lastQuery = $sql; return true; } function replaceVars( $s ) { return parent::replaceVars( $s ); } } class DatabaseSqliteTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { var $db; function setup() { if ( !extension_loaded( 'pdo_sqlite' ) ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( 'No SQLite support detected' ); } $this->db = new MockDatabaseSqlite(); } function replaceVars( $sql ) { // normalize spacing to hide implementation details return preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $this->db->replaceVars( $sql ) ); } function testReplaceVars() { $this->assertEquals( 'foo', $this->replaceVars( 'foo' ), "Don't break anything accidentally" ); $this->assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE /**/foo (foo_key INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " . "foo_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', foo_int INTEGER, foo_int2 INTEGER );", $this->replaceVars( "CREATE TABLE /**/foo (foo_key int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, foo_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL DEFAULT '', foo_int tinyint( 8 ), foo_int2 int(16) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE foo ( foo_binary1 BLOB, foo_binary2 BLOB );", $this->replaceVars( "CREATE TABLE foo ( foo_binary1 binary(16), foo_binary2 varbinary(32) );" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE text ( text_foo TEXT );", $this->replaceVars( "CREATE TABLE text ( text_foo tinytext );" ), 'Table name changed' ); $this->assertEquals( "CREATE TABLE enums( enum1 TEXT, myenum TEXT)", $this->replaceVars( "CREATE TABLE enums( enum1 ENUM('A', 'B'), myenum ENUM ('X', 'Y'))" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN foo_bar INTEGER DEFAULT 42", $this->replaceVars( "ALTER TABLE foo\nADD COLUMN foo_bar int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 42" ) ); } function testEntireSchema() { global $IP; $allowedTypes = array_flip( array( 'integer', 'real', 'text', 'blob', // NULL type is omitted intentionally ) ); $db = new DatabaseSqliteStandalone( ':memory:' ); $db->sourceFile( "$IP/maintenance/tables.sql" ); $tables = $db->query( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'", __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $tables as $table ) { if ( strpos( $table->name, 'sqlite_' ) === 0 ) continue; $columns = $db->query( "PRAGMA table_info({$table->name})", __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $columns as $col ) { if ( !isset( $allowedTypes[strtolower( $col->type )] ) ) { $this->fail( "Table {$table->name} has column {$col->name} with non-native type '{$col->type}'" ); } } } $db->close(); } }