outputFromCache() ){ exit(); } //Else load up mediaWiki stuff and continue scriptloader processing: // include WebStart.php ob_start(); require_once('includes/WebStart.php'); $webstartwhitespace = ob_end_clean(); wfProfileIn( 'mwScriptLoader.php' ); if( $wgRequest->isPathInfoBad() ){ wfHttpError( 403, 'Forbidden', 'Invalid file extension found in PATH_INFO. ' . 'mwScriptLoader must be accessed through the primary script entry point.' ); return; } // Verify the script loader is on: if ( !$wgEnableScriptLoader ) { echo '/*ScriptLoader is not enabled for this site. To enable add the following line to your LocalSettings.php'; echo '
*/'; echo 'alert(\'Script loader is disabled\');'; die( 1 ); } //load the language file and // Run jsScriptLoader action: $myScriptLoader->doScriptLoader(); wfProfileOut( 'mwScriptLoader.php' );