/* This style adds a toggle button with internationalized message for the TOC. */ /* When the browser supports :checked then overwrite the style="display:none" and make the /* /* checkbox invisible on another way to allow to focus the checkbox with keyboard. */ :not( :checked ) > .toctogglecheckbox { display: inline !important; /* stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important */ position: absolute; opacity: 0; } .toctogglespan { font-size: 94%; } /* IE8 does not support :checked and therefor it does not support the hiding at all. */ /* The selector ":not( :checked ) >" prevents that the useless brackets are shown on IE8. */ :not( :checked ) > .toctogglespan:before { content: ' ['; } :not( :checked ) > .toctogglespan:after { content: ']'; } /* Make the label look like a link. */ .toctogglelabel { cursor: pointer; color: #0645ad; } .toctogglelabel:hover { text-decoration: underline; } /* Show a focus ring around the label when focusing the invisible checkbox. */ /* This simulates that the label is in focus. */ .toctogglecheckbox:focus + .toctitle .toctogglelabel { text-decoration: underline; outline: dotted 1px; /* Firefox style for focus */ outline: auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; /* Webkit style for focus */ } /* Change the text of the button based on the state of the checkbox. */ .toctogglecheckbox:checked + .toctitle .toctogglelabel:after { content: '@{msg-showtoc}'; } .toctogglecheckbox:not( :checked ) + .toctitle .toctogglelabel:after { content: '@{msg-hidetoc}'; } /* Cached: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T195053#4417392 Can be cleared at least one week after the above comment */ .toctogglespan ~ .toctoggle { display: none; }