block::isSitewide */ public function testIsSitewide() { $block = new Block(); $this->assertTrue( $block->isSitewide() ); $block = new Block( [ 'sitewide' => true, ] ); $this->assertTrue( $block->isSitewide() ); $block = new Block( [ 'sitewide' => false, ] ); $this->assertFalse( $block->isSitewide() ); $block = new Block( [ 'sitewide' => false, ] ); $block->isSitewide( true ); $this->assertTrue( $block->isSitewide() ); } /** * @covers Block::getRestrictions * @covers Block::setRestrictions */ public function testRestrictions() { $block = new Block(); $restrictions = [ new PageRestriction( 0, 1 ) ]; $block->setRestrictions( $restrictions ); $this->assertSame( $restrictions, $block->getRestrictions() ); } /** * @covers Block::getRestrictions * @covers Block::insert */ public function testRestrictionsFromDatabase() { $badActor = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $sysop = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $block = new Block( [ 'address' => $badActor->getName(), 'user' => $badActor->getId(), 'by' => $sysop->getId(), 'expiry' => 'infinity', ] ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( 'Foo' ); $restriction = new PageRestriction( 0, $page->getId() ); $block->setRestrictions( [ $restriction ] ); $block->insert(); // Refresh the block from the database. $block = Block::newFromID( $block->getId() ); $restrictions = $block->getRestrictions(); $this->assertCount( 1, $restrictions ); $this->assertTrue( $restriction->equals( $restrictions[0] ) ); $block->delete(); } /** * @covers Block::insert */ public function testInsertExistingBlock() { $badActor = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $sysop = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $block = new Block( [ 'address' => $badActor->getName(), 'user' => $badActor->getId(), 'by' => $sysop->getId(), 'expiry' => 'infinity', ] ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage( 'Foo' ); $restriction = new PageRestriction( 0, $page->getId() ); $block->setRestrictions( [ $restriction ] ); $block->insert(); // Insert the block again, which should result in a failur $result = $block->insert(); $this->assertFalse( $result ); // Ensure that there are no restrictions where the blockId is 0. $count = $this->db->selectRowCount( 'ipblocks_restrictions', '*', [ 'ir_ipb_id' => 0 ], __METHOD__ ); $this->assertSame( 0, $count ); $block->delete(); } /** * @covers Block::preventsEdit */ public function testPreventsEditReturnsTrueOnSitewideBlock() { $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $block = new Block( [ 'expiry' => wfTimestamp( TS_MW, wfTimestamp() + ( 40 * 60 * 60 ) ), 'allowUsertalk' => true, 'sitewide' => true ] ); $block->setTarget( $user ); $block->setBlocker( $this->getTestSysop()->getUser() ); $block->insert(); $title = $this->getExistingTestPage( 'Foo' )->getTitle(); $this->assertTrue( $block->preventsEdit( $title ) ); $block->delete(); } /** * @covers Block::preventsEdit */ public function testPreventsEditOnPartialBlock() { $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $block = new Block( [ 'expiry' => wfTimestamp( TS_MW, wfTimestamp() + ( 40 * 60 * 60 ) ), 'allowUsertalk' => true, 'sitewide' => false ] ); $block->setTarget( $user ); $block->setBlocker( $this->getTestSysop()->getUser() ); $block->insert(); $pageFoo = $this->getExistingTestPage( 'Foo' ); $pageBar = $this->getExistingTestPage( 'Bar' ); $pageRestriction = new PageRestriction( $block->getId(), $pageFoo->getId() ); BlockRestriction::insert( [ $pageRestriction ] ); $this->assertTrue( $block->preventsEdit( $pageFoo->getTitle() ) ); $this->assertFalse( $block->preventsEdit( $pageBar->getTitle() ) ); $block->delete(); } /** * @covers Block::preventsEdit * @dataProvider preventsEditOnUserTalkProvider */ public function testPreventsEditOnUserTalkPage( $allowUsertalk, $sitewide, $result, $blockAllowsUTEdit = true ) { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgBlockAllowsUTEdit' => $blockAllowsUTEdit, ] ); $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $block = new Block( [ 'expiry' => wfTimestamp( TS_MW, wfTimestamp() + ( 40 * 60 * 60 ) ), 'allowUsertalk' => $allowUsertalk, 'sitewide' => $sitewide ] ); $block->setTarget( $user ); $block->setBlocker( $this->getTestSysop()->getUser() ); $block->insert(); $this->assertEquals( $result, $block->preventsEdit( $user->getTalkPage() ) ); $block->delete(); } public function preventsEditOnUserTalkProvider() { return [ [ 'allowUsertalk' => false, 'sitewide' => true, 'result' => true, ], [ 'allowUsertalk' => true, 'sitewide' => true, 'result' => false, ], [ 'allowUsertalk' => true, 'sitewide' => false, 'result' => false, ], [ 'allowUsertalk' => false, 'sitewide' => false, 'result' => true, ], [ 'allowUsertalk' => true, 'sitewide' => true, 'result' => true, 'blockAllowsUTEdit' => false ], [ 'allowUsertalk' => true, 'sitewide' => false, 'result' => true, 'blockAllowsUTEdit' => false ], ]; } }